NASCLA 2012 July Newsletter

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Newsletter Volume 8, Issue 3 Inside this Issue: NASCLA President Message. . . . . . . . 1 - 2 NASCLA 2012 Budget Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 3 NASCLA 2012 Mid Year Meeting Overview & Committee Accomplishments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-7 NASCLA Completes 2012 Occupational Analysis for Commercial General Building Contractor Examination . . . . . 8-9 Western Contractor Boards Conduct Stings. . . . . . . . . 10-11 Former NASCLA Board of Director & Executive Director of the Guam Contractors License Board is Running for Senate Seat in the Guam Legislature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 New Resources Available to NASCLA Members. . . . . . . . . 13 NASCLA’s 50th Annual Conference Details. . . . . . . . .14-18

July 2012

As the association moves into the summer months things are definitely heating up; we are almost to the end of our fiscal year, which is August 31, 2012. During the past 10 months the organization as a whole has completed numerous projects thanks to our great volunteer leaders and staff. Some of the highlights over the past 10 months, have included starting the new company, NASCLA Educational Resources and Publications, that took over a year in the making to get up and running. Thanks to our NASCLA Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Legal Counsel, CPA Firm and Executive Director at the helm. The NASCLA Accredited Examination Committee held multiple Subject Matter Expects Meetings over this past year to complete the New Job Occupational Analysis for the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program for Commercial General Building Contractors. A special thank you should be given to the dedicated NASCLA Committee Chair, Heidi Lincer-Hill, and the California Contractors State License Board for letting us utilize Mrs. Lincer-Hill talents over the years. Heidi’s expertise has brought this project to fruition. A special thank you should be given to PSI Services, LLC for assisting the committee with this special project;’ their staff has spent a great deal of volunteer time on this task as well which is greatly appreciated by NASCLA. The NASCLA Education Committee has developed the State Education Program Module and Platform for Pre-Licensure, Continuing Education and Remedial Education Program for State Contractors Licensing Agencies across the country. Education Program Standards have been established for education providers and course content along with housing the information will be in one centralized customized database for states and contractors to access and view reports. The goal of the education program is to assist states with managing an education program that has high program standards and does not require additional staff assistance. The marketing presentation will be rolled out soon to the state members. The NASCLA Membership Committee has developed a new strategy to recruit new member states and local jurisdictions. Since this is the associations 50th year anniversary we are offering a one-time discounted membership rate of $50 which is a $425 savings for the year! So far, we have recruited 2 new state members and will be outreaching more to the targeting state members over the next month. A great new innovative program from George Whalen, Committee Chair, and the committee members for the 50th year anniversary. The NASCLA Model Legislation and Special Projects Committee completed 2 new modules on NASCLA Model Legislation for Residential Prelicensure Education Requirements Model

NASCLA President’s Message Continued... and NASCLA Model Legislation for Specialty Contractors Model. A special thank you to Kathy LeCroix and Jamie Durham for your leadership over the years, the model legislation that has been developed has been sent to numerous states and internationally as well. The NASCLA Nomination Committee has been very proactive this year with their recruitment efforts and have a recommendation and plan in place; new nomination and commitment forms have been developed earlier this year. The NASCLA Program Committee has been working diligently to plan the 50th Annual Conference which is coming up later this year in Bend, Oregon. They are also working on selecting a property for the NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting which will be held in the Washington D.C area. The NASCLA Publications Committee has extended the publication agreement with our publishers for another 3 years. The NASCLA Consumer Guide is the newest consumer awareness publication that has been developed and should be released soon for distribution. A special thank you to George Whalen for all his efforts and vision on developing the NASCLA Consumer Guide for Home Improvement Projects. The NASCLA Residential Committee has completed the NASCLA Contractors Disciplinary Database electronic upgrade and the database is currently in use for our state members. The committee finalized the Public Service Announcement (PSA) Campaign and announced the top 3 winners in the Hire A Licensed Contractor and Natural Disaster Category. The PSA’s are available on the association website for state agency use and we can customize your state agency information on the PSA’s. The NASCLA Resources Committee has completed the NASCLA Elderly Abuse Awareness Program & Module along with the NASCLA Disaster Response Plan Program & Module and the NASCLA Resources Toolkit which is on the NASCLA Website. It definitely has been a productive year for the association and we are looking forward to celebrating all the accomplishments at the milestone event, the NASCLA 50th Annual Conference in Bend, Oregon on September 30th – October 4th. I am looking forward to seeing you in the fall! Sincerely,

