The July 1 issue of The Signature

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Vol. 28 No. 26

July 1, 2011

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Col. Dario Missaglia assumes command of the Italian Air Force 41st Stormo from Col. Luca Tonello in a change of command ceremony held June 22 on the 41st Stormo Italian Air Force base of Sigonella.

41st Stormo changes command By MCSA Brian Glunt NPASE The Italian Air Force 41st Stormo Change of Command Ceremony was held June 22 in the 41st Stormo Hangar on the 41st Stormo Italian Air Force base of Sigonella. This event marked the end of Col. Luca Tonello’s three year tour at the 41st Stormo. He was relieved by Col. Dario A. Missaglia as the Comandante of the 41st Stormo. “It was an evolution,” said Tonello. “Before, everything was


toP StorieS

July 1 H: 92 uPdate L: 62 Fleet Mail Center (FMC) Sigonella is busier than ever having seen an increased volume of mail in support of Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR. See how they are keeping up with the demand.


going on in a routine, then suddenly myself and Capt. Butler started a big experience from the professional point of view and, above all, the human point of view. I had the opportunity to see so many people coming from different nations working together. It has been more than good.” Capt. Scott Butler, the commanding officer of NAS Sigonella, attended the ceremony. “I have really enjoyed serving with Col. Tonello,” said Butler. “We have learned a great deal from one another and I look for-

July 2 H: 88 L: 66

July 3 H: 90 L: 65

MCPON Rick West shares his Independence Day message with you. Read what he has to say in this week’s Navy News.


PAGE 3 After the success of the

Direct Line 2

Navy News 3

ward to continuing this relationship with Col. Missaglia.” The incoming comandante, Col. Dario A. Missaglia, a native of Milan, Italy, attended the Italian Air Force Academy from 1987 to 1989 and graduated from the Euro-Nato Joint Jet Pilot Training School (ENJJPT) in Sheppard, Texas. He currently has more than 2,600 flying hours. In 2009, Missaglia was promoted to colonel and appointed as Vice Commander of the Strategic Department and CivilianMilitary Cooperation (COCIM) and a year later as Project Ma-

July 4 H: 91 L: 64

June 24th opening season’s concert, the Catania Opera continues its 2011 summer music festival with four topquality performances featuring a prestigious wide range of musical styles. The concerts will be held at several historic venues in Catania. PAGE 6 MWR held a Battle of the Community Calendar 4

July 5 H: 91 L: 64

nager of the 3rd Department of the Air Staff in Rome, Italy. Missaglia has participated in several exercises including Red Flag in Nev., Petra in Jordan, Spring Flag, Central Enterprise and Crimson Falcon. “For me, working with the coalition forces in the past have been great experiences,” said Missaglia. “You can exchange expertise, knowledge and professionalism. Bottom line, if you are working together, you are growing up and bringing strength and effort that can achieve any result.”

July 6 H: 88 L: 64

Bands competition last Saturday evening. Three bands participated - find out who took home top honors.

PAGE 8 Check out the what’s MWR Corner 11

July 7 H: 85 L: 70 going on with MWR in the next few weeks. Single Sailors, families, and kids... there’s something for everyone!


Il Mercato 14

Traffic Numbers Jan. 11 June 11

Jan. 10 June 10










Traffic Deaths



Please, don’t become a statistic!

pAge 2

July 1, 2011

Direct Line We received so many questions for June’s Feedback Live that we couldn’t cover them all during the show, so we are devoting this Direct Line to answer the remaining questions. Please keep sending your questions via email, but remember that Feedback Live is a LIVE call in show -you can get your question answered on the spot. The show is held on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. To call in live on the show, please dial 624-4265 or 095-56-4265. Q1. Within the less than 1 year, resident dogs have bitten 3 other dogs in housing. The first incident was reported, photos taken and somehow the paperwork is missing. The most recent 2 have also been reported, and unfortunately the dogs are still living in housing. In the last 2 incidents, the owner has left the area and gone home without giving information so I wonder first what are the repercussions for fleeing the scene of a dog biting incident (if any) and how many chances does the owner get for such aggressive actions on others pets. A1. I certainly want to keep Marinai safe for all residents AND pets. I do have an instruction, 5000.2F "Keeping of Pets on U.S. Government Controlled or Government Leased Property" that outlines when I can define a pet as a nuisance. If a pet is termed a "nuisance," the owner may be forced to remove it from Housing. Al-

