NASCLA January 2011 Newsletter

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Newsletter Inside this Issue:

Volume 7, Issue 1

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! It is now 2011 and I can only envision great things to come to everyone as well as NASCLA in the coming year. We have great meetings planned, new projects and committees, restructuring business operations, new members and continued growth of our organization.

NASCLA 2011 Mid Year Meeting . . . . . . . 2 NASCLA 2011 Mid Year Meeting Registration . . . . . . . . 3 NASCLA 2011 Strategic Planning Workshop . . . . . . . . . 4 News from NASCLA Members . . . . . . . . . 5-6 NASCLA 49th Annual Conference . 7 NASCLA 2011 Contractor’s State Licensing Information Directory . . . . . . . . . . 8 NASCLA Committee Meetings & Event Calendar . . . . . . . 9-10 Does your Agency have Public Service Announcements, Ads or Videos for Consumer Awareness or Disaster Recovery? . . . . . . . . . 10

January 2011

The productive and smooth operations of NASCLA would not be possible without our wonderful staff. If you have not had an opportunity to thank our great staff, please take time to let them know how much we appreciate them. We were overjoyed with Angie’s announcement in Chicago of her pregnancy. We congratulate her and Kevin on this new path and continue to enjoy participating in their growth both personally and professionally. We also have a new addition to our staff, Fernando, who is our new Publications Coordinator and comes to us with a publishing background which is an excellent addition to our administrative team. Ginenne has researched and obtained software to create awesome graphic designs and is creating our brochures and meeting announcements internally. This is a huge cost savings to NASCLA and I greatly appreciate her initiative and dedication to handle this aspect of our printing. Gwen continues to do an outstanding job with our finances and provides us with great reports to review that ensures transparency and openness of all financial details. The NASCLA Executive Committee had a very productive meeting at the Strategic Planning Meeting in Chicago in December. NPI now has a new Strategic Plan that we finalized at our last meeting and we are currently on track with our new goals and plans to further grow this operation. NPI is the funding mechanism for NASCLA and it is very important that we stay up-to-date on publications as well as the needs from our member states and other states that utilize our reference materials. We were also able to develop areas in which we want to concentrate on for our NASCLA Strategic Planning Workshop that will be held during our 2011 Mid Year Meeting in Seattle, Washington. We have enjoyed working with Michael Barrett and hope you will enjoy working with him on this plan for NASCLA. It is both a productive and educational process to experience. Before I met Michael and participated in one of his sessions, the words “Strategic Planning or Long Range Planning” completely frightened me away from participating in that process. I anticipate a positive experience for everyone during the process in March. We missed George Whalen at the Strategic Planning Meeting in Chicago due to major surgery. George is doing well and on the fast track to recovery. As everyone is aware, George is a huge asset to our organization and we are truly thankful for everything he has done and we continue to thoroughly enjoy our relationship with him. We continue to keep George and his family in our thoughts and prayers. I am also very appreciative of the great communication within our organization, as well as reaching out to new members. Increasing our membership and assisting states in licensure programs is a priority of mine and I am going to strive for our continued growth during this upcoming year. If I can ever be of assistance to anyone, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to our continued professional relationship during 2011! Thank you for everyone’s hard work and I hope you have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

Sincerely, Keith E. Warren NASCLA President

NASCLA 2011 Mid Year Meeting The NASCLA 2011 Mid Year Meeting will be held on March 15th - 18th in Seattle, Washington at the W Seattle Hotel. The Mid Year Meeting is designed as a planning and project oriented meeting for NASCLA’s Board of Directors, Committee Members and State Members. This meeting has grown over the past few years to include NASCLA Committee Meetings and Training Sessions. After outstanding feedback from NASCLA’s 2010 Mid Year Meeting 1-Day Strategic Planning Seminar, the NASCLA Program Committee has lined up another top-notch 1-Day Strategic Planning Workshop facilitated by Michael Barrett of Resonance, LLC. This workshop is open to all NASCLA Board of Directors, and will take place on Wednesday, March 16, 2011. Please refer to page 4 of this newsletter for more information.