Craig P. Smith, NASCLA President


NASCLA Budget Meeting

The NASCLA 2012 Annual Budgeting Meeting was held in Scottsdale, Arizona on May 22-24 at the Montelucia Hotel. The NASCLA Executive Committee and Fiscal Policies and Procedures Committee Members were in attendance to review the interim financials for NASCLA, NASCLA Educational Resources and Publications and NASCLA Publications, Inc. The annual meeting was conducted to review financials and prepare the consolidated forecasted budgets for Fiscal Year 2012/2013. The information from this meeting will be presented to the NASCLA Board of Directors for approval on the June 28, 2012 NASCLA Board of Directors conference call. On May 24, the committee members had the opportunity to visit with the Arizona Registrar of Contractors Executive Team. The meeting was very productive we discussed some of the ongoing association projects and partnership opportunities. A special thank you to Director William Mundell and his Executive Team for taking the time to meet with our association, it was a great networking session with our state agencies that were present for the meeting. Overall, the meeting was very successful and productive thanks to the committee members’ efforts and dedication during the course of the three-day meeting.


NASCLA 2012 Mid Year Meeting Overview The NASCLA 2012 Mid Year Meeting was held on April 24 – 27, 2012 at the DoubleTree Orlando Hotel at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida. Once again the hard work and dedication of the NASCLA Executive Committee, Committee Members and Board of Directors paid off as they accomplished quite a bit during this meeting. The Pre-Conference Meetings began the afternoon of Tuesday, April 24th, with the NASCLA Fiscal Policies and Procedures Committee Meeting followed by the meeting of the NASCLA Executive Committee. They reviewed and discussed the interim business and financial statements of the association. On Wednesday and Thursday, April 25th and 26th committee members and other attendees participated in the eight NASCLA Committee Meetings that spanned the two days. Numerous projects were accomplished during this time; some of the highlights include the NASCLA Membership Committee developing a marketing campaign for Left to Right: John Curl, Keith Warren, Robbie Brooks, Dale Dawson, Joe Rogers new state members and local jurisdictions to join NASCLA at a reduced rate of $50 (a savings of $425!), the NASCLA Model Legislation & Special Projects Committee completed both the NASCLA Model Legislation for Residential Prelicensure Education Requirements Model and the NASCLA Model Legislation for Specialty Contractors Model and the NASCLA Program Committee confirmed future dates and locations for upcoming conferences. Also on Wednesday, April 25th the NASCLA Board of Directors gathered to judge the Top 10 Public Service Announcement Left to Right: Steve Pinther, Greg Crow, Joe Rogers, Robbie Brooks, Dale Dawson, Craig Smith, George Whalen, Angie Whitaker (PSA) Winners in the Hire a Licensed Contractor and Natural Disaster categories; they narrowed down the videos to their Top 3. These PSAs are now available for you to view on the Resources section of the NASCLA Website at: On Friday, April 27th the Board of Directors Meeting was called to order by Craig Smith, NASCLA President. The meeting began with a presentation from the NASCLA Resources Committee and Margi Grein, Executive Officer from the Nevada State Contractors Board. The presentation highlighted the recent release of the NASCLA Resources Toolkit of Contractor Regulators which currently focuses on Elderly 4

NASCLA 2012 Mid Year Meeting Overview Abuse Prevention and Disaster Response Program. This toolkit can be found on the NASCLA Members Only Website at: Vernon Stout with CETArchive and the NASCLA Education Committee followed with a presentation on the NASCLA Continuing Education Program that is currently in progress. Lastly, Steve Pinther, NASCLA Residential Committee Chair, discussed the recent Public Service Announcement (PSA) voting that took place earlier that week; the Top 3 winners of each category had been tallied up and were formally announced to the NASCLA Board of Directors. The remaining portion of the meeting included the NASCLA Committee Chairs reporting on their accomplishments and goals to date. The NASCLA Board of Directors also discussed the business, financials and special projects that the association has accomplished during the first half of the year. Thank you all for participating in the NASCLA 2012 Mid Year Meeting in Orlando, Florida!

