Vol. 31. No. 6
February 14, 2014
CTF 67 Sailor Receives Navy’s Top Intelligence Award
Lt. Joseph Hatfield poses for a photo with his wife Melissa, son Jacob (left) and daughters Allison and Kayla after being presented the 2013 Rear Adm. Thomas A. Brooks Intelligence Junior Officer of the Year Award (Ashore) aboard Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella, Feb. 7. NAS Sigonella provides logistical support for Commander, U.S. 5th and 6th Fleets and NATO forces in the Mediterranean area. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Brian T. Glunt/Released) by MC2 Brian Glunt NPASE-East Detachment Sigonella
t. Joseph Hatfield, intelligence officer assigned to Commander, Task Force SIX SEVEN (CTF 67), was presented the 2013 Rear Adm. Thomas A. Brooks Intelligence Junior Officer of the Year Award (Ashore) during a ceremony aboard Naval Air Station Sigonella, Feb. 7, 2014. During the ceremony, Hatfield was presented the Navy-wide award by Capt. Michael McClintock, CTF 67 commanding officer, who nominated Hatfield for the prestigious award. “This is actually very humbling,” said Hatfield. “I have heard of this award ever since I became an intelligence officer and I never in a million years thought that I would receive it.”
The award was established in 2002 by Rear Adm. Brooks to recognize junior officers for their leadership, performance, special accomplishments and overall contribution to command efficiency, morale and welfare. “I think [winning this award] is really a testament to the people around me. I know that sounds very cliché, but it’s really true,” said Hatfield. “It feels very good to receive accolades like this, but it just underscores and reminds me of the quality of people who I work with. We’ve really made an impact on, not just what’s been going on in the region, but nationally and internationally.” There are currently three awards given each year in the afloat, ashore and expeditionary categories. Nomi-
nees are reviewed each year by boards convened at Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command and the Office of Naval Intelligence to select a Junior Officer of the Year for each of the categories. The award consists of a commemorative wall plaque and a five-year membership in Naval Intelligence Professionals. “If it were not for my wife Melissa, my son Jacob or my two daughters, Kayla and Allison, I wouldn’t be sitting here right now,” said Hatfield. “They’ve made a lot of sacrifices and it means a tremendous amount to me that they were here for the award presentation. They are the foundation that allows me to focus in on the job without worrying about anything else. Without that I couldn’t possibly have been successful.”
" Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." – Aristotle
Around Sigonella:
Italian News
St. Agatha Festival
Check out what's happening around Sigonella.
Look at what is going on in Italy!
See photos from one of the biggest festivals in Sicily.
Scan for direct links to NAS Sigonella
U.S. NAVAL AIR STATION SIGONELLA Commanding Officer Capt. Chris Dennis Executive Officer Cmdr. Eric Vosler Command Master Chief CMDCM David Graham
EDITORIAL Public Affairs Officer Lt. Paul Newell PAO - Leading Petty Officer MC2 Tony D. Curtis Community Relations Officer Dott. Alberto Lunetta Acting Editor-in-Chief MC3 Cameron Bramham Senior Print Editor MC2 Brian Glunt CONTACT US Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily DSN 624-5440; 095-86-5440 PSC 812 Box 3020, FPO, AE 09627 PUBLISHER Stampa Generale S.r.l., Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity Capodichino (Naples), Italy Tel. 081-568-7884 Fax 081-568-7887 This civilian enterprise (CE) newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of The Signature are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense (DoD), or the U.S. Navy. The appearance of advertisingin this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DoD orStampa Generale S.r.l., of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publications hall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex,national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factorof the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policyby an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source until the violationis corrected. The Signature is published weekly by Stampa Generale S.r.l., Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy. Tel. 081-568-7884. Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: Editorial submissions are welcomed from all Naval Air Station Sigonella departments, divisions and tenant commands. Editorial submissions should be sent to the Public Affairs Office via, guard mail stop #68 or hand-delivered to our office no later than the close of business on the Friday proceeding the expected publication date. All articles submitted by non-staff members will be considered contributing writers. The Signature will not publish anyanonymous articles. All advertisements in this publication are the property of Stampa Generale S.r.l. Any reproduction of advertisements in The Signature is unauthorized without the written consent of the publisher.
Direct Line
Commanding Officer Capt. Chris Dennis Sigonella, very sadly this week we have been forced to remember that no one is guaranteed a tomorrow. Wednesday, we celebrated and mourned the loss of our sister, Janay Harris. Janay was a Logistics Specialist Seaman Apprentice, a smart and industrious Sailor. Janay was a young leader, a rock steady member of our Naval Air Station Sigonella Community Dispatch - where she kept all of our life safety and security forces connected to our emergent community needs. Janay was a vibrant and caring 23 year old from Southern California. She loved the New England Patriots, her family, friends, shipmates and life itself. This day we no longer have Janay in our lives. Janay leaves behind her mother Ms. Lynne Lee, her two sisters Amanda Hariston and Sema’J Harris, her brother Shaquan Davis, her father Mr. James Harris and a Sigonella community of broken hearts. But, while we mourn the loss of our friend and shipmate, we can take comfort knowing Janay lived a life worth living. In 23 very short and powerful years, 10 months of which were here in Sigonella, Janay made the lives of those around her, richer. Is there any higher calling than enriching the lives of those around you, than making your community a better place to live, to work, to commune? At every Indoc class, in fact, for years, I have asked Sailors, "why did you join the
Navy?" From the thousands I have asked this question, I've learned, we join: to serve; to get away from home; to go to college, to prove ourselves; to continue family traditions, to become specialists; for adventure and to see the world. I know, from those closest to Janay, she wanted to serve, to go to school, to challenge herself, to learn new skills, and to grow. However, the follow-on question to "why did you join?" is "what will keep you serving honorably?" The answer to this question, as many have learned, is far different. For the reasons we join are typically achieved quickly. We leave home and family; we start learning, experiencing, and traveling right away; our education accrues quickly… It took me a dozen years of commissioned service to learn what Janay lived intuitively. By her twenty third year, Janay was living a life worth living by living for each of us, not merely herself. As a shipmate, as an Emergency Dispatcher, as a joyful force, Janay invested in us. Janay helped us to help ourselves to be our better selves. That's it. She genuinely cared for and sincerely invested in us. Janay, in a world that reassures us constantly to "get all you can for yourself,... every woman for herself,...more stuff, better car, bigger this, fancier that...anything less and you are a failure," in this consumption minded world, Janay simply did her job, helped make the community safer, pushed
herself to be her best and partnered with us. Janay loved others and through her example was a servant to those around her, and in humility valued others above herself. Janay did not merely look to her own interests, but to the interests of others. Through her positive example, her peer mentorship, her commitment to excellence and her joyful, gracious spirit, Janay wanted us to be our best. Janay's example demonstrated that a life worth living is one lived investing in people. So as we grieve the loss of our friend, let us follow Janay's short but powerful life example. It is my sincere hope that each of us can find joy in living with and for others and when our next tomorrow does not arrive, I hope each of us will truly rest in peace and be remembered for having lived a life truly worth living. Peace Janay Harris. Peace family, friends and community of Janay Harris.
