June 20, 2014
Vol. 31 No. 24
SECNAV visits NAS Sigonella By MC1 Tony D. Curtis NAS Sigonella Public Affairs
NAVAL AIR STATION SIGONELLA, Sicily -- Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus met with Sailors stationed here as well as Marines assigned to Special-Purpose Marine AirGround Task Force (SPMAGTF) Africa, June 17, during an all hands call. During the gathering, Mabus addressed current world events, the defense budget and manning. “To the Marines, I wanted to come to Sigonella to let you know just how crucial and important the work that you do is to the region and the world,” said Mabus. “You have the eyes of the world on you. You are America’s crisis response force.” He also discussed the current stability in naval personnel. “We have 324,200 Sailors right now,” Mabus said. “Five years from now, according to the president’s budget, we will have 324,800. We took a huge downsizing in the early 2000s, so we have no plans to cut Navy personnel right now.” Mabus also discussed Marines going back to sea as the war in Afghanistan wraps up. “We are sending Marines back to sea as part of the Navy-Marine Corps team,” said Mabus. “We are building more amphibs that the Marine Corps will need in the next three years.” One of Mabus’ largest priorities is building the Navy fleet back to pre-9/11 levels and getting the number of ships back over 300 by the end of this decade. “You need those big gray hulls on the horizon,” said Mabus. “We don’t just need to be
see "SECNAV" page 10
SIGONELLA, Sicily (June 17, 2014) Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus speaks with Marines assigned to Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force (SP-MAGTF) and Sailors aboard Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella during an all hands call, June 17. Mabus is in the region to meet with Sailors and Marines, and civilian and military officials, as part of a multi-nation visit to the U.S. European and Africa Command areas of responsibility. NAS Sigonella provides logistical support for Commander, U.S. 5th and 6th Fleets and NATO forces in the Mediterranean area. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Tony D. Curtis/Released)
Here are some practical ways to cut base energy costs: -- Turn off lights when exiting your work space -- Turn off monitors, CPUs, copiers, speakers, and printers before leaving the office -- Let your building energy monitor know the anticipated times you'll be working in your office so they can limit HVAC output during non-working hours -- Keep windows and doors closed and report malfunctioning equipment -- Double-check your office to make sure before making sure everything is turned off before leaving for the day -- Talk to your friends about Biggest Energy Loser and get them invested!
Remember: Empty rooms love the dark!
NASSIG set for Biggest Energy Loser contest Region energy contest will award 50 grand in base beautification BY LT PAUL NEWELL NAS Sigonella Public Affairs
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily - For several years now the Navy's “Shore Energy” program has asked Sailors, Marines, and civilians to change behaviors and ultimately their culture in how they use energy. Recently, Commander, Naval Region Europe (CNRE) added $50,000 worth of extra incentive to that charge, awarding that amount to the regional command that can cut the most in energy savings for the month of July. The first-ever Biggest Energy Loser contest will kick off July 1 and will carefully track the energy usage of Naval Air Station Sigonella (NASSIG), Naval Station Rota, Naval Support Activity Souda Bay, Naval Support Activity Bahrain, and Naval Support Activity Naples. After the month is over, region officials will calculate the total output of each installation and compare those numbers against their energy production from last July. The base that has the greatest percentage of energy decrease will be given 50k to spend on beautifying their base. The contest will track usage at NAS I and NAS II. Marinai is excluded. Though the contest is still 12 days from kick-off, Antonino Piluso, NASSIG’s Installation Energy Manager, urges all Sigonella community members to start now with energy-saving practices that are kind to our health and the government’s pocket book. “If you work in an office that has windows or other sources of natural lighting, do yourself a favor and turn off the lights. It goes against what seems natural and may initially seem strange, but research has shown that over time fluorescent lighting is ultimately more harmful to your eyes than sunlight,” Piluso said. Piluso also mentioned the surprising amount of energy drained by electronic devices when they are idle. “I work in the energy-saving business, so I was shocked to learn that 40 to 90 percent of the
see "Biggest Loser" page 15
Around Sigonella:
Check out what's happening around Sigonella!
A visit to "The Eternal City"!
Class of 2014:
Navy College recognizes recent College Grads!
Scan for direct links to NAS Sigonella
U.S. NAVAL AIR STATION SIGONELLA Commanding Officer Capt. Chris Dennis Executive Officer Cmdr. Charles G. McKinney II Command Master Chief CMDCM David Graham
EDITORIAL Public Affairs Officer Lt. Paul Newell Editor M. Todd Butler Community Relations Officer Dott. Alberto Lunetta PAO Staff Writers \ Photographers MC1 Tony D. Curtis MC3 Cameron Bramham CONTACT US Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily DSN 624-5440; 095-86-5440 PSC 812 Box 7, FPO, AE 09627-0001 PUBLISHER Stampa Generale S.r.l., Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity Capodichino (Naples), Italy Tel. 081-568-7884 Fax 081-568-7887 This civilian enterprise (CE) newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of The Signature are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense (DoD), or the U.S. Navy. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DoD or Stampa Generale S.r.l., of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factorof the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. The Signature is published weekly by Stampa Generale S.r.l., Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy. Tel. 081-568-7884. Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: Editorial submissions are welcomed from all Naval Air Station Sigonella departments, divisions and tenant commands. Editorial submissions should be sent to the Public Affairs Office via, guard mail stop #68 or hand-delivered to our office no later than the close of business on the Friday proceeding the expected publication date. All articles submitted by non-staff members will be considered contributing writers. The Signature will not publish anyanonymous articles. All advertisements in this publication are the property of Stampa Generale S.r.l. Any reproduction of advertisements in The Signature is unauthorized without the written consent of the publisher.
Direct Line
June 20, 2014
Commodore Bryan Durkee takes command of CTF-67
The PCS season is in full swing and many familiar faces at NASSIG will soon be “departing the pattern” and moving on to new assignments. My family and I will be among the departing as we board the Rotator in a couple weeks to catch up with our furniture in Chicago. The conclusion of a deployment or assignment is typically a good time to assess the lessons learned – what you did right, what you did wrong, what you learned from the experience that might help someone else. So here are a few thoughts that come to mind. First, since some assignments require us to travel away from our families for long periods of time it is right to take our families traveling when we have the opportunity. Despite the fact that the Navy has made me a world traveler for the past 10 years of active service, my family was only getting to see the southeastern U.S. Being stationed at NAS Sigonella, however, has allowed us to travel together to some pretty phenomenal places – both near and far. We had great times at faraway places like Athens and nearby places like Agrigento, in both Normandy and Nicolosi, both Salzburg and Siracusa. Regardless of your travel budget or experience get out and see the world, even if it is only to a nearby town. Second, seeking self-improvement and professional development sometimes requires a little pain. As a Navy Chaplain, each assignment is different so sometimes you show up not having all the right tools for the job. Unfortunately, these aren’t the kinds of tools you can get at the NEX Depot, on NKO Learning, or at a Safety Stand-down. So how does one best acquire needed skills? Accept the fact that transformation will not occur without self-discipline, courage, or struggle. Third, the greatest joy is in creating espirit de corps amongst the team and in leaving the place better than you found it. It has been my distinct privilege to be a part of our department’s transformation over the past couple years, fueled primarily by the hard work and teamwork of the chaplains, RPs, contractors, local national employees, and volunteers of the Religious Ministries Department. As we sometimes like to say of our department: RMD is the place to be. The RMD has many exciting spiritual enriching opportunities for the summer and beyond. Some of these include CREDO retreats for both adults and youth, Vacation Bible School, Club Beyond outings, men and women Bible studies, and religious education. Volunteers as well as participants are always needed for each of these events. Please contact the RMD office at 624-3975 for more information.