At-A-Glance Agenda Tuesday, March 15th 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

NASCLA Fiscal Policies and Procedures Committee Meeting

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

NASCLA Executive Committee Meeting

Wednesday, March 16th 8:00 am


8:30 am – 5:00 pm

Strategic Planning Workshop (NASCLA Board of Directors Only)

Thursday, March 17th 8:00 am


8:00 am – 2:00 pm

NASCLA Committee Meetings

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

NASCLA Executive Director & Board Member Roundtable Discussion


Group Excursion

Friday, March 18th 8:30 am – 9:30 am

NASCLA Committee Chair Reports

9:30 am – 12:00 pm

NASCLA Board Meeting

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

NASCLA Publications, Inc. Board Meeting

Hotel Reservations Attendees are responsible for securing their own hotel reservations. Reservations may be made online by going to the W Seattle Hotel Website or by phone at (206) 264-6000. Please refer to the NASCLA Mid Year Meeting when making your reservation by phone to ensure you receive the group rate of $129.00. W Seattle Hotel 1112 Fourth Avenue | Seattle, Washington 98101 | Phone: (206) 264-6000 2

NASCLA 2011 Mid Year Meeting March 16-18, 2011 | Seattle, Washington Registration Form Complete & Return to: 23309 N. 17th Drive, Unit 110, Phoenix, AZ 85027 Phone: (623) 587-9354 | Fax: (623) 587-9625 | |

Deadline: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Registrant’s Name and Title Agency Mailing Address City, State, Zip Telephone


Email Spouse / Guest (Name and Relation)

Registration Type NASCLA Board of Directors Strategic Planning Workshop Only | March 16th Mid Year Meeting Only Workshop & Mid Year Meeting NASCLA Members (State Members, Business Members, Committee Members) Mid Year Meeting

Please notify Ginenne Lanese by February 18th of any special dietary needs, food allergies, etc. for you and /or your guests. Please check if you prefer vegetarian meals.

Payment Type Check | Enclosed is the Registration Fee of $225.00 Enclosed is the Registration Form Only, Payment to Follow Please Charge the Following Credit Card $225.00 Credit Card Number ________________________________ Expiration Date _______/_______ Name on Card ________________________________________ NASCLA Registration Cancellation Policy Full registration fees will be refunded if a written cancellation notice is received 25 days prior to the start of the Mid Year Meeting. No refunds will be made after Friday, February 18, 2011.


NASCLA 2011 Strategic Planning Workshop NASCLA is pleased to invite the NASCLA Board of Directors to an important and invaluable 1-Day Strategic Planning Workshop facilitated by Resonance, LLC. Strategic planning is one of the most fundamental and important activities that any organization undertakes, and the Executive Committee believes the entire Board of Directors should be involved. Resonance, LLC has collaborated with the NASCLA Executive Committee to develop a strategy articulation workshop to begin Phase 1 of developing a new 3-Year NASCLA Strategic Plan. Phase 1 will focus on the Strategic Focus Areas & the 2012, 2013, 2014 Priorities sections of the plan. The goal of this workshop is to clearly IDENTIFY issues and opportunities that the association is facing, and EXTRACT new ideas to strengthen the association and plan for the future. We believe that strategic planning is at the heart of what it means to be the board of a non-profit association in this period of rapid change. The Executive Committee is asking for your involvement and participation because your insights and knowledge is an important resource and your support is essential!

FOCUS & DRIVE of the Workshop ӹӹ Acknowledgement that the current economy has created challenges for members and their licensees, and new opportunities for NASCLA. ӹӹ “Clean the Plate” of those activities that have been accomplished and identify the next set of activities on which to focus. ӹӹ An opportunity to reinforce accountability through a clear assignment of board leads for key priorities.