PROTESTANT NAS I Chapel Saturday ■ 6:30 p.m. Contemporary Worship Services Sunday ■ 10:30 a.m. Traditional Worship NAS II Chapel SUNDAY ■ 5 p.m. Protestant Evening Service
What’s Happening Around NAS Sigonella
by NAS Sigonella rMD The NAS Sigonella Religious Ministries Department hosts three life-enriching events provided by the Chaplains Religious Enrichment Development Operation (CREDO), an organization specifically trained for providing resilience resources for the military family. Course descriptions, dates, and times are listed below. Retreats are open to all U.S. military personnel and their family members and on a space-available basis for U.S. citizens employed by the DoD and their family members. Lodging, meals and transportation to and from the retreat site are provided at no cost to the service member. For questions and registration, please contact the Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella Religious Ministries Department at 624-3975 or 6249049 or come see us at either one of the chapels (Bldgs. 317 or 742).
Personal Resiliency Retreat
February 21-23, 2014 Showtime: 11:45 a.m. at NAS 1 Chapel Personal, spiritual, and relational themes are central to this weekend retreat. Enjoy private reflection and community discussion. Please register by COB February 19, 2014.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
Feb. 25-26, 2014 from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Location: NAS 1 Chapel In this two-day workshop you will have an opportunity to explore your experiences with and your attitudes about suicide. You will also have an opportunity to better understand the needs of a person at risk of suicide and learn how to use suicide first-aid to meet those needs. Please register by COB February 21, 2014.
Sigonella Elementary School Second Grade Teacher, Ynocencia Leandro helps a student at the geometric shapes station as part of Math Knight Feb. 7, which is an annual event hosted by Sigonella Elementary teachers and staff to encourage students and parents to participate in activities devoted to helping students improve their math skills. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Cameron Bramham/Released) by mc3 cameron bramham NAS Sigonella Public Affairs
Sigonella Elementary teachers and staff members hosted the annual Math Knight to encourage students to improve their math skills in a fun and unique way Feb. 7, at Knight’s Hall. “This is a night when parents get to come with their children and enjoy some fun activities that teachers have designed around our math standards and also around our goal for our school, which is to increase math numeration across the curriculum,” said Mary Perkins, a fifth grade teacher with Sigonella Elementary. Math Knight included many different kinds of events to help generate more interest in math skills
from students. Events included math games based on the math standards, a Star Lab, Smart Board and technology activities, and estimation stations. Food and drinks were also made available. “We had all kinds of different activities to challenge the young math minds in our school,” Perkins added. During the course of the event, Perkins and her fellow teachers saw over 400 students and parents attend Math Knight. “I have a large committee of teachers that helped support and volunteered to do Math Knight this year,” Perkins said. “We put it together as a team.”
Jaguars Basketball Face-off Against Florence in Final Regular Season Home Game
Marriage Enrichment Retreat
NASSIG WORSHIP SERVICES ROMAN CATHOLIC Sunday ■ 8:30 a.m. Catholic Mass (NAS I Chapel) ■ 11:30 a.m. Catholic Mass (NAS II Chapel) TUESDAY - FRIDAY ■ 11:30 a.m. Catholic Mass (NAS II Chapel) Sacraments of Reconciliation/Penance precede each Mass
FEBRUARY 14, 2014
Sign Up for Sigonella RMD Sigonella Elementary Students Refine Math Skills CREDO Events Today
FEBRUARY 14, 2014
LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY at 1:30 p.m. (NAS I Chapel) Contact: or 624-9049 JEWISH SHABBAT LAY SERVICE FRIDAY at 5:30 p.m. (NAS I Chapel) NIGHT STUDY WEDNESDAY at 5 p.m. (NAS I Chapel) ■ AA Meetings: MONDAY at 5:30 p.m. (NAS I Chapel) second deck; THURSDAY at 7 p.m. (NAS II Chapel) NAS Sigonella Religious Ministries Department Facebook page: Chapel
Chapel Offices: NAS I 095-56-3975, NAS II 095-86-9049, DSN: 624-3975, CHAPLAIN DUTY: 335-831-4493 RP DUTY: 335-786-1950
Feb. 28 - March 2 Showtime: 11:45 a.m. at NAS 1 Chapel Invest in your marriage on this great weekend retreat! Couples will experience a safe and relaxed environment in which they can reconnect with each other and gain new skills and insights. Please register by COB Feb. 26. Notes concerning CREDO events: 1. Transportation is provided to and from the event. 2. Children are not permitted on these retreats. CREDO is unable to provide child-care. 3. All reservations are on a first-come/first-served basis. 4. Due to the high cost of CREDO retreats to the government, servicemembers who RSVP but fail to show for the event, to include participation during the retreat, will be reported to their chain of command.
The Sigonella Jaguars Men’s Basketball Team welcomed the International School of Florence for a double-header, Feb. 7-8 at The Jag Gymnasium. The Jags swept the series against the team from northern Italy 50 - 20 on Feb. 7, and 42 - 26 on Feb. 8. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Cameron Bramham/Released)
FEBRUARY 14, 2014
2014 17
Monday Taormina & Gambino Winery ITT
Siracusa and Seafood Restaurant ITT
Valentine's Day Dinner at *Sole e II Sale* ITT
Mountain Bike Along the Simeto River Outdoor Rec
PMK Training 12 - 1 p.m. MVRO Classroom
PMK Training 12 - 1 p.m. MVRO Classroom
Family Night Out* Sparetime Bowling 5 - 8 p.m.
Palermo ITT
Topolino ICR for Kids 8 - 11:30 a.m. FFSC
Anger Mangament Skills: Session 1 1 - 3 p.m. FFSC
10 Steps to a Federal Job 10 - 11:30 a.m. FFSC
Snowshoe Hike Mt. Etna Outdoor Rec
Noto "San Corrado" Festival & La Trota Restaurant ITT
Inside Interviews 2:30 - 4 p.m. FFSC
PMK Training 12 - 1 p.m. MVRO Classroom
PMK Training 12 - 1 p.m. MVRO Classroom
PMK Training 12 - 1 p.m. MVRO Classroom
Public Speaking 9 - 11 a.m. FFSC
Female Empowerment Group 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. FFSC
ICR 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. FFSC
ICR 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. FFSC
Cooking Class 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. FFSC
Relo Fair 1 - 3 p.m.
