13 minute read
REDO Campaign
In view of recent events considering the profession of architecture, the entire fraternity is deep in thought about the liability of a professional in the field; making it obvious that the law to govern, protect and administer the profession is irrelevant in doing the same.
The Architects act 1972, has proven to lack lucidity and explicitness and failed to protect the profession. The Supreme Court, with the Act as its base, passed a judgement where the definition of a credible practitioner has become more indistinct than before. This ruling highlights the flaw in the Act.
A wholesome approach to empower the profession requires a new bill to be drafted. All concerned entities can partake in this process. Practitioners and students of architecture who are the most at stake must take this initiative. The goal would be to table these proposals at the Parliament in the winter session of 2020. Help and support from all possible sources are essential for a successful attempt.
A Call for Action:
• Hoping to serve as a bridge between the student, architecture fraternity, and the concerned authorities, we hereby urge everyone associated to unite and raise the collective concerns about the consequences of the act, and help take it forward in an organized manner. • Opinions and suggestions can aid in drafting a more holistic bill, which will be more inclusive in terms of addressing a variety of issues from all facets.
1Zone ZCM
The Zonal Council Meet of Zone 1 was organised from 9th to 14th June. Due to this pandemic, with the intent to keep the proceeding of the year alive, the meetings were conducted on an online platform on Google Meets.
This meet was successful over 6 sessions wherein Unit Council of the 62 units of zone 1 gathered to discuss and formulate the happenings of the current year. The meet was conducted by Vagish Chaudhary, Zonal President – Zone 1, aided by the various members of the executive and zonal council.
The meet was conducted with an aim to brief the unit secretaries and unit designed about their responsibilities and job roles towards their unit as well as the association. With this year being an Amendment year, there was an in-depth discussion and debate on the constitution of NASA India to discuss and formulate proposals for the possible changes in the constitution. Fruitful discussions were also held about the structuring of the Zonal Magazine followed by a debate on the pros, cons and possible solutions for Reubens trophy.
A new structure of Zonal NASA Convention (ZNC) was formularised which would focus on social works i.e., giving back to our society.
It was a very dynamic and new approach to a ZCM. The meeting proved beneficial for both the council as well as the association. Zone 1 with its enthusiasm and participation is ready to overcome all the obstacles of this year and come through with flying colours. It will aspire to be an active part of the association always keeping in mind the welfare of the students.

Vagish Chaudhary
Zonal President (Zone 1)
2Zone ZCM
The Zonal Council Meet for Zone 2 was conducted from 16th to 20th of May, 2020 over Google Meet. It was the first time that the meet was held virtually owing to the pressing conditions our nation is presently facing due to the pandemic.
This meet was divided over 6 sessions wherein the Unit Secretaries and Unit Designees of the 44 units of zone 2 were invited to discuss and ideate over various topics of importance, in terms of student welfare of each units. The meet was conducted by Arunav Sinha, Zonal President – Zone 2 and assisted by various members of executive and zonal council.
The meet also served as a platform to guide the Unit Secretaries and the respective Unit Designees towards their duties and responsibilities towards both their units and the association. In depth discussions and information was given out to them in regards to the various new collaboration the association has undertaken or is planning to undertake which furthered discussions to its pros and cons for students of each unit. Owing to the pandemic, a lot of zonal and annual events are going to be affected, from conventions to trophies as well as various seminars, workshops and talk series. Realizing this, there were interesting discussions held for developing new ways of taking up initiatives to create beneficial opportunities for students without putting their safety at risk. As the 63rd year of NASA India is the year of amendment of the NASA India Constitution, Zone 2 did a reading through all the articles, discussed it in detail to understand them and in turn came up with suggestions to reiterate, omit or add necessary changes.
Overall, it was a very fruitful experience for all the participants, and this new medium of discussion definitely paves the way for more such discussions down the line. With hopes held high, moving into the 63rd year, Zone 2 seems ready and confident to take up any challenges coming its way and being on its active foot to help the association and the students in any and all way possible.

