Vol. 31. No. 2
January 17, 2014
NASSIG Sailors Receive CFL Certification
Jill Lynch (left) Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella Morale, Welfare and Recreation department’s fitness director, teaches a five-day command fitness leader (CFL) certification training course in the NAS I gymnasium, Jan. 14. CFLs are not only responsible for conducting the bi-annual physical fitness assessments for their commands, but also provide exercise programming and guidance throughout the year to ensure the members of their command maintain physical readiness. (U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Brian T. Glunt/Released) by MC2 Brian T. glunt N-PASE East Detachment Sigonella
even Sailors stationed aboard Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella and one Sailor stationed aboard Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples attended a five-day training course Jan. 13 - 17, to achieve command fitness leader (CFL) certification at the Midtown Complex. All CFLs must be trained and certified through the certified fitness leader program, which covers administrative actions and duties, basic exercise physiology and nutrition principles, basic Physical Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS) training and daily gym sessions teaching various methods for exercise programming. “Being a CFL is important in the Navy because people need someone to properly
lead them in exercise,” said Jill Lynch, NAS Sigonella Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) department’s fitness director. “If you don’t think about all of the aspects of fitness, someone could really get injured or possibly die. So I think it is super important that the CFLs share all of the information that they learn and take it back to their commands at least for educational purposes.” To become CFL certified, applicants must complete an application located on Navy Knowledge Online, receive a command designation letter, be currently CPR qualified and attend the five-day certified fitness leader program. CFLs are not only responsible for conducting the bi-annual PFA for their
commands, but also provide exercise programming and guidance throughout the year to ensure the members of their command maintain physical readiness. “The responsibilities that CFLs have right now are to make sure that their command members are in tip top physical shape so they are able to perform their daily duties and everything asked of them by the military,” said Chief Logistics Specialist (SW/AW) Camilo Valle, CFL certification course trainee attached to Destroyer Squadron 60. “The CFL course trainers have really been explaining all the benefits of being healthy, the benefits of having a good motivated corps of individuals in your command and how to share physical training information.”
“Someone might think that because they go to the gym, they are physically ready, but they may not know all the little intricate parts that are essential to take back to their command members to actually be physically ready,” added Valle. The Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) endorsed certified fitness leader program is offered twice a year aboard NAS Sigonella. A CNIC led CFL seminar will also be hosted aboard NAS Sigonella March 11 and 12, giving command fitness updates. Persons interested in attending the seminar are directed to sign up as soon as possible at the NAS I gymnasium. For more information about the certified fitness leader program or CFL seminar, visit
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'” – Martin Luther King Jr.
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THE SIGNATURE U.S. NAVAL AIR STATION SIGONELLA Commanding Officer Capt. Chris Dennis Executive Officer Cmdr. Eric Vosler Command Master Chief CMDCM David Graham
EDITORIAL Public Affairs Officer Lt. Tim Page Communtiy Relations Officer Dott. Alberto Lunetta Editor-in-chief Jackie L. Trembath Staff Writers/Photographers MC2 Tony D. Curtis MC2 Brian Glunt MC3 Cameron Bramham CONTACT US Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily DSN 624-5440; 095-86-5440 PSC 812 Box 3020, FPO, AE 09627
JANUARY 17, 2014
Direct Line
Executive Officer Cmdr. Eric Vosler Sir Winston Churchill once said that a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. The challenges we face today will be opportunities to excel tomorrow. Making the most of our Navy career benefits our shipmates, our families and ourselves. On that note, good luck to all the first class petty officers that took the exam on Tuesday. You have made a decision to be one of the best … a Navy Chief. I wish you all the best and I look forward to seeing you put on the khakis. For everyone else, the best way to promote in the Navy is to do well on the advancement exam. Use this next promotion cycle to make the most of your Navy career…study, learn and be ready to take on more responsibility. I encourage everyone to take advantage of the long weekend in commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Use this time to
travel around Sicily, the mainland or to recover (physically and financially) from the holiday season. Enjoy the time off but, have a plan – stick with that plan – keep safety as your first priority and look out for your shipmates. As the CO mentions once in awhile, citizenship is kind of a big deal around here, we have a lot to be proud of here in Sigonella. Those who visit the base leave with the impression that NAS Sigonella is a well maintained and clean base; that is a direct reflection of your service to our community. However, that does not mean we are perfect; we always have room improvement. There are areas around the base that are notorious for “collecting” litter. Pick up after yourselves and ask, “What can I do to make Sigonella better?” As Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't
The Signature is published weekly by Stampa Generale S.r.l., Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy. Tel. 081-568-7884. Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: Editorial submissions are welcomed from all Naval Air Station Sigonella departments, divisions and tenant commands. Editorial submissions should be sent to the Public Affairs Office via, guard mail stop #68 or hand-delivered to our office no later than the close of business on the Friday proceeding the expected publication date. All articles submitted by non-staff members will be considered contributing writers. The Signature will not publish anyanonymous articles. All advertisements in this publication are the property of Stampa Generale S.r.l. Any reproduction of advertisements in The Signature is unauthorized without the written consent of the publisher.
What’s Happening Around NAS Sigonella Do you know someone who represents the ideals of NAS Sigonella? NAS Sigonella would like to highlight citizens who go above and beyond, serving their community through health and welfare, security, and resource conservation. Nominate them to be recognized as a Sig Citizen! Contact with why they should be selected.
have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” Stay sharp. Stay focused. We all have important work to do here and we want everyone to be safe while doing it. I am asking that everyone drive safely (yes, that means you) and obey the traffic rules and regulations. Take care of yourselves, your families, and your shipmates. Don't just have a great year; have a Sicilian year.
UT3 Levi Alvarado (left) and UT3 Annetta Duff are recognized as Sig Citizen's for unclogging a pipeline in the women’s restroom at Midtown Gymnasium, Dec. 6. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Cameron Bramham/Released) by MC3 cameron bramham NAS Sigonella Public Affairs
NASSIG WORSHIP SERVICES ROMAN CATHOLIC Sunday ■ 8:30 a.m. Catholic Mass (NAS I Chapel) ■ 11:30 a.m. Catholic Mass (NAS II Chapel) TUE - FRI ■ 11:30 a.m. Catholic Mass (NAS II Chapel) Sacraments of Reconciliation/Penance precede each Mass PROTESTANT NAS I Chapel Saturday ■ 6:30 p.m. Contemporary Worship Services Sunday ■ 10:30 a.m. Traditional Worship
Sig Citizens Help Save Holiday First Sigonella Baby Festivities at NAS Sigonella of 2014 Celebration
PUBLISHER Stampa Generale S.r.l., Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity Capodichino (Naples), Italy Tel. 081-568-7884 Fax 081-568-7887 This civilian enterprise (CE) newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of The Signature are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense (DoD), or the U.S. Navy. The appearance of advertisingin this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DoD orStampa Generale S.r.l., of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publications hall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex,national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factorof the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policyby an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source until the violationis corrected.