Resume Renovation 10 -11:30 a.m. FFSC
Anger Mangament Skills: Session 2 1 - 3 p.m. FFSC
Acireale Carnevale ITT
Catania vs. Lazio Soccer Match ITT Farmer's Market Shopping in Catania ITT
Deciding Where to Live When You Leave the Military by Fleet and family support center As you separate from the military, you'll face many tough decisions, including where you and your family will live. You'll want to consider your family's wishes as well as career opportunities and cost of living. Do you want to live near a military installation or near your reserve unit? Many factors will go into your decision, and thinking carefully about the options will help you make the best choice. For you, as for many separating service members, a new job may determine where you live after leaving the military. Searching for a job may begin months before you actually separate from the military, but you may not find your dream job right away. Because you have as much as six months to a year to take advantage of your final relocation benefits, don't feel rushed into moving before you've found a job. Taking the following steps can help: • Attend a Transition Assistance Program Employment Workshop. Offered by the installation transition office or, depending on your service branch, by the Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC), this workshop will help you find a job by providing information on job-search strategies, resume writing, interviewing skills, job offers and salary negotiation. You can also check out the TurboTAP website for resources, need-to-know information and toolkits to help you with your new future. • Research Job Markets. Read trade journals in your field and visit job search websites to help you find available positions in your area of expertise. • Network. Talk with former service members or civilians in your line of work to get an idea of the job market. Military service organizations can also offer great networking opportunities. For example, military organizations like the Military Officers Association of America offer job search resources and opportunities to connect with other former service members in your area.
Making the Decision
Acireale Carnevale ITT
Searching for a Job
Piazza Armerina Imperial Villa and Agriturismo ITT
ICR 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. FFSC
PMK Training 12 - 1 p.m. MVRO Classroom
IA Discussion Group 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. FFSC
FEBRUARY 14, 2014
Half Price Bowling* Sparetime Bowling *EVERY SUNDAY
ITT : x4777, x4396 Liberty/Connections/Take 5: x4246, x5602 Outdoor Rec: x4777, x4396 Fitness: x4483, x5243 Midtown 2 Theaters: x4248 FFSC: x4291 American Red Cross: x4900
Does your command or organization have an event you’d like to see on the Community Calendar? Email us at and let us know!
No decision is guaranteed, but careful evaluation will help you choose the best option for you and your family. Be sure to: • Weigh your Options. Write down the choices available, and weigh the pros and cons of each. This is especially important if your decision is being guided by emotions. Are you thinking of moving home because your parents want you to, even though the best job opportunities are in another state? Writing down the pros and cons will also help you prioritize the things that are most important to you -- maybe moving back home is more important than a high-paying job. • Prepare for Mixed Emotions. Even though you're excited about starting your new life outside the military, moving can be stressful for both you and your family. Be prepared for conflicting emotions as you say goodbye to friends and your military life. • Visit the Transportation Management Office. As soon as you've made your decision, visit the Transition Management Office. Your installation office will schedule your final move, and the earlier you visit their office, the more likely you are to get the move dates you request.
Relocation Assistance
Your relocation benefits include one final move from your last duty station within the time and geographic limits listed below. If you live in installation housing, you may be allowed one move out of housing into the local community and another final move within these limits. Check with your installation's TMO for details on benefits specific to your final move. • Retirement. You may be moved anywhere within the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii) or to your home of record outside the United States within one year of your retirement date. (This is called a home of selection.) • Involuntary Separation (Honorable Discharge). You may be moved anywhere within the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii) or to your home of record outside the United States within one year of your separation date. • Voluntary Separation (Honorable Discharge). You may be moved to your home of record (or an equal or lesser distance) within 180 days of your separation date. If you choose a destination of greater distance, you will be obligated to pay the additional costs. • General Discharge (Under Honorable Conditions). You may be moved to your home of record (or an equal or lesser distance) within 180 days of your separation.
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Homelessness can take many forms. If you or a veteran you know are sleeping in a car, crashing on a friend's couch, staying at a family member's house, or facing eviction or foreclosure while transitioning out of military service, the VA can help. Make the call to 877-4AID-VET, or chat online to be connected to the homelessness prevention resources the VA offers. Learn about all the programs that can help you or a veteran you know overcome or prevent homelessness at the VA website. For more information please come see our Relocation Specialist at the Fleet & Family Support Center on NAS1, Bldg. 319 or call the FFSC at 624-4291.
Need an appointment at the hospital? Call DSN 624-CARE (2273) or commercial 095-56-2273, M-F: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. For non-emergent medical questions that arise over the weekend, holidays, or after office hours, please call 335-578-8077 if you are normally seen at the hospital or 335-578-8150 if you are normally seen at the Flight Line Clinic.
FEBRUARY 14, 2014
Rolling Cheese Competition Carnival Fun Kicks Off This Weekend in Viareggio the second world war, Carnival in Viareggio has Continues in Novara di Sicilia been used by local artists to mock and deride Ita-
(Photo provided by If you think that cheese is only used as food, you are wrong! Imagine seeing a wheel of hard cheese rolling down the narrow winding streets of a picturesque Sicilian town. Sounds crazy? No, this is actually the show that you will see if you go to the annual “Sagra del Torneo Provinciale del Maiorchino,” an exciting festival which features a unique cheese rolling competition, taking place in Novara di Sicilia, an ancient village in the Messina Province that is nestled between the Peloritani and the Nebrodi Mountains. Held in piazza Bertolami, the race, which began at the end of January continues every weekends at 3:30 p.m. throughout March 4. The highlights of the festival are the race finals that will be held on Sunday, March 2 at 3 p.m. following pasta with pork-based sauce and cheese tasting (maccheronata al sugo di salsiccia ricotta e Maiorchino), which begins at 1 p.m. in the town’s historic center. A special rolling cheese championship, featuring women competitors only, will be held on Monday, March 3 at 3 p.m. On this occasion, tourists will also have the chance to roll down cheese. On March 4, highlights include the finals of the women competition to be held at 3 p.m. and the pasta with pork-ragù and cheese and vino tasting at 6 p.m. About 21 teams made of three competitors roll down a 25-pound pecorino cheese wheel for about one mile throughout the “vanelle” (narrow streets) of Novara’s historic center. The cheese is launched with a special leather strap, named “lazzàda” that is wrapped around it. The event, which origin dates back to the 17th century, is attended by hundreds of villagers and tourists who follow the course of the rolling cheese up and down the streets of the village’s historic heart with great attention, excitement and enthusiasm. This game, which is also known as “la ruzzola del formaggio” or “the rolling of the cheese,” is practiced in other regions of Italy where championships are held. At the end of the competition, the winner is awarded and gets to keep the Maiorchino cheese, which is also offered to festivalgoers. Make sure you enjoy the tasting of “maccheroni con il sugo di salsiccia” (short tubular pasta with pork sausage sauce), which will be obviously sprinkled with grated Maiorchino cheese! Other scrumptious specialties will include oven baked ricotta cheese (called “salaprisa”), provola cheese, hazelnuts, “u risu niru” (rice mixed with roasted hazelnuts, cacao, coffee, orange