Capt. Bryan W. Durkee, right, relieves Capt. Michael McClintock as Commodore of Commander, Task Force 67 during a change of command ceremony at the NAS I Gym, June 12. The guest speaker for the event was Vice Adm. Phil Davidson, Commander, U.S. 6th Fleet. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communications Specialist 1st Class Tony D. Curtis/Released)
Heat Stress Flag Conditions FLAG COLOR WHITE
Effective Sunday July 13, worship times will shift to the following schedule -- Roman Catholic at 9 a.m.; Traditional Protestant Worship at 11 a.m. (with Protestant Sunday School at 10 a.m.). There will be no change to the Saturday Evening Contemporary Service time.
ROMAN CATHOLIC Sunday ■ 8:30 a.m. Catholic Mass (NAS I Chapel) TUESDAY - FRIDAY ■ 11:30 a.m. Catholic Mass (NAS II Chapel) Sacraments of Reconciliation/Penance precede each Mass PROTESTANT NAS I Chapel Saturday ■ 6:30 p.m. Contemporary Worship Services Sunday ■ 10:30 a.m. Traditional Worship NAS II Chapel SUNDAY ■ 5 p.m. Protestant Evening Service
Below 80 °F
Low heat stress risk. However, intense physical exertion can precipitate heat injury.
No work restrictions.
80 - 84.9 °F
Discretion required in planning heavy exercise. This is a marginal heat stress limit.
15-minute work breaks per hour for moderate work. 30-minute work breaks per hour for heavy work.
85-87.9 °F
Strenuous exercise and activity curtailed for new personnel during first 3 weeks of heat exposure.
15-minute breaks per hour for light work; 30-minutebreaks for moderate work; 45 minutes for heavy work.
88 - 89.9 °F
Strenuous exercise curtailed for all personnel with less than 12 weeks training in hot weather.
30-minute breaks per hour for light work; 45 minutes for moderate work. Heavy work scheduled at cooler part of the day.
90 °F and above
No physical training or exercise for all personnel.
45 minute work breaks per hour for light work only.
OTHER SERVICES/ACTIVITIES LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY at 1:30 p.m. (NAS I Chapel) Contact: or 624-9049 JEWISH SHABBAT LAY SERVICE FRIDAY at 5:30 p.m. (NAS I Chapel) NIGHT STUDY WEDNESDAY at 5 p.m. (NAS I Chapel) ■ Italian Class Tuesday at 7 p.m (Classroom at NAS 1 Chapel)
■ AA Meetings: MONDAY at 5:30 p.m. (NAS I Chapel) second deck; THURSDAY at 7 p.m. (NAS II Chapel) NAS Sigonella Religious Ministries Department Facebook page: Chapel
Chapel Offices: NAS I 095-56-3975, NAS II 095-86-9049, DSN: 624-3975, CHAPLAIN DUTY: 335-831-4493 RP DUTY: 335-786-1950
Command Climate Survey
Personal Resilience Retreat sponsored by CREDO
Don't forget to check the Heat Stress Flag if you're running outside this summer!
Religious Ministries Department Notice
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily - The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) Organizational Climate Survey (DEOCS) will be available from June 2 - 22 for NASSIG personnel under UICs: 62995 and 46131. This survey is a great tool that gives you the opportunity to provide input on where the command should focus their attention to improve the human relations climate of our organization. This is a voluntary survey and is completely anonymous. Your input is necessary to provide accurate insight into the general climate of our organization. We ask that you be honest and candid. The survey will be available online and the Command Assessment Team will provide specific guidance along with the required passwords. If you have questions concerning the survey, please contact LSC John Trumata (CMEO Program Manager) at DSN: 624-5511 or
Command Chaplain Lt. Cmdr. Scott Cauble
June 20, 2014
The Heat Stress Flag is located across the street from the Safety Office (Bldg 634) on NAS II near the Flight Line Clinic Parking Lot. It is maintained by the NASSIG Safety Department: 624-5630.
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily - Explore who you are in the present; understand how the past has shaped you. Ponder what kind of person you want to be as you face the future. Participants are challenged and empowered to develop skills to enhance their sense of well-being in the physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. This retreat will be offered June 27-29 at the Sheraton Hotel in Catania. Contact Religious Ministries Department (RMD) for registration at: DSN: 624-3975 or Email: Belinda.Blue-Loton@
Promote healthy, happy youth! NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily - DEFY Mission. DEFY is a catalyst for increasing community participation and commitment to youth. Its goal is to produce 9-12 year-olds who have the character, leadership and confidence to engage in positive, healthy lifestyles as drug-free citizens. DEFY is a preemptive prevention program that delivers strong kids, in strong families, supporting a ready Fleet and U.S. Marine Corps Operating Forces. DEFY is accepting applications for volunteers to assist in the Phase I and II programs that promotes team building, goal setting and increased self-confidence for our 9-12 year olds. Volunteer for an 8-day summer camp and one Saturday a month for 9 months youth mentoring program. Summer Leadership Camp is 9 - 18 July 2014! One Saturday for 9 months after camp! DEFY Meeting Date: June 20 Time: 2 p.m. Location: Bldg. 724 2nd deck big class room. Please bring you approved DEFY Staff Mentor Application with a Command approved request chit. Volunteer positions are available as an Operations Coordinator, Training Coordinator, Health Care Supervisor, and Mentors. For more information regarding "Volunteer Positions," please contact MA1 Tara Ware at or call 624-5686.
MWR Swim Lesson Registration: Session 2 NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily - Swim Lesson Registration for the second session will be held in the Midtown Atrium on Saturday, June 21 at 9 a.m. Session 2 will run from July 1 July 11. Registration will be held by a lottery system and you must be present to sign up your family. Assessments will be done starting at 8:30 a.m.if you are not sure of your child's swim level. Late arrivals will be placed on a waiting list and can choose time slot only after the lottery is completed. Please download the Registration Form and fill out prior to registration. Questions about swim lesson registration can me made prior to the registration date by e-mail at Fitness_ or by phone at 624-4932.
June 20, 2014
Monday Transition GPS 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. FFSC
Tuesday Transition GPS 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. FFSC
Wednesday Transition GPS 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. FFSC
VA Representative 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. FFSC
ICR 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. FFSC
July 1
ICR 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. FFSC Pre-Deployment 9 - 11 a.m. FFSC Post Deployment 1 - 3 p.m. FFSC
ICR 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. FFSC
Italiano Espresso Language Class 10 - 11:30 a.m. FFSC
Lipari Express 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. ITT
Carini Castle & SeaFood Restaurant 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. ITT
Relocation Fair 1:30 - 3 p.m. FFSC
1/2 price Bowling 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sparetime Bowling *Every Sunday
Thursday Transition GPS 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. FFSC
Cooking Class 9:30 a.m - 3:30 p.m. FFSC
Transition GPS 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. FFSC Arrivederci Class 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. FFSC
Independence Day
Agrigento: Valley of the Temples & Turkish Steps 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. ITT
Palazzolo Acreide and St. Paul Festival 8 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. ITT
Commanding Officer's Suggestion Box There are two ways to submit feed back to Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella Commanding Officer Capt. Chris Dennis. Visit The Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) home page on a One-Net computer at: http://ice., All Sigonella services are found under the Navy Europe Listing in the scroll-down menu. Also, visit NAS Sigonella's website, go to the "About" drop down menu and click on " CO Suggestion Box". The Signature will anonymously publish comments and responses for the benefit of the Sigonella community. Please make sure your comments and suggestions are constructive. In other words, "BE NICE ON ICE."
