Deplijan - Marc Chagall: S onu stranu boje

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Marc Chagall was born on July 7 1887 in an orthodox Jewish family in Vitebsk. From 1907 to 1910 he studied in Saint Petersburg, at the Imperial Society for the Protection of the Arts and later with Léon Bakst. In 1910, he moved to Paris, where he associated with Guillaume Apollinaire and Robert Delaunay and encountered Fauvism and Cubism. He participated in the Salon des Indépendants and the Salon d’Automne in 1912. His first solo show was held in 1914 at Der Sturm gallery in Berlin. Chagall visited Russia in 1914, and was prevented from returning to Paris by the outbreak of war. He settled in Vitebsk, where he was appointed Commissar for Art in 1918. He founded the Vitebsk Popular Art School and directed it until disagreements with the Suprematists resulted in his resignation in 1920. He moved to Moscow and executed his first stage designs for the State Jewish Chamber Theater there. After a sojourn in Berlin, Chagall returned to Paris in 1923 and met Ambroise Vollard. His first retrospective took place in 1924 at the Galerie Barbazanges-Hodebert, Paris. During the 1930s, he traveled to Palestine, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, and Italy. In 1933, the Kunsthalle Basel held a major retrospective of his work. During World War II, Chagall fled to the United States. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, gave him a retrospective in 1946. He settled permanently in France in 1948 and exhibited in Paris, Amsterdam, and London. During 1951, he visited Israel and executed his first sculptures. The following year, the artist traveled in Greece and Italy. During the 1960s, Chagall continued to travel widely, often in association with large-scale commissions he received. Among these were windows for the synagogue of the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, installed in 1962; a ceiling for the Paris Opéra (1964); a window for the United Nations building, New York (1964); murals for the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, (1967); and windows for the cathedral in Metz, France (1968). Also, by the time Chagall was the first artist in history which exhibition was held at the Musée du Louvre, Paris (1967-1977) while the artist was still alive. During his long creative lifetime Chagall is a prime example of a modern artist who mastered multiple media, including painting in both oil and gouache, watercolor, murals, ceramics, etching, drawing, theater and costume design, and stained-glass work. Chagall died March 28, 1985, in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France.

NARODNI MUZEJ ZADAR – Kneževa palača NATIONAL MUSEUM ZADAR – Rector’s Palace Poljana Šime Budinića


RADNO VRIJEME/OPENING HOURS ponedjeljak-nedelja: 10 – 24 h Monday-Sunday: 10 am – 12 pm ULAZNICE/ENTRANCE Odrasli/Adults: 70 kn Umirovljenici/Seniors: 60 kn Studenti/Students: 60 kn Djeca 10-18 godina/Children 10 – 18 years: 40 kn Obiteljska ulaznica/Family ticket: 180 kn Grupe/Groups (min.10): 50 kn

Bay of Angels – detail, Lithograph 1962, Marc Chagall, Sorlier S 46/47 © ADAGP Paris 2017


info: +385(0)23 627 764 +385(0)95 1696 965 mail:

“My hands were too soft... I had to find some special occupation, some kind of work that would not force me to turn away from the sky and the stars, that would allow me to discover the meaning of life.”

izložba >> exhibition



MARC CHAGALL: S ONU STRANU BOJE Smještena u prostorima Kneževe palače u Zadru, izložba predstavlja retrospektivu grafičkih radova svjetskog majstora moderne – Marca Chagalla. Postav obuhvaća osamdeset grafičkih radova i memorabilija iz ranih dvadesetih do sredine osamdesetih godina pro­ šlog stoljeća gdje kroz seriju litografija, bakroreza i drvoreza znatiželjno kulturno oko ima priliku uroniti u umjetnikov konstantan dijalog s vječnim. Zaljubljenost u ljubav, onu koja opsjeda njegove slike – Bellu Rosenfeld, zanesenost sveprisutnošću Božanskog, prijeka vjernost rusko-židovskim korjenima, nesretna očaranost motivima rodnog Vitebska ili pak apolitična osuđenost na egzodus pretaču se odreda kroz predstavljene serije ilustracija Biblije, Gogoljevih Mrtvih duša, Homerove Odiseje, Poeme, prozora Jeruzalema, Cirkusa, Pariza, Longova epa Dafnis i Hloja, uključujući još zavidan broj Chagallovih grafičkih ostvarenja. Ponirati u duboko, zabranjeno, neizrečeno i neopipljivo, mnogima mukotrpno, jer odveć bolno, i to činiti poetično, sa zahvalnošću, okom djeteta a srcem ljubavnika – to je Chagall. Ljubiti, bojati, letjeti, snivati, žarom žudjeti i strasno se diviti, osobine su najčešće onih čiji životni put ne nameće mnoge strme izazove. Tako barem uvriježeno vrijedi. No, samo iznimne duše to umiju usprkos. Razapet između smrti, siromaštva, prisilnih seljenja, samoće, sumnje, grozota ratovanja i osuđenosti, Chagall uspijeva otići onkraj bolnih nametnutosti i preživjeti s ljubavlju – u boji.

