The Signature
Easter Drama to be Staged in Adrano By Alberto Lunetta NAS Sigonella Public Affairs
The eternal conflict between the forces of good and the evil is the theme of the “Diavolata” (devil), an 18th century spectacular religious drama held in the town of Adrano, located northwest of Catania in the foothills of Mt. Etna. The drama is presented in the Sicilian language and is staged twice on Easter Sunday (April 21) at noon and 2030. The performance is held in piazza Umberto, the square located between the Norman castle and the cathedral. The main characters of the drama include five devils, the soul (represented by a little girl), the death (an actor wearing a skeleton costume), and the angel (represented by a little boy). The characters engage in fights and arguments. In the background of the stage, a devil face and an empty grave are displayed. Smoke is given off during the performance. The drama is a metaphor for how Christ rescued mankind from the original sin. Even though the devils and death are terrified by the resurrection of Christ, they still try to convince mankind, by any means necessary, to give up Jesus’ salvation. At that point Gabriel, the archangel, storms the scene and defeats the forces of evil by symbolically breaking the bow held by the death in two. Gabriel also forces them to pronounce the prayer that proclaims, “Viva Maria, la speranza dell’uomo!” (Long live to the Virgin
Against the backdrop of Mt. Etna and the Baroque churches, the elaborate Easter drama “Diavolata,” which dramatizes the eternal fight between good and evil, will be performed twice on Easter Sunday in front a crowd of hundreds of pilgrims and visitors on April 21 in Adrano. (Photo by Salvatore Caruso)
Mary, the hope of mankind). This invocation ends the performance. Following the Diavolata, the “Angelicata” (angel) performance is held. A background displaying heaven replaces the previous ominous setting of the stage. This play represents the meeting between the Virgin Mary and Christ, who are surrounded by angels and saints. This meeting seals the triumph of good over evil. An amazing firework show ends the drama. For more info visit the Adrano tourist Office Facebook page: www. Organization/Pro-Loco-Adrano-1628472367369322/
Holy Week in Caltagirone Similar to the rest of the Catholic world, the celebrations of “Settimana Santa” (Holy Week) in Sicily
combine spirituality and tradition. In Caltagirone, “Pasqua” (Easter) is a major event. In this town known for its beautiful ceramics, processions and “passion plays” have been passed along from generation to generation. Townspeople still attend these celebrations with genuine dedication. The austerity and mournful nature of this period of austerity, penitence, and fasting is a ritual of the devotees who spiritually and physically participate in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Caltagirone Easter celebrations include processions, religious dramas, art exhibitions, holy masses, and concerts. They center around three main events: the “Passione di Cristo” (Passion of Christ), the “Processione del Cristo Morto” (Dead Christ Procession), "ITALIAN NEWS" continued on Page 11