JANUARY 17, 2014
LATTER-DAY SAINTS Sunday at 3 p.m. (NAS I Chapel) Contact: or 624-9049 CHURCH OF CHRIST LAY SERVICE Noon Bible Study (NAS 1) 12:30 p.m. Worship Service Please contact the Religious Ministries Department for information ■ AA Meetings: Monday at 5:30 p.m. (NAS I Chapel) second deck; Thursday at 7 p.m. (NAS II Chapel)
OTHER SERVICES/ACTIVITIES Chapel Offices: NAS I 095-56-3975, NAS II 095-86-9049, DSN: 624-3975, CHAPLAIN DUTY: 335-831-4493 RP DUTY: 335-786-1950
Utilitiesman 3rd Class Levi Alvarado and Utilitiesman 3rd Class Annetta Duff unclogged a drain in the women’s restroom at the Midtown Gymnasium during the Tree Lighting festivities, Dec. 6, much to the relief of event attendees. “UT3 Duff and I were on duty when we got the call from our coworker, BU2 Wallace, who was there with his family,” Alvarado said. “We got there and all of the sewage was backed up. Every toilet and shower was clogged so we tightened our gloves, got in there, and took care of business so everyone could get back to enjoying the holiday event.” Alvarado said the cause of the clog was due to flushing heavy objects such as paper towels and even diapers down the toilets. To unclog the drain, Alvarado and Duff used up to 100 ft. of snake, or steel coil through the pipes, eventually unclogging the messy situation. “When we finally unclogged it, everything shot up through the toilet and all over the ground and walls; it was pretty gross,” Alvarado laughed. Alvarado and Duff then spent the next hour cleaning the filthy area by mopping and scrubbing the restroom, making it sanitary once again. “It was a good moment for us not only to complete our task, but also do it during a high moment and big event for the base,” Alvarado said. “To be recognized is great, but we were only doing our job. I’m just happy we were able to take care of the problem quickly.”
The Lopez and Goergen families are recognized as Sig Citizens for providing food to the MWR Liberty Christmas Dinner. From left, Ethan, Jared, Paul, Colton, and Shannon Lopez; with Air Force Master Sgt. Chris, Brandie, Alexandra, Elizabeth, and (not pictured) Gabrielle Goergen. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Cameron Bramham/Released) by MC3 cameron bramham NAS Sigonella Public Affairs
Next to Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas dinner is one of the most anticipated meals of the year. To help single Sailors stationed at Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella feel a little less far from home during the holidays, Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Sigonella hosted a Christmas dinner. Good intentions could have turned disastrous, if not for the quick thinking and generosity of two Sigonella families. "Last year, we had approximately 20 Sailors participate in the program so we planned for 50 plus Sailors this year," said MWR Director Paul Lopez. "As it turned out, we actually hosted 120 plus Sailors and Marines and the food went quickly. We ran out within 30 minutes or so.” The Lopez and Goergen families helped save Christmas dinner for those who were not able to make it home for the holidays and attended the event. A Take 5 employee alerted Paul who was at home. Paul’s wife Shannon realized she and her neighbor, Brandi Goergen had plenty of food left over from their Christmas meals. “Shannon came over and said they ran out of food for the single Sailors [and Marines],” Goergen said. “I asked if everyone was finished, and they said yes, so we gave everything we had to Shannon. It really was no big deal and I was very happy to help them.” According to both families, the generosity shown towards the service members, especially those away from loved ones during the holiday season has become second nature. “This is what we’re over here for," Shannon Lopez said. “We’re over here to support the service members and these poor guys and girls are away from their families and on their own. They don’t have big kitchens to cook in, so to give up one home cooked meal is not too much to ask." As a former enlisted military member, Lopez values random acts of kindness. “It makes a huge difference how the service members view their duty station and the people around them," Lopez said.
U.S. Naval Hospital (USNH) Sigonella celebrated the first baby born in 2014 during a cake cutting ceremony, Jan. 10. On Jan. 3, at 8:14 a.m. Emma Victoria Bulan was born to proud parents, Genevieve Bulan (center) and Lt. Alexander Bulan (left), an Orthopedic Physician Assistant at USNH Sigonella. She weighed 8.1 lbs. and was 17.5 in. long. The Sigonella Nurses Association presented Emma and her family with a basket full of diapers, clothes, and other baby essentials. This is the second child for the Bulan family. Emma Victoria's older brother A.C., is two. (U.S. Navy photo by HM3 Roslyn Ablain/ Released)
Chaplain's Corner: Upcoming Events by NAS Sigonella Religious Ministries Department
Wednesday Night Study at the NAS I Chapel. Every Wednesday beginning on Jan. 22: from 5 - 6:30 p.m. Childcare will be provided. Topic of study is the six week marriage course: As Long As We Both Shall Live. NAS II Protestant Worship Service. We are beginning a new Protestant Worship Service at the NAS II chapel beginning on Feb. 2. We will begin at 5 p.m. and serve chow following the service. CREDO Events. Three different CREDO events are provided in February: Personal Resiliency Retreat Feb. 21-23, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) Feb. 25-26; and a Marriage Enrichment Retreat Feb. 28 – March 1 - 2. Space is limited for each of these dynamic events. Please call the Religious Ministries Department to reserve a space.
JANUARY 17, 2014
2014 20
Monday Power Outage Scheduled for ALL of NAS I 8 p.m. - 12 a.m.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Topolino ICR For Kids 8 - 11:30 a.m. Resume Renovation FFSC Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Sicilian Cooking Class: Homemade Lasagna 5:30 - 7 p.m. ITT Storytime* Library 10 a.m.
Conflict Management FFSC 1 - 3 p.m. Family Night Out* Sparetime Bowling 5 - 8 p.m. *EVERY FRIDAY
Modica's Famous Chocolate Bar and Baroque Tour ITT Mt. Bike in Floristella Park & Agriturismo Lunch Outdoor Rec
Stress Management FFSC 9 - 11 a.m.
Arrivederci Class FFSC 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
10 Steps to a Federal Job FFSC 10 - 11:30 a.m.
Positive Discipline For Your Teen FFSC 1 - 3 p.m.
Family Day in the Snow on Mt. Etna ITT Catania vs. Fiorentina Soccer Match ITT
26 WWII Tour Part 2 ITT
Half Price Bowling* Sparetime Bowling
Snowshoe Galvaina Mountain Rifugio Outdoor Rec
Beginners Knitting Class 6:30 - 8 p.m. ITT
Public Speaking Class FFSC 1 - 3 p.m.
Sicilian Cooking Class: Homemade Gnocchi 5 - 8 p.m. ITT Beginners Knitting Class 6:30 - 8 p.m. ITT
Let the CO Know ... Tools to Share Your Feedback The Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) system is a web-based tool for collecting feedback to help determine customer satisfaction with services provided at NAS Sigonella. The customer-side of ICE is available to anyone with ONE-Net Internet access and does not require a username or password. The ICE home page,, is the starting point to navigate to an individual ICE site and to view general information about the ICE system. With easy to access links and descriptions, customers can locate an ICE site by branch, regions, geographic location, and by searching an alphabetical listing of all sites. All Sigonella services are found under the Navy Europe Listing in the scroll-down menu. On occasion, the command will anonymously publish comments and responses in The Signature for the benefit of the Sigonella community. You can also go to the link at the right to submit your suggestions.
