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The new work-life balance
People in Jo’burg are some of the most stressed people on the planet, with our poor work-life balance being partially to blame. Here’s how to keep yours in check.
JO’BURG IS IN THE TOP 20 OF THE MOST STRESSEDOUT CITIES IN THE WORLD, according to sleep research site Savvy Sleeper’s 2018 study, conducted to determine the world’s cities with the highest levels of workplace burnout. Furthermore, a 2020 report released by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) revealed that 18.1% of the workforce worked more than 50 hours a week, ranking us at fourth in the world. And ‘grind culture’ – or giving off the appearance of constantly working – is part of the problem.
“Being busy suggests importance, which some people can see as a sign of success,” says registered counsellor and psychometrist, Lisa Schatz. “This way of thinking, however, can lead to an unhealthy amount of stress and potentially cause physical or mental health issues, such as burnout.”
Spot the signs
Is your work-life balance out of whack? Some common signs that indicate it’s time for a change include: • Mental and physical exhaustion • Forgetfulness • Feeling overwhelmed and irritable
• Feeling out of control • Changes in eating and sleeping habits • Lower self-esteem and a lack of confidence • No clear boundaries between work and home • Weakened immune system
When left unmanaged, these symptoms can lead to burnout. Sadly, this happens all too often because of the stigma associated with admitting that you aren’t coping. But, the risk of not taking a step back can result in these signs becoming chronic and even more debilitating.
Set boundaries. Be proactive by communicating with them and creating a schedule, having a designated workspace and specific work hours during which you are unavailable for non-emergency, family-related matters.
now when so many are working from home,” says Schatz. Here are her tips to promote more balance:
Back in balance
How do you start leading a more balanced life, especially when you are confronted with quotes like ‘Rise and grind’ and ‘Good things come to those who hustle’ whenever you scroll through your social media feed? “Finding work-life balance is easier said than done – even more so
1“Learn to say ‘no’ and establish boundaries,”
she says. You also need to communicate them, so that everyone is clear on expectations. Remember, you can’t please everyone!
2Switch off, literally.
“If your job allows, try not to receive work emails on your phone and avoid answering work-related calls after hours.”
Feel like you aren’t coping? You have access to a Trauma, Assault & HIV Assist benefit. Get 24-hour counselling telephonically by calling 0860 00 7325.
3“Know when to ask
for help. If you are feeling overwhelmed, talk to your boss or your HR department. You don’t have to suffer in silence!”

4“Take time for yourself and nurture your relationships.
How often do you do the things you love? Can you even remember your hobbies? Try and schedule this into your calendar.”
5“Create a productive, distraction-free
workspace. Set your priorities each day and schedule your time. Time management and planning are vital to keeping your life streamlined.”
your needs, both at home and at work. We should never assume that others know what we are thinking or feeling. For people to understand us, we need to be open with them.”
According to Robert Pozen, author of Extreme Productivity: Boost Your Results, Reduce Your Hours, we should be taking a break every 75 to 90 minutes to refresh and refocus. Here’s how to ensure you are factoring enough of them into your day. + Set reminders on your phone to alert you when it’s time to stretch your legs. + Organise to take a break with colleagues every hour. + Drink enough water so that you are forced to answer nature’s call more often. + Working from home? Take a time-out by doing some chores.