Soggiorno Permit FAQ's By Region Legal Service Office EURAFSWA We here at Region Legal Service Office EURAFSWA hope that the following information assists our customers in better understanding the Soggiorno Permit and the application process. Please share this information with newly arriving personnel. If you have additional questions, please contact the RLSO at 624-5258.
What is the purpose of the Soggiorno Permit? The Soggiorno Permit allows civilians and dependents to reside in Italy. It is the document that demonstrates legal residency during your tour in Italy. 5
Red, White & Boom Celebration 5 - 11 p.m. NAS I
June 20, 2014
FFSC: x4291 ITT : x4777, x4396 Liberty/Connections/Take 5: x4246, x5602 Outdoor Rec: x4777, x4396 Fitness: x4483, x5243 Midtown 2 Theaters: x4248 American Red Cross: x4900
Does your command or organization have an event you’d like to see on the Community Calendar? Email us at and let us know!
Who has to apply for the Soggiorno Permit and when do they need to apply? All civilians and dependents need to apply for the Soggiorno Permit. The Soggiorno is required for legal residency within Italy. You need to apply for your Soggiorno Permit within 8 days of your arrival to Italy. How can I apply for a Soggiorno Permit? Contact the legal office and schedule an appointment to be palm and fingerprinted by the Italian Police Department. Fingerprinting sessions take place every other Tuesday. Collect all mandatory documents and submit full soggiorno package to the legal office a few days prior to the Fingerprinting appointment. Do my children need to apply for a Soggiorno Permit? Yes. No matter what age, all dependents will need a Soggiorno Permit. Children ages 13 and under will be included on the dependent spouse’s application, and children 14 and older will need their own application package. Only children 14 and older will need to be fingerprinted as part of the application process. If a child attains the age of 14 after arriving to Sigonella, that child needs to apply for their own Soggiorno Permit. How long does it take for my Soggiorno to arrive after I have applied? The process can take up to a year. If your entry visa is due to expire, notify the legal office at least a month prior to the expiration in order to arrange to expedite the processing of your Soggiorno Permit. Who issues the Soggiorno Permits? The Region Legal Service Office will facilitate your application process, but the Soggiorno Permit is created and processed by the Italian Police Station and the Italian Immigration Office of Catania. What if I haven’t received my Soggiorno Permit and I need to travel outside the country? If your entry visa is still valid, you can travel in Italy, Europe and/or back to the United States without concern. If your visa is about to expire or has expired, then you need to notify the legal office at least THREE WEEKS prior to your date of departure and request your Soggiorno Permit to be expedited. What if I want to apply for a job, but I haven’t received my Soggiorno Permit yet? Contact the legal office, and they will issue a proof of application letter. It will take about a week to complete, and you can use it in place of your Soggiorno Permit for the purpose of applying for a job on base.
Need an appointment at the hospital? Call DSN 624-CARE (2273) or commercial 095-56-2273, M-F: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. For non-emergent medical questions that arise over the weekend, holidays, or after office hours, please call 335-578-8077 if you are normally seen at the hospital or 335-578-8150 if you are normally seen at the Flight Line Clinic.
June 20, 2014
June 20, 2014
U.S. Navy HEADLINES CNP talks manning and stability in Groton
Acitrezza hosts St. John the Baptist Festival
the northern part of the town until late at night. During the procession at 8 p.m., the “Calata dell’Angelo” show is replicated in via Provinciale. At midnight amazing fireworks by Vaccalluzzo, one of the largest fireworks companies in the world, will be staged. The festival will then end with the “Cussa” performance. For detailed schedule visit or (this website will also broadcast the celebrations live).
ITALIAN HEADLINES Roman landmark fountain gets makeover
IT !
Festival schedule On June 23, the eve of the main festival day, Holy Mass is celebrated at 7 p.m. In the evening, the saint relics are brought in procession, (around 8 p.m.) escorted by the city band and the Malta Knights, through the historic center. A music show will end the first day at 9 p.m. June 24 is the climax of the celebrations. Festival starts at 10 a.m. with the moving unveiling of the statue. Later at 10:30, the Bishop of Acireale celebrates a solemn Holy Mass at St. John the Baptist Parish. In the afternoon, “U pisci a mari” is staged in the Urnazza district at 5 p.m. and begins with a group of fishermen in castoff clothing (a straw hat, a red shirt, tattered shorts, and a yellow sash; yellow and red are the colors of the saint) tied together by a rope walking towards the pier while dancing and singing among a large crowd. Three performers jump on a boat that is decorated with flowers, and yellow and red ribbons. The fourth actor a skilled swimmer, who plays the swordfish, dives into the water. The fifth performer plays the Raisi or crew leader. He places himself on the highest point of the pier giving directions to capture the fish. Once the swordfish is sighted, the Raisi shouts phrases in ancient Sicilian inciting the fishermen to catch it. After several attempts, the fish is eventually caught. The fishermen hoist it aboard and try to butcher it. But the swordfish manages to escape twice. The fishing goes on and the fishermen capture the swordfish again (this time it is a real one, usually a dead shark or tuna fish). But once again, while the fishermen are about to praise the tastiness of the fish, it escapes disappearing into the sea. The fishermen give up in despair, argue and overturn the boat. The pantomime is over. Later at 7 p.m., a solemn procession (Trionfale uscita del venerato simulacro del Santo Patrono) starts from Piazza Giovanni Verga. Devotees screaming: “Viva San Giovanni” (Long live St. John) escort the statue depicting the saint through the streets of the southern part Acitrezza. At 8:30 p.m. and later at 10:30 p.m., the “Calata dell’Angelo” (Descent of the Angel) is staged in piazza delle Scuole. This performance, which is accompanied by music and fireworks in the background, features the descent of an angel that pays homage to the touring statue of the saint on behalf of the city districts. A concert of the Italian Army brass band (Fanfara Bersaglieri dell’Etna) will be held at 9 p.m. in the main square. At the end of the tour (around 11:30 p.m.), devotees perform the “Cussa” (the run) that consists of covering the last route of the procession (via Provinciale) running while carrying the statue. A firework show ends the festivities while the statue is placed back into the Parrocchia di San Giovanni. On the last day of the festival, June 25, holy mass is celebrated at 11:30 a.m. at St John Parish. In the evening at 7 p.m., a procession leaves from Piazza Giovanni Verga and proceeds through
Learn These Words in Italian!
ACITREZZA, Sicily - Make sure you don’t miss out on your chance to see how “Trizzoti” (Acitrezza townspeople) keep alive an ancient tradition displaying deep religious devotion and showing the special bond that the town has with the sea. “San Giovanni Battista” or St. John the Baptist has been venerated in Acitrezza for over 300 years through a spectacular festival running every year from June 23 through 25. Highlights include religious processions that will be held throughout the historic center and along the seaside. Spectacular performances such as the “U pisci a mari” pantomime and the “Calata dell’Angelo” (Descent of the Angel) will also be staged. The festival revolves around the “Parrocchia di San Giovanni Battista” (St. John the Baptist Parish) that hosts both the wooden statue depicting San Giovanni Battista and the saint’s relics. Prince Stefano Riggio, the founder of Acitrezza, built the “Parrocchia di San Giovanni Battista” in 1693 to replace another church erected in 1678 and dedicated to San Giuseppe (Saint Joseph) that was destroyed by a violent earthquake. Shortly after that erection of the church, the people of Acitrezza asked for the making of a statue depicting San Giovanni Battista. Historians have conflicting opinions on who carved this beautiful sculpture. Some believe that the sculptor was a “trizzoto” named Castorina or Lo Faro. Legend has it that the artist shut himself up inside the “Palazzo del Principe di Acitrezza” (Palace of the Prince of Acitrezza) for three months and carved the statue taking as a model a member of the Giletti family from Acitrezza. Stories also say that the eccentric sculptor would accept food only if it was lowered from the palace’s roof whose tiles were temporary removed. Therefore, nobody saw the “statua” (statue) until it was completed. When the sculpture was finished, it was placed in small niche above the main altar named “Cammaredda” where it is still preserved up to today. The statue is over 300 years old but it is still perfectly preserved, a detail that has contributed to the mystique surrounding this amazing piece of art. Recently, historians have indeed attributed the statue to an anonymous sculptor of the second half of the 17th century Neapolitan school.