Suggestion Box Online
h t t p : / / w w w. c n i c . n a v y. m i l / r e g i o n s / cnreurafswa/ installations/nas_ sigonella/about/co_ suggestion_box.html
Responses to Your Feedback Comment regarding Marinai Housing Self-Help:
JANUARY 17, 2014
Loving Discipline For Children 1 - 5 year olds FFSC 1 - 3 p.m.
Loving Discipline For Children 6 - 12 year olds FFSC 1 - 3 p.m. Power Outage Scheduled for ALL of NAS I 8 p.m. - 4 a.m.
FEB. 1
A comment was received thanking the volunteers who staff the self-help center in Marinai on weekends.
2 Half Price Bowling* Sparetime Bowling *EVERY SUNDAY
ITT Gear & Go: x4777, x4396 Liberty/Connections/Take 5: x4246, x5602 Outdoor Rec: x4777, x4396 Fitness: x4483, x5243 Midtown 2 Theaters: x4248 FFSC: x4291 American Red Cross: x4900
Does your command or organization have an event you’d like to see on the Community Calendar? Email us at and let us know!
I have consulted with the Public Affairs Officer, Lt. Tim Page about nominating NC1 Coumbe and NC1 Murphy as SIG Citizens. Your comment encompasses the nomination criteria. Self Help items, Mowers and weed eaters are currently available from the Housing Welcome Center located in the YOUTH CENTER COMPLEX at the entrance to Marinai. Hours are Monday through Fridays 7:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. We currently are awaiting a modification to our lease contract that will allow our Lessor to offer the same items Monday through Saturdays from 4 - 6 p.m.
Comment regarding stray animals in Marinai:
Several comments were received complaining of stray animals wandering around Marinai. Security collects the animals when called, but the strays keep coming back through the fence.
I have instructed my security department and the Vet to revise the instruction. Unfortunately, there are some Host Nation laws that cannot be overlooked, my staff is diligently working through those issues with the Host Nation representatives. Until these changes are in effect, if you see a stray animal or feel threatened in any way, please call my security department at 911 on-base or 095-86-1911.
Comment regarding Nuisance Pets in Marinai:
A comment was received about a neighbors dog that keeps barking all hours of the day and night. The comment states that they tried to work it out directly with the neighbor and reported it to housing. The neighbor came to the military members’ work place and told them to stop complaining to housing.
The Marinai Resident Handbook clearly defines pet ownership as a privilege in government controlled housing and failure to comply with policies may result in the revocation of the privilege. With that being said, Chapter 3 of the handbook refers to NASSIG Instruction 5000.2F for the enforcement of nuisance pets that includes excessive, continuous or untimely barking as a NASSIG Security function. Repeat violators can lose their privilege to own pets in base housing and be asked to dispose of the pets by finding them a new home or paying to ship them back to the United States. Call Security at 624-6063 to report nuisance pets and fill out a nuisance pet complaint form.
Comments regarding Base Shuttle Schedule:
A comment was received asking why the Base Shuttle Schedule is not available on the Facebook Page or Base Web Page.
Response: The schedule is not posted to public websites for force protection reasons. Schedules are posted at bus stops and are available at Fleet and Family Support Center and Navy Lodge.
Need an appointment at the hospital? Call DSN 624-CARE (2273) or commercial 095-56-2273, M-F: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. For non-emergent medical questions that arise over the weekend, holidays, or after office hours, please call 335-578-8077 if you are normally seen at the hospital or 335-578-8150 if you are normally seen at the Flight Line Clinic.
JANUARY 17, 2014
Italy's 'Abandoned' Riace Acireale Honors San Sebastiano, Jan. 20 Bronzes Back on Show in Calabria
by BBC News/ANSA
Two of Italy's greatest archaeological treasures are going back on display in their museum after a protracted renovation process that put them at the centre of a national controversy. They are the 2,500 year-old Riace Bronzes - a pair of magnificent, towering statues of naked Greek warriors. With their rippling muscles, thick beards and manes of curling hair they are extraordinarily life-like. Their teeth are made of gleaming silver. Copper gives their lips and nipples a reddish tinge, and glass and ivory were used for their eyes. The warriors are survivors of the lost world of Magna Graecia, the Hellenic civilization that once flourished in what is now southern Italy. "Their charm is that they are ancient, and whole, and perfect - extremely refined," said Simonetta Bonomi, a senior archaeology official in the region of Calabria."A beautiful model of masculinity. The creation of an ideal of the male body." And from Saturday they will again be on display to the public in the National Museum of Magna Graecia, in the city of Reggio Calabria, on the toe of Italy. Copper is used to give the nipples of the statues a reddish color. The inauguration ceremony marks a long-awaited homecoming. When the museum shut for renovation in 2009, the statues had to be moved out.But the work became mired in bureaucratic and other delays, and dragged on far longer than expected.So for four years the two Greeks found themselves stored in another building across town, lying on their backs in a rather undignified pose. This led to a row. A Unesco official said these national treasures had been disgracefully "abandoned" and art lovers petitioned the Ministry of Culture, demanding that the statues be put properly on show as soon as possible. But the archaeology official, Ms Bonomi, argues that the controversy surrounding the figures was overblown. "They were prone, lying down, to allow the restorers to work on them," she said. "They were behind glass, but still available for public viewing." But there is relief and delight that the warriors are at last now back on their feet and being exhibited in state-of-the-art conditions. The Culture Minister, Massimo Bray, who is widely credited with speeding up the process of returning the statues to the museum, said recently: "We are keeping a promise to give all the citizens of the world back one of its greatest treasures." Bray vowed to give the Bronzes "all the loving attention they need" to restore them to their full glory after the toll of undignified neglect in a store-room of the government offices in Reggio Calabria, on the other side of the southern Italian city. "Thanks to Bray, the bronzes will soon be back on display,” Calabria Archaeological Superintendent Simonetta Bonomi told ANSA. She said the minister would shortly announce the date on which the public can start flocking back to admire two of the most stunning works ever recovered from the cultural hotbed created by the ancient Greek civilization in southern Italy called Magna Graecia (Greater Greece). A renovated showcase for the glorious warrior figures is expected to be unveiled early next year. The statues were moved from Reggio Calabria's Museum of Magna Graecia at the end of 2009 because the cultural institute badly needed restoration. But the work at the museum become a victim of budget cuts and red tape, leaving the statues out in the cold and spurring a national and international outcry.
