National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies
Volume 9, Issue 2
April 2013
Spring greetings to all! State budgetary constraints remain to be a problem for many states. NASCLA continues to find ways to assist states in this time of need. For the past few years many people (NASCLA Education Committee, NASCLA Board of Directors, NASCLA Executive Committee and certainly the staff) have been working extremely hard to develop the NASCLA State Education Database. We hope to have it launched this year. When completed, this database will save participating states tremendous administrative expenses to administer not only ontinuing education but, also prelicensing and remedial education programs. Another project demanding a lot of time and effort is the investigator training program. When completed NASCLA will have the undisputed, highest quality, investigator training program specifically designed for the construction industry. This program is also scheduled for completion this year. For those that take advantage, this program also has the potential for future tremendous savings to state budgets. This huge savings for states are exemplary of services and programs that NASCLA is continuously providing to its members. A partial list of some of the ongoing programs currently available are: • •
• • •
NASCLA Info Share System – provides a means to interact directly with counterparts in other states that may have faced similar problems in the past that now confront you. Members can post questions and or concerns that are fielded to industry experts for answers and clarification. NASCLA Toolkit for Contractor Regulators – this is a means to assist in addressing operational issues facing regulatory boards. The toolkit consists of documents that have previously been developed by state member agencies and individuals. This toolkit will be beneficial to you and your agency when creating new processes and modifying existing documents. NASCLA Public Service Announcements – Providing public service announcements that may be used by your state agency to inform the public of poor construction practices. These PSAs may be tailored to your state agency to include your state logo and contact information. NASCLA Contractor Disciplinary Database – the only national database that correlates all construction discipline. NASCLA Consumer Awareness Information and Brochures – providing numerous brochures and information sources that may be distributed by states to the public.
All of these programs and services would not have been possible without the time and effort contributed by NASCLA Committee Members. Let’s continue to work TOGETHER, for the betterment of ALL , and we can get through these tough budget years,– TOGETHER. The next great opportunity to Greet, Share, Work and Learn will be in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho at the NASCLA 2013 Annual Conference. SEE YOU THERE!
Steve Pinther NASCLA President
Meet New NASCLA Members! Inside This Issue: NASCLA President Message ................................. 1 Meet New NASCLA Members & NASCLA Membership ......................... 2 NASCLA State Member Spotlight ................................ 3 NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting Overview ........... 4-5 NASCLA Committee Reports ............................ 6-11 Letter to the Senator and Congressman from Margi Grein .............................. 12-13 The LSLBC Works to Fight Contractor Fraud and Elder Abuse .................................. 14 New MSBOC Director Goes from Lawyer to Pioneer .......................... 15-16 Featured NASCLA Resource ............................. 17 NASCLA Calendar of Events .................................. 18
New State Members: • Idaho Division of Building Safety This board oversees HVAC, Plumbing and Electrical.
New Associate Members: • National Center for the Prevention of Home Improvement Fraud (NCPHIF)
New Contractor Members: • JRC Specialty, Inc. • Lankford Construction Company
NASCLA Member Benefits!
• Bluewater Restoration, Inc.