The annual St. John the Baptist Festival, one of the largest Catholic festivals events in the Catania province, returns to Acitrezza townspeople on June 24 featuring processions, arts and crafts as well as the spectacular pantomime named “The fish in the sea.” (Photo by
(The Telegraph) The bill for the clean-up of the Trevi Fountain, the city's second most photographed site, will be picked up by Italian fashion house Fendi. A 3.4 million dollar project to clean and repair Rome’s iconic Trevi Fountain will get underway this week. Restorers have promised that tourists will be able to continue the tradition of tossing coins into the fountain, a sculptural masterpiece which was immortalised in the Fellini film La Dolce Vita. The restoration is being paid for by the fashion house Fendi, in the latest example of business coming to the rescue of Italy’s crumbling heritage. The facade of the ornate fountain will be covered in scaffolding but transparent screens will allow visitors to follow the progress of the work. A pontoon bridge will be built over the broad basin in front of the ornate fountain, into which generations of tourists have thrown coins, a gesture meant to bring good luck and ensure that one day they will return to Rome. The arrangement means that the fountain, which along with the Colosseum is one of the capital’s most photographed monuments, will remain open to visitors throughout the restoration process. ’For us it is an honour to restore the fountain to its original splendour,’ said Pietro Beccari, a Fendi executive. Work is expected to start on Thursday, with the project scheduled to be completed by next year. Giant screens will project images of the fountain, including the famous scene of Anita Ekberg wading into its waters in La Dolce Vita and scenes from the Hollywood film ’Three Coins in the Fountain’. ’The preservation of our heritage must increasingly be achieved through collaboration between the public and private sectors,’ said Ignazio Marino, the mayor of Rome.
English: dog Italian: cane
English: chicken Italian: pollo
English: cat Italian: gatto
English: sheep Italian: pecora
English: horse Italian: cavallo
English: cow Italian: mucca
Have fun practicing your Italian! Buona Fortuna!
By Lt. Timothy Hawkins Submarine Group 2 Public Affairs
GROTON, Conn. (NNS) -- The Chief of Naval Personnel discussed manpower issues with crew members from two Los Angeles-class submarines during a pierside all-hands call June 11, which wrapped up a two-day visit to Groton, Conn. Vice Adm. Bill Moran spoke to 150 Sailors from USS Toledo (SSN 769) and USS Pittsburgh (SSN 720). He also met separately with Groton-area senior enlisted leaders, waterfront support personnel, submarine school students, and other Sailors. This was Moran's first trip to Naval Submarine Base New London since assuming responsibility for Navy manpower readiness last August. "To come up here to the cradle of the submarine force here in Groton is really special," said Moran. "I think it's pretty clear from our [Chief of Naval Operations] just how important submarines are to the United States. "He likes to say we have to own the undersea domain. We own it now, we have owned it for decades, and we've got to own it far into the future." Moran arrived in Groton late Tuesday morning. He started off enjoying a lunch with enlisted Sailors from 20 different commands in the base galley. "One of our number one priorities is to engage with the fleet," said Fleet Master Chief April Beldo, senior enlisted leader at Navy Personnel Command (NPC). Beldo and three other NPC personnel accompanied Moran. "We want to get out here and understand if we're meeting Sailors' needs," she added. The visit included walkthroughs of submarine maintenance and support facilities, Naval Submarine School training spaces, and a tour of Historic Ship Nautilus, the Navy's first nuclearpowered submarine. After touring Virginia-class attack submarine USS Missouri (SSN 780) on Wednesday, Moran boarded Toledo to eat lunch with enlisted crew members. "From what I've seen in the day-and-a-half I've been here in Groton, there is no doubt in my mind that we have the best equipment and the best people. The training here is as good as I've seen anywhere in the Navy," Moran said to Toledo and Pittsburgh crew members who gathered around him on the pier following lunch. Moran said his job is to make sure the Navy takes care of Sailors and their families. He discussed a 25 percent sea-pay increase that went into effect last month. "All the sea-pay tables were bumped up 25 percent starting May 1," he said. Moran also discussed recent changes to enlisted advancement policy, including a new formula for the Final Multiple Score (FMS) and changes to the Command Advancement Program (CAP). On May 15, NPC announced the advancement exam will become the largest factor considered for advancement to E4 and E5 in the new formula, which increases the exam's weight by eight percent. For advancement to E6, the Performance Mark Average (PMA) becomes the largest factor and will account for 50 percent of the FMS determination. PMA will account for 60 percent of the total FMS for advancement to E7. "It's not all about performance, it's about more weight toward performance," said Moran. "As you move up the line to chief, the value of the test goes down significantly and the value of your performance evaluations - how your chief 's mess and command triad value your performance - goes up significantly." CAP quotas haven't changed, said Moran. What has changed is that Sailors can only be capped between July and September. "The real simple reason for that is if we know ahead of the September and March exam cycles what quotas have been filled up by the CAP in and throughout the fleet, then we'll have a better and more precise prediction about what the quotas will be like in September and March," he said. Moran also addressed questions from Sailors about rumored realignments for various ratings. In response he said, "We're going to stay where we are. We've had a lot of change in the last 10 years, and I'm interested in just stabilizing the force right now." Master Chief Electronics Technician Joe Wilt, chief of the boat for Toledo, asked Moran to consider reestablishing the torpedoman's mate rating for submarines. The Navy merged torpedoman's mate for submarines with machinist's mate in 1997. Moran said he would relay Wilt's request to senior Navy leadership this week.