peel and cinnamon), “i cassatèlli” (sweet pastry filled with dried figs, honey, cinnamon and hazelnuts), “i raviiò” (deep fried sweet ravioli stuffed with cinnamon flavored ricotta cheese), “a pignurada” (sweet pastry dough diced and deep fried) and “i iiditi d’aposturu” (glazed cannolo filled with ricotta). Before you leave the festival don’t forget to visit the main town’s attractions. Novara has about 30 churches. Like the rest of Sicily, Novara was conquered by many civilizations during its long history. Among them, the Normans left a special cultural mark. They populated the town with Lombard settlers whose language still survives today as community dialect. Novara townspeople indeed still speak a Frenchlike dialect called Gallo-Romance. Town’s attraction highlights include the “Museo etno-antropologico” or Museum of Anthropology and Rural Life (Stancanelli Palace– piazza M. Bertolami – featuring artifacts, folk tools, utensils, furniture and farming equipment); the Chiesa Madre (main church, which has a precious statue of the Virgin Mary by Neapolitan 18th century sculptor Filippo Colicci and several 17th century valuable paintings, chapels and altars and the crypt where mummies can be seen). Novara di Sicilia is about an hour and half drive from Sigonella. Exit Giardini Naxos on A-18 (Catania-Messina highway) and follow directions for Francavilla di Sicilia, Portella Mandrazzi and then Novara di Sicilia. For more information and detailed festival schedules, visit
The majestic grotesque carri or floats’ parades are the highlight of the Viareggio Carnival celebrations running from Feb. 16 through 23 and on March 2, 4 and 9. (Photo provided by by
The amazing Viareggio Carnival returns this weekend to Tuscany with a month of merrymaking, grotesque float parades, street parties and masquerade balls running from Feb. 16 through 23 and on March 2, 4 and 9. For a month the city turns into the factory of fun with giant papier-mâché floats, night parties, fireworks, theatre events, culinary events and worldwide sport performances. Highlights include 10 first category floats, 5 second category floats, 9 groups of masks, 10 isolated masks will parade on the sea avenues. The “Masters” of Viareggio create the magnificent allegorical papier-mâché floats and more than 25 artisan firms, with more than a thousand people at work, are engaged throughout the year in the realization of real travelling theatres. In many cases, they have inherited skills and secrets of a unique craft in the world from their fathers and grandfathers. More than 20 meters high, 12 meters wide, the papier-mâché giant floats are created to dazzle the spectators with extraordinary choreographic effects. The visual impact, , the music, the colors, the brightness of the figures on the floats, together with the spectacular movements that defy the laws of physics, make wagons real travelling theatres that are unique in the world. Every year at the end of the show a selected jury draws up the merit table, declaring winners and losers. As reported by The Guardian, since the end of
ly's political establishment, and more recently any form of global power. The first parade took place in the 19th century and the fifth masked parade of the Carnival 2014 coincides with the 400th in the history of the event. In these 141 years 766 big floats, 476 second category floats, 858 groups of masks and 738 isolated masks have been created by the “Masters” of the Papier-mâché. The Carnival of Viareggio was born in 1873 when there was the first parade of festively decorated carriages in the historic Via Regia, the heart of the old town. It was transferred to the Promenade at the beginning of the twentieth century and it has grown in size and popularity year after year. In 1954 the newly RAI sent his first outside live TV just from the Carnival of Viareggio, making it a big media event. In 1958 the report of the parade was broadcast in Eurovision. Nowadays it is the largest Italian folk event with a budget of € 5 million per year. In 1946, after the Second World War the Carnival of Viareggio flourished again. In 1954 it was chosen as a major media event to merit the first live television outside of the newborn RAI. Four years after the commentary it was in Eurovision. In 1960 the burning of shacks in via Cairoli, where the floats were built, failed to stop the Carnival. The floats yards have been moved away for forty years in the hangars of Marco Polo Street. In 1984 the National Lottery of Viareggio was combined with the competition of the first category floats and in the years 1988-1989 the Italian television “RAI UNO” on Saturday night was dedicated to the confetti of Viareggio. In 2001 was inaugurated the new Cittadella del Carnevale , an extraordinary architectural complex entirely dedicated to the creation and preservation of the Carnival of Viareggio. Sixteen Hangars, where the allegorical floats are built, overlook on a giant elliptical square. The Cittadella is also the place where during the summer the major outdoor events take place. Here visitors can find two museums, one dedicated to the history of the Carnival floats and the other to Carnevalotto , a valuable collection of works of art created by contemporary designer. These days the Carnival of Viareggio is even more the protagonist. Every year on Mardi Gras the Carnival of Viareggio is live on national television (RAI 3) to invade into television screens of Italy with the cheerfulness of its spectacular floats. Each year famous guests, politicians and sports figures come in Viareggio to admire their papier - mâché effigies as well as thousands of people decree the success of the event.
FEBRUARY 14, 2014 The Carnival of Viareggio fills a whole month of daytime and nighttime festivities with parades of allegorical floats, local parties, masked balls and festivals of all kinds. The raw material of the Carnival of Viareggio is papier-mâché or rather the paper mold. It was invented by the manufacturer from Viareggio Antonio D'Arliano in 1925. Paper mold allowed building huge works, but light at the same time. Models in clay, plaster casts, newsprint and glue made by flour and water are the simple ingredients of the biggest show of its kind in the world. The philosophy of recovery and recycling through an only manual technique are the basis of the event. The Carnival of Viareggio has its mask: Burlamacco. Burlamacco was created by painter and graphic from Viareggio Uberto Bonetti in 1930. Since 1931 the mask has been the protagonist on the official poster as symbol of the event. Bonetti was inspired by the masks of the “Commedia dell’Arte”, but he designed Burlamacco in a futuristic way: he wanted to summarize in the mask two highlights times of Viareggio’s life: the summer (with the colors white and red which were the typical colors of umbrellas on the beaches during theThirties ) and the Carnival. Carnival celebrations schedule is as follows: Saturday, 15th February 6:00 pm: Opening Ceremony The greatest Carnival of Viareggio Opening Ceremony Show is Feb. 16 at 3 p.m. The first Masked Parade, first parade of giant allegorical papier-mâché floats is Feb. 23 at 3 p.m. The Second Masked Parade is the sea avenues of Viareggio. Wear the colors of the Carnival with its allegorical floats on March 2 at 3 p.m. The third Masked Parade is the worldwide famous Carnival show which comes back with the huge allegorical floats on the sea avenue on March 4 at 2:50 p.m. The fourth Masked Parade is the Carnival of Viareggio parades which is also being recorded live on National TV on RaiTre. This one is on March 9 at 3 p.m. The fifth Masked Parade, is called "Happy Birthday Carnival Viareggio!" This will celebrate the 400th parade of its Carnival with the longest day. At the end the announcement of the winners and the great fireworks closing show! Tourists can also visit the Museum of Carnival where they can discover all the secrets and the threats of papier-mâché world. The history of the Carnival of Viareggio is narrated by original documents, sketches, posters and miniatures. At the enter the statue of Burlamacco, the official mask of Viareggio, receives with a smile visitors guiding them in the fantastic world of the Carnival. Here visitors can find a teaching stand where the different stages of the construction of papier - maché works are explained. Visitors can also try to manipulate clay and paper to experience the art of manufacturing. For more information visit,
Learn these words in Italian! Carnival Glossary
English: Carnival Italian: Carnevale
English: confetti Italian: coriandoli
English: masks Italian: maschere
English: allegoric floats Italian: carri allegorici
English: Carnival parades Italian: sfilate di Carnevale
English: joke Italian: scherzo
English: masquerade ball Italian: ballo in maschera
English: Shrove / Fat Tuesday Italian: Martedì Grasso
Have fun practicing your Italian! Buona Fortuna!