protector against the plague as he reportedly saved the city in times of trouble several times, especially during plague epidemics. According to one tradition, the city was spared by the plague in 1466, and therefore, devotees built a church to thank him. However, the church was heavily damaged as a result of a catastrophic earthquake that struck the Catania province in 1693. But the Acireale devotees did not give up and erected a new magnificent basilica dedicated to San Sebastiano in the 17th century. The Basilica Collegiata di San Sebastiano is among the most beautiful Baroque buildings in Acireale, as well as the most requested church for wedding ceremonies. Gian Battista Marino, a sculptor from Catania, decorated its façade in the second half of the 17th century in a Baroque style. The church’s interior was frescoed with some paintings by Paolo Vasta depicting scenes from the life of the saint and other masterpieces telling the story of Christ by Venerando Costanzo. San Sebastiano is still been invoked by pilgrims to help people heal from illnesses and thanked for surviving a natural disaster or accident. If a miracle is worked, devotees would offer tall waxes, money and small golden objects. Sometimes, they would tape these objects on red ribbons that are tied on the branches of the stump against which the statue depicting San Sebastiano is placed. Tradition also holds that, in the past, one who would miraculously survive plague epidemics would offer white linens to the saint. At that time, an infected person was indeed required to wear white linen around their neck to show that they carried the disease. Once the epidemic was over, these linens were taped on the pillars that support the carriage on which the statue of the saint is carried in procession. Even nowadays, devotees still wear the linen around their chest and head. The festival starts Jan. 20 at 7:30 a.m. at the Saint Sebastian church with the opening of the little chapel that houses both the statue of the Christian martyr and the relics.
One of Italy's best-loved cultural icons, a pair of ancient Greek statues called the Riace Bronzes, is back home in a Calabrian museum after four years lying on their backs in the seat of the regional government. (Photo by
Every year on Jan. 20, the statue of San Sebastiano, the co-patron saint of Acireale, tours the city’s historic center during a spectacular festival featuring processions, holy masses, arts and crafts and fireworks. (Photo by http:// )
"Evviva Sam Mastianu! Evviva lu rizzareddu, Vàddatilu quant’è beddu, li miraculi ca fa” (Long live Saint Sebastian! Long live the curly-headed, look at his beauty and the miracles he performs). This ancient prayer shows how the devotion towards San Sebastiano (Saint Sebastian) is deeply embedded in the religious history of Acireale, an elegant town in the Catania province. Every year, thousands among believers and tourists swarm the streets of the historic center to show love and respect to their celestial patron. Despite being just the town’s compatrono (co-patron saint) along with Santa Venera, whose festival is celebrated on July 26, Sebastiano still gets most of the attention by the Acireale’s religious community. The festival honoring him will be held Monday, Jan. 20 at the Saint Sebastian Basilica. The celebration will be repeated in a smaller scale Monday, Jan 27 - when a new day of festivities called “ottava” (8-day period of observances beginning with a festival day) - will once again pay homage to the saint. San Sebastiano is probably one of the most
famous martyrs in the Christian tradition. His martyrdom was a favorite subject of Renaissance painters who depicted him as a handsome young man who kept his dignity and beauty through the pain of the terrible arrows wounds and eventually triumphed over physical suffering. Sebastiano was born in northern France around 300 AD. He served as an officer in the Roman army under Diocletian, the Emperor who issued an edict in which he prohibited Christianity. As Sebastiano was discovered to be a Christian, he was martyred in 288 AD. He was tied, pierced with arrows and left for dead; but tradition holds that he survived the arrows, which miraculously failed to pierce any vital organ. Thus, the arrow, a symbol of the plague, became his identifying attribute as well as his wounds that resemble plague boils. Tradition holds that he was eventually beaten to death. A true hero of Catholicism, San Sebastiano is also worshipped almost everywhere in Sicily, but particularly in the province of Siracusa and in Maniace. Acireale townspeople consider him as a
JANUARY 17, 2014
Learn these words in Italian!
English: planets Italian: pianeti
English: star Italian: stella
English: sun Italian: sole
English: earth Italian: terra
English: moon Italian: luna
English: Solar System Italian: Sistema Solare
English: galaxy Italian: galassia
English: Mars Italian: Marte
H EADLINES Italy Has Second-Oldest Population in Europe (IM) - Italy ranks second in Europe for the oldest population, Istat revealed recently in its annual statistical report. The Italian National Statistical Institute stated, "The country's high rate of survival, combined with a decline in fertility, makes Italy one of the oldest countries in the world." The average Italian life expectancy is 79.4 years for men and 84.4 years for women. Deaths were more numerous than births again, with a rising gap, Istat said, specifying the increase in total population is only due to an increment in immigrant population. The trend of women having fewer children and at a later age continues. Italy ranks fifth in Europe for the lowest fertility rate, with an average of 1.40 child per woman. Italian women also rank among Europe's oldest first-time mothers, giving birth for the first time at an average age of 31.4. For every 1,000 new marriages in Italy, 500 end in separation (of these, 312 are legal separations and 182 divorces). 90% of separated couples share custody of their children. The number of weddings rose after years of decline, remaining however among the lowest in Europe, 3.5 people per 1,000. 58.8% of marriages are held in a church. The percentage rises to three out of four in southern Italy. At the end of 2012, there were 59.7 million residents in Italy.
Italian Man Turns Son's Remains Into a Diamond (TL) - A man whose son died aged 20 has had his remains exhumed and cremated, so that his ashes could be transformed into a diamond. The case is thought to be the first of its kind in Italy. The son, who was killed in a car accident several months ago, had already been buried in his hometown in Treviso when his father came up with the idea. The owner of a local funeral parlour told Corriere del Veneto that the 55-year-old man came across marketing material for Algordanza, a Swiss company that offers the service, when he came in to ask about funeral arrangements for his mother. "When we explained the idea, he asked us to help him - and we did," said Silvia Zanardo, one of the partners at the funeral firm. She explained that the man didn't want to be identified, but wanted others to be made aware of the opportunity. His son's remains were exhumed and cremated in order to undergo the transformation, and the man recently received the diamond after an eightmonth waiting period. 'Remembrance diamonds' are created by filtering and refining the carbon found in cremated ashes, then secured in a chamber, where intense pressure and a temperature similar to that of a volcano are applied, creating a synthetic diamond. The cost of the process ranges from €3,500 to €13,000, depending on the finished diamond's dimensions. Algordanza has been operating in Italy since 2009.
Over six in 10 of Italians Connected to the Internet, 20.2% Own Videogame Consoles, 5.4% Have e-Books (ANSA) - Rome - Italians are increasingly connected to the Internet. In 2013, 60.7% of people said they had an Internet connection at home, compared to 55.5% in 2012, the Italian statistical agency Istat recently said. The number of Italians keeping at least one computer at home rose to 62.8%, up from 59.3% the year before. Out of the 15.14 million households with Internet access, 14.9 million have broadband. But cell phones continue to dominate Italy, as they are present in 93.1% of households. After computers and cell phones, Blu-ray DVD players are the next most popular, sitting in 53.8% of households, while digital still cameras slip in at 53.4%. Videogame consoles are far more popular than e-books, providing entertainment in 20.2% of households compared to 5.4% for e-books. Satellite TV and Mp3/Mp4 music players are present in 33.3% and 30.4% of households, respectively.