Three ways to be there for every Sailor From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs
WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Many Sailors are preparing for upcoming Personal Change of Station (PCS) moves this summer, a transition that can bring about as much stress as it does excitement. Transitions can mean disruption to daily routines and separation from one's social and support networks (think exhausting and isolating cross-country drives for a PCS move, or transferring as a geobachelor). Even for experienced PCS pros who are eagerly awaiting the next chapter in their careers and lives, moves can be tough-particularly when they're occurring during otherwise stressful times. The likelihood of making a bad or irrational decision is higher during transition periods, so identifying resources early is vital to keeping a shipmate healthy and mission-ready. Building resilience and preventing suicide requires each of us to be actively engaged and communicate with each other. Here are three things you can do to help your shipmates thrive through life's unpredictable moments, not just survive: 1. Get involved. You may know bits and pieces about your shipmate's life outside of the work center but may feel as though you don't know enough to make a difference. Even though your buddy may casually dismiss his or her problems, or may not discuss them at length, take a moment to ask how he or she is doing and actively listen. If he or she indicates that there are other issues going on (relationship or family tension, financial worries, apprehension about career changes, feelings of hopelessness, etc.), don't be afraid to reach out and offer your support. Encourage him or her to speak with someone, perhaps a chaplain or trusted leader, before the situation becomes overwhelming. Getting assistance early is vital to ensuring that stressors don't turn into crises, especially when a Sailor is starting a new chapter in life. 2. Don't hesitate to reach out to others to "connect the dots." While a shipmate may seem to have it all under control on the outside, it's important to remain vigilant and pay attention to even the smallest signals that something isn't right, particularly as a buddy is leaving a familiar environment and is heading to a new one. You may not be able to tell if a shipmate is or isn't in crisis. If you notice anything out of the norm for a shipmate-whether it's something he or she said jokingly or seriously, changes in attitude or daily behaviors and routines-break the silence and speak with others who know him or her well (a unit leader, roommate, family member or friend). They may have noticed the same cues or observed some that you weren't aware of. Be the first to step up and start the conversation. By openly communicating to piece things together, you're helping to "connect the dots" and facilitate the intervention process if a potentially serious situation is evolving. 3. Remind a shipmate that he or she is still a part of the team. Social connectedness, unit cohesion and purpose strengthen resilience and serve as protective factors against suicide during stressful times. Though a shipmate may be detaching from your command-whether to PCS, leave the Navy, or any other reason-let him or her know that you're still there for support and that you care about his/her wellbeing. Be sure that you have your shipmate's contact information, ask about his or her upcoming plans (travel dates, pit stops/checkpoints, etc.) and then check with them on their progress often. Since your shipmate will be out of your line of sight, it's important to ensure that key players remain engaged with him or her so that your buddy doesn't lose the protection that a sense of community can provide. When Sailors feel as though they're out of the "inner circle" (their network of friends, peers, or colleagues) it can have a detrimental effect on their sense of purpose and belonging. No matter where your shipmate is, they should never feel alone. Communication shouldn't start when you're concerned about a shipmate or when someone is getting ready to leave for a new duty station. In order to have meaningful communication there must be trust, which is built over time. Remember to take a moment and ask your shipmates how things are going-and actively listen. Through simple acts of kindness, you can be there for "every Sailor, every day."
Roma! by Kaitlin Gentile NAS Sigonella Public Affairs
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily - Over Memorial Day weekend, my husband and I decided to take our first trip off the island and venture to Rome. We have been in Sicily since January and have done a decent amount of travel here but we were anxious to officially start our European tour with this trip. We stayed in a bed & breakfast-style apartment which was on the top floor of a building renovated from the 1930s—complete with an old elevator with manual wrought iron doors, barely big enough to fit two people. The apartment was about a 15-minute walk from the Vatican so we started our weekend there. We purchased the Omnia pass, which allowed us to skip the lines for many of the attractions and make use of public transportation within the city. With this pass, we were able to visit the Vatican Museum at sunset on Friday evening which was great because the museum was much less crowded than during the day. We spent about two-and-a-half hours walking through the Vatican but could have easily spent two-and-a-half more. We took the “long route” through the museum which ends at the Sistine Chapel. (Traveler’s tip: you can’t take photos in the chapel. Basically everywhere else in the museum is fair game.) We stopped to take some nighttime photos of St. Peter’s Basilica before we left, which are now some of my favorite photos from the trip. The following day we headed to city center (the major tourist area) to see the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and Trevi Fountain. We walked to the Vatican area from the apartment and were able to take the Omnia tour company’s bus straight to the Colosseum. Again, with our passes, we were able to skip the line for both of these attractions which was very convenient. The Roman Forum was much less crowded than the Colosseum so we were able to take a more relaxed walk through this area. The Roman Forum was another place that we could have spent hours touring. There is so much history there and so many little placards to read that you could easily spend half the day here alone. We walked to the Trevi Fountain from the Forum, and I was so excited to see this monument. However, once we got within one block of the Fountain, we were greeted with crowds like none I had seen thus far in Rome. There were so many people surrounding the Fountain that you could barely tell what you were looking at. We made the best of it and took our photos but moved on after about 15 minutes. Our last full day in Rome was a very busy one. We visited St. Peter’s Basilica first; our "skip the line" passes weren’t valid here on Sundays but luckily we only had to wait for about 25 minutes. To be honest, after touring Sicily and seeing many gorgeous churches, I wasn’t too excited about the Basilica. However, once we got inside I was blown away. “Incredible” doesn’t even begin to describe the beauty there. My eyes were glued to the ceilings and walls the entire time. We were able to take our time walking around and saw an exhibit of the Pope’s treasures as well. Afterwards, we took the bus to the Pantheon area. We walked through the Pantheon and then to Piazza Navona. This piazza was beautiful but I will offer a piece of advice: do not eat at any of the restaurants directly inside the piazza. We made that mistake for the sake of the atmosphere and the view, but we were very disappointed with the food and prices. My pasta and my husband’s pizza honestly tasted like something I’ve had at the Olive Garden. On top of that, we were charged 12 euro for two cans of soda—a price that was not on the menu or revealed until we got the check. My advice is to simply walk about 10 blocks away from these tourist spots to get a much more authentic meal at a more reasonable price. That was our strategy most of the weekend, except for this one night. After dinner we walked to the Spanish steps. I was excited to visit here but it was more crowded than the Trevi Fountain and the statue/fountain at the foot of the steps was unfortunately covered due to renovations. We then walked to Piazza del Popolo and, above the Piazza, to Pincian Hill. We trekked up to this overlook and were amazed by the view. It was after dusk by this time but you can see all the way to St. Peter’s Basilica from here. We were two of about 10 people on the Hill so we were able to get a great view while reflecting on our trip. By the time we got back to our apartment on this final night, my husband and I were both exhausted but so grateful for the opportunity to see this beautiful city, luckily just a few hours from our Sicilian home.
June 20, 2014
June 20, 2014
Hospital duo present award at regatta
Lt. Cmdr. Stuart Hitchcock congratulates the winner of the XifonioCup Sailing Regatta on June 7. (U.S. Navy photo by Lt. James Ward/Released) By HM3 Amy Knudson U.S. Naval Hospital Sigonella
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily - On June 7, Lt. Cmdr. Stuart Hitchcock and Lt. James Ward represented U.S. Naval Hospital (USNH) Sigonella at the San Domenico Xifonio Cup Sailing Regatta at Augusta Bay and presented the Challenger Trophy to the winning team. For Hitchcock, heading out into town while representing the Navy has its perks, especially when a celebration is expected. “These things are fun,” Hitchcock said. “Besides the food, the best thing about an event like this is having the privilege to present the award. It was a distinct honor for us.” The pair also met with senior Italian military officials, which included the Carabinieri, and other local civic groups. They were also joined by other representatives from Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella including Air Force Global Hawk and the NAS Sigonella Fire Department. Now in its eighth year, the annual regatta boasted more than 30 boats this year but they found little in the way of wind, which proved difficult for the majority of the boats. Only nine made their way to the race’s finish. Following the race, participants joined together for a traditional Italian-style meal followed by the award presentation and entertainment. Ultimately, the event was an educational experience for all involved, allowing everyone to reminisce on the great histories of both countries’ navies. Hitchcock said he was welcomed with open arms by the local community, which added to how special the occasion was. “We were greeted warmly by everyone,” Hitchcock said. “These things (Community Relations Events) are exciting. What I like about them is not only the immersion with the Italian people, but also the Italian military. You get a little anxious not knowing the local language, but it’s an honor just to be there.”