H EADLINES Farm Groups Say New York Times Damaged Olive Oil Image (ANSA) Rome A recent interactive feature in the New York Times about low-quality olive oil has damaged the Italian industry's image in the United States, two farm organizations complained last Wednesday. The feature in the American newspaper demonstrated how much oil labeled as Made in Italy is actually lower-quality product from countries including Greece, Spain and Tunisia and may at times be contaminated by careless handling. That has damaged exports to the United States from Italian producers, who have seen their exports fall by 13%, "partly due to scams that target producers who are repeatedly criticized by the American press," Coldiretti said in a statement. It has called for better protection of the good name of Italian products, which it said was promised in a law passed in Feburary 2013 with the goal of ensuring "the authenticity and transparency of Italian production". But "inertia" on the part of the public administrator has meant the law has not yet been fully implemented. Falling demand from the US has pushed down olive oil exports by 9%, said the farm group. Another agriculture organization, the Italian Farmers Confederation (CIA), said the New York Times feature was "an insult to the image of typical Italian extra-virgin olive oil," and "only throws mud". A report last month by Italian environmentalists and consumer groups showed the market in counterfeit Italian food is doing brisk business, including adulterated oil.
Italian Reservist Acquitted in Cat Rescue Case (AP) An Italian military court has acquitted an Army reserve doctor of disobedience for helping a cat who had trouble delivering a litter of kittens on a military base in Kosovo in 2012. Army medical reservist Lt. Barbara Balanzoni said after her acquittal Friday she was disciplined, and later charged, after Italian soldiers asked her to help a cat whose last kitten was stillborn. Balanzoni said the cat, which she named Agata, would have died without intervention. She was accused of violating protocol that states animals must be tended by veterinarians. Balanzoni said none was on base. Balanzoni's lawyer, Aldo Areddu, said she still faces charges of defamation and insults, which he says were the result of escalating tension following the cat incident.
Sicilian Sites to be Named Unesco World Heritage Soon (ANSA) Palermo The Italian National Commission for UNESCO has approved and transferred to the Paris
headquarters of the UN body the candidature of 'Arab-Norman Palermo and the cathedral churches of Cefalù and Monreale' for listing as 2015 World Heritage sites. The announcement was made by the head of the commission, Sicily native Giovani Puglisi. ''This result,'' he said, ''not only adds more value to a territory that undoubtedly deserves a better future than what has been handed to it by the political mishaps of the past few years, it also inserts into UNESCO World Heritage a one-of-a-kind site, since the Byzantine and Arab-Norman heritage in Palermo's historical and artistic sites is the only one in the world with its cultural syncretism spanning religious and political divides.'' ''In Sicily,'' Puglisi went on to say,''over its millennial history, no religious-cultural experience was ever eliminated. Each simply grew alongside the other, preserving and respecting its values and traditions.'' He concluded by saying that the procedure for the candidature included a technical assessment by the Italian Ministry of Culture, approval by the Italian National Commission for UNESCO and transfer to Paris for its completion. The official declaration is expected to come in the late spring or summer of 2015, ''and therefore in time for Palermo to open its doors and its heritage to visitors to Expo Milano 2015''.
18th-Century Painting Damaged After Local Councilor Uncorks Spumante (IM) An 18th century painting was damaged after a local councilor popped open a bottle of spumante and the cork landed on the painting, piercing it. The incident occurred right before Christmas, but things were kept quiet until the newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano uncovered what happened. The man responsible for the damage admitted to it and said he would pay the amount required to restore the painting. The painting is located inside the 18th century Isimbardi Palace where administrative offices of the province of Milan are located. The painting, by an unknown author, depicts the heroic deeds of Capellino Isimbardi, forefather of the family that owned the palace. A note from the Province downplayed the incident, pointing out that the painting is only worth a few thousand euros. The note also said that the painting has suffered light damage and is already being restored.
FEBRUARY 14, 2014
St. Agatha Festival in Catania Photos by Antonella Cascino
by Anna Donatella Ferrera
It’s so difficult for anybody who doesn’t come from Catania to fully understand the devotion of this population towards their patron Saint “Agatha”. Just like Saint Thomas who had to see to believe, that’s how I would truly sum up this festival, simply “unbelievable.” Although I’ve lived in this province for many years and visited the city on my numerous shopping sprees, I’d never seen Catania so full of hustle and bustle. As usual, to find a parking space was like looking for a needle in a haystack, but with a difference. People seemed calm and patient, you could actually breathe in the tranquility; a virtue that isn’t often visible among the Catanese people. My destination was “Piazza Duomo,” which I reached in good time on the festival’s first day, Feb. 3, which is also known as “A sira o tri” (the evening of the third) for the spectacular fireworks show that is staged in the main square. Even though it was already crammed with spectators, more and more people were squeezing their way through the crowds hoping to get a better view of the cathedral. I also wanted to have a better glimpse, so I did what the locals do; I said “permesso” in my best Italian while easing my way towards the front of the square. The evening commenced with the city’s choir singing hymns in honor of Saint Agatha. They were incomprehensible to my ears simply because they were sung in Sicilian, but I must say in a strange way I enjoyed their celestial sound. Just before eight thirty, the people’s chatter was interrupted by the blasting notes of Vincenzo Bellini’s masterpieces “Don Giovanni
and Guerra, Guerra”. Without warning, the facade of the cathedral came to life, illuminated by a cocktail of colored lights. Bright laser beams lit up the sky, resembling dancing angels flying up to the heavens. The breathtaking show had started, fireworks shot up into the sky to the rhythm of music. Everybody was gazing speechless at the sparkling display, and it was impossible not to be touched by this magical atmosphere. As the music got louder and louder to reach its climax, the colorful rockets shot up to the heavens at an outrageous speed. The whole square was full of excitement and extraordinary power and the sky became so bright that night was transformed into day. Once it was all over the spectators gave a standing ovation, yelling “bravi, bravi, complimenti”. That evening leaving the square was a difficult task as hundreds of people were moving in all directions. I wanted to head towards the fish market, but unfortunately, I got trapped in a stream of people who gently pushed me into Via Etnea. There were no doubts. I had to conclude the evening with some gastronomic delight, as I popped into one of the oldest and finest bars in Catania. Even though it was full, I managed to get a seat and eat one of the savory pastries offered. I finished my evening brunch with a “Minna di San Agatha,” which actually means “Breast of Saint Agatha”. It’s a dome shaped sponge bun filled with custard and covered with icing and a cherry topping. Saint Agatha, the protector of breast. Everything on this unique island has a profound meaning, even the things we eat!