• Networking Opportunities with Industry Experts and Representatives
• Continuing Education Opportunities • Opportunity for Committee Service
• Complimentarty Copies of the Annual Membership Directory and Quarterly Newsletter • Reduced Registration Fees for NASCLA Annual Conferences & Training Seminars
• Access to the NASCLA Members Only Website To Apply for NASCLA Membership, please visit the following link: 2
NASCLA State Member Spotlight! New Jersey and the Contractors’ Registration Act The Registration and Licensing Section is a unit within the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs’ Office of Consumer Protection and is part of the Office of the Attorney General. The Section is responsible for registering or licensing a wide variety of businesses, including Career Consulting Firms, Career Counseling Firms/Agents, Consulting Firms (“headhunters”), Consulting Firms/ Temp Agencies, Employment Agencies/Agents, Entertainment Agencies/Agents, Health Care Service Firms, Health Clubs, Home Improvement Contractors, Job Listing Services, Public Movers & Warehousemen, Resume Services/ Agents, Temporary Help Service Firms, Ticket Agents, Telemarketers and Vehicle Protection Warrantors. The New Jersey Home Improvement Contractors’ Registration Act took effect on January 1, 2006. This law requires all contractors performing repairs, renovations or other work on homes to register annually with the Section. Certain licensed professions, such as electricians and master plumbers, do not have to obtain an HIC registration if they are working within the scope of their licenses. The Act and regulations require contractors to disclose their street address and to provide proof that they have least $500,000 in liability insurance, before they can become registered. The Act also requires that all home improvement contracts in excess of $500 contain clear language, including the project’s agreed-upon price, starting and ending dates, and scope of work. The use of state-issued registration numbers is required in ads and on websites, company vehicles and consumer contracts. There were approximately 45,000 registered HICs in New Jersey at the end of 2012. The Division of Consumer Affairs has staged several undercover investigations of suspected unregistered HICs during the past four years. During these investigations, investigators posing as homeowners scheduled suspected unregistered HICs to come and give estimates for needed repairs or renovations at houses made available to the Division. Unregistered contractors can be prosecuted for a fourth degree crime, in addition to the imposition of civil penalties by the Division of Consumer Affairs which can range from up to $10,000 for a first offense and up to $20,000 for a second and subsequent offense.
Diana Petrella, Assistant Deputy of Registration & Licensing
NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting Overview
The NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting was held March 13 – 15, 2013 at the Sheraton Suites Old Town Alexandria in Alexandra, Virginia. The meeting was a great success thanks to the hard work and dedication of NASCLA’s Executive Committee, Committee Members and Board of Directors!
On Wednesday, March 13th the NASCLA Model Legislation & Special Projects Committee held a committee meeting in prior to the start of the NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting to work on the NASCLA Investigator Training Program. Other pre-conference meetings began later that afternoon with the NASCLA Fiscal Policy and Procedures Committee Meeting followed by the NASCLA Executive Committee. They reviewed and discussed the interim George Whalen, Executive Director of the Rhode Island Contractors’ business Registration and Licensing Board, and Angie Whitaker, NASCLA Executive Director and financial statements of the association. On Thursday, March 14th committee members and other attendees participated in the four committee meetings that were held; NASCLA Model Legislation & Special Projects Committee, NASCLA Resources Committee, NASCLA Membership Committee and NASCLA Education Committee. This year, the Mid Year Meeting focused on only those committees that needed to complete projects. Other committees met by conference call prior to the meeting to NASCLA Board of Directors Meeting discuss their future goals. Some of the highlights from the NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting include the NASCLA Education Committee finalizing the details of the NASCLA Education Program and preparing to launch at the Alabama Board of Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors. The NASCLA Membership Committee discussed their membership growth from the membership plan that was devised at the NASCLA 2012 Annual Conference; they will continue to outreach to non-member states in hopes of gaining new membership. The NASCLA Resources Committee will soon place state member consumer information that has been gathered from state agencies onto the NASCLA Toolkit for Contractor Regulators on the NASCLA Members Only website. The afternoon of Thursday, March 14th the NASCLA Board of Directors met to discuss action items that would need to be voted on the following day. Additionally, while being in the state of Virginia, Eric Olson, Executive Director of the Virginia Board for Contractors, gave a brief report that included an overview of his state agency, current projects they’re working on and information that
Eric Olson, Executive Director of the Virginia Board of Contractors presenting to the NASCLA Board of Directors
NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting Overview Continued
was of interest to state members.