NASCLA Committee Accompliments NASCLA Accredited Examination Program Committee & Submarketing Commitee • The committee reviewed the audit fee structure and modified the business review requirements for an examination provider applicant, Completed. Next Steps, to update the NASCLA Procedures to Become a NASCLA Examination Provider document and to post the accredited examination page of the NASCLA website. • The committee held a Subject Matter Expert (SME) Meeting at the NASCLA 2012 Mid Year Meeting to finalize the Job Occupational Analysis Update for 2012 for the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program for Commercial General Building Contractors, Completed. Next steps, the committee will be sending the Job Occupational Analysis Final Report for 2012 for the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program for Commercial General Building Contractors to the NASCLA Board of Directors for approval on June 28, 2012, Project Plan Completed. • NASCLA Press Release to Trade Associations on the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program for Commercial General Building Contractors, Completed. Next steps, to submit the press release to trade associations for distribution to commercial contractors; will work with the AGC and ABC, etc. • Discussed additional accredited examinations. Next steps, to survey NASCLA State Members and NonMembers on other potential accredited examinations and report the results to the NASCLA Board of Directors.

NASCLA Education Committee • The committee presentation on the NASCLA Education Program and Model for State Agencies on Prelicensure, Continuing Education and Remedial Education, Completed. Next steps, is to continue working with CETArchive in finalizing the education program model and database and we will start working with our first state Alabama, the Electrical Contractors Board and Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Board. • The committee presentation on the NASCLA State Agency Marketing PowerPoint Presentation on the NASCLA Education Program and Model for State Agency Implementation, Completed. Next steps, finalized the presentation for NASCLA State Agency Marketing PowerPoint Presentation on the NASCLA Education Program with CETArchive.


NASCLA 2012 Mid Year Meeting Overview NASCLA Committee Accompliments NASCLA Membership Committee • The committee reviewed the NASCLA Membership Plan for 2012, Completed • NASCLA has received 20 new members for FY 2011/2012, Completed • NASCLA will attend the National Association of Counties (NACo) on July 13-17, 2012 outreach to the Home Rule States. New Recruitment Efforts, Plan Completed. Next steps, to attend the NACo conference can find out about vendor booth space at the conference. • NASCLA 50th Year New Membership Marketing Campaign, New State Members $50.00 for 2012/2013 Membership Dues, State Date June 1, 2012 – August 31, 2012, Plan Completed. Next steps, to develop the marketing pieces for non-member outreach. • NASCLA to Invite Home Rule States to the NASCLA 50th Annual Conference, funds available for 1 Home Rule Jurisdiction to fund travel expenses, Plan Completed. Next steps, to work on outreach efforts to the home rule states and inviting them to the annual conference.

NASCLA Model Legislation & Special Projects Committee • The NASCLA Model Legislation for Residential Prelicensure Education Requirements Model, Completed. Next steps, to send out the information to the NASCLA State Members and post the information on the NASCLA Members Only website. • The NASCLA Model Legislation for Specialty Contractors Model, Completed. Next steps, to send out the information to the NASCLA State Members and post the information on the NASCLA Members Only website. • NASCLA Model Legislation Committee renamed to the NASCLA Model Legislation & Special Projects Committee, Completed. • New Committee Task was accepted on researching and drafting legislation on Elderly Abuse and Natural Disaster; they will work with the NASCLA Resources Committee. Next steps, to schedule a GotoMeetings conference call with the committee members. • The committee is working on an Immigration Panel Discussion for the NASCLA 2012 Annual Conference. Next steps, to work with the committee chair and co-chair on the annual conference session. • The committee is working on developing core content and criteria for an investigator training program. Next steps, to schedule a GotoMeetings conference call with the committee members.

NASCLA Nominations Committee • Keith Warren, Executive Director of the Alabama Electrical Contractors Board, was appointed to the NASCLA Executive Committee 2nd Vice President Position. • Joe Rogers, Executive Director of the Alabama Licensing Board for General Contractors, was recommended for the nomination at the upcoming NASCLA 2012 Annual Conference for the NASCLA Executive Committee Secretary Position. NASCLA Nominations and Appointments will be made at the NASCLA 2012 Annual Conference by the NASCLA Board of Directors.