Italian Politics Costs Taxpayers €757 a Year (TL) - The Italian political system costs each taxpayer €757 a year, although the prime minister's office costs just €15, the latest report by the Italian Labour Union (UIL) has found. The direct and indirect costs of Italian politics cost €23.2 billion a year, amounting to €757 per taxpayer, the UIL said in a report recently released. Prime Minister Enrico Letta’s office was forecast to cost €458.6 million in 2013; at €15 per taxpayer the figure is an increase of 11.6 percent on last year. The office of President Giorgio Napolitano was set to be a relative bargain this year at €228 million, equal to 2012. Both houses of parliament are getting cheaper, according to the report. The cost of the Chamber of Deputies went down by five percent on last year to €943 million, according to the forecast. The Senate bill was €505 million for 2013, 4.3 percent lower than last year. But while the costs in some areas of politics may be going down, the labour union noted that the overall price would remain high given the number of people working within the political system. “A million people live on politics; around five percent of the workforce. Reduce the number and we can go through with constitutional reform,” said Luigi Angeletti, the union secretary. Italy has 1,041 national and European parliamentarians, ministers and undersecretaries, the report said. In addition, there are 1,270 presidents, councillors and council members at the regional level, 3,446 at provincial level and an additional 138,83 locally.
JANUARY 17, 2014
JANUARY 17, 2014
Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam
by jackie Gutierrez trembath NAS Sigonella Public Affairs
ew Year's Eve is one of my favorite days of the year. When I was a kid, I would watch the ball drop on TV with Dick Clark in Time Square. I didn't fully understand the celebration, but I was thrilled to be allowed to stay up late, and toasting with sparkling apple cider made me feel so grown up. In my teens, the tradition of putting money in the bottom of my shoe began. My mom said it would bring prosperity for the coming year and I appreciated getting to keep the additional "allowance." I graduated from sparking apple cider to sparkling wine in my twenties and the countdown to midnight included the anticipation of a New Year's kiss and resolutions to be better, to do more. Now that I am in my thirties, the welcoming of the new year has a deeper meaning. It's a time to reflect on things I have learned from the past and apply them with hope for the future, to cherish friendships and to dream. For my final year living in Sicily, I wanted to bring in the New Year in a way I would never forget. I convinced my favorite travel buddy, Yukiko, to join me on one last adventure, which I titled our "Epic New Year Trip." On the schedule: Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam - three countries in one week. We arrived in Paris in the evening. One of the great things about revisiting a city is knowing where things are and how to get from point A to B. I felt a little like a local with a 15kg suitcase as we methodically maneuvered our way from the airport to the metro and then to our hotel in Pigalle, Paris' red light district. Since this was my fourth time in Paris and Yukiko's second, we decided to do something neither of us had done before and take in the late show at Moulin Rouge. Seated just a few feet from the stage, we watched the dancers perform and I secretly wished Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor would appear and start singing. It rained on and off the following day, making Paris even more magical. Yukiko and I set out to revisit a few of the main tourist sites including The Louvre, Notre Dame, Basilica of the Sacré Cœur and Pont de
l'Archevêché. Neither of us had been to Paris in the winter, so it was fun to explore the Christmas markets. We took advantage of the shopping and readily available cups of vin chaud. As I walked around one of my favorite cities in Europe with one of my dearest friends, we made memories that we will treasure no matter where we are geographically. In the afternoon, we took the train to Belgium. In an hour and a half I stepped foot in my 17th country todate, and my 10th with Yukiko. After checking into the hotel, we stumbled upon a very busy Christmas market complete with an ice skating rink and Ferris wheel. Talking with some locals, we were told that we had to have the mussels in Brussels, one of the many culinary delights of the city. We found a restaurant that looked just crowded enough to be good, but not too crowded to be uncomfortable and ordered the local's recommendation with Belgium beers to toast our trip. The mussels (or moules) were served in a large black pot in a delicious white wine and garlic sauce and were plump and sweet, perhaps the best I have had in Europe. The meal was served with fries, which in Brussels are called frites. I learned frites are another of Belgium's popular culinary treats. With our appetites more than satiated, we walked through the once crowded streets; the wooden chalets of the Christmas markets closed. Day three of our Epic New Year Trip, we indulged in the sightseeing of the city with a Hop-on, Hop-off (HOHO) bus ride and periodic stops to sample Belgium waffles freshly made by street vendors. As a waffle connoisseur (raised on Eggo waffles), I have to say, Belgium waffles are the best I have ever eaten. I stocked up on the prepackaged variety from our trip to a local grocery story knowing that they wouldn't be quite the same as the fresh ones, but still amazing. As the sun begin to set, we wandered around the city just in time to catch a fantastic light show at the Grand Palace. The facades of the buildings were illuminated
with beautifully changing hues set to music delighting the onlookers. I felt so lucky to witness something so beautiful, to see places I never even dreamed of and to do so with a fabulous friend. We ended the evening with more shopping and a quick viewing of one of the main attractions of Brussels, the Manneken Pis (little pee man). The statue is much smaller than I anticipated at a mere 24 inches tall but drew a very large crowd. It was impossible to resist all of the chocolate shops nearby the statue. Both Yukiko and I ended up with a bagful of sinfully delicious treats. The next day we felt we already had a grasp of how to get around the city. We took the metro to see the Atomium Bruxelles, a replica of a single unit of iron crystal 165 billion times the size. To complete our trip to Brussels, we decided to give in to our cravings for one last round of beer, chocolate, waffles and seafood (though not necessarily in that order) before heading to the train station, Amsterdam bound. We arrived in Amsterdam near 11 p.m. Yukiko wasn't feeling well (I blame our gluttony in Brussels) and we decided to call it an early night. It was my first night in four days that I went to bed before 2 a.m. Yukiko and I were first in Amsterdam in 2011 and remembered parts of the city, making it easy to get around. On our last day of 2013, we jumped on the tram and headed to breakfast at a recommended pancake house, impetuously getting off a few exits early when I spotted a street market. Having traveled extensively with me, Yukiko knows my penchant for purchasing functional souvenirs and reassured me she had extra room in her suitcase should I need it. (What a good friend!) After adding a few scarves, packages of stroop waffles and a few other miscellaneous items into my backpack, we made our way to breakfast and then the Heineken experience. By the afternoon, the city was bustling with people and fireworks were randomly being set off on street corners. Even though it was sprinkling, no one seemed
to really mind. Yukiko and I walked around the city, stopping on occasion and just enjoying the ambience of Amsterdam and the variety of Christmas markets. Once my backpack was full, we headed back to the hotel to drop off the goodies and make a game plan for where to watch the fireworks in the evening. By 10:30 p.m. the sound of fireworks permeated and splashes of color filled the sky from spots all over the city. Public transportation had shut down for the evening so the workers could be with their families, so we took a taxi to Dam Square, armed with our umbrellas. Standing next to my friend in the rain, I bid farewell to 2013 admiring the craziest display of fireworks I had ever seen. I brought in 2014 full of hope and happiness and money in my shoe (though this time I used a £10 note and 5000 Hungarian forint), doing what I love: traveling. Normally, I would have wanted to photograph the moment, but I put my camera down and chose to fully experience it instead. On the first day of the new year we reminisced about our traveling adventures, laughing at new inside jokes that made us look like crazy people walking down the street. Crazy, happy people. Having so much fun, we came close to missing our train back to Paris. We had to run to the train with our bags - mine, which had grown exponentially - and got our first workout of the year, making it with one minute to spare. Our final day in Paris was bittersweet. Yukiko and I headed to the airport rather reluctantly but thankful for the experience. Our Epic New Year Trip had lived up to its name in every way. We had never smiled as much or laughed as hard ... and if that's any indicator for what 2014 has in store, than I'm just about the luckiest girl in the world. Yukiko, 10 countries together - some of them twice. You are an awesome travel buddy and I'd travel with you anywhere. Thanks for always making room in your suitcase because you know I'm going to overshop. I'm going to miss seeing the world with you.