Following Mr. Olson’s presentation, the NASCLA Board of Directors met with two associations; Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). The purpose of these meetings was to discuss partnership opportunities that will assist in better serving the construction industry, the general public and members of both organizations. ABC and NASCLA discussed issues of workforce shortage, education reform along with competency based training programs and regulation. The NAHB and NASCLA discussed issues on tax reform, immigration reform and the finance system. These meetings were a true success and demonstrated to be of importance to both associations. On Friday, March 18th, the NASCLA Mid Year Meeting came to a close with the NASCLA and NASCLA Educational Resources and Publications (NERP) Board of Directors Meetings. The NASCLA Committee Chairs reported on their accomplishments and goals to date. The NASCLA Board of Directors discussed the business, financials and special projects that the association has accomplished over the first half of the fiscal year. Thank you to those who participated in the NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting in Alexandria!
John Curl, Hearing Officer for the South Carolina Residential Builders Commission and Stephen Thompson, Vice President of US Remodelers, Inc.
Stephanie Lee, Executive Director of the Mississippi State Board of Contractors and Ellen Leonard, Assistant Attorney General for the State of Alabama
Andy Conlin from Assocaited Builders & Contractors (ABC) and Michael McDuff, Executive Director of the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors
Keith Warren, Executive Director of the Alabama Electrical Contractors Board, Greg Crow, Administrator of the Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board, Steve Pinther, NASCLA President and Board Chairman of the Idaho State Contractors Board and Stephen Thompson, Vice President of US Remodelers, Inc.
NASCLA Committee Reports Find Out What The Committees Current Projects Are For FY 2012/2013!
NASCLA Accredited Examination Program Committee; Heidi Lincer-Hill, Chair FY 2012/2013 Committee Projects
• The committee is exploring additional accredited examinations and developing a survey for the NASCLA State Members and Non-Members on other potential accredited examinations. The committee will report the results to the NASCLA Board of Directors in FY 2012/2013. • The committee will be updating the NASCLA Accredited Examination Brochure on the Commercial General Building Contractors Examination in FY 2012/2013. • The committee finalized the new test specifications that have been developed based on the new job occupational analysis that was completed on June 28, 2012. • The new job occupational analysis will be used by the approved accredited examination providers starting on April 1, 2013.
Committee Update
The committee held a conference call on April 15, 2013. On the conference call the committee reviewed the accredited examination survey results from the state agencies. The staff will further analyze the survey data from the states and report back to the committee. The committee reviewed the updated NASCLA Accredited Examination Brochure; the brochure will be completed and printed in early May 2013. The committee reviewed the new occupational analysis and testing with PSI. PSI is testing on the new occupational analysis for the NASCLA Accredited Examination for Commercial General Building Contractors.
NASCLA Accredited Examination Submarketing Committee; Greg Crow, Chair FY 2012/2013 Committee Projects
• The NASCLA Submarketing Committee will be working on a new strategic plan for the accredited examination program. The committee will be reviewing the states that have a trade examination in place and have the commercial general contractor classification. The committee met by conference call in November 2012. They developed a marketing plan and reviewed the states that had the trade examination classification. They will be developing a marketing PowerPoint presentation with voice over for marketing purposes.
Committee Update
The committee has finalized the new marketing strategic plan and state research for the accredited examination program. The marketing PowerPoint presentation with voice over has been completed for state agencies. Currently, targeting 3 new potential states to utilize the NASCLA Accredited Examination for Commercial General Building Contractors. 6
NASCLA Committee Reports Continued NASCLA Education Committee; John Curl, Chair FY 2012/2013 Committee Projects
• The NASCLA Education Program Module for State Agencies on Prelicensure, Continuing Education and Remedial Education. Next steps, is to continue working with CETArchive in finalizing the education program and database. • Alabama Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Board should be launched by March 1, 2013 as the first state to test the education program. Launch other states in 2013. • Review Standards, FAQ’s and Develop a Marketing Plan for NASCLA State Members.
Committee Update
The committee held a conference call on April 11, 2013 to review the NASCLA Education Program status with CETArchive. The committee reviewed and finalized the NASCLA Education Provider /Course Applications, FAQ’s and Standards. The committee discussed launching Alabama which is now scheduled for May 1, 2013.
