Hello...! My name is Arista. I really enjoy learning and growing as a designer. I am a passionate and creative person who work with so much gratitude and responsibility. Hope you can give me the opportunity to join your company or studio because l am so eager to get more experience and knowledge. So, please take your time to read through this portfolio of mine. Thank you and have a nice day!
NUTFAH ARISTA SAFIRI Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Bima, 14 December 1996
Nutfah Arista Saď€ tri
Rabadompu, Kota Bima, NTB
LANGUAGE Indonesia, English
Ar. Nutfah Arista Satri, S. Ars., IAI
Personal Skill
Professional Skill
Creative Innovative Communication Team Work Digital
Corel Draw Photoshop InDesign Sketch Up Archicad Autocad Lumion Ms Ofce Power Point
EDUCATION 2002-2008.............SD Negeri 05 Kota Bima (Elementary School) 2008-2011............. SMP Negeri 01 Kota Bima (Junior High School) 2011-2014.............SMA Neegri 01 Kota Bima (Senior High School) 2014-2019.............Bachelor of Architecture Studies (Islamic Univercity Of Indonesia) gpa 3,45 (scale 4.00) 2019-2020.............Professional Program of Architecture (Islamic Univercity Of Indonesia) gpa 3,36 (scale 4.00)
SAYEMBARA / WORKSHOP 2015...................... Dsign Beautiful House Participant 2019...................... Membaca Indonesia Melalui Mahadata Participant 2019...................... Building Modeling & Energy Simulation Participant 2019...................... 2nd Prize Winner of Concultant Ofce Design PT. Mitra Gutama Lima 2020...................... Workshop Riset Desain Rumah Sakit Participant 2020...................... “Sustainbility in Architecture” Observer of SAKAPARI in theme
ORGANIZATION 2015..................................... Supersemarch 2015 2016-2017............................ Academic Division MIMAR Batch XIX (Architecture Student Association) 2020-Present......................... Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) (Member)
JOB EXPERIENCE Sep 2019 - Jan 2020............. Assistant Architec at PT. Mitra Gutama Lima, Yogyakarta Working as an assistant architect for Mr. Aditya Noor Hadhy Utama, IAl and Mr. Budi T. Mulyana as the principal architects. Assist and coordinate with principal architect with several task, including: -Coordinate with Principal and Client in formulating the initial project brief. -Assist the Principal in preparing initial studies on building guidelines and regulations in the context of each project. -Develop drawings and documents (for pre-design, schematic, and design development) -Prepare design presentations for clients and coordinate with Client and Principal in completing drawings and documents PROJECTS : Auditorium Building STMM Yogyakarta, Training Building STMM Yogyakarta, The PUPR Ofce of Gunung Kidul Regency, Gabusan Art Market Park Jun 2019 - Sep 2019.............Assistant Architec at PT. Surya Global Prima, Yogyakarta Assistant Architect at Deamaya Studio Working as an assistant architect for Mr. Baritoadi Buldan RR., S.T,, IAI, GP as the principal architect. Assist and coordinate with principal architect with several task, including: -Coordinate with Principal and Client in formulating the initial project brief. -Assist the Principal in preparing initial studies on building guidelines and regulations in the context of each project. -Develop drawings and documents (for pre-design, schematic, and design development) -Prepare design presentations for clients and coordinate with Client and Principal in completing drawings and documents PROJECTS : Hospital of Special Surgery Diponegoro 21 Klaten
Baritoadi Buldan RR., S.T,, IAI, GP (Principal Architect at PT. Surya Global Prima) Ÿ Aditya Noor Hadhy Utama, S.T., IAI (Director PT. Mitra Gutama Lima) Ÿ Budi T. Mulyana, S.T (Architect at PT. Surya Global Prima) Ÿ
A short portfolio of projects designed and rendered by Nutfah Arista SaďŹ tri, IAI in 2016 - 2020. Some of them are architecture studio designs, competition entry, and 3D modelling + rendering for other architects design.