“Daphnis and Chloe”, The Wolf pit Litografija/Lithograph 1961

The young Methymneans Litografija/Lithograph 1961

“Moje su ruke bile pre mekane... Morao sam naći neko posebno zanimanje, neku vrstu posla koji me neće odvući od neba i zvijezda, nešto što će mi dozvoliti otkriti smisao života.”

LUTAJUĆI ŽIDOV Marc Chagall rodio se 7.srpnja, 1887. godine u ortodoksnoj židovskoj obitelji u Vitebsku. Od 1907. do 1910. studira u St. Petersburgu na Carskom društvu za unaprijeđenje umjetnosti gdje se kasnije pridružuje Léonu Bakstu. 1910. seli u Pariz i povezuje sa sa Guillaumeom Apollinaireom i Robertom Delaunayjem te koketira s fovizmom i kubizmom. 1912. sudjeluje na Salon des Indépendants i Salon d’Automne. Prvu samostalnu izložbu održava 1914. u Der Sturm galeriji u Berlinu. 1914. odlučuje se na kratki posjet Rusiji koji se zbog grozote Prvog svjetskog rata pretvara u dugih osam godina. Ostaje u Vitebsku i od 1918. radi kao komesar lijepih umjetnosti. Osnuje i vodi vitebšku umjetničku školu sve do 1920. kada zbog svađe sa suprematistima daje ostavku. Nakon razlaza seli se u Moskvu i ostvaruje prvu scenografiju za tamošnje židovsko kazalište. Nakon kratkog boravka u Berlinu Chagall se 1923. vraća u Pariz i upoznaje Ambroisea Vollarda. Prva retrospektivna izložba održava se u Galerie Barbazanges-Hodebert u Parizu. Tijekom 1930ih putuje u Palestinu, Nizozemsku, Španjolsku, Poljsku i Italiju. 1933. slijedi velika retrospektivna izložba u Kunsthalle Basel. Tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata Chagall bježi u SAD. Muzej moderne umjetnosti (New York) organizira mu retrospektivu 1946. Nakon rata vraća se u Francusku u kojoj ostaje do kraja života. 1948. izlaže u Londonu, Amsterdamu i Parizu.Tijekom 1951. posjećuje Izrael i izrađuje svoje prve skulpture. Drugu polovinu života posvećuje stalnim putovanjima i predanom radu često posljedici visoko profilnih narudžbi. Među spomenutima se ističu: Hebrew University Medical Center, Jeruzalem, (1962); strop Paris Opéra (1964); prozori zgrada Ujedinjenih naroda, New York (1964); murali za Metropolitan Opera House, New York (1967) te prozori katedrale u Metzu, Francuska (1968). Ujedno je i prvi umjetnik za čijeg života se održala retrospektivna izložba u Louvreu (1977-78). Tijekom svog dugovječnog stvaralačkog vijeka pravi je primjer modernog umjetnika maestralnog u raznim medijima: ulju na platnu, gvašu, grafičkim umjetnostima, crtanju, muralima, keramici, vitražima, kazalištu i kostimografiji. Marc Chagall umire 28. ožujka, 1985. u Saint-Paul-de-Vence, Francuska.

“Verve Bible”, Moses Litografija/Lithograph 1956

David and Bathsheba litografija/Lithograph 1956

MARC CHAGALL: BEYOND COLOR Situated in the Rector’s Palace in Zadar, the exhibition represents a retrospective of graphic works of the world master of modern art – Marc Chagall. The exhibition holds eighty graphic works and memorabilia dating from the early twenties to the mid-eighties of the last century. Through a series of lithographs, copperplates and woodcuts any art enthusiast has the opportunity to immerse in the artist’s constant dialogue with the eternal. In love with his love – Bella Rosenfeld, the one who obsesses his paintings, the enthusiasm of the omnipresence of the Divine, the loyalty to the Russian-Jewish roots, unhappy enchantment with motifs of the native Vitebsk, or apolitical condemnation to the exodus – all these emerge through displayed illustrations of the Bible, Gogol’s Dead Souls, Homer’s Odyssey, Le Poème, Windows of Jerusalem, Circus, Paris, Long’s epic Daphnis and Chloe, including a large number of Chagall’s graphic works. To immerse into the deep, forbidden, unsaid and intangible, arduous to many, whereas too painful, but to do it in such a poetical way, with gratitude, with the eyes of a child and a heart of a lover – that’s Chagall. To love, color, fly, dream, long with fervour and marvel passionately, mostly stand as attributes of those whose destiny doesn’t impose precipitous challenges; at least this is the common belief. However, only exceptional souls can do it in spite of that. Crucified between death, poverty, forced movings, loneliness, doubt, horrors of war and being doomed, Chagall manages to go beyond all painful impositions and survive with love – in color.

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