NASCLA Membership Committee; George Whalen, Chair FY 2012/2013 Committee Projects
• NASCLA has received 28 new members for FY 2011/2012. • NASCLA 50th Year New Membership Marketing Campaign, New State Members $50.00 for 2012/2013 Membership Dues, Start Date June 1, 2012 – August 31, 2012, Plan Completed. • NASCLA Membership Plan Promotion for State Members/Local Jurisdictions, new first time state members will have a complimentary membership for the first year only. • NASCLA Membership discount to new first time business, contractor, associate and affiliate members; they will receive a 50% membership discount off the regular membership dues rate. Effective September 1, 2013. • George Whalen, Committee Chair, & Angie Whitaker, NASCLA Executive Director, to send a membership promotional letter to targeted non-member states, completed. • NASCLA Staff to create Membership Promotional Flyer & E-Blast, completed. • NASCLA Membership Committee Conference Call was held on January 11, 2013 to review the membership promotion, recruitment of non-state and state members outreach. • The committee will look into applying special publication discounts for NASCLA Members.
Committee Update
The committee held a physical committee meeting at the NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting in Alexandria, Virginia on Thursday, March 14th. The committee discussed the membership marketing plan and outreach to state members. The committee is promoting the new state membership promotion for FY 2013/2014 that offers 1 year complimentary membership at no cost to the state agencies. NASCLA has received 11 new memberships for FY 2012/2013. 7
NASCLA Committee Reports Continued NASCLA Model Legislation & Special Projects Committee; Jamie Durham, Chair FY 2012/2013 Committee Projects
• NASCLA Model Legislation & Special Projects Committee Physical Committee Meeting at the NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting on March 13th and 14th. • NASCLA Specialty Investigative Training Program: 1. Create Task Force to Develop Modules and Core Content 2. Investigator Training Model presented at the NASCLA 2013 Annual Conference 3. Investigator Training Program launched at the NASCLA 2014 Annual Conference • Laws for the NASCLA Resources Committee Toolkit for Contractor Regulators on Elderly Abuse Prevention and Natural Disasters.
Committee Update
The committee held a physical committee meeting at the NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting in Alexandria, Virginia on March 13th and 14th. The committee members worked on the NASCLA Investigative Training Program Module. The committee worked on four different modules (1) Investigative Process: Evidence Collection/ Principal of Evidence, Interviewing Techniques, Professional Conduct, Customer Relations Skills, Public Relations, Technology Trends/Security Privacy, Arbitration, Mediation and Negotiation Skills, and Preventing Abuse (2) Report Writing & Testifying (3) Dealing with Unlicensed Contractors: How to Approach the Statue Violator, Criminal Proceedings and How to Conduct a Proper Sting Operation (4) Understanding Construction Standards, Rules & Regulations and Codes: Regulatory Process, Including Administrative Proceedings, Principles of Administrative Law and Overview of Inspections and Inspection Procedures. The committee will be finalizing this program over the summer and will have it ready for the NASCLA Board of Directors at the NASCLA 2013 Annual Conference. The next committee task will be developing laws for the NASCLA Resources Committee Toolkit for Contractor Regulators on Elderly Abuse Prevention and Natural Disasters. The committee will be finalizing this program over the summer and will have it ready for the NASCLA 2013 Annual Conference.
NASCLA Committee Reports Continued NASCLA Nomination Committee; Craig Smith, Chair FY 2012/2013 Committee Projects
• The committee nominations for the NASCLA Officers, Board of Directors and NASCLA Educational Resources and Publications Officers and Board of Directors.
Committee Update
The committee held a physical committee meeting at the NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting in Alexandria, Virginia on Thursday, March 14th. The committee reviewed nominations for the NASCLA Secretary and Treasurer Elect Position for FY 2013/2014. The committee will be holding a conference call in June 2013 to finalize the nominations that will be made at the NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting.