NAS SigoNellA CommANdiNg offiCer, CApt. SCott Butler

though Housing keeps track of any pet-related documented complaints, complainants should also file a Security report--and definitely contact Security immediately if a dog is seen attacking a person or another animal. If Housing receives written documentation of two or more incidents involving a resident's pet(s) (i.e., two different incidents, not two different people reporting the same incident), they contact Security for further action and I may elect to have the animal removed for the safety of others. Q2. With the increased number of personnel, can the gym open an hour earlier on the weekend and stay open until at least 8 pm on Friday and Saturday. A2. Thank you for your interest in the fitness center -- it is great to see so many patrons using our centers. Last year, some budget challenges led me to review the hourly patronage in all of our MWR facilities. With lower funding, I decided to reduce the hours according to their usage. Recently, we re-visited the gym patronage levels and the usage is still the lightest during early and late hours on the weekends but we have expanded some hours on Fridays: the NAS I Gym is open until 2030 and the NAS II Gym until 2100. Q3. How come the vet does not have some type of liaison/translator for vet emergencies out in town? 2 weeks ago we had to take our 8month old puppy out in

Health Watch PFB, what you need to know By HM1(EXW) Valenzuela Naval Hospital Sigonella

PFB or Pseudofolicculitis Barbae is a skin condition that affects those with curly facial hairs. Also known as razor bumps. These bumps are caused by facial hairs digging back in the skin as they grow. Some become very irritated or inflamed and some may become infected. But having curly facial hair is not the issue. It only becomes a problem when you are required to shave every day. Being in the military, personnel are required to have a clean and neat appearance and therefore this requires a clean shaven face every day. To prevent such skin condition from arising, there are some steps you can take. First, before shaving, apply a warm moist towel in the beard area for five minutes. By doing this, it softens your beard and it makes it easier to Commanding Officer Capt. Scott Butler Public Affairs Officer Lt. Tim Page Deputy Public Affairs Officer Dott. Alberto Lunetta Editor Tracie Barnthouse Staff Writers/ Photographers MC1 Christopher Delano MC2 Gary Prill GM2 Kris Carmody MCSN Cameron Bramham MCSA Brian Glunt The Signature editorial office is located at: Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily PSC 812 Box 3020, FPO, AE 09627 Telephone: 095-86-5440: DSN 624-5440

shave, requiring less passes in the same area. Next is to apply a generous amount of lubricating shaving cream, leave for several minutes before shaving. When shaving, avoid passing against the grain of your hair and avoid passing the same area more than twice. Special razors that are meant for PFBs can be purchased in stores. You may also try an electric razor and see if it works for you. After shaving, apply cool water compress in your face for five minutes. If you see any hairs that are imbedded in the skin, pull it manually using clean tweezers to avoid irritation. Personnel with moderate to severe cases of PFB may require a “no shave status”. The purpose of this status is to temporarily stop shaving until bumps have healed. As soon as lesions are resolved, personnel should resume shaving using preventive steps above. PFB, continued on page 12 This civilian enterprise (CE) newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of The Signature are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense (DoD), or the U.S. Navy. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DoD or Stampa Generale S.r.l., of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected.

town and no one there spoke English. I asked for the vet that speaks the best English. When we arrived NO ONE spoke English. And because it was an Italian holiday the doctor did not come out. All we were told was she had an enlarged heart....and she passed away that night there at the vet. We all understand that we are in a foreign country and that not everywhere we go there is going to be someone that speaks English. But if there is not adequate pet care here on base and we have to be sent out in town then why doesn't the vet have some type of translator to help out. We did the best we could with the Italian we knew but we still have no clue what exactly happened. I’m sure something could have been done to help save out dog but because it was an Italian holiday the echo cardiologist would not come out until the next day. A3. I’m really sorry about your puppy. We have a golden retriever and I grew up with pets, so I know how hard it is to lose a member of the family--especially so suddenly and seemingly without an explanation. Might I ask if the vet clinic you visited in town was recommended by our vet on NAS I? A list of local veterinary clinics is available at the Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF) on NAS I and is posted outside the door. The VTF is able to offer preventative medicine, such as vaccines, sick call, and surgery appoin-