NASCLA 2012 Mid Year Meeting Overview NASCLA Committee Accompliments NASCLA Program Committee • The NASCLA 50th Annual Conference will be held in Bend, Oregon on September 30 – October 4, 2012, Completed • The committee reviewed the program agenda along with potential sessions, speakers and events for the NASCLA 2012 Annual Conference. Next steps, to continue to work with the committee on the final program agenda and speaker details. • The NASCLA 2013 Mid Year Meeting location will be held in the Washington, D.C. area, the meeting dates are still TBD in March 2013. Next steps, to conduct the staff site visit and determine the hotel location and dates for the meeting. • The NASCLA 2013 Annual Conference will be held in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho on August 25 – August 29, 2013, Completed

NASCLA Publications Committee • The committee reviewed the new NASCLA Consumer Guide, the committee discussed marketing ideas and pricing for the publication, Completed. Next steps, additional research on the publication pricing will be conducted by staff and sent to the committee for final review. • The committee reviewed NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business Law and Project Management Publication Pricing and Price Increase, Plan Completed. Next steps, letter will be sent to state agencies and testing companies on the price increase on the business and law publications. The responses will be reported back to the NASCLA Educational Resources and Publications Board of Directors. • The publication 3-year contract extension has been completed with JF Publishing, LLC, Completed

NASCLA Residential Committee • The committee reviewed the NASCLA Contractors Disciplinary Database survey sent to state members and reviewed the database, Completed • The committee finalized the Public Service Announcement (PSA) Campaign and announced the top 3 winners in the Hire A Licensed Contractor and Natural Disaster Category. The PSA’s will be available for state agency use and we can customize your state agency information on the PSA’s, Completed. Next steps, is to notify the PSA contestants; staff will send thank you letters and award winners and the PSA’s will be posted on the NASCLA website. • The committee reviewed the new NASCLA Consumer Guide for Home Improvement Projects, Completed. Next steps, is to find sponsors and work on distributing the consumer guide to states, associations, to raise consumer awareness, etc.

NASCLA Resources Committee • • • •

The NASCLA Elderly Abuse Awareness Program & Module, Completed. The NASCLA Disaster Response Plan Program & Module, Completed. The NASCLA Resources Toolkit on the NASCLA Website, Completed. Presentation was presented at the NASCLA 2012 Mid Year Meeting on the above mention programs and modules. Next steps, to formally release the information to the state agencies and publicize the information that has been posted to the NASCLA State Members Only website. • The committee next steps and projects will focus on Licensing and Enforcement & Public Information and Government Affairs.


News from NASCLA Members NASCLA Completes 2012 Occupational Analysis for Commercial General Building Contractor Examination The NASCLA Accredited Examination Program Committee has some exciting news to report. In June 2012 the Committee completed a new occupational analysis for the Commercial General Building Contractor Examination. The 2012 occupational analysis resulted in a revised examination outline that will be used by testing providers to update the NASCLA-Accredited Examination. The examination is currently administered in four states and recognized in eight states.

during the Savannah, Georgia annual conference in August 2011. The SMEs reviewed the draft task and knowledge/ability statements and determined the overall content domains for the final licensing examination.

An occupational analysis is required by professional testing standards to ensure that the content of licensing examinations is limited to jobrelated knowledge and abilities. An occupational analysis involves the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program Committee discussing the recent Job Occupational participation of contractors working in Analysis. Left to Right: Angie Whitaker, Heidi Lincer-Hill, Craig Smith, Kara Schmitt, Doug Traylor the trade to develop a comprehensive description of the work they perform. The results Following the Savannah meeting, an online of the occupational analysis directly determine the survey was developed that was sent to over 7,000 content of the licensing examination in terms of how contractors to request their ratings of each task’s many questions should be focused on different areas frequency of performance and its importance. of trade practice. Contractors were also asked to rate the importance of each knowledge/ability statement. The list of The first step of the occupational analysis is to commercial general building contractors was develop statements that clearly describe the tasks compiled by soliciting states, contractors who had that contractors perform. The next step is to identify taken the existing NASCLA-Accredited Commercial the knowledge and abilities that must be mastered in General Building Examination, the Associated order to perform those tasks. As you can imagine, General Contractors, and input from NASCLA this involves meetings between contractors and test contractor members. A final meeting was held in development specialists who are familiar with their April 2012 in Orlando, Florida to review the survey work. For the 2012 project, the contractors were results and determine the final examination outline selected from diverse specialty areas and multiple for the licensing examination. Based on the survey states to serve as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to results and the consensus of the SMEs, the number ensure the results were representative of the breadth of questions pertaining to the different areas of trade of the trade. An initial SME meeting was held practice was allocated. 8