“Michael’s skills and techniques enable him to focus an entire group of all different intellects on developing a great long term plan for an organization. You will be very impressed and enlightened on this process after our planning session in Seattle.” Keith Warren, NASCLA President

For QUESTIONS or to REGISTER please contact Angie Whitaker, NASCLA Executive Director, or Ginenne Lanese, NASCLA Program Coordinator, or visit Phone: (623) 587-9354 | Fax: (623) 587-9625 |


News from NASCLA Members Licensing Board for Contractors Hosts Training Session by:

Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors

The Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors (LSLBC) conducted a training session and workshop for our licensing investigators and partnerships with other State agencies on November 17th and 18th that was a great success. Also conducted was an internal training session for Customer Service, Courtesy, and Professionalism. Mr. Thomas K. Hannah is a National Regulatory Instructor and Professional Speaker. The topics that were presented during the session were:

1. Professionalism, Ethics, and Safety 2. Investigative Planning and Resources 3. Elements of the Offense 4. Report Writing. The 5 W’s 5. Unlicensed Practice Programs 6. Government Services, is NOT an Oxymoron 7. Regulation: Past, Present, and Future 8. Interagency Relations and Partnerships

Participation with LSLBC staff during this training session included Investigators with the Louisiana Attorney General Office, District Attorneys, Insurance Commission, and several other Louisiana agencies that LSLBC cooperatively work together with common objectives.

Louisiana Shares Latest News Bulletin

Providing the health, safety, and welfare of the general public is the mission of the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors (LSLBC). Properly licensing and compliance of the laws of this state are a major role for this agency. Private sector owners involved in building projects for business or personal matters have responsibilities as well. At a recent Administrative Hearing for alleged violations of unlicensed activities, a “large box” corporation was cited for numerous and repetitive violations of the law. This major corporation that builds facilities across the nation had no protocol and made no effort to verify properly licensed contractors or insurance bonding that was learned to be fraudulent. Simply put, this company ignored the laws of this State to cut corners for cheap pricing that could cause horrific damage to the public.

LSLBC has a job to perform as does the private sector owners and businesses engaged in construction activities. Properly licensed and qualified contractors…It’s the Law! For More Information Contact: Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors Kris Dayries Fitch , Public Information Officer (225) 765-2301 x 213


Contractors Board Executive Officer Margi Grein Receives Southern Nevada Homebuilders Association Award by:

Art Adler

Las Vegas home builder Nat Hodgson, President of the Southern Nevada Home Builders Association, recently presented Margi Grein, Executive Officer of the Nevada State Contractors Board, with a President’s Special Award for Outstanding Service to the Community/Industry at the association’s 2011 Installation of Officers and Directors/2010 President’s Appreciation Awards Luncheon at the Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas. “As 2010 President, it’s my pleasure to be able to present special awards to individuals who have provided special services or opportunities for the home building industry,” Hodgson said. “Margi has strived to work with our industry, board members and the public to give a new face to this important agency and make many improvements.” Hodgson said some of Grein’s improvements at the NSCB included refining processes, educational programs, the newsletter, Residential Recovery Fund procedures, agency oversight and faster complaint resolution. As part of the NSCB’s Strategic Plan, Grein is also implementing one of the Board’s goals of reaching out to industry associations.

Nat Hodgson, President of the Southern Nevada Home Builders Association,presents the President’s Special Award for Outstanding Service to the Community/Industry, to Margi Grein, Executive Officer of the Nevada State Contractor Board.

Founded in 1953 by 12 local home builders and incorporated with the state of Nevada in 1954, the Southern Nevada Home Builders Association ranks as the oldest and largest local trade organization representing the residential construction industry. It has approximately 325 members who work in all facets of the home building industry. For More Information Contact: Nevada State Contractors Board Art Nadler, Public Information Officer (702) 486-1100 x1139 or (775) 688-1141 x1139

We Want To Hear From You Submit your article today to be included in the next NASCLA Newsletter. Submitting an article puts your name and agency/company in front of your peers, establishes you as a resource, and enables you to exchange best practices and new innovations with your colleagues. All articles must be submitted electronically in MS Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format. Please include pictures (if applicable) and author contact information. Submit To: Angie Whitaker | or Ginenne Lanese | Please Note: We will not accept articles that are intended for advertising. 6

NASCLA 49th Annual Conference SAVE THE DATE

The National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) Annual Conference is the association’s premier annual event. NASCLA will be hosting its 49th Annual Conference on August 23-26, 2011 at the Westin Savannah Hotel, in Savannah Georgia.