NASCLA Program Committee; George Whalen, Chair\ FY 2012/2013 Committee Projects
• The NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting will be in held in Alexandria, Virginia on March 13-15. 1. Approved the new meeting format for the NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting. 2. Marketing materials sent to NASCLA State Members. 3. Special invitation letters sent to both NASCLA State Members and Non-State Members that are close to the Alexandria, Virginia area. 4. Special invitation letters sent to Trade Association in the Washington D.C. area. They will be attending on March 14th. • The NASCLA 2013 Annual Conference will be held in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho on August 26 – August 29, 2013. 1. The committee has started formulating the program agenda and speaker list via conference call in November 2012 another conference call will be held in February 2013. 2. The committee already identified some potential speakers for the annual conference and staff has been in touch with the appropriate speakers to confirm their availability.
Committee Update
The committee held a conference call on Friday, April 12th to review the planning and preparations for the NASCLA 2013 Annual Conference. The committee confirmed the program agenda, speakers and topics for the NASCLA 2013 Annual Conference in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho on August 26th – 29th. They also reviewed the draft copy of the conference meeting guidelines and best practices.
NASCLA Committee Reports Continued NASCLA Publications Committee; George Whalen, Chair Fy 2012/2013 Committee Projects
• NASCLA Consumer Guide for Home Improvement Projects Publication, Completed. 1. Target Insurance Companies and Trade Associations 2. Publishing Licensing Agreement • NASCLA Online Training Program on the NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business Law and Project Management, Basic Edition. • NASCLA Publications Brochure Update. • NERP Website Navigation Updates. • Expand NASCLA Code Publications. • HVAC Publication.
Committee Update
The NASCLA Educational Resources and Publications Brochure has been finalized by the committee members and printed. The committee has been sent the website pricing for the new navigation features and redesign for the NASCLA Bookstore. Continue to target new state and code publications.
NASCLA Residential Committee; Janet Baumberger, Chair FY 2012/2013 Committee Projects
• NASCLA Contractors Disciplinary Database, Market to NASCLA State Members so states can import their contractor revocations and disciplinary actions to the database. The association’s Contractor Disciplinary Database now contains the names of over 21,000 individuals who were listed as principals on revoked contractor licenses. The database can be accessed at on the internet. The Contractor Disciplinary Database is a very effective and useful tool. Many of the NASCLA State Members use the Contractor Disciplinary Database on a daily basis to pre-screen contractor applicants. The Contractor Disciplinary Database can be accessed on the NASCLA Members Only portion of the website located at States can search multiple fields: first/last name, company name or do a general search by state. If an applicant’s name appears in the Contractor Disciplinary Database the state board should contact the state that the applicant’s license was revoked in and verify that the information is valid. 1. The committee to review allowing the database service to be available to all NASCLA Contractor Members; to be included in their membership benefits. These members would not be able to see private information or import data, but could obtain information on contractors for their own use. This topic will be discussed in further detail at the NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting.
Committee Update
During the NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting the committee was tasked with a new project to work with the trade associations on the NASCLA Elderly Abuse Awareness Program and have brochures that all parties pledge to abide by in both the public and private sector. 10
NASCLA Committee Reports Continued NASCLA Resources Committee; Margi Grein, Chair
FY 2012/2013 Committee Projects
• Licensing and Enforcement, next area of focus for the committee • The committee will create a spreadsheet with issues from the boards and incorporate into a resources module. The module will include the following: 1. Licensing 2. Partnering 3. Investigators 4. Administrative 5. Recovery Funds 6. Government Affairs – Lobbyists • Government Affairs/Legislator Partnering Plan for NASCLA State Members • NASCLA Staff to prepare a survey for NASCLA State Members to see who is using the NASCLA Toolkit for Contractor Regulators.