Photos by Jackie Gutierrez Trembath
JANUARY 17, 2014
Husband and Wife Retire After Working 35 Years for Department of Defense by MC3 cameron bramham NAS Sigonella Public Affairs
After 35 years working for the Department of Defense, Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella Housing Manager, Jim Veazey and his wife, NAS Sigonella Human Resources Director, Debbie Veazey have both retired. (Photo courtesy of NAS Sigonella Housing Department)
Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella Housing Manager, Jim Veazey and his wife, NAS Sigonella Human Resources Director, Debbie Veazey retired after spending more than 35 years working for the Department of Defense. “We will miss the people the most,” they said. “We both loved our jobs, wherever they took us.” Both Jim and Debbie began their dual careers at Polaris Missile Facility in Charleston, South Carolina. During their lives and careers together, they have also worked at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Stennis, Miss. and of course NAS Sigonella. During his career, Jim was awarded the Meritorious Civilian Service Award from every command he worked for, including one in Gulfport, Miss., for his efforts and aid towards the recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina hit the area in August of 2005. “We spent 10 years in Guantanamo Bay and really enjoyed living and working there,” they said. “However, both of us agreed that Sigonella was the best place we ever worked. The people that we worked with were the best ever. They made our jobs so much easier and we received such support and loyalty from them.” This is high praise from the Veazeys about the NAS Sigonella community,
considering they only spent two years, out of their illustrious careers on the island. Jim and Debbie were always dedicated to every mission set forth by any base leadership and hope that those who follow them, will take the same approach they have towards their jobs. “Do the best job that you can possibly do within rules and regulations. Always work for the best possible resolution for all parties,” they said. “And, love your job. It's important that you spend your time doing something that you love since you spend so much time away from your family.” Now that retirement has sunk in for the Veazeys, they both agree the time is now to sit back, relax, travel, and spend as much time as they can with their children and grandchildren. “We plan to travel the U.S. and Canada in our motor coach. Our goal is to visit all of the national parks and monuments and anywhere else that might strike our fancy,” Jim said. “We also plan to spend as much time as we can spoiling our beautiful grandchildren!” Congratulations to Jim and Debbie, and thank you both for your dedication and years of service to our country the Department of Defense, and NAS Sigonella!
JANUARY 17, 2014
Get Involved with Liberty
MWR’s Liberty program is unlike any other. It’s not for everyone. Liberty has a specific focus and caters only to a certain demographic: single or unaccompanied sailors E-6 and below. For many in that category, Sigonella is a first duty station. It may be the first time away from home and overseas with a tight budget. Liberty has a unique way of providing support. They create fun and community for their patrons. Their goal is to get you out of your barracks room to meet people and discover the world around you. Liberty makes it easy to meet people with common interests. Step inside one of their facilities and enjoy free Wi Fi, pool or a movie. There are special events every night of the week, like gaming tourneys, movie marathons, cooking classes and more. Hop on one of their busses and go paintballing in Motta Sant’ Anastasia, hiking at Cava Grande or have dinner at a local restaurant. Liberty is always on the go! What would you like to do with Liberty? What activities do you enjoy? They’re always looking for suggestions. Contact Liberty at 624-5602 to find out more about the program, or to share your ideas!
Jan. 21 | Guitar Lessons at Take 5 at 5:30 p.m. Here is your chance to learn how to play the guitar ... for free! If you don't have a guitar, let us know and we an loan one to you for the class. For information, call DSN 624-5602.
Jan. 22 | Take 5 Open House, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Join the celebration. Enjoy free food, give-aways and games!
Jan. 24 | Empty Wallet Lunch at Take 5 at 11 a.m. This month, we are serving up meatball subs, chips and a drink. Come and enjoy!
Jan. 26 | Late Night Movie at Take 5 at 5 p.m. We are showing a movie late night! Come check out our awesome movie room while we debut one of our newest movies!
Jan. 30 | Open Mic and Coffee House Night at Take 5 at 6 p.m. Do you have talent for singing, playing an instrument or poetry? Come and show off your skills for a fun and entertaining evening. We will have coffee and light snacks for the audience and performers to enjoy. To sign up or for more information, call DSN 624-5602.
2014 Super Bowl Party at Jox
Jox Pub will be hosting a blowout Super Bowl Party on Sunday, Feb. 2. Come watch on the big screen or one of the dozen TV’s located throughout the Pub. The pre-game party starts at 10 p.m. and the game starts just after midnight. Come early and stack out your seat and also be one of the first 100 patrons and receive a free entry into the Super Bowl 100 Squares Game. NEX Gift Cards will be awarded at the end of each of the four quarters, as well as to the person with the correct final score square. If your square contains the last number in the score of each team at the end of the quarters or the game, you’ll receive one of the Gift Card. Everyone will receive a free door prize ticket for Super Bowl apparel and other prizes. Door prize numbers will get pulled all night long. Big Al’s will be open for food during the game and will offer a Halftime Breakfast Special. There will be a shuttle running from NAS I and Marinai directly to Jox Pub, so you don’t need to worry about transportation to or from the big game.
Outdoor Recreation Did you know that Sicily has climbing crags, including the world-famous San Vito Lo Capo, all over the island? If you’re interested in learning the basics of indoor climbing and meeting other climbers, join ITT Outdoor Recreation at the climbing wall located at the NAS I gym inside Midtown. Climbing is a great cross training workout and a mental challenge too! Outdoor Recreation will be updating belay certification cards from Jan. 1 - Feb. 1. All climbers will need to go through a short recertification class and sign a hold harmless waiver to receive an updated belay certification card. Recertification classes will be offered in January from Noon - 1 p.m. Mondays (excluding Jan. 20) and Wednesdays, 5 - 6 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays and by appointment. Effective Feb. 1, only updated belay certification cards will be accepted to unlock the Cave and check out climbing equipment. The Cave will remain open during gym operating hours. Please contact the ITT/ODR front desk at 625-4777 with questions, or to schedule a belay or recertification class. Recertification is free and only takes 15 minutes. The belay certification class is approximately one hour and costs a small fee.
