Message from the
Welcome to another edition of The Critical Path. Well folks, we are living through extraordinary times with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, something that this country has not seen the likes of in over a century. At the time of this writing, about 5% of the workforce is coming through the gates of Goddard-Greenbelt as we maximize telework for the safety of our people. Despite this significant challenge, much of our work continues in a remote fashion, and our onsite teams continue to safely fly our spacecraft, keep our networks operating, and maintain our critical infrastructure. I greatly appreciate everybody’s perseverance as we navigate through these uncertain times. On a very positive note, we welcome both Dennis Andrucyk as Center Director and Anne Kinney as Deputy Center Director. I have had the pleasure of
working with both Dennis and Anne in years past and am excited to be working closely with them again, along with Christyl Johnson and Ray Rubilotta in Code 100. On the mission side, there were many significant milestones over the past quarter, including the successful Solar Orbiter launch and early mission operations, the DSCOVR recommissioning, OSIRISREx rehearsals and flyovers in advance of the August 2020 tag event with the asteroid Bennu, SGSS end-to-end contacts with several spacecraft on orbit, WFIRST confirmation, JPSS-3 and JPSS-4 confirmation, PACE mission Critical Design Review,
Attendees at the 2020 AAAC Retreat included: Back Row: Earlene Trott, Trena Ferrell, Iman Watson, DeWayne Washington, Tryshanda Moton, Sherley Jones, Henry Lane, Tonjua Hines-Watts, Denise Cervantes, Cheryl Johnson, Roland Wescott; Front Row: Wanda Peters, David Mitchell, Carlton Peters, Samuel Henry, David Pierce. CREDIT: NASA / WFF 4