News from NASCLA Members NASCLA Completes 2012 Occupational Analysis for Commercial General Building Contractor Examination Continued... The first occupational analysis for the commercial general building contractor examination was conducted by Professional Examination Services (PES) in 2006. In order to ensure a licensing examination is current and legally defensible, an occupational analysis must be conducted every five to seven years. For the 2006 project, NASCLA solicited proposals and paid to have the work completed. The 2012 project was a collaborative effort between the Accredited Examination Program Committee, Psychological Services, Inc. (PSI); and NASCLA staff, which greatly reduced the project’s costs. Using an online survey instead of a paper and pencil survey also saved money and eliminated data entry time. Heidi Lincer-Hill, Chief of Testing at the California Contractors State License Board and Chair of the Committee, took the lead on this project. The Committee would especially like to thank PSI for allowing its staff to work on the occupational analysis. Brian Moritsch and Linda Newman were instrumental in developing the task and knowledge/ ability statements. Kara Schmitt of KNK

Consulting provided her expertise and superior editing skills throughout the project. Doug Traylor of the Louisiana Licensing Board for Contractors provided assistance during the two meetings that were held with Subject Matter Experts. Victor Weston of the Louisiana Licensing Board for Contractors helped ensure we had sufficient SMEs for both the meetings and the survey. Many NASCLA states and contractor members also assisted us by nominating SMEs and sending lists of licensees. Finally, a special thank you is owed to NASCLA staff member Kirsten Zacharias who worked tirelessly to maintain contact with SMEs, ensure meeting arrangements were completed, manage SME travel and reimbursement, and develop the various forms and documents that were required. The work to complete this complex project was reduced considerably by utilizing the resources of NASCLA member states and contractors, the expertise of private consultants, and the support of NASCLA staff. Thanks to all who participated.

We Want To Hear From You Submit your article today to be included in the next NASCLA Newsletter. Submitting an article puts your name and agency/company in front of your peers, establishes you as a resource, and enables you to exchange best practices and new innovations with your colleagues. All articles must be submitted electronically in MS Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format. Please include pictures (if applicable) and author contact information. Submit To: Angie Whitaker | or Kirsten Zacharias| Please Note: We will not accept articles that are intended for advertising. 9

News from NASCLA Members Western Contractor Boards Conduct Stings and Issue Consumer Alert about Illegal and Deceptive Advertisements on Internet Sites The California Contractors State License Board (CSLB) joined the state contracting boards of Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon, as well as the National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA), in issuing a nationwide consumer alert about a plethora of illegal and deceptive ads placed every day on Internet bulletin board sites like the popular craigslist website ( To illustrate the seriousness of the problem, simultaneous enforcement operations were conducted in California, Arizona, Nevada and Oregon the week of June 11, using craigslist ads as a basis to identify suspects. In California, undercover sting operations led to the arrest of 100 suspects, one of whom is a convicted murderer; two others are registered sex offenders. The Arizona sting operation resulted in 15 investigations into unlicensed contracting. The Nevada State Contractors Board issued 23 citations to craigslist advertisers for advertising in trades without the appropriate state license. Oregon staged two sting houses that resulted in 16 individuals being cited for bidding and advertising violations. At a news conference held on June 20 at the State Capitol in Sacramento, two state legislators joined CSLB representatives in warning consumers that if they use craigslist or other bulletin board websites to hire a contractor, they face a real risk of hiring someone whose only goal is to rip them off. “Craigslist and other websites serve as a valuable tool to legitimately licensed and insured contractors, offering them free advertising to connect with consumers,” said CSLB Registrar Steve Sands. “Unfortunately, hundreds, if not thousands, of unlicensed or unscrupulous contractors are breaking the law every day by posting deceptive or illegal ads, so consumers must take steps to protect themselves. “There are two goals with this consumer alert,” said Sands. “First, we want consumers to be aware of problems with these bulletin board ads and to know the questions they need to ask before hiring any type of contractor. Second, we want to work together with craigslist and any other bulletin board that offers contractor ads, to make sure they are legal and don’t mislead or deceive consumers.”