tments during business hours. As you know, there are times when humans and animals require health care that is beyond our installation capabilities, and the vet clinic routinely has to refer animals off-base for specialty care. Unfortunately, we don’t have funding for a medical liaison for pets, but the vet clinic is always happy to assist in interpretation of test results, medication instructions, and follow-up. If you have any specific questions regarding animal care, please call the clinic at 624-4258. The VTF is here to help support your pet as much as possible during your assignment in Sicily. Q4. Why is the car wash at the autoport closed so often? Are we having a problem getting repair parts? Also, the machines have a problem accepting paper money. A4. The problem we’re having is that there is only one vendor in Sicily that can do the authorized repairs, and unfortunately they are not as responsive as we would like. Go figure…We are purchasing spare parts that we can replace on our own and we hope that will reduce our “down” time, which is not good for us either. As for the bill readers, they are US Specs, but they are also sensitive. A change machine has been ordered and I hope that will help, too.

I hope that everyone will be safe and enjoy the long weekend over the 4th of July! I encourage all of you to take advantage of the great activities offered throughout the weekend by MWR on NAS I, including the fireworks at 1030 pm on July 2nd! Happy Birthday, America!!! The questions, comments and concerns stated in this column do not constitute the official position of the U.S. Navy and are submitted by members of the community.

NASSIG WORSHIP SERVICES Chapel Offices: NAS I 095-56-3975, NAS II 095-86-9049 ROMAN CATHOLIC Sunday 0900 Catholic Mass (NAS I Chapel) 1200 Catholic Mass (NAS II Chapel) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 1130 Catholic Mass (NAS II Chapel)

PROTESTANT Sunday 1045 Protestant Worship (NAS I)

JEWISH LAY SERVICES First Friday Shabbat Service (NAS I Chapel) 1800

CHURCH OF CHRIST LAY SERVICE Sunday 1300 Bible Study (NAS I Chapel) 1330 Worship Service Call 624-5128 or 338-736-3061

OTHER SERVICES/ACTIVITIES POINTS OF CONTACT Muslim Prayer Room, open for daily prayers, NAS II Chapel, x9049. Latter-day Saints: Sunday 1300 Catania Chapel,; 624-1393 Monday,Wednesday, Friday – 1900, NAS II Chapel, 346-840-7745 AA Meetings:

FISC Sigonella Fleet Mail Centersummertime at the center of coalition support By LSC Eugene Barto FMC Sigonella Fleet Mail Center (FMC) Sigonella is busier than ever having seen an increased volume of mail in support of Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR. Over the past few months FMC has moved over 185 thousand pounds of mail for more than 20 ships operating in the AOR, and incoming mail has tripled- from 2000 to over 6000 pounds daily. “I am lucky to have 18 of the hardest working Sailors, Marines, and civilians working here,” FMC LPO LS2 James Ambrose. With the assistance of FISC Logistic Support FMC, continued on page 12 The Signature is published weekly by Stampa Generale S.r.l., Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy - Tel. 081-568-7884, Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: Editorial submissions are welcomed from all Naval Air Station Sigonella departments, divisions and tenant commands. Editorial submissions should be sent to the Public Affairs Office via, guard mail stop #68 or hand-delivered to our office no later than the close of business on the Friday proceeding the expected publication date. All articles submitted by non-staff members will be considered contributing writers. The Signature will not publish any anonymous articles. All advertisements in this publication are the property of Stampa Generale S.r.l. Any reproduction of advertisements in The Signature is unauthorized without the written consent of the publisher.

LS3 Pank top left LS2 arslan top right LSSN Wariner bottom left and LSSR Dewald unloading 1 of 3 trucks of inbound mail.