August 23rd - 26th, 2011 Savannah, Georgia The Westin Savannah Harbor Hotel One Resort Drive Savannah, Georgia 31421 Phone: (912) 201-2000

The conference draws more than 100 attendees including regulators, construction industry representatives and decision makers from more than 40 state licensing boards, testing companies and industry associations from across the United States.

Submit a Session Idea Contribute your best, most creative session ideas for NASCLA’s 2011 Annual Conference to help attendees reach their full potential. While the Annual Conference has traditionally featured 60-minute general sessions, it’s time to break the mold in 2011 with different modules of learning.

This Annual Conference is fast becoming a must attend event for all who are involved in the regulation of the construction industry. Each year the association’s Program Committee and Staff exceed expectations with quality programming and exceptional speakers in outstanding locations. NASCLA invites you to join us in Savannah to experience the interactive sessions, presentations from top notch industry experts all while forming lasting relationships with other construction industry professionals.

Submit your idea or proposal regardless of session type, length, or topic. We’re looking for cutting edge topics, the latest trends in the construction industry, specific solutions for state agencies, open discussion-based sessions, and any format you can think of…there’s no such thing as a crazy idea! Help shape the program for the 2011 Annual Conference by submitting your session ideas by January 14, 2011. Click on the Submit Your Idea button above, or go to to submit your idea today! If you are having trouble with the link or have further questions, please contact the NASCLA Office by phone at (623) 587-9354. Savannah Harbor Westin Savannah Harbor Hotel


NASCLA 2011 Contractor’s State Licensing Information Directory


ASCLA is currently in the process of updating the NASCLA Contractors’ State Licensing Information Directory. The directory is expected to be released in March 2011.

The directory is a single source national reference guide for contractor regulation agencies and boards. In order to make the update as complete and accurate as possible, we are requesting all state licensing boards update and complete the registration requirements for contractors imposed in their states. State members encourage you to review the information that was sent out last month including the summary. Please make any changes you deem necessary to properly reflect the current information on the laws and procedures affecting the regulation of contractors by your agency. The details of contractor regulation that we are seeking include the following (as applicable): ӹӹ Business and Trade Exam Requirements & Passing Score ӹӹ Experience Requirements ӹӹ Extent of Financial Screening (Financial Statements, Credit Checks, etc.) ӹӹ Bonding Requirements ӹӹ Recovery Fund Limits and Funding Method ӹӹ Examination, Application and Renewal Fees and Period Covered ӹӹ Reciprocity Agreements


The 2011 edition identifies over 170 state agencies that regulate the construction industry. The directory summarizes the pre-qualification, licensing, examination and bonding requirements. Information regarding reciprocity, license classifications, incorporating and fees is also included. *Please note will not be shipped until March 2011.

PLEASE SEND ________ book(s) at $40.00 each

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SHIPPING: $12.00 (S&H) for the first book ($6.00 for each additional book)

$ __________


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SHIP TO: Name ______________________________ Firm ____________________________

Address_________________________________ City ________________ State ______ Zip ___________________ Business Phone ___________________________________




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Card # _______________________________________ Expiration Date ______ / ______ Signature _________________________________________________________________ 8


