2 minute read
RACE and ACT to Save a Life
By Lt. Cmdr. Todd Iverson, NAS Sigonella Chaplain
“I never thought he would do it,” said my friend Rick about his brother who died by suicide.
“She said she was struggling, but I didn’t know how much,” said the mother about her only child after the funeral.
“I need to think about the long term for my kids,” said the Sailor to me the night before he died by his own hand.
Some say that suicide is a long-term solution to a shortterm problem. While that might be a good description of what suicide looks like from the outside, I suspect that does a disservice to the depths of turmoil and pain in somebody contemplating taking their own life. Walking with family members and friends who are trying to make sense of death by suicide, one thing is clear: we all need to listen more carefully and act more boldly when we sense that someone might be struggling, especially when they talk about killing themselves.
The Navy promotes ACT: Ask/Care/Treat but the Marine Corps advocates for RACE: Recognize/Ask/ Care/Escort.
Since it may be a little less familiar to the Sailors here, let’s take a deep dive into RACE. (1) Recognize. SEE the people around you and when you sense that they are in trouble do not be shy about taking the next step! (2) Act. We train in our professions to act. Do the same thing in your personal relationships with shipmates and fellow service members. If you sense pain or turmoil, ask them about it. Be the friend they need in that moment. Don’t be afraid to ask, “Have you thought about harming yourself?” (3) Care. Their answer may scare you, but stay focused on the one who needs you. Care enough to stick with them.
(4) Escort. Stick with them AND be wise enough to know that they need more help than you are equipped to offer. Do not leave them alone! Instead, personally take them to a caring professional.
Not sure where to go? Here are phone numbers that apply right here at NASSIG:
In an emergency, call 1 911 or go directly to the emergency room on base.
Chaplains offer confidential counseling: Duty phone: +39 335 831 4493 Main office: +39 095 56 3975 sigonellachaplain@eu.navy.mil
Fleet & Family Support Center: Appointments: +39 095 56 4291 NAS 2 Mental Health NAS 2 Office: +39 095 86 6095
Military OneSource: 24/7 Counseling: 00 1 703 253 7599
Ask a base chaplain for a care card with all of these numbers on it to carry with you every day.
You will encounter shipmates and fellow service members who are in despair. Maybe it’s the person at the next desk or workstation. Maybe it’s a brand new seaman. Maybe it’s a chief. Maybe it’s an officer. ACT! RACE to get them the help they need. Be the friend that gets to see them tomorrow and the next day and the next.
Take care of each other out there. It’s a hard world, but we have each other.