June 20, 2014 "SECNAV" continued from page 1 in the right place at the right time, we need to be in the right place, all the time.” SECNAV went on to discuss how his focus areas of people, platforms, power and partnerships support the Navy and Marine Corps' ability to maintain a worldwide presence. “The Navy and Marine Corps team is the most formidable expeditionary fighting force our world has ever known,” said Mabus. “You do the most astounding work, you do it everywhere, you do it incredibly well, and on behalf of the greatest country on earth and our partnerships, friends and allies, I want to say thank you.”
When asked about tuition assistance (TA) following the all-hands call, Mabus dispelled a rumor that it would go away by the start of the next fiscal year. “I haven’t heard that one before, but I can tell you we plan on keeping it at 100% and TA is pretty stable.” After answering a few questions, Mabus took the time shake hands with Sailors and Marines in attendance and pose for photos. Mabus' stop in Sigonella was part of a multi-nation visit to the U.S. European and Africa Command areas of responsibility focused on reinforcing existing partnerships and visiting Sailors and Marines providing forward presence.
SIGONELLA, Sicily (June 17, 2014) Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus speaks with Marines assigned to Special-Purpose Marine AirGround Task Force (SP-MAGTF) and Sailors aboard Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella during an all hands call, June 17. Mabus is in the region to meet with Sailors and Marines, and civilian and military officials, as part of a multi-nation visit to the U.S. European and Africa Command areas of responsibility. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Tony D. Curtis/Released)
Friday, June 20 *Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Grilled Sausage Patties, Bacon, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Hash Brown Potatoes, Waffles. *Lunch: Clam Chowder Soup, Roll Baked Fish, Meat Loaf Mess Lords, Carrots, Broccoli, Cookies, Ice Cream. Speed line: Pizza. *Dinner: Chicken Noodle Soup, Roast Turkey, Fishwich Sandwich, Pasta Chef, Tossed Green Rice, Chicken Gravy, Corn O’Brien, Green Beans, Cookies.
Tuesday, June 24 *Breakfast: Hot Farina, Omelets, Grilled Sausage Patties, Bacon, Eggs to Order, Hash Brown Potatoes, Waffles. * Lunch: Spanish Soup, Tacos, Burritos, Enchiladas, Mexican Rice, Refried Beans, Herbed Broccoli, Jalapeno Cornbread, Oatmeal Nut Cookies, Ice Cream. *Speed Line: Pasta Bar. Dinner: Zesty Bean Soup, Pepper Steak, Fried Shrimp, Spaghetti Carbonara, Steamed Rice, Peas & Carrots, Squash, Cake.
Saturday, June 21 *Breakfast: Farina, Grilled Ham Slices, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Hash Brown Potatoes, Waffles, Asstd. *Brunch: Breakfast Items, Egg Drop Soup, Drumettes Chicken, Lasagna, Creamed Sausage Gravy, Hash Brown Potatoes, Summer Squash, Asparagus, Pie. *Dinner: Vegetable Soup, Pasta al Forno, Pork Chop w/Mushroom Gravy, Pepper Steak, Rice Pilaf, Fresh Cauliflower, Mashed Potatoes, Pie.
Wednesday, June 25 *Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Creamed Beef, Bacon, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, Pancakes. *Lunch: Beef Rice Soup, Baked Fish W/ Tomato Cherry, Lasagna, Chicken Florencia, Rice Pilaf, Cauliflower, Mixed Vegetable, Peanut Butter Cookies, Ice Cream. *Speed Line: Grilled Cheese/Hamburger, Baked Beans, French Fried Potatoes, Grilled Bacon. *Dinner: Cream of Chicken Soup, BBQ Pork Ribs, Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce, Steamed Rice, Fried Cabbage, Cake.
Sunday, June 22 *Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Creamed Sausage Gravy, Bacon, Minute Steak, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Italian Roasted Potatoes, French Toast. *Brunch: Breakfast Items, Cream of Broccoli Soup, Salisbury Steak, Chicken Patties, Peas, Corn on The Cob, Italian Roasted Potatoes, Pie. *Dinner: Chicken Vegetable Soup, Veal Parmesan, Beef Pot Pie w/Biscuit, Penne Alfredo, Rice Pilaf, Gravy, Seasoned Carrots, Pie. Monday, June 23 *Breakfast: Hot Hominy Grits, Oven Fried Bacon, Minced Beef, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Italian Roasted Potatoes, Waffles. *Lunch: Creamed of Potato Soup, Chicken Cordon Blue, Roast Rib of Beef, Penne Amatriciana, Mashed Potatoes, Brown Gravy, Mixed Vegetables, Summer Squash, White Cake, Pie. *Speed line: Asstd. Pizza. *Dinner: Vegetable Supreme Soup, Grilled Chicken Breast, Herbed Salmon Fish, Pasta Chef, Rice Pilaf, Chicken Gravy, Fresh Cauliflower.
Thursday, June 26 *Breakfast: Hominy Grits, Corned Beef Hash, Bacon, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Hash Brown Potatoes, French Toast. *Lunch: Corn Chowder Soup, T-Bone Steak , Boiled Crab Legs, Baked Potatoes, Brown Gravy, Carrots, Cabbage, Pie, Ice Cream. *Dinner: Minestrone Soup, Chicken Drumettes, Meat Loaf, Penne Alfredo, Ginger Rice, Broccoli. Friday, June 27 *Breakfast: Hot Oatmeal, Grilled Sausage Patties, Bacon, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Hash Brown Potatoes, Waffles. *Lunch: Cream of Potato Soup, Penne Alfredo, Creole Scallop, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Seasoned Mix Vegetables, Fresh Squash. Speed Line: Pizza. *Dinner: French Onion Soup, Spaghetti w/ Fish Sauce, Chicken Parmesan, Beef Stew, Steamed Rice, Fresh Cauliflower.
San Giovanni Festival in Acitrezza
By Kristin Wilcox, ITT and Outdoor Recreation Manager
NAS SIGONELLA. Sicily - The San Giovanni Battista Festival in Acitrezza, Sicily celebrates St. John the Baptist, the patron saint of the town. The tradition of this festival started back in the 1750s and has been continued every year since, over 300 years. The festival features religious processions, fireworks, and best of all a farcical play acted out on the sea. This dramatic pantomime of sword fishing mimics the traditional fishing methods with a bit of comedy thrown in for fun. Called Pesce in Mare or Fish in the Sea, this pantomime is acted out on the beautiful Ionian Sea in Acitrezza. However, in place of real fish performance makes use of human “fish”! Actors will be swimming in the water to simulate the swordfish. The Rais, or lookout, will tell the fisherman where the “fish” are and encourage them to “catch” the fish. Sometimes the “fish” can escape and jump back into the water, symbolizing bad luck for the fisherman in the upcoming season. This dramatic pantomime is an entertaining and fun way to learn about ancient Sicilian traditions. ITT is hosting a tour on the evening of June 24 to join in on this charming traditional festival in Acitrezza. For more information and to register contact the ITT office at 624-4777
An Aeolian Island experience By Kristin Wilcox, ITT and Outdoor Recreation Manager
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily - Experience an island getaway to the lovely Aeolian Islands located above the northeastern corner of Sicily. There are seven islands in this archipelago chain settled in the Tyrrhenian Sea and is just a short ferry ride away from the port of Milazzo. Lipari, Vulcano, Stromboli, Panarea, Salina, Filicudi, and Alicudi all have their own unique features, but they are all of volcanic origin. ITT offers you the chance to see the most popular of these islands, Lipari, during the Lipari Express tour. The largest and most visited of the seven islands, Lipari offers an ancient castle now turned museum, beautiful churches, plenty of shopping, and wonderful beaches. In the main town on the island, one of the greatest pleasures is meandering the twisting, ancient streets and soaking up the laid back island atmosphere. Of course if you’d rather shop for souvenirs, there are plenty of things to choose from including pumice and obsidian jewelry, sweet Malvasian wines, and salty capers. The scenic views are sure to captive all visitors. To register for the Lipari Express or for more information on this wonderful tour, contact the ITT office at 624-4777.