Midtown Movie Theaters Schedule & Descriptions
Tuesday, Jan. 21
Friday, Jan. 17 *Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Grilled Sausage Patties, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, Waffles. *Lunch: New England Clam Chowder, Stuffed Baked Fish, Roast Pork w/Mushroom Gravy, Rice Pilaf, Peas, Cauliflower, Cookies. *Speed line: Grilled Cheese/Hamburger, Baked Beans, French Fried Potatoes. *Dinner: Cream Of Mushroom Soup, Cantonese Spareribs, Pasta w/Fish Sauce, Rice Pilaf, Steamed Whole Corn, Lemon Cookies.
Tuesday, Jan. 21 *Breakfast: Farina, Oven Fried Bacon, Sausage Patties, Asstd Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, French Toast, Biscuits and Gravy, Pastries. *Lunch Spanish Soup, Beef Tacos, Burritos, Chicken Fajita, Mexican Rice, Refried Beans, Calico Corn, Broccoli, Jalapeno Cornbread, Cookies Oatmeal. *Speed Line: Grilled Panini Sandwich (Salami/Turkey), Chips Potatoes. Dinner: Chicken Rice Soup, Meat Loaf, Penne Amatriciana, Oven Brown Potatoes, Cabbage Stir Fry, Cake.
Saturday, Jan. 18 *Breakfast: Farina, Grilled Ham Slices, Grilled Bacon, Boiled Eggs, Syrup, Asstd Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, Buttermilk Pancakes. *Brunch: Breakfast Items, Beef Vegetable Soup, Syrup, Baked Chicken, Boiled Eggs, Fried Cabbage, Italian Roast Potatoes, Cookies. *Dinner: Onion Soup, Pizza, Spaghetti Alfredo, Baked Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli, Cookies.
Wednesday, Jan. 22 *Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Creamed Ground Beef, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, Pancakes. *Lunch: Manhattan Clam Chowder Soup, Penne Alfredo, Fish w/Tomato cherry, Oriental Rice, Cauliflowers, Tangy Spinach, Cookies. *Speed line: Grilled Cheese/Hamburger, Baked Beans, French Fried Potatoes. *Dinner: Minestrone Soup, Turkey Pot Pie, Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce, Steamed Rice, Carrots Fresh, Cookies.
Sunday, Jan. 19 *Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Grilled Minute Steak, Oven Fried Bacon, French Toast, Boiled Eggs, Asstd Omelets, Syrup, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes. *Brunch: Breakfast Items, Cream of Broccoli Soup, Roast Pork, Boiled Eggs, Syrup, Seasoned Green Beans, Cookies, Cake. *Dinner: Cream of Broccoli Soup, Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce, Rice Pilaf, Chicken Parmesan (Patties), Fresh Cauliflower, Cake.
Thursday, Jan. 23 *Breakfast: Hominy Grits, Oven Fried Bacon, Corned Beef Hash, Asstd Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, French Toast. *Lunch: Cream of Potato Soup, Chicken Tetrazzini, Sauerbraten, Mashed Potatoes, Chicken Gravy, Mix Vegetables, Simmered Cauliflower, Cake. *Speed line: Frankfurter, Macaroni & Cheese, Onion Rings. *Dinner: Chicken Noodle Soup, Beef Stew, Rotini Amatriciana, Rice Pilaf, Simmered Carrots, Cake.
Monday, Jan. 20 *Breakfast: Hominy Grits, Minced Beef on Toast, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, Waffles, Syrup. *Brunch: Breakfast Item, Chicken Rice Soup, Hamburger Yakisoba, Steamed Peas, Cookies. *Dinner: Pepper Pot Soup, Spaghetti Carbonara, Teriyaki Baked Chicken, Buttered Potatoes, Brown Gravy, Cookies .
Friday, Jan. 24 *Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Grilled Sausage Patties, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, Waffles. *Lunch: Cream of Mushroom Soup, Lasagna, Stuffed Baked Fish, Rissole Potatoes, Calico Cabbage, Carrots Fresh, Cake, Cookies. Speed line: Grilled Cheese/Hamburger, Baked Beans, French Fried Potatoes. *Dinner: Egg Drop Soup, Spareribs BBQ, Fish Portion, Rice Pilaf, Southern Green Beans, Cake.
5:00 PM Frozen 3D 5:30 PM Anchorman 2 7:30 PM The Hobbit Part 2 3D 8:00 PM Homefront
Wednesday, Jan. 22
5:00 PM The Hobbit Part 2 5:30 PM Black Nativity 7:30 PM Saving Mr. Banks 8:00 PM Out of the Furnace
Thursday, Jan. 23
Friday, Jan. 17
5:00 PM Jack Ryan 5:30 PM Philomena 7:30 PM Lone Survivor 8:00 PM Anchorman 2
Saturday, Jan. 18
PG-13 PG PG-13 R G PG-13 PG R PG-13
Friday, Jan. 24
2:00 PM The Nut Job PG 5:00 PM Grudge Match PG-13 5:30 PM Walking with Dinosaurs PG 7:30 PM 47 Ronin 3D PG-13 8:00 PM Jack Ryan PG-13
2:00 PM Frozen 3D 2:30 PM Black Nativity 4:30 PM Lone Survivor 5:00 PM Saving Mr. Banks 7:30 PM American Hustle
2:00 PM A Madea Christmas 2:30 PM Frozen 4:30 PM The Hobbit Part 2 3D 5:00 PM Out of the Furnace 7:30 PM Jack Ryan
PG-13 PG PG-13 R PG-13
2:00 PM The Nut Job 3D 2:30 PM A Madea Christmas 4:30 PM 47 Ronin 3D 5:00 PM American Hustle 7:30 PM Grudge Match
PG PG-13 PG-13 R PG-13
PG R R PG-13
2:00 PM Walking Dinosaurs 3D 2:30 PM The Nut Job 4:30 PM Grudge Match 5:00 PM 47 Ronin 7:30 PM Lone Survivor
PG-13 PG PG-13 PG-13 R
Sunday, Jan. 19
Monday, Jan. 20
As a reminder, all dependents are always welcome at the galley! Please provide any negative or positive feedback. There is a suggestions box near the entrance to the galley, next to the serving line.
PG-13 PG-13 R PG-13
2:00 PM Pocahontas 5:00 PM Jack Ryan 5:30 PM The Nut Job 7:30 PM Lone Survivor 8:00 PM Philomena
PG PG-13 PG-13 R
2:00 PM The Nut Job 2:30 PM Out of the Furnace 4:30 PM Lone Survivor 5:00 PM Jack Ryan
Saturday, Jan. 25
Sunday, Jan. 26
Movie Premiere
Free Movie
Same Day Release
Last Show
JACK RYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT ... PG-13 STARRING: Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Keira Knightley Jack Ryan, as a young covert CIA analyst, uncovers a Russian plot to crash the U.S. economy with a terrorist attack. (105 m.) THE NUT JOB 2D & 3D ... PG STARRING: Will Arnett, Brendan Fraser, Liam Neeson Surly, a curmudgeon, independent squirrel is banished from his park and forced to survive in the city. Lucky for him, he stumbles on the one thing that may be able to save his life, and the rest of park community, as they gear up for winter - Maury's Nut Store. (85 m.) LONE SURVIVOR ... R STARRING: Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch Based on the failed June 28, 2005 mission "Operation Red Wings". Four members of SEAL Team 10 were tasked with the mission to capture or kill notorious Taliban leader Ahmad Shahd. (121 m.) GRUDGE MATCH ... PG-13 STARRING: Robert De Niro, Sylvester Stallone, Kim Basinger A pair of aging boxing rivals are coaxed out of retirement to fight one final bout -- 30 years after their last match. (113 m.) 47 RONIN 2D & 3D ... PG-13 STARRING: Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Ko Shibasaki A band of samurai set out to avenge the death and dishonor of their master at the hands of a ruthless shogun. (118 m.)