News from NASCLA Members Joint Board Opportunities Enhance Awareness, Aid in the Development of New Ideas and Improved Operations By Margi Grein, NSCB Executive Officer and Chair of the NASCLA Resources Committee


hen was the last time you reached out to a counterpart in a neighboring state for assistance, to discuss an idea, or partner on an initiative? Too often, we may forget that our membership with NASCLA is much more than attending conferences once or twice a year. It’s an opportunity to network, learn of new ideas, hear first-hand accounts of what programs are working, and those that could be improved upon. Despite our operational differences, there is much to be gained from partnering with one another. Recently, the Nevada State Contractors Board (NSCB) participated in two joint Board sting perations targeting unlicensed contractors. The first was a joint sting with California along our border, which aimed to identify unlicensed contractors performing work illegally across state lines. The second sting was a joint venture with Arizona, California, and Oregon. Our mission was to identify individuals advertising services illegally on craigslist and other online bulletin boards. Collectively, this sting resulted in 170 citations against unlicensed contractors. While these sting operations may be standard procedure for those participating, the benefit to working with other Boards is the knowledge gained about the workings of their respective operations and being able to better understand how they address shared concerns or issues within the industry. We’re able to discuss the reasons behind each other’s operational logistics, learn from different outreach and messaging strategies, and ultimately strengthen our working relationship to keep each other better informed on inter-state matters. It is no surprise that many contractors, licensed and unlicensed, travel from state to state to conduct their business, so why not make partnering a proactive effort, instead of a reactive necessity?


And for those states who may conduct business differently than your own, value can still be found through partnering and information sharing. The beauty behind our differences is the opportunity to grow and expand our operations beyond what we’re currently doing. Find the areas your Board could strengthen and commit to exploring ways to make it happen. One effort that’s been in place for the past few years to help achieve this is goal is the joint Board meeting held annually between Nevada and California. At this year’s meeting, we were able to learn of California’s working relationship with a local D.A. and the successes they are having in prosecuting unlicensed contractors. We further discussed strategic planning initiatives, challenges faced by each state, and the different programs being implemented by each Board. It’s not only the topics that make this meeting valuable, but the ability to vet issues, brainstorm solutions, and find commonalities and opportunities for partnering. After these meetings, we leave with a renewed energy to return to our state to test new ideas, enhance our operations, and maintain an open line of communication with our partners. As Chair of the Resources Committee, it is our goal to provide you with the resources and information to help you achieve your goals and expand or develop innovative programs or operational strategies. I would like to challenge each state during this next fiscal year to connect with other Boards, whether it’s a joint opportunity or simply a meeting to share information and learn about each other’s systems and programs. Our industry and ur citizens look to us as Contractor Boards to set a standard of excellence and uphold public safety to the best of our abilities. Let’s continue to utilize our membership with NASCLA to fulfill this commitment and assist each other as we strive to improve our individual operations.

News from NASCLA Members Former NASCLA Board of Director and Executive Director of the Guam Contractors License Board is Running for a Senate Seat in the Guam Legislature. Morrison Declares He’s in the Running for Senate Seat in Guam Legislature Article Provided By: Pacfic News Center, Guam News Umatac, Guam - May 26, 2012. Tommy Morrison held a campaign kick-off today in his hometown village of Umatac to announce that he is rescinding his bid to run for Umatac Mayor and will run instead for a seat in the Guam Legislature. “Over the past six months, I have been committed to running for Mayor in the village of Umatac. The major issues in my village reflect the issues that affect our island as whole - unemployment, the rising cost of living, the need for better paying jobs, and the negative impact of substance abuse which has led to the deterioration of family values,” Morrison said. According to Morrison the recurring feedback he received from villagers and island leaders was that he could make a much larger impact for his village and the entire island by running as a senator. “At first I ignored this recommendation, but elders and leaders have persisted that the real difference can be made at the Guam Legislature. I have taken this advice to heart, and I’m running for Senator.” Tommy Morrison graduated from the University of Guam receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and has extensive experience in government leadership and public policy. He was a Research Assistant for then - Senator Kaleo Moylan and has served as the Director of Parks & Recreation, Executive Director of the Guam Contractor’s License Board, and presently serving as the Director of the Bureau of Statistics and Plans. He has multiple accomplishments in the baseball and football community on Guam. “I believe my leadership experience in government will allow me to focus on issues that affect the common family on Guam. Guam voters are looking for fresh ideas and new leaders. I’m stepping up to this call,” Morrison said.