Midtown Movie Theaters Schedule & Descriptions
Movie Premiere
Free Movie
Same Day Release
Last Show
Wednesday, June 25
Friday, June 20 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM
Maleficent Blended Mom's Night Out Jersey Boys Million Dollar Arm
Saturday, June 21
5:00 PM Jersey Boys R 5:30 PM Maleficent PG 7:30 PM Godzilla PG-13 8:00 PM Blended PG-13 Liberty Dive-In Movie at NAS II Pool: 9:00 PM Chasing Mavericks PG
Thursday, June 26 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM
Million Dollar Arm Edge of Tomorrow Maleficent 3D Mom's Night Out
2:00 PM Maleficent 3D PG 2:30 PM Train A Dragon 2 PG 4:30 PM Jersy Boys R 5:00 PM Edge of Tomorrow PG-13 7:30 PM Blended PG-13 Flick N' Float at the Splasher's Pool: 9:00 PM Frozen PG
Friday, June 27
Sunday, June 22
2:00 PM 2:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM
2:00 PM 2:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM
The Quite Ones The Other Woman Godzilla 3D X-Men: Future Past Neighbors
Tuesday, June 24
As a reminder, all dependents are always welcome at the galley! Please provide any negative or positive feedback. There is a suggestion box near the entrance to the galley, next to the serving line.
June 20, 2014
5:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM
PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 R
Godzilla 3D The Quiet Ones Amazing Spiderman 2 Edge of Tomorrow 3D
PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 PG-13
1:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM
Transformers (2007) Transformers 4 Neighbors X-Men: Future Past Transformers 4 3D
Saturday, June 28
Maleficent 3D Train A Dragon 2 Transformers 4 3D Blended Die in the West
Sunday, June 29 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM
Train a Dragon 2 3D Maleficent X-Men: Future Past 3D Jersey Boys Transformers 4
PG PG-13 PG PG PG-13 PG-13 R PG-13 PG-13 PG PG PG-13 PG-13 R PG PG PG-13 R PG-13
BLENDED ... PG-13 STARRING: Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore, Wendi McLendon-Covey After a bad blind date, a man and woman find themselves stuck together at a resort for families, where their attraction grows as their respective kids benefit from the burgeoning relationship. (117 m.) HOW TO TRAIN A DRAGON 2 2D/3D.....PG STARRING: Jay Baruchel, Kristen Wiig, America Ferrera When Hiccup and Toothless discover an ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends find themselves at the center of a battle to protect the peace. (102 m.) JERSEY BOYS.....R STARRING: John Lloyd Young, Erich Bergen, Michael Lomenda The story of four young men from the wrong side of the tracks in New Jersey who came together to form the iconic 1960s rock group The Four Seasons. (134 m.) MALEFICENT 2D & 3D....PG STARRING: Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning, Sharito Copley A vengeful fairy is driven to curse an infant princess, only to discover that the child may be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land. (97 m.) MILLION DOLLAR ARM... PG STARRING: John Hamm, Aasif Mandvi, Alan Arkin A sports agent stages an unconventional recruitment strategy to get talented Indian cricket players to play Major League Baseball. (124 m.) MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST ... R STARRING: Seth MacFarlane, Charlize Theron, Liam Neeson As a cowardly farmer begins to fall for the mysterious new woman in town, he must put his new-found courage to the test when her husband, a notorious gunslinger, announces his arrival. (116 m.) NEIGHBORS... R STARRING: Seth Rogen, Rose Byrne, Zach Efron A couple with a newborn baby face unexpected difficulties after they are forced to live next to a fraternity house. (96 m.) TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION 2D & 3D...PG-13 STARRING: Mark Wahlberg, Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor An automobile mechanic and his daughter make a discovery that brings down the Autobots and Decepticons - and a paranoid government official - on them. (157 m.) X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST 2D & 3D… ... PG-13 STARRING: Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman The X-Men send Wolverine to the past in a desperate effort to change history and prevent an event that results in doom for humans and mutants. (131 m.)
Movie schedule is subject to change. Please call to confirm.
Movie Hotline: 624-4248
Sigonella Dad and Grad say Summer in Sicily arrivederci after 11 years
June 20, 2014
Find and circle all of the summer words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell an additional summer item.
Lampedusa, Sicily.
Gabe Gasporra (right), former U.S. Naval Hospital (USNH) Sigonella Emergency Management Officer, departed NAS Sigonella recently after eleven years on board. (U.S. Navy Photo by Hospitalman Jasper Seisa/Released) By HM2 Matthew Clutter U.S. Naval Hospital Sigonella NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily – Admittedly, Halie Gasporra doesn’t quite know what to expect when she arrives back in the United States. Sure, the recently graduated high school senior has made routine visits, but she’s been in Sigonella for a while – eleven years to be exact. In the military, that’s an eternity. Gasporra has gone to school here since the first grade, quite a rarity in the realm of the typically nomadic military family. “It’s been a really good experience,” Gasporra said. “Being a military child, I’ve been able to stay here in one place and make friends. Sure, a lot of the friends come and go, but I’ve learned how to live in a small community, and I’ve enjoyed the connection I’ve made with the teachers and in the school here.” How she got to be here for so long… well, that actually began as a joke. Halie’s father, Gabe Gasporra, was stationed here as a Chief Aviation Administration Maintenanceman in April 2003. When he retired in 2007 as the Installation Training Officer, he jokingly requested that the job become a civilian position so he could continue to work it. Base leadership took him seriously, and after retiring in April 2007, he began work in the same position in May. Gasporra eventually settled into the Emergency Management Officer (EMO) position at the hospital and worked that job until leaving this week for the Western Regional Medical Command, located in West Point, NY, where he’ll act as the EMO there. “We really don’t want to leave,” he said. “Given the choice, I think we would have stayed a few more years.” That’s easy to say when he just graduated his third child, Halie, from the DoDDS school on base. The youngest Gasporra, John, just completed his sophomore year. While most military families face various adjustments after being stationed overseas, the Gasporra clan is facing the opposite task. “I’ve talked to them at great length about what to expect back in the States,” Gasporra said. “We talk to the kids often about it. You live in a community that is only so wide, but you’re moving to a community that really doesn’t have any barriers anymore. There are no fences that you have to stay within anymore. We talk a lot about those things.” For Halie, whose graduating class totaled 19, she’s found a way to help with that transition. For her first year attending Pierce College outside of Seattle – which boasts an enrollment of more than 18,000 students throughout its campuses – she’ll be living with family. “I wasn’t sure if I wanted to walk into this huge college [after being part of such a small community],” Halie said. “It’ll just be more comfortable for me to be with family for that one year to help with the transition.” She’s loved the culture over here, not to mention the food. She’ll miss the sites and the old architecture (“America is so modernized,” she said), and she doesn’t really regret not having the opportunity to be part of larger school system. “The only parts I really wished I’d experienced were the cliché stuff: Friday night football games, a big prom, Spirit Week, things like that,” Halie said. “I’m extremely thankful I went to a small school with teachers that took an interest in me personally. There are some parts I regret not being able to experience, but if I had to choose, I’d have to pick a smaller school.”
