NASCLA 2011, 2012 & 2013 Strategic Plan
Mission, Goals and Strategies
Mission Vision To betheglobal leader in promoting excellence in the regulation of the construction industry
"Our organization is dedicated to the mutual assistance of its members in striving for the better regulation of the construction industry to protect the health, welfare, and safety of the general public."
Values Public Protection Excellence In Regulation Ethics and Integrity Collaboration
Key Differentiators Membership (Unique) Comprised of Contractors Regulatory Boards
Networking Opportunities
Depth of commitment and knowledge of the industry
Clearinghouse of Information
Strategic Objectives Exa mi na ti ons: To create a task force to conduct a feasibility study for the development of new standardized examination programs
I ma ge / Br a ndi ng /I denti fy: To define NASCLA’s purpose and image to meet the evolving needs of its members
M odel Sta nda r ds a nd Gui del i nes: To create model legislation, regulations and guidelines for new and existing regulatory agencies to provide a level of consistency across jurisdictions
Educa ti on a nd T r a i ni ng: To develop, provide and foster quality education, training and certification programs to promote professional excellence for both regulatory agencies and their constituencies
Or ga ni za ti ona l Effi ci ency: To explore streamlining the organization to be one non-profit to be a more efficient organization to members and stakeholders
M ember Benefi ts: To expand resources and materials to NASCLA membership to ensure their knowledge, performance and productivity
2011-2013 Priorities Image / Branding / Identity: Model Standards and Guidelines: Examinations: Develop accredited licensing examinations for contractors to promote standardization across multiple jurisdictions Determine whether NASCLA should pursue additional exams
Create a brand image for NASCLA that communicates our global leadership in construction regulation to make NASCLA more effective Identify the needs of home rule / local jurisdictions to promote membership in NASCLA Clarify that NASCLA’s function is to support jurisdictions that choose to regulate construction, to reduce confusion
Establish a pre-licensure educational and experience guidelines and requirements for regulatory agencies to promote consistency in licensing Develop model policy and procedures for regulatory agencies for implementation of a new agency Develop model rules and regulations for regulatory agencies to provide a level of consistency across jurisdictions
Member Benefits: Education and Training: Create a training program for certification of investigators Provide quality training / education to agency personnel to promote professional excellence Create an ‘e-book’ for the construction management guide Develop an online model “prep” course for the business and law exam based on the NASCLA construction management guide
Organizational Efficiency: Explore the possibility of merging NPI and NASCLA into one organization Develop performance measures for NASCLA to determine our effectiveness
Expand NASCLA disciplinary database to include unpaid fines, suspensions, etc. Identify a comprehensive “tool box” of resources for regulatory agencies to provide value to NASCLA members Create a clearinghouse of speakers and presenters for states to use Establish NASCLA regional chapters to promote NASCLA Develop a training program or orientation of NASCLA (history, purpose, etc) for new board members or staff members from state agencies