New Resources! A S C L A

M e m b e r s 13

NASCLA Resources Toolkit that currently includes information on Elderly Abuse Prevention and Disaster Response

The NASCLA Education Committee has developed the State Education Program Module and Platform for Pre-Licensure, Continuing Education and Remedial Education Program for State Contractors Licensing Agencies across the country.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Hiring a Licensed Contractor. Valuable information that every Homeowner doing construction projects should know! (Coming Soon to the NASCLA Resources Website!)

The Top 3 Winners for the Hire a Licensed Contractor and Natural Disaster categories have been made available on the NASCLA Members Only website under the Public Service Announcements section. These PSA’s may be tailored to your state agency!

NASCLA New Model Legislation Available! NASCLA Model Legislation for Residential Prelicensure Education Requirements Model and NASCLA Model Legislation for Specialty Contractors Model Visit all of NASCLA’s Resources at:

NASCLA 50th Annual Conference The NASCLA 2012 Annual Conference marks the milestone of 50 Years of Excellence in Regulation! NASCLA welcomes you to celebrate with us in Bend, Oregon on September 30 - October 4, 2012 at the Sunriver Lodge. Joined by colleagues from all jursidictions, attendees will find the combination of interactive, participant driven committee meetings and informative conference sessions a rewarding experience! NASCLA’s Program Committee and Staff have lined up multiple top notch sessions which are applicable to state members, board members, contractors and staff who are involved in the regulation of the construction industry. Share in the wealth of knowledge and experience all that NASCLA has to offer by joining us at this year’s annual conference!

Agenda At-A-Glance Sunday, September 30th

Monday, October 1st

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: NASCLA Fiscal Policies & Procedures Committee Meeting

8:30 AM - 10:30 AM: NASCLA Board of Directors Breakfast Meeting

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM: NASCLA Executive Committee Meeting

10:45 AM - 11:30 AM: NASCLA Education Committee Meeting

2:30 PM - 3:15 PM: NASCLA Nominations Committee Meeting

11:30 AM - 12:15 PM: NASCLA Program Committee

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM: NASCLA Publications Committee Meeting

12:15 PM - 1:15 PM: NASCLA Committee Lunch

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM: NASCLA Membership Committee Meeting

1:15 PM - 2:00 PM: NASCLA Residential Committee Meeting 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: NASCLA Model Legislation & Special Projects Committee 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM: NASCLA Resources Committee Meeting 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM: NASCLA Accredited Examination & Submarketing Committee Meeting 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM: Opening Reception

** Agenda is Tentative and Subject to Change


NASCLA 50th Annual Conference

Agenda At-A-Glance Tuesday, October 2nd 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM: Welcome 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Executive Leadership Presented By: Dr. William Badger, Professor Emeritus, Del E. Webb School of Construction, Arizona State University 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM: Legislative Relations Presented By: Keith Lee, Principal, The Public Affairs Group a Division of the Law Offices of Keith L. Lee 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM: The Road Ahead; Mapping the Construction Industry Economy Into 2013 Presented By: John Jozwick, ESQ, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Rider Levett Bucknall Ltd

Wednesday, October 3rd

Thursday, October 4th

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Elderly Abuse Prevention Presented By: Paul Greenwood, Deputy District Attorney V, Office of the District Attorney

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Top Regulatory Cases, Presented By: Louis Ling, Board Counsel, Nevada State Contractors Board

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Strategies Licensing Boards Can Use to Bolster the Contracting Industry During These Difficult Times Presented By: Louis Ling, Board Counsel, Nevada State Contractors Board

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Today’s Challenges in Running a Contractor State Regulatory Agency Presented By: Executive Directors of State Licensing Agencies