FEBRUARY 14, 2014
FEBRUARY 14, 2014
VITA Office Opens for Tax Season Register for Your Upcoming Primaries Ballot by Gina Gesa NAS Sigonella VITA Office
The Navy Tax Assistance Center will be opened on Feb. 10 for support of Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella service and community members during tax season. The Tax Assistance Center is a program established to support NAS Sigonella personnel with preparing and filing their 2013 tax returns and has evolved to best meet mission requirements while addressing practical manning and budgetary realities. In the past, the Navy Legal Service Command was able to offer one-on-one tax preparation to customers on the basis of ample staff and support for this service. Over the past several years, both the number of volunteers available and the demand for full-service tax assistance have decreased. Last tax season, several Tax Assistance Centers operated by Naval Legal Service Command, including here on NAS Sigonella, successfully operated both full-service and self-service functions. This tax season, we will transition to a full self-service model. With the Navy’s self-service program, you are still able to electronically file your return using an internet-based software of your choosing and receive free assistance from IRS-certified tax personnel. However, the assistance will be limited to responding to questions you have as you complete your tax return. This model will enable the program volunteers to better assist customers and decrease wait times. In general, eligibility for tax assistance is limited to active duty, civilian employees, retirees and authorized dependents. Proof of identification is required in order to demonstrate eligibility for this service. The Tax Assistance Center operates primarily on an appointment basis, however, walk-ins may be allowed depending on availability of tax personnel. Since this program is self-service, access to a computer is required. Non-CAC ID Card Holders (or anyone without access to ONE-NET computers) are advised that special arrangements may be necessary to ensure access to a computer. If you require an appointment or additional information, please contact 624-2991. Tax Center hours will be as follows: Region Legal Service Office (RLSO) on NAS II, building 564: Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Fleet and Family Support Center on NAS I, building 319: Thursday 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
by Lt. CmDR. phil Aramburu NAS Sigonella's Voting Assistance Officer
Register and Request your Ballot for Upcoming Primaries and Special Elections. If you want to vote in a Federal Primary or Special Election in March, April or May 2014, you should visit for information on registering to vote and requesting your absentee ballot according to State deadlines and requirements. States must provide requested ballots 45 days before an election. If you do not receive your requested State ballot at least 30 days before an election prepare, print and sign the backup Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) at (see FWAB information below). All uniformed service members residing outside of their voting jurisdiction, their eligible family members and citizens residing outside the U.S. who are residents of these states and would like to participate in these elections should submit a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA), which acts as a request for voter registration and a request for an absentee ballot. FVAP recommends using the online assistant to prepare, print and sign an FPCA at Be sure you include an email address, phone number and/or fax number on your FPCA in the event your local election official must contact you.
March Primary and Special Election Dates: * Texas: March 4 * Florida (Special General Election): March 11 * Illinois: March 18
April Primary Date: * District of Columbia: April 1
May Primary Dates: * Indiana: May 6 * North Carolina: May 6
Remember, many states allow you to submit your FPCA electronically and are required to deliver your blank ballot electronically (by email or fax) or provide online ballot access. Go to or your state's election website to see how you can return your forms. Vote the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB). The FWAB is a backup ballot. If you have not received your requested state ballot 30 days before the election or you think you will not receive your state ballot in time to return your ballot, prepare and print the FWAB at You will then need to sign and submit the FWAB to your local election official. The FWAB is also available in embassies, consulates and military installations around the world. Check your state's election website for specific information on candidates, elections, contact information and links to your local election offices. If you would like more information on the Federal Voting Assistance Program or need help with the absentee voting process, please contact myself at 624-2524 or FVAP at 1-800-438-8683 or DSN 312-425-1584 or find more information at You can also find us on Facebook DoDFVAP or Twitter @FVAP. * * * * * * * * * *
Ohio: May 6 West Virginia: May 13 Nebraska: May 13 Idaho: May 20 Georgia: May 20 Oregon: May 20 Arkansas: May 20 Kentucky: May 20 Pennsylvania: May 20 Texas (Primary Runoff): May 27
FEBRUARY 14, 2014
WITH MWR ON THE GO Local Talent Rocks the Mic at Take 5
Check Out These MWR Associated Businesses Auto Skills Center
The Auto Skills Center on NAS II is a complete do-it-yourself shop stocked with the tools you need to repair your automobile. The center has the tools, lifts and helpful assistance you need to maintain your vehicle! We’ll show you how to change your oil, do a tune up, balance and rotate your tires. The shop features: - Lifts for large cars and motorcycles - Tire balance machines - Diagnostics equipment - Inexpensive Car Storage Lot Helpful and knowledgeable staff is always on-hand to provide assistance for those who need it. So, don’t waste your money having someone else do the work when you can do it yourself, we’ll show you how! For more info contact 624-5244.
Jox Pub
The performers for Take 5's Open Mic. and Coffee Night pose for a photo Jan. 30, after their performances at Take 5 on NAS II. From left to right Danielle Knapp, Joanna Miller, Nicole Nanney, Icky Tha Don, Billy Adkins, Robert Coyle. (Photo provided by MWR Sigonella) by chuck white MWR Sigonella Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) Liberty Program hosted an Open Mic. and Coffee House Night on Jan. 30, which was open to all patrons 18 and older. In addition to performers, they had free food, drinks and coffee. There were six performers at the event, which consisted of both active duty members and dependents. Daniel Knapp, Billy Adkins, and Robert Coyle
View the complete 2014 Primary Election Calendar at for more information.
all preformed cover songs and original works on their guitars with vocals. There was also a violinist, Nicole Nanney, who played two Celtic pieces. The crowd let loose with comedic styling of first time stand-up artist Joanna Mitchell. The final act of the night was hip hop artist, “Icky Tha Don”, who performed two original songs. All of the performers did an excellent job and everyone in the crowd was entertained.