NAS Sigonella, Sicily - Summer is upon us. Kids are out of school and vacations are being planned. Did you know that some of the hot vacation spots in Europe are right here in Sicily? The Island of Sicily offers a vacation spot for everyone, all within a few hours drive. Here are some suggestions for you: Walk along the sandy beaches of Catania, where both public (spiaggia libera) free of charge and private (lido) installations with a very affordable entrance fees and enjoy a day of total relax and fun ; hike Mt. Etna and see real lava flow; camp Porto Palo, Marina di Ragusa or Siracusa, where you can fish or dine on fresh fish caught daily. Also, archeological sightseeing is plentiful in Cefalu’, Palermo, Monreale, Acicastello, Noto, Modica, Agrigento, Selinunte, Segesta, Erice. Planning to have a Sicilian camping experience? You might want to check out this website sicilia/ and find the one that meet best your needs. Explore the fourteen paradises of untouched beauty: the Aeolian Islands, in the province of Messina; and experience where water meets fire in Stromboli, Vulcano, Lipari, Salina, Filicudi, Alicudi and Panarea. Explore natural reserves: “Lo Zingaro” at S. Vito Lo Capo (left picture) and “Vendicari” located between Noto and Marzamemi. Enjoy the African charm of Pelagie, Lampedusa, (pictured above) in the province of Agrigento, and Pantelleria in the province of Trapani. Experience the uncontested mistresses of the sea and their secrets: Levanzo, Favignana, and Marettimo, where they form the archipelago of the Egadi in the sea off of Trapani. Travel further north to Ustica, where you will find the island of Circe, with its unspoiled marine reserve. Also, be aware that August is the busiest holiday season, with its peak a week before and week after the 15th, so make sure that if you are planning to travel during that time you have all your travel arrangements taken care of before then. Most stores and factories close for their yearly holiday during this time of the year. For more information about Sicilian summer contact the FFSC at 624-4291.
By FFSC Sigonella
June 20, 2014
June 20, 2014
2014 College Graduates recognized
Graduates Zelpha Boyd and Steven Neumann wait to be recognized as the Navy College office held its annual graduation recognition ceremony on Thursday, June 12 at the NAS I Chapel. (Photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Apprentice Luke Askew/ Released))
36 participating graduates from American Military University, Central Texas College, Columbia Southern University, ECPI University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Trident University International, and University of Maryland University College were honored and recognized in the completion of their recently earned degrees. (Photo provided by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Apprentice Luke Askew/Released))
By Shannon Peck NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily - The Navy College office held its annual graduation recognition ceremony on June 12, in which 36 participating graduates from a variety of schools including American Military University, Central Texas College, Columbia Southern University, ECPI University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Trident University International, and University of Maryland University College were honored and recognized in the completion of their recently earned degrees. The ceremony was held at the NAS 1 Chapel and began with graduates proudly marching into the processional as violinist Isidoro Cavallaro and chapel pianist Eleonora Trobia played the traditional graduation song "Pomp and Circumstance". The posting of the colors were then presented by the Sigonella high school NJROTC Color Guard. After the posting of the colors, the audience continued standing as Ms. Thea Burke belted out a beautiful rendition of both the Italian and U.S. National Anthems. Father Rosairo La Delfa followed with the invocation. The audience members were then seated as NAS Sigonella Executive Officer, Cmdr. Charles G. McKinney II gave a welcoming address in which he congratulated the graduates stating that “they were living proof that education is attainable through hard work and dedication.”
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Guest speaker Michael D. Spruell, Associate Dean of Europe Central Texas College focused his speech on providing graduates sincere advice for pursing a meaningful and happy life. Spruell spoke of setting priorities and being productive while seeking to live a balanced life. He encouraged graduates to complete any task with full hearts and to continuously be thankful. His final word of advice to the 2014 graduates was to look toward the future, live in the present and to never stay hung up on past mistakes. The presentations of diplomas were then presented by Cmdr. McKinney and Navy College Director Tony Lugo. One by one the graduates anxiously waited for their turn to walk across stage as names and degrees were called out. Garret Price a graduate of Central Texas College captured the stage and made audience members laugh when he stopped after accepting his diploma to quickly take a “selfie” with McKinney. After all the diplomas had been awarded and with the last of the graduates seated, big cheers erupted as the class of 2014 were instructed to signify their achievements and end the ceremony with the turning of their tassels. Graduates then made their final departure through a wave of smiles and applause from audience members as they exited the chapel. Congratulations to the class of 2014!
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June 20, 2014
Public Works deploying recycling waste containers
NAS Sigonella's Public Works Department will be deploying and consolidating exterior and interior recycling waste containers across NAS I and NAS II. The containers will be better organized and more visible. The containers will also have signage indicating what can and can't be placed in each container and a number to call if the container is overflowing and needs servicing. (Photo provided by JV Derichebourg/BMAR) BY Lcdr adam kushner NAS Sigonella Public Works Department
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily - Over the course of the next month, the Public Works Department will be deploying and consolidating exterior and interior recycling waste containers across NAS I and NAS II. The containers will be better organized and more visible. They will also have signage indicating what can and can't be placed in each container and a number to call if the container is overflowing and needs servicing. As we make this transition, we ask the Sigonella workforce to help us conserve resources and manage an effective recycling program. The picture above was snapped by the contractor to illustrate a common problem with recycling in Sigonella. In addition, to the mixed refuse bag preventing access to recycling, someone placed a piece of chewed gum on the lid. Quite possibly, the person was planning to come back and re-use the gum at a later date. If this was the case, the gum chewer fully understands the concept of reduce, re-use, recycle and we apologize for the misunderstanding. If not, a nominal amount of additional energy would have been enough to move the gum two additional centimeters, into the appropriate urban refuse point. The gum will be scraped off by custodian while the lid is cleaned. If custodians are spending time scraping our gum and separating our trash, they spend less time cleaning our facilities and keeping our work and play environments healthy for all of us. Recycling starts with the consumer. The new program will be accompanied with information on what and how to recycle appropriately. We are convinced, everyone in Sigonella will do the right thing if they are armed with the information. Help prove us right and you will be amazed at how little waste really needs to go to the landfill and how good this Air Station can look every day. Want to get involved with recycling in Sigonella? We can use individual or group volunteers and your talents can go a long way. contact Lt. Cmdr. Adam Kushner at
PAGE 15 "Biggest Loser" continued from page 1
energy in electronic devices is used up in "standby" mode,” Piluso said. “If you’re phone, iPad, laptop, or any other device isn’t being used, turn it off and unplug it from the charger.” For additional ways to save on energy, see the “Energy-saving Tips” box adjacent to this article. Another common misconception that leads to energy waste is leaving on monitors and PCUs after punching out for the day. Many servicemembers and civilians believe that turning off a work station will deprive them of critical updates and maintenance needed for their computers. However, even when powered off, computers will automatically restart in order to receive maintenance. "I think not only can we win this contest, we can change our energy consumption behaviors for the long run. Please do your part and encourage others to reduce electricity usage", said Cmdr. Deanna Carpenter, NAS Sigonella Public Works Officer. The Energy Biggest Loser contest is part of the Navy Shore Energy Program’s goal to reduce shore energy intensity by 30 percent (energy consumption per square foot) by 2015 and by 50 percent in 2020 while providing reliable energy to 100 percent of Navy Tiers I and II critical assets. This goal positions the Navy to achieve legal and regulatory compliance related to shore energy, water management, and a reduced carbon footprint. In addition the program works in concert with the Secretary of the Navy’s energy targets that require the reduction of shore energy consumption by 50 percent and require production of at least 50 percent of shore-based energy requirements from alternative sources.
June 20, 2014