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM: Investigative Relations for State Agencies Presented By: Paul Greenwood, Deputy District Attorney V, Office of the District Attorney 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: NASCLA Board of Directors Training

12:15 PM - 1:15 PM: Group Lunch

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM: NASCLA Board of Directors Meeting

1:15 PM - 3:15 PM: Dr. William Badger Leadership Breakout Session

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM: NASCLA Past President & Honorary Members Reception

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM: NASCLA Report of States 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Group Excursion to Oregon’s Lava Lands and Benham Falls 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Anniversary Dinner and Banquet

R e

! y a d o T r Registration Made Easy! e t s i You can now Register Online at: g

** Agenda is Tentative and Subject to Change



Please complete and remit to NASCLA at the address, email or fax listed below Deadline Date: Monday, September 3, 2012

Registration Type

Registration Fee Includes: Meeting Materials, Breakfast, Luncheons, Reception and Closing Banquet NASCLA Member | $495

Conference Silver or Bronze Sponsor | $495

Non-Member | $595

Conference Diamond, Platinum or Gold Sponsor | Waived Registration

Spouse / Guest



Registrants Name


Agency/Company Mailing Address City






Guest Registration Only

Please identify all meals & events your spouse/guest will be attending





All Meals & Events



Monday, October 1st | Opening Reception



Tuesday, October 2nd | Breakfast Tuesday, October 2nd | Lunch

$25 $45

____ ____

Wednesday, October 3rd | Breakfast


____ ____

Thursday, October 4th | Breakfast Thursday, October 4th | Group Excursion/ Anniversary Dinner/Banquet

$25 $125

____ ____

23309 North 17th Drive, Suite 110, Phoenix, Arizona 85027 | Phone: (623) 587-9354 | Fax: (623) 587-9625 | Email:

NASCLA 2012 Annual Conference Thank You 2012 Sponsors!

num i t a l P


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Become a Sponsor for the NASCLA 2012 Annual Conference!

As a NASCLA Annual Conference Sponsor, You Have The Opportunity To Put Your Company’s Products And Services In The Front Of The People That Use Them Most! Make the most of your marketing money! The NASCLA 2012 Annual Conference will help reach an influential audience of leaders in the construction industry:

• Executive Directors from Contracter State Licensing Agencies • Representatives from Construction Firms • Contractor Trade Associations • Others who are affiliated with the Construction Industry

Become a NASCLA Sponsor Today! For more information, please visit the NASCLA website at, or contact, Kirsten Zacharias, NASCLA Program Coordinator, by phone at (623) 587-9354 or via email at


NASCLA 2012 Annual Conference Make your Arrangements for Bend, Oregon Today! Hotel Reservation Deadline is Monday, September 3, 2012 Sunriver Lodge | 17600 Center Dr. Sunriver, OR 97707 | (800) 801-8765

Guestroom Accommodations Central Oregon Activites Sunriver Lodge Discover what’s around this Bend! The NASCLA 2012 Annual Conference will be held at the Sunriver Lodge in Bend, Oregon. Sunriver is a planned private residential and resort community 15 miles south of Bend in Deschutes County. Located at the base of the Cascade Mountains, Sunriver’s 3,300 acres wind along the eastern side of the Deschutes River. Attendees are responsible for securing their own hotel reservations. Reservations can be made by calling the Sunriver Lodge directly at the number listed above. Please refer to the NASCLA Annual Conference to ensure you receive the group rate of $139.

Looking for something fun to do while in Oregon? Discover Central Oregon’s natural beauty through an array of activities offered by Wanderlust Tour Company. Some of the excurions offered are a Bend Brew Bus Tour, Cave Exploration and Canoeing the High Cascade Lakes. For additional tours and activities or to make reservations, please call (800) 962-2862 or visit the Wanderlust Tour Company Website at:

The National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) was founded in 1962 as a nonprofit corporation. Its membership is comprised of states that have enacted laws regulating the business of contracting. NASCLA is dedicated to the mutual assistance of its member states in striving for the better regulation of the construction industry to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public.

National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies 23309 North 17th Drive, Building 1, Unit 110 Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Phone: 623.587.9354 | Fax: 623.587.9625 |


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