Arunav Sinha
Zonal President (Zone 2)
3Zone ZCM
The 63rd Zonal Council Meet, Zone 3 was conducted from 15th – 20th May 2020 over Google Meet due to the prevailing pandemic situation in the country. The meeting was divided over 6 sessions wherein Unit Secretaries and Unit Designees of the 38 units of zone 3 were invited to discuss over various topics, considering student welfare of each unit. The meet was conducted by Aditya Jaiswal, the Zonal President – Zone 3, and was assisted by various members of the executive and zonal council.
Meeting over such a platform prompted a shift from the conventional methods, providing an opportunity for the association to explore new horizons of communication, mediating information and having extensive discussions.

With 63rd year being the amendment year, several related topics were discussed, which led to some suggestions for the possible amendments. Discussions covered various points such as understanding the association, trophy proceedings, collaborations which the association has undertaken or is planning to undertake with further discussions on their pros and cons considering student welfare of each unit, 63rd-year vision and theme, Redo campaign, ideas on formulating different ways to execute associational activities considering the current pandemic situation, etc. The meet also served as a platform to guide the Unit Secretaries and Unit Designees to fulfil their job roles towards their unit and the association.
Overall, it was a very good experience for all the participants, paving a new way of communication with everyone. Moving into the 63rd year with high hopes and aspirations, Zone 3 is ready to take up challenges and contribute for the student’s welfare and help out association in all the possible ways.
Aditya Jaiswal
Zonal President (Zone 3)
The Zonal Council Meet for Zone 4 was organized from the 29th of May to 3rd June of 2020. It was the first time that an online medium was adopted, to meet up and discuss the happenings of the previous year and proceedings of the current year. It was an experimental yet successful trial to a way of dealing with this current pandemic situation.
The meet was conducted through Google Meets as 6 sessions wherein Unit Secretaries and Unit Designees of the 27 units of zone 4 were invited to discuss and conceive about various topics, the importance in terms of the welfare of each and every student who is a part of the association. The meeting was conducted by Siddhi Dhanaraj, Zonal President – Zone 4, and was assisted by the members of the Executive and Zonal council.
The sessions also served as a platform to guide the Unit secretaries and respective unit designees towards their duties and responsibilities towards both their units and the association. Constitution was discussed in detail to imbibe in-depth knowledge of the association and it’s working. A brief debate on each of the pointers in the constitution gave us an overview of the needs of the student fraternity and the changes that should be focused on in the Amendment year. Effective discussions and information went on in regards to the various new collaborations which the association has undertaken or is planning to undertake with further discussions on their pro’s and cons for students.
The pandemic cannot be allowed to disrupt the zonal and annual events, like conventions, trophies as well as various seminars and workshops. Innovative yet feasible ideas were discussed to proceed in a smooth and safe manner.
Overall, it was an effective session and a new experience for all the participants of the meet, and this new medium of discussion definitely paves the way for more such discussions. Zone 4 is confident enough to take up the challenges and provide active participation and support to the association.

Siddhi Dhanaraj
Zonal President (Zone 4)
Zone ZCM5
The Zonal Council Meet (ZCM) for Zone 5 was conducted from 16th20th May 2020 on the Google Meet platform due to the current pandemic situation. The Meet was held over five different sessions scheduled from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
There was active participation from the Unit Secretaries and the newly elected Unit Designees. Since the Zonal President of zone 5 is not yet selected, the session was managed by the National Secretary and members from the Executive Council. The meeting had 20 member colleges and 28 observer colleges as participants.
As 63rd year is an Amendment year, the discussion was based on it and suggestions was invited considering the present opportunity and requirement. This year’s meeting was done on a different platform to explore the new methods of communication. The meeting covered topics like understanding of the association, trophy discussions, collaborations, 63rd-year vision and theme and articles of the constitution. There was also a discussion over the events of NASA India and how to proceed during this pandemic situation. Highlights of the meet:
• Discussion on the Constitution and amendments for the same. • Discussing views and reimagining a new pattern for the Zonal NASA
Conventions. • Collaborations • NASA ideas for the zone • Ideas for Zonal publication • The orientation of Unit Designees • Discussion on the Redo campaign and OAN Grants Program
Apart from that, new ideas and initiatives were discussed regarding online interactive sessions and the promotion of NASA India as a brand, with the help of the units and students. Ideas like how to promote architectural education and its effects on an individual were also discussed. Overall, it was an effective meeting on a whole new platform, which gives us hope to innovate more and fill in the communication gaps in the absence of physical interaction.
Ashwith Koyyala
National Secretary