SHORT PORTFOLIO ACADEMIC PROJECTS Ÿ Commercial and ofce building Yogyakarta Ÿ Rusunawa Jombor Based on Transit Oriented Development Ÿ Handicraft Center in Lawata Bima NTB (graduate project) Ÿ Mbojo Water Front City Bima NTB (7th design studio) Ÿ Placebo Inpatient Unit RSUD Sleman (6th design studio) Ÿ Jamiak Agung Islamic and Craft Culture (5th design studio) Ÿ Furniture Showroom and Dormitory (4th design studio) PROFESSIONAL PROJECTS Ÿ Rumah Sakit Khusus Bedah Diponegoro 21 Klaten Ÿ Gedung Auditorium STMM Yogyakarta Ÿ Gedung Diklat 2 di Kawasan STMM Yogyakarta Ÿ Kantor Dinas PUPR Kabupaten Gunung Kidul Ÿ Gabusan Art Market Park COMPETITION & OTHER DESIGNS Ÿ Architecture Consultant Ofce Design Ÿ SEGORO Lesehan Resto Yogyakarta Ÿ Maquettes, Sculpture and Sketches Some of Academic Project
Commercial and ofď€ ce building Yogyakarta Year Location Function Team Members
: 2019 : Yogyakarta : OfďŹ ce & Commercial : Arista Ghina
Kamar Tipe 30m
Kamar Tipe 36m
Rusunawa Jombor Based on Transit Oriented Development Year Location Function Team Members
: 2019 : Terminal Jombor, Yogyakarta : Rusunawa : Arista Ghina Lovita
Tanjung Park
Parking Area
Mbojo Water Front City Bima NTB (7th design studio) Year Location
Village Area
: 2018 : Tanjung, Kota Bima, NTB
Sport Area
Inpatient Room
Placebo Inpatient Unit RSUD Sleman (6th design studio) Year : 2017 Location : Sleman Yogyakarta Function : Hospital Numbers of Floor: 7 oor and 1 basement Team Members : Annisa Arista Kartika Ulumudin Reza
Waiting Room
Nurse Station
Jamiak Agung Islamic and Craft Culture (5th design studio) Year : 2016 Location : Bukittinggi, Sumatra Barat Function : Islamic and Craft Culture Numbers of Floor : 2 oor
Furniture Showroom and Dormitory (4th design studio) Year : 2016 Location : Senturan, Yogyakarta Function : Dormitory and Commercial Numbers of Floor : 4 oor
Rumah Sakit Khusus Bedah Diponegoro 21 Klaten Year : 2019 Location : Jln. Diponegoro 21, Klaten Function : Hospital Area : ±2939 m2 Floor Area : ±4124 m2 Numbers of Floor: 3 floor Client : Yayasan Ki Ageng Tritis Consultant : PT. Surya Global Prima Architect : Baritoadi BRR., S.T,, IAI, GP
Gedung Diklat 2 di Kawasan STMM Yogyakarta Year : 2019 Location : Magelang Street km 6, Sleman Function : Training Building Floor Area : ±1678 m2 Numbers of Floor: 2 floor Client : STMM Yogyakarta Consultant : PT. Mitra Gutama Lima Architect : Aditya Noor Hadhy Utama, S.T., IAI
Lansecap Gedung Studio & Laboraturium
Kantor Dinas PUPR Kabupaten Gunung Kidul Year : 2019 Location : Wonosari,Gunung Kidul Function : Office Area : ±5789m2 Floor Area : ±2562 m2 Numbers of Floor: 3 foor Client : Dinas PUPR Kab. Gunung Kidul Consultant : PT. Mitra Gutama Lima Architect : Budi T. Mulyana, S.T
SEGORO Lesehan Resto Yogyakarta Year Owner Function
: 2017 : Binu Sidik : Rumah Makan Lesehan
Maquettes, Sculpture and Sketches Some of Academic Project Year
: 2014
NUTFAH ARISTA SAFIRI +62 812 156 104 08