Committee Update
The committee held a physical committee meeting at the NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting in Alexandria, Virginia on Thursday, March 14th. The committee reviewed the Government Affairs/Legislator Partnering Plan for NASCLA State Members that they would like to include in the NASCLA Toolkit for Contractor Regulators. The committee reviewed the research on state member consumer information that will be uploaded to the NASCLA Toolkit for Contractor Regulators. The committee will be looking at social media and including information from states on developing a Business Assistance Program that states can utilize.
NASCLA State Member News Letter to the Honorable Dean Heller from Margi Grein
Dear Senator Heller,
My granddaughter, Kendall Brown, and I would like to extend our deepest appreciation to you and your staff for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet with us during our trip to Washington, D.C. last week. The opportunity to share with you the priorities and challenges facing the Nevada State Contractors Board was beneficial and I look forward to future partnering opportunities that may result from our discussions. Craig Smith, Oregon Construction Contractors Board Administrator, also shares my sentiments concerning our discussions on the National Association of State Contractors licensing Agencies and the variety of issues and trends we see as state contractors boards across the nation. In the near future, I will be sending to your local office additional information concerning our senior and homeowner awareness programs, as well as consumer materials we make available to the public. We hope you find these useful in communicating with your constituents and would be happy to work with you to provide further messaging and/or materials of interest to those you represent. To say our trip back east was a memorable experience is an understatement. The hospitality of your staff exceeded our expectations and left us with memories that will surely last a lifetime. It would be my pleasure to welcome you to the Nevada State Contractors Board the next time you are in town and meet with you to further discuss matters of importance to you and the Board. Again, we thank you for your time and for representing the great state of Nevada. Sincerely, MARGI A. GREIN NSCB Executive Officer
Left to Right: Craig Smith, Margi Grein, Senator Heller and Kendell Brown (Margi’s Grandaughter)
Craig Smith
NASCLA State Member News
Letter to the Honorable Steve Horsford from Margi Grein
Dear Congressman Horsford,
My granddaughter, Kendall Brown, and I would like to extend our deepest appreciation to you and your staff for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet with us during our trip to Washington, D.C. last week. I especially valued the opportunity to speak with you about matters of interest to the Nevada State Contractors Board and update you on efforts being taken by the National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies. Both of our agencies place great emphasis on partnering and working together when possible at the local, state, and national level to achieve goals of common interest. I hope we can continue our discussions and identify opportunities in the future to work together on. In the near future, I will be sending to your local office additional information concerning our senior and homeowner awareness programs, as well as consumer materials we make available to the public. We hope you find these useful in communicating with your constituents and would be happy to work with you to provide further messaging and/or materials of interest to those you represent. To say our trip back east was a memorable experience is an understatement. The hospitality of your staff exceeded our expectations and left us with memories that will surely last a lifetime. It would be my pleasure to welcome you to the Nevada State Contractors Board the next time you are in town and meet with you to further discuss matters of importance to you and the Board. Again, we thank you for your time and for representing the great state of Nevada. Sincerely, MARGI A. GREIN NSCB Executive Officer
Left to Right: Kendell Brown (Margi’s Grandaughter), Congressman Horsford and Margi Grein
NASCLA State Member News
The LSLBC Works to Fight Contractor Fraud and Elder Abuse FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 26, 2013 Contact: Kara Kearney, 225-765-2301 ext. 213 Baton Rouge, La.— The Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors (LSLBC), in a joint effort with the Attorney General’s Office, is focusing on reducing the instances of contractor fraud, especially in cases of elder abuse. It is the purpose of the LSLBC to protect the public by regulating commercial, industrial, governmental and residential contractors who bid on or perform work in Louisiana. In cases of elder abuse, contractors take advantage of the elderly because they are easy targets. A so-called contractor will accept payment from an unaware victim and then leave the project unfinished. Sadly, the abuser can be a relative or a child of the victim. Unfortunately, this problem is not isolated; it happens nationwide. “Our compliance investigators are working hard to catch contractors who take advantage of the elderly,” said Michael McDuff, LSLBC Executive Director. Public education on hiring a properly licensed contractor is an important part of preventing contractor fraud. Before hiring a contractor, you should always check with the LSLBC website,, or call (225) 765-2301 or toll-free (800) 256-1392 to make sure the contractor is licensed. Some red flags when hiring a contractor include asking for payment upfront in cash only, not providing a local address or telephone number and soliciting door-to-door. When hiring a contractor, get at least three bids in writing, ask for recommendations from people you know and always check references. It is also important to check the contractor’s complaint record with the Attorney General’s Office or the Better Business Bureau. Visit the LSLBC website for a complete checklist for hiring a contractor. For more information about elder abuse and education for seniors, visit the Office of the Attorney General’s website,
NASCLA State Member News
New MSBOC Director Goes from Lawyer to Pioneer Stephanie Sills Lee was well on her way to a stellar career in the field of law when a life-changing event forced her to re-evaluate where she was and where she was going.