NASCLA Committee Meetings & Event Calendar NASCLA Strategic Planning Meeting December 9-10, 2011 | Chicago, Illinois The NASCLA Executive Committee and NASCLA Publications, Inc. (NPI) Board of Directors held the NASCLA Annual Strategic Planning Meeting in Chicago, Illinois at the Knickerbocker Hotel on December 9-10, 2010. During the two-day meeting the committee members had the opportunity to review the NASCLA 3-Year Strategic Plan that has been 99% completed at this time. The committee started to prepare for the NASCLA Strategic Planning Workshop that will be held at the NASCLA 2011 Mid Year Meeting on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 in Seattle, Washington. The NASCLA Executive Committee would like for all the NASCLA Board of Directors for FY 2010/2011 to participate in this session. The NASCLA Board of Directors will be creating a new NASCLA Strategic Plan for 2011, 2012 and 2013 that will pave the association’s future for the next three years. Michael Barrett with Resonance, LLC will be facilitating the workshop. The NASCLA Publications, Inc. (NPI) Board of Directors reviewed the new NPI Strategic Plan for 2010, 2011 and 2012. The committee member assignments and progress were reviewed since the implementation of the new strategic plan which was completed at the end of August 2010.

Keith Warren, NASCLA President, leading the Strategic Planning Meeting on Friday, December 9th.

NASCLA Executive Committee Members. Pictured left to right: Craig Smith, 1st Vice President, Steve Pinther, 2nd Vice President & Greg Crow, Treasurer.

Other items of discussion during the two-day meeting were business and financial related items for both NASCLA and NASCLA Publications, Inc. (NPI). A special thanks goes out to all the committee members for making this meeting a success! Kathy LeCroix, NPI Board Member and John Curl, NASCLA Immediate Past President.

Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Conference Call Calendar

October 28, 2010 NASCLA Executive Committee & NPI Board of Directors Only January 20, 2011 NASCLA Executive Committee & NASCLA Board of Directors May 5, 2011 NASCLA Executive Committee & NPI Board of Directors Only June 30, 2011 NASCLA Executive Committee & NASCLA Board of Directors 9

Fiscal Year Calendar of Events 2010 / 2011 January 20, 2011 NASCLA Executive Committee & NASCLA Board of Directors Conference Call March 16 - 18, 2011 NASCLA 2011 Mid Year Meeting & Strategic Planning Workshop W Seattle Hotel Seattle, Washington The Mid Year Meeting is designed as a planning and project oriented session for NASCLA’s Board of Directors, Committee Members and State Members. May 5, 2011 NASCLA Executive Committee & NPI Board of Directors Conference Call

May 17-18, 2011 NASCLA 2011 Budgeting Meeting Westin Kierland Hotel Scottsdale, Arizona NASCLA’s Executive Committee, Fiscal Policies and Procedures Committee and NASCLA Publications, Inc. Board of Directors will meet to review the interim financials and prepare the NASCLA and NPI forecasted budgets for fiscal year 2011/2012.

August 23 - 26, 2011 NASCLA 49th Annual Conference Westin Savannah Harbor Hotel Savannah, Georgia NASCLA’s Annual Conference is a great opportunity for NASCLA members to come together to discuss current issues relevant to the regulation of contractors. The Conference also provides a forum for participants to interact and exchange information on current issues in the industry.

Does your Agency have Public Service Announcements, Ads or Videos for Consumer Awareness or Disaster Recovery? Has your agency created a public service announcement, video, or television spot? If so, please share any materials with NASCLA. The purpose of this request is to offer our state members resources to assist them during an emergency or crisis. All of the information that is sent will be posted on NASCLA’s Members Only Website. Please note, the materials will only be available to NASCLA State Members. Please submit your materials to Angie Whitaker, NASCLA Executive Director, at Thank you in advance for your assistance and helping the association continue to achieve our mission and goals.


The National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) was founded in 1962 as a nonprofit corporation. Its membership is comprised of states that have enacted laws regulating the business of contracting.

NASCLA is dedicated to the mutual

assistance of its member states in striving for the better regulation of the construction industry to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public.

National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies 23309 North 17th Drive, Building 1, Unit 110 Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Phone: 623.587.9354 Fax: 623.587.9625

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