The 63rd Zonal Council Meet of Zone 6 happened from 21st May to 28th May 2020 on Google Meet due to the pandemic situation prevailing throughout the Nation.
The meeting happened over 7 sessions with the participation of 25 member colleges and 45 observer colleges. It was conducted by Ayush Bipin, the Zonal president of zone 6, accompanied by different executive council members. Given the fact that this year is the amendment year, extensive discussions happened over each article of the NASA India Constitution. Different possibilities and possible restructurings of the Constitution were voiced out by the representatives of the units. It provided an enormous amount of knowledge to the new Unit Designees.
The effects of a pandemic on the functioning of the association were also discussed. The different responsive ways of conducting zonal events was also talked through. The overall structure of the zonal events was extensively discussed, and changes were proposed by the general council. The zonal analysis was done by the units and certain issues within the zone were brought out and discussed. Initiatives of the association like REDO were elaborated to provide more outreach. There was an exchange of views regarding plausible new collaborations with different organizations and the status of the already existing ones was discussed. Many suggestions were made regarding new collaborations in order to make them more useful and efficient for the students.
The new approach towards the meeting in response to the pandemic helped the zone to have a very extensive discussion on various topics which might not have been possible if it was conducted in the conventional way. It also gave us the liberty to extend the meeting by a day!
Ayush Bipin
Zonal President (Zone 6)

The Annual NASA Design Competition (ANDC) is NASA India’s own design competition, which addresses issues extending from current patterns to theoretical approach of architectural design. The Annual NASA Design Competition is also the qualifying trophy for the Annual NASA Convention of the respective year. The Brief of ANDC trophy was released on 28th June, 2020.

DesTech Challenge 2020 is a unique challenge that will take you through the journey from DATA to DESIGN. A challenge where the inputs from each participant is valued and used to communicate a powerful message through a shared DesTech Healthy Cities Platform. The brief was released on 29th July, 2020

ID Trophy
The trophy aims to explore product design solutions for various purpose, which could be social or for local masses. The Trophy is moderated by ‘Thinkering’. The brief was released on 19 August,2020

GSEN Trophy
It is an Urban Design trophy that involves documentation, analysis and redesign with an integrated approach to the design process. Its intent is to comprehend and value the existing fabricated form of a building and redesign on the basis of given theme. The trophy is handled by NASA India with Ar. Mansi Shah being the moderator for the trophy. The brief was released on 19th August, 2020
The 63rd Year Design Editorial Team
Harshitha Kammari Radhika Ramakrishna K Richa Himanshu Garg Arundhuti Bhattacharya Gurrapu Sadashiva Shafi
Dipti Chourasia Greeshmika Nagubilli Zainab Bhat
Anushreya Kondapi Anvi Singh Achirava Raha Shreya Dubey

Radhika Jhamaria Rutuja Adhau Ayushi Nigam Soffia Firdous Nikita Konwar Gogoi
Prachi Surana
Nandini Mishra M L Vinay Vibha Sriraksha G Hareesh A N Roopal K N S Infant Akash Raj Akshayashreeya N Akhila A
Abhigna B Saksham Mitra Nooren Afza Anoushka Shome Prateeksha S Rao Omkar Mhatre Jayesh Wasnik Krittika K C Umang Bhardwaj R Sneha Amjad Hussain
Nishi Shah Pranav Gupta
Tanmay Bhavsar Prateek Vikal Rajasee Datta Abhigna B Deepanshu Babbar
Rajasee Datta V Amrutha Jaival Mehta Ishita Singh Tushita Basak Ojasvi Harish Karthick V Suyash Sherekar Sakshi Singh