months before Hurricane Katrina devastated the Coast.
Little did she know that her new direction would land her as the Executive Director of the Mississippi State Board of Contractors (MSBOC), making her the first woman to ever hold that office.
The storm’s destruction would offer Lee an opportunity to show she could manage a complex, changing environment.
“I’m both thrilled and honored that I was chosen to lead the MSBOC,” said the unassuming Lee with an easy smile during an interview in her spacious office. “I am just so grateful my board has that kind of trust in me.” If Lee seems already comfortable in her surroundings, it is because they are not new. She had spent four years at the MSBOC serving as legal counsel before unexpectedly landing in the Executive Director’s chair.
“Our former home had six feet of water in it. We would have lost everything,” she said.
Lee hired on with the firm of Brent Coon & Associates, which is based in Texas but has offices nationwide, including one in New Orleans in 2005. “I was asked to manage the attorneys from the New Orleans office until the office could re-open,” Lee remembered. “It was a difficult time, but I definitely learned a lot about management. That experience is invaluable to me today here at the MSBOC.”
Indeed, it has been an interesting journey for the Pearl native. A person of faith, Lee said she felt a calling to enter the legal field. She would go on to earn her B.S. degree in history from Mississippi College before completing her juris doctorate from MC School of Law in 2000. By that time, Lee was already attracting attention, and promptly landed a clerkship with Judge James Graves in the 7th Circuit District in Hinds County. In 2001 when Graves was appointed to the Mississippi Supreme Court, Lee stayed in Hinds County and clerked for Judge Winston L. Kidd. In 2002, Lee relocated to the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and began practicing at the law firm of Barton & Williams in Pascagoula, concentrating on mass tort litigation. Lee’s life took another positive turn when she moved back to the metro Jackson area in 2005 just a few 15
NASCLA State Member News
New MSBOC Director Goes from Lawyer to Pioneer (Continued)... Carrying on her mass tort litigation work, Lee became a member of one of Brent Coon & Associates’ trial teams, taskforces that traveled the country to offer services when and where needed. Lee seemed to have it all. She and her husband, Ricky, an instructor at the Mississippi State Fire Academy, and their three children — son, Ryan, and daughters — were back at home in Rankin County. She was with a noted law firm, and though it meant frequent travel she was content. Then came the life-changing event. In 2007, Lee was diagnosed with cancer. Treatment included surgery and chemotherapy. Fortunately, the treatment was successful. “The cancer I had usually doesn’t come back after five years,” Lee said. “I’m now six years out and healthy and blessed. But it reshaped my priorities” Those new priorities included staying nearer to home and family. So, she decided to leave Brent Coon & Associates, and was named a special assistant attorney general by the Attorney General’s Office to serve as legal counsel at the MSBOC. Lee had been serving in that role for four years when approached about filing the Executive Director’s position.