Movie schedule is subject to change. Please call to confirm. Movie Hotline: 624-4248
JANUARY 17, 2014
Find and circle all of the pizza ingredients and toppings that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell four additional pizza toppings.
JANUARY 17, 2014
1996 metallic blue BMW 318. 170,500 km. New tires, brakes, water pump, timing belt and hoses. Asking $2,000. Call Stephen 331-683-3054. American spec AFI car. 300 ltrs Fiat HGT sport. $2,500 OBO. Excellent condition. New rim/ tires, AC, power windows, power steering ABS, 4 disk breat, city car. Contact Eleonore 624-6198 or Tino 3290786555
2000 Toyota Sienna. Automatic. 140k miles. New battery, windshield wipers and fluids. Asking $3,200. Please call at 366779-8429. Email at lester.brett@ 1963 Volkswagen Beetle for sale. Fully restored with original parts. All official documents. Pearl white, 4 speed, 6 volts, 1192 cc. Asking €11.000 negotiable. Call Adriana 3491539139.
JANUARY 17, 2014 All classified ads are free to the community for advertising personal property for sale, trade or giveaway. Ads must be sent to no later than 5 p.m. of the Friday before the week of publication and must include POC name and phone number. For more information, call 624-5440, 624-2798 or 095-86-5440/2798 or
PAID ADS Adopt while stationed overseas International & fostercare adoptions, homestudies.
Sigonella SAPR VA Hotline: 335-642-8312. DoD Safe Helpline: 001-877-995-5247 (From cell phones and off-base telephones)
Or: 19020 (toll-free access code) 1-877-995-5247 (From DSN lines)
The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts of supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy (or Marine Corps), (name of command) or (name of publisher) of the products and services advertised. “Everything advertised in this newspaper shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Published by Stampa, a private firm in no way connected with DoD, the U.S. Navy (or Marine Corps), under exclusive contract with the U.S. Navy (or Marine Corps).
NOTE: Ads run for two weeks on a space available basis and must be sponsored by active duty military members, family members or Italian/ American base employees. AFTS/AFN decoders must be sold only to another authorized individual: active duty or retired U.S. military, DoD direct-hire employees or their spouse. Ads that profit a business or individual, such as housekeeping or baby-sitting services considered commercial ads. Commercial ads are not accepted. Requests for commercial ads must be made to Stampa Generale: 081-568-7884 or
JANUARY 17, 2014
Upcoming Scheduled Power Outages by Public works
Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella has had a contractor from Schneider Electric, onboard since Jan. 8. This contractor will be here for about four months to install new advanced metering systems on the electric, water and gas utility systems on base facilities. Not all facilities will have all three utilities metered. Like many metering systems in use in the United States, these new metering systems will allow utility usage to be monitored and managed from one central location as opposed to the current method of manual reading, tabulation and management of usage. As part of this installation, each building will need to undergo up to a four hour utility outage. The Public Works Department (PWD) has worked with the contractor and tenants to develop a schedule that is known and clear to all, and minimizes disruptions to building tenants. This article starts the publication of the scheduled outages for the upcoming week. PWD appreciates the understanding and cooperation of all in this major utility improvement project that will save the U.S. Government money. Commands can direct questions to Construction Manager, Hal Thomas at 624-6809, or to Project Manager, Alison Mumper at 624-5669.
For the week of January 20, 2014 the following power outages are scheduled: Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. 22 Jan. 22 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 24
8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 12 - 4 p.m. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 12 - 4 p.m. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 12 - 4 p.m. 12 - 4 p.m. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 12 - 4 p.m. 12 - 4 p.m.
211 213 216 465 405 413 758 AF Pad 433 452 628 719 722 723 724 725
Holiday Schedule for MLK Jr. Weekend U.S. Naval Hospital Sigonella U.S. Naval Hospital Sigonella's hours changed in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday period Friday through Monday, Jan. 17 – 20. In observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, U.S. Naval Hospital Sigonella's outpatient clinics will close at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 16 and reopen at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21 for all routine appointments. The Emergency Department will remain open at all times for urgent medical needs and can be reached at 624-3844. The Pharmacy Department will be open Friday, Jan. 17 through Sunday, Jan. 19 from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. and close on Monday, Jan. 20. For all other questions, please contact U.S. Naval Hospital Sigonella's Information Desk at 624-3842.
NAVSUP LCS, FMC, and Post Offices NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Sigonella, Fleet Mail Center and Post Offices will follow the below adjusted hours from Friday, Jan. 17 through Monday, Jan. 20 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday. If you have any questions, please contact 624-5915.
NAS I Post Office: Jan. 17 - Jan. 20: Closed NAS II Post Office: Jan. 17 - Jan. 20: Closed
Fleet Mail Center: Jan. 17: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Jan. 18: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Jan. 19: Closed Jan. 20: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
DODDS Preschool DODDS BCO Crash/Fire/Rescue Corrosion Control Hangar NTISA Detachment USAF Flight Line Maintenance DLA Warehouse Post Office FLCS Warehouse DLA Warehouse Emergency Management MVRO/Insurance MWD/Kennel
Enter to Win! Create a Super Bowl commercial for your command, department or private organization up to 30 seconds long on a DVD and submit it to the MWR Admin Office (NAS I, Bldg 202) along with the contest registration form. Commercials must be submitted in an avi, mov or mpeg4 formats only. The 1st place prize is a $100 NEX gift card and there will be two 2nd place prizes of $50 NEX gift cards. Contest is open to all eligible U.S. Identification (ID) card holders with MWR privileges. Additionally, the Command Super Bowl Commercial Contest deadline is Jan. 27 at 4 p.m. Entry form/rules are available at the NAS I Fit District front desk, Connections, Library, Take 5 and Jox. All suitable entries will be played on all MWR facility TV's that show the monthly MWR Programs as well as the Commissary and the Theater big screen before the movies. The winning videos will be selected by a panel of judges, based on three criteria: (1) Unit Pride, (2) Memorable/Interesting and (3) Creativity. Also, MWR has a movie camera that can be checked out to assist with your video production. Visit Take 5 in person to make a reservation to checkout the camera. For more information, please see the attached contest entry form and/or call DSN 624-0502.
JANUARY 17, 2014