CNE-CNA-C6F/CNREURAFSEA IG Hotline It’s everyone’s responsibility to report fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement in Navy activities to: Office of the Inspector General, Naples, Italy Leave a recorded message 24/7: DSN 626-2983, Comm: 081-568-2983 Speak to the Investigator: DSN 626-2964, Comm: 081-568-2964 Email: Website: You can choose to remain anonymous or confidential.

July 1, 2011





paGe 11


Midtown Movie theaterS Schedule & deScriptionS

SOUL SURFER- Anna Sophia Robb, Dennis Quaid, Helen Hunt, Kevin Sorbo, Lorraine Nicholson

Friday, July 1 5:00pm

Arthur PG-13


X-Men: First Class PG-13

Saturday, July 2 2:00pm



Green Lantern PG-13


Super 8 PG -13

Sunday, July 3 2:00pm

Rio G


Kung Fu Panda 2 PG


Water for Elephants PG-13

Tuesday, July 5 5:00pm

Something Borrowed PG-13


Green Lantern PG-13

Bethany was born to surf. A natural talent who took to the waves at a young age, she was leading an idyllic, sun-drenched, surfer girl's life on the Kauai Coast, competing in national competitions with her best friend Alana, when everything changed in a heartbeat. On Halloween morning, Bethany was on a typical ocean outing when a 14-foot tiger shark came out of nowhere and seemed to shatter all her dreams. In the moving aftermath of this headline-making story, Bethany fights to recover and grapples with the future. Strengthened by the love of her parents, Tom and Cheri, she refuses to give in or give up, and begins a bold return to the water. Still, the questions keep hammering her: Why did this happen? Why did she have to lose everything? Will she ever feel the joy and power of riding the waves again? And if she can't be a surfer, then who is she? The devastating 2004 tsunami in the Pacific Ocean unexpectedly gives Bethany a new perspective. Traveling to Phuket, Thailand with her youth-group leader Sara Hill, she witnesses life beyond her own shoreline and discovers her greater purpose--she can make a difference in the lives of others. Filled with a new sense of hope and direction, she returns home with a renewed resolve to conquer her own limitations and set an encouraging example for people facing adversity. At the National Championships, Bethany bravely faces off with her fiercest rival, Malia Birch, and takes her astonishing one-armed surfing technique to the limit. But as the horn blows, and the suspenseful competition kicks off, Bethany is no longer thinking about the challenges of her body. Now, her surfing, her biggest dreams and her life have become about pushing her own physical limits to touch the souls of others. (106 min.) WATER FOR ELEPHANTS- Reese Witherspoon, Robert Pattinson, Christoph Waltz, Paul Schneider, Jim Norton

Jacob Jankowski is about to take his final exams in veterinary medicine at Cornell when his parents are killed in a car accident. He drops out and joins Benzini Brothers, a second-rate traveling circus trying to survive during the Depression. (121 min.) GREEN LANTERN – Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard, Mark Strong, Angela Bassett

Wednesday, July 6 5:00pm

Rio G


Cars 2 PG

Thursday, July 7 5:00pm



Water for Elephants PG-13

Friday, July 8 5:00pm

Prom PG


X-Men: First Class PG-13

In a universe as vast as it is mysterious, a small but powerful force has existed for centuries. Protectors of peace and justice, they are called the Green Lantern Corps. A brotherhood of warriors sworn to keep intergalactic order, each Green Lantern wears a ring that grants him superpowers. But when a new enemy called Parallax threatens to destroy the balance of power in the Universe, their fate and the fate of Earth lie in the hands of their newest recruit, the first human ever selected: Hal Jordan. Hal is a gifted and cocky test pilot, but the Green Lanterns have little respect for humans, who have never harnessed the infinite powers of the ring before. But Hal is clearly the missing piece to the puzzle, and along with his determination and willpower, he has one thing no member of the Corps has ever had: humanity. With the encouragement of fellow pilot and childhood sweetheart Carol Ferris, if Hal can quickly master his new powers and find the courage to overcome his fears, he may prove to be not only the key to defeating Parallax... he will become the greatest Green Lantern of all (105 min.)

Movie schedule is subject to change. Please call to confirm. Movie Hotline: 624-4248

Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholic Anonymous meeting will be held on Monday evenings from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the NASII Chapel. If additional meetings are needed or for more information please call x3267

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