residential builders, one electrical contractor, one plumbing or heat and air conditioner contractor, one water and sewer contractor and one roofing contractor. There is also a five member residential standing committee. Lee oversees an in-house, 10-person staff plus seven investigators scattered across the state. Lee said she had no plans for any radical changes at the MSBOC, which recently moved into a new headquarters facility just off Lakeland Drive. The agency has seen an uptick in contractor complaints, mainly due to nonpayment allegations as the economy soured, and said she just wants to continue to “move the agency forward.” While Lee seems easy in her new role, she admits that being the first woman to serve as Executive Director of the MSBOC means others are going to be watching. “I wouldn’t call it pressure,” she said, “maybe just a self-imposed extra responsibility. There are terrific opportunities for women in the construction industry.”
Lee admitted she wasn’t sure about the move. “The board approached me once, and I said I wasn’t interested. They asked again, and well…” Lee said with a grin. It is a big job. The MSBOC is the licensing authority for the state, and is charged with protecting the health, safety and general welfare of all the 12,000plus contractors in Mississippi. The Board consists of two road contractors, two building contractors, two 16
Featured NASCLA Resource! State of Rhode Island Codes Publications The National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) has been working diligently with the International Code Council (ICC) and the State of Rhode Island Building Codes Commission Office for the second code cycle to create the state specific building code publications for the 2013 State of Rhode Island Codes. In June 2013, the State of Rhode Island will be releasing a total of (9) building code publications this year; including 2 new publications on Green Construction Code and State Rehabilitation Building and Fire Code for Existing Buildings and Structures. • State of Rhode Island Building Code • State of Rhode Island Residential One And Two Family Dwelling Code • State of Rhode Island Plumbing Code • State of Rhode Island Mechanical Code • State of Rhode Island Property Maintenance Code • State of Rhode Island Energy Conservation Code • State of Rhode Island Fuel Gas Code • State of Rhode Island Green Construction Code • State of Rhode Island State Rehabilitation Building and Fire Code for Existing Buildings and Structures Code NASCLA has an agreement with the International Code Council (ICC) to use the new ICC code content to develop state specific code publications for the State of Rhode Island Building Code Commission. NASCLA has work closely with Jack Leyden, Commissioner for the State of Rhode Island, to include the state specific code content into the publications. The publications are a one stop shop for consumers/contractors in the State of Rhode Island they have one publication “Working with NASCLA & reference that has the state specific codes already integrated into the ICC, Rhode Island now has its publication. own codes which has made life so much easier for contractors The publications are offered in two formats: coil bound and perfect using the codes to understand.” bound. The entire collection is also available for purchase, which includes a 5% discount. This collaboration would not have been possible without George William Whalen, participation of the International Code Council and the State of Rhode Island Executive Director, Rhode Building Code Commission. Island Contractors’ Registration and Licensing Board If your state is interested in learning more about this venture and opportunities, please contact Angie Whitaker, NASCLA Executive Director, at (623) 587-9354 or via email at 17
NASCLA Calendar of Events Fiscal Year 2012/2013 May 16 - 17, 2013 NASCLA Budget Meeting Jackson Hole, Wyoming NASCLA’s Executive Committee and Fiscal Policy and Procedures Committee will meet to review the interim financials and prepare the NASCLA and NERP forecasted budgets for fiscal year 2013/2014.
August 26 - 29, 2013 NASCLA 2013 Annual Conference Coeur d’Alene, Idaho NASCLA’s Annual Conference is a great opportunity for NASCLA Members to come together to discuss current issues relevant to the regulation of contractors. The conference also provides a forum for participants to interact and exchange information on current issues in the industry.
June 27, 2013 NASCLA Executive Committee & NASCLA Board of Directors Conference Call
The National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) was founded in 1962 as a nonprofit corporation. Its membership is comprised of states that have enacted laws regulating the business of contracting. NASCLA is dedicated to the mutual assistance of its member states in striving for the better regulation of the construction industry to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public. National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies 23309 North 17th Drive Building 1, Unit 110 Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Phone: 623.587.9354 Fax: 623.587.9625