Jox Pub, Sigonella’s hottest nightspot is an Irish-style pub for all hands. It’s loaded with 5 pool tables, 11 plasma screen TVs, Internet jukebox, Wi-Fi, dart center, a dance floor AND a wall projection system to view televised sports broadcasts! Jox carries a wide variety of drafts and spirits from around the globe and it’s the go-to spot for many of the live bands and comedians that visit Sigonella. They also offer free soft drinks all night for designated drivers. Jox is also available for private parties with no rental charge. For more details, contact them at 624-5604.
SIGMWR.COM puts all the fun Sigonella info you need at your fingertips at home and on the go on your mobile device! You’ll find ITT trips, upcoming youth and adult sports, the current movie schedule and more. Facilities hours and contact information are easily accessible in one quick click and you can even save a copy the latest fitness schedule. Find all the latest upcoming events and so much more. Make sigmwr. com your homepage today!
Midtown Movie Theaters Schedule & Descriptions
Friday, Feb. 14 *Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Sausage Patties, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, Pancake, Asstd. Doughnuts. *Lunch: New England Clam Chowder, Lemon Baked Fish, Grilled Pork Chops w/ Mushroom Gravy, Steamed Rice, Garlic Roasted Potatoes, Cauliflower, Carrots, Cheese Cake. *Speed line: Grilled Hamburger/Cheeseburger, French Fries, Baked Beans. *Dinner: Vegetable Supreme Soup, Teriyaki Chicken, Baked Tuna Noodles, Fried Rice, Spinach, Oriental Stir Fry, Cheese Cake.
Tuesday, Feb. 18
Tuesday, Feb. 18 *Breakfast: Farina, Ham Sliced, Baked Sausage Patties, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Hash Brown Potatoes, Waffles, Pastries. *Speed line: Panini Bar. *Lunch: Cream of Asparagus Soup, B.B.Q. Spareribs, Southern Fried Chicken, Chicken Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Hopping John, Corn on the Cob, Collard Greens, Cake. *Dinner: Onion Soup, Pasta Alforno, Cream Style Corn, Turkey Pot Pie, Steamed Rice, Baked Hubbard Squash, Cookies.
Saturday, Feb. 15 *Breakfast: Farina, Grilled Ham Slices, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Hash Brown Potatoes, French Toast, Pastries. *Brunch: Breakfast Items, Cream of Broccoli Soup, Chili Macaroni, Hash Brown Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli, Cookies. *Dinner: Broccoli Soup, Pizza, Fishwich, Peas, Corn, Cookies.
Wednesday, Feb. 19 *Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, Pancakes. *Lunch: Mulligatawny Soup, Roast Beef, Spaghetti w/Fish Sauce, Steamed Rice, Chicken Gravy, Peas & Carrots, Cake. *Speed line: Grilled Cheese/Hamburger, Baked Beans, French Fried Potatoes. *Dinner: Chicken Noodle Soup, Baked Fish w/Cherry Tomato, Pasta alla Carbonara, Roasted Potatoes, Steamed Rice, Green Beans, Pie.
Sunday, Feb. 16 *Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, Waffles. *Brunch: Breakfast Items, Onion Soup, Savory Baked Chicken, Hash Brown Potatoes, Steamed Brussels Sprouts. *Dinner: Pepper Pot Soup, Chicken Parmesan, Penne Amatriciana, Rice Pilaf, Cauliflower Polonaise, Seasoned Succotash, Cake.
Thursday, Feb. 20 *Breakfast: Hominy Grits, Corned Beef Hash, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, French Toast, Pastries. *Lunch: Corn Chowder Soup, Pasta Chef, Hungarian Goulash, Rice Pilaf, Mashed Potatoes, Brown Gravy, Steamed Asparagus, Peas & Carrots, Cake. *Speed line: Chili Dog, Onion Rings. *Dinner: Beef Noodle Soup, B.B.Q. Chicken, Farfalle Alfredo, Steamed Rice, Seasoned Carrots, Cake.
Monday, Feb. 17 *Breakfast: Hominy Grits, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Hash Brown Potatoes, French Toast. *Lunch: Cream of potato Soup, Lemon Baked Fish, Pasta Chef, Tossed Green Rice, Calico Cabbage, Fresh Carrots, Cake. *Speed line: Pizza. *Dinner: Beef Noodle Soup, Spaghetti w/ Meat Balls, Fish Sandwich, Collard Greens, Cake.
Friday, Feb. 21 *Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Grilled Sausage Patties, Ham Sliced, Asstd. Omelets, Eggs to Order, Hash Brown Potatoes, Waffles. *Lunch: New England Clam Chowder, Stuffed Baked Fish, Spaghetti Aglio, Olio & Pepperoncino, Roasted Garlic Potatoes, Steamed Asparagus, Cauliflower, Cookies. *Speed line: Grilled Chicken Breast, French Fried Potatoes. *Dinner: Cream Of Mushroom Soup, Cantonese Spareribs, Baked Tuna Noodles, Rice Pilaf, Steamed Whole Corn, Lemon Cookies.
5:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM
Wednesday, Feb. 19 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM
Friday, Feb. 14 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM
Ride Along Secret Life of Walter M. Robocop Lone Survivor
Saturday, Feb. 15 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM
The Lego Movie 3D The Nut Job Ride Along Robocop The Monuments Men
Sunday, Feb. 16 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM
Secret Life of Walter M. The Lego Movie Legend of Hercules 3D Walking W/Dinosaurs 47 Ronin 3D
Monday, Feb. 17
As a reminder, all dependents are always welcome at the galley! Please provide any negative or positive feedback. There is a suggestions box near the entrance to the galley, next to the serving line.
