Clts triggering session in kalar kot

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CLTS Triggering Session in Kalar Kot Day: Thrusday, 24th July, 2014

Activity: Triggering Session

Location: Village Kalar Kot No of Participants: 50

UC: Qadirpur Facilitator: Naseebullah, M Usman, Khush Bakht

On Monday 24th July 2014 We conducted a Triggering session in village Kalar Kot. This activity report intends share the views and reviews regarding Triggering Session. Step by step activities are described as below:

Pre-Triggering Process: According to tentative work plan Mr. Suhno Khan (Activist) was informed about the activity. He made sitting arrangement in the School of Kalar Kot and also informed the community about the meeting. It was also planned that we must reach there as early as possible.

Triggering Session: According to plan We reached there. We met some of community members and we introduced each other. Then We oriented the community to have this meeting in a certain way that everybody may participate. First of all we must sit in a circle then we shall precede this meeting. All the community followed my instruction and a human circle was made.

Social Map: Two community members came to make circle of color on my request. This circle was made with the help of rope. Then this circle was named as village Kalar Kot. Then We started oriented them to draw the map of Kalar Kot in this circle. Almost everybody participate in the social map to identify their houses, school, masjid, otaq and shops etc. The entire streets were drawn in the map as well. Then We inquired where they do go for defecation? Where ever you go place this color there! Then we came to know that most of the community use open defecation. This was best time to inquire the local names of shit, colors of shit and quantity of shit (how much they defecate?).

Triggering Session in Kalar Kot Written By: DFID Team Qadirpur, Jacobabad

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Transect walk: During transect walk we visited the shit sites, stagnant water and dirty places. We saw different face expression of the community there.

Shit Calculation: As colors and quantity of shit was identified in social map. Then calculations were made in the chart. About 12 loaded trucks of shit are defecated per anum in village Kalar Kot. Then question arises that where does this shit go?

F-Diagram/Child Mortality & Morbidity: In answers to the question “where the shits go?” the community described that there are some agents who utilize the shit such as dogs, donkeys, flies, and insects’ etc. Then cycle of shit was described with the Triggering Session in Kalar Kot Written By: DFID Team Qadirpur, Jacobabad

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help of F-Diagram in addition by Me. I also oriented that shit travel with the help of agents described above and mix in our food and causes disease and death.

Diseases Expenses/Problem Tree: Then diseases caused by open defecation were According to them open defecation is hazardous and Expenses over the disease were also were described mortality & morbidity was also described with the help

described in details. causes many diseases. in detail. Then child of Problem Tree chart.

Water Glass Demo: As a necessary step of Triggering Session water glass demo was carried out. Nobody wanted to drink that water, everybody denied to drink it.

Triggering Session