Walking W/ Dinosaurs Grudge Match 47 Ronin 3D Jack Ryan
2:00 PM 2:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM
The Lego Movie 3D Ride Along Legend of Hercules 3D Robocop Paranormal Activity V
The Lego Movie 3D Robocop August: Osage County The Monuments Men
PG-13 PG PG-13 R
Thursday, Feb. 20
PG PG PG-13 PG-13 PG-13
Friday, Feb. 21
PG PG PG-13 PG PG-13 PG PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 R
5:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM
5:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM
The Nut Job The Monuments Men Lone Survivor Ride Along I, Frankenstein Secret Life of Walter M. Her The Monuments Men
Saturday, Feb. 22 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM
Legend of Hercules 3D The Monuments Men The Lego Movie 3D I, Frankenstein Her
Sunday, Feb. 23 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM
Secret Life of Walter M. The Lego Movie Lone Survivor August: Osage County Paranormal Activity V
Movie Premiere
Free Movie
Same Day Release
Last Show
PG PG-13 PG-13 R PG PG-13 R PG-13 PG PG-13 R PG-13 PG-13 PG R PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 PG PG-13 R PG PG R R R
HER ... R STARRING: Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Scarlett Johnason A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that’s designed to meet his every need. (126 m.) I, FRANKENSTEIN ... PG-13 STARRING: Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nightly, Miranda Otto Frankenstein’s creature finds himself caught in an all-out, centuries old war between two immortal clans. (92 m.) THE LEGO MOVIE 2D &3D ... PG STARRING: Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett An ordinary LEGO minifigure, mistakenly thought to be the Master Builder, is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil LEGO tyrant from gluing the universe together. (100 m.) THE MONUMENTS MEN ... PG-13 STARRING: George Clooney, Cate Blanchett, Matt Damon An unlikely World War II platoon are tasked to rescue art masterpieces from Nazi thieves and return them to their owners. (118 m.) RIDE ALONG ... PG-13 STARRING: Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, Tika Sumpter Fast-talking security guard Ben joins his cop brother-in-law James on a 24hour patrol of Atlanta in order to prove himself worthy of marrying Angela, James' sister. (100 m.) ROBOCOP ... PG-13 STARRING: Joel Kinnaman, Douglas Urbanski, Abbie Cornish In 2028 Detroit, when Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman) – a loving husband, father and good cop – is critically injured in the line of duty, the multinational conglomerate OmniCorp sees their chance for a part-man, part-robot police officer. (118 m.)
Movie schedule is subject to change. Please call to confirm. Movie Hotline: 624-4248
FEBRUARY 14, 2014
Find and circle all of the words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell a popular Valentine's Day item.
Valentine's Day
FEBRUARY 14, 2014
AUTOMOBILES 1986 Alfa Romeo Spider, 1600cc. 30,000 km. Red with black interior. Original condition. Registered with the ASI (Automotoclub Storico Italiano) and has been issued with a certificate of its historical value. 12,000 euro, or OBO. Contact Mr. S.E. Mazza at 0942-24826. (Must travel to Taormina to see car.)
FEBRUARY 14, 2014 All classified ads are free to the community for advertising personal property for sale, trade or giveaway. Ads must be sent to no later than 5 p.m. of the Friday before the week of publication and must include POC name and phone number. For more information, call 624-5440, 624-2798 or 095-86-5440/2798 or
FEBRUARY 14, 2014
NASSIG Tenant Commands Participate in COMREL Event at Catania School
SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIM ADVOCATE HOTLINES: Sigonella SAPR VA Hotline: 335-642-8312. DoD Safe Helpline: 001-877-995-5247
(From cell phones and off-base telephones)
Or: 19020 (toll-free access code) 1-877-995-5247 (From DSN lines)
PAID AD Adopt while stationed overseas International & fostercare adoptions, homestudies.
U.S service members stationed and deployed to Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella reunited with Italo Calvino to participate in a community relations (COMREL) effort Jan. 31, to complete a playground reconstruction at Scuola Dell’ Infanzia in Catania, Sicily. (U.S. Navy photo by OS2 Adrian Vega/Released)
The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts of supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy (or Marine Corps), (name of command) or (name of publisher) of the products and services advertised. “Everything advertised in this newspaper shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Published by Stampa, a private firm in no way connected with DoD, the U.S. Navy (or Marine Corps), under exclusive contract with the U.S. Navy (or Marine Corps).
NOTE: Ads run for two weeks on a space available basis and must be sponsored by active duty military members, family members or Italian/ American base employees. AFTS/AFN decoders must be sold only to another authorized individual: active duty or retired U.S. military, DoD direct-hire employees or their spouse. Ads that profit a business or individual, such as housekeeping or baby-sitting services considered commercial ads. Commercial ads are not accepted. Requests for commercial ads must be made to Stampa Generale: 081-568-7884 or
by OS3 Derein Perry MTOC-5, NAS Jacksonville
U.S. service members stationed and deployed to Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella reunited with Italo Calvino to participate in a community relations (COMREL) effort Jan. 31, to complete a playground reconstruction at Scuola Dell’ Infanzia in Catania, Sicily. The COMREL was spearheaded by the NAS Sigonella Public Affairs Office and local nationals in an effort to clean and restore local schools around Catania. The event was welcomed by the Mayor of Catania', who also provided volunteers with the necessary tools and supplies to complete the project. Service members from NAS Sigonella's Commander, Task Force SIX SEVEN (CTF 67), Tactical Operations Center Sigonella (TOC SIG), and Mobile Tactical Operations Center FIVE (MTOC 5) of Jacksonville, Fla., participated in the COMREL that proved to be a success at not only revamping the playground at Scuola Dell’ Infanzia, but also providing those who helped with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. “It feels great to be able to contribute to this cause, especially after seeing the smiles on the children’s faces,” said Information Systems Technician 2nd Class Jonathan Belz of MTOC 5. With laughter in the air, the goal of making a difference and, literally, laying down the foundation for a better path, volunteers were able to create new walkways, paint exterior portions of the building and give a small facelift to the landscape of a nearby middle school in less than four hours. “I enjoyed the interaction outside of work
with my peers, being able to joke and have a nice conversation while making a positive contribution to the community,” said Operations Specialist 2nd Class Adrian Vega of TOC SIG. The promises of those made in the past to reunite came through, forging friendships with the timeless collections of lifelong memories; with Facebook and Instagram photos to prove it. Sailors showed the world that one person can truly make a difference. “This contribution definitely made a positive impact on the community by allowing the children an area to play safely and showing others that we are always willing to lend a helping hand,” said another Sailor from MTOC 5. “And although these tasks certainly do not provoke the mental image of a playground that we all have come to know, these service members were able to provide a safe environment for others to create those same fun-filled images for years to come.” This COMREL was only one of many and hopefully more to come as time goes on; with the hopes of continuing a joint effort between service members and local organizations to strive to provide a lasting relationship and a better Sicily for all to share. NAS Sigonella Public Affairs Office has been partnering with local communities and organizations for over 50 years, since its establishment in 1959, and completes over 100 COMREL's a year, making it one of the most active COMREL organizations in the European area of responsibility.
Sigonella to Offer PMK Training on NAS II Professional Military Knowledge (PMK) Training is being offered in preparation for the petty officer advancement exams on the following dates from 12 - 1 p.m. in the upstairs training classroom in MVRO Bldg. 724 on NAS II:
Tuesday, Feb. 11 Wednesday, Feb. 12 Thursday, Feb. 13 Tuesday, Feb. 18 Wednesday, Feb. 19 Thursday, Feb. 20
Tuesday, Feb. 25 Wednesday, Feb. 26 Thursday, Feb. 27 Tuesday, March 4 Tuesday, March 11 Tuesday, March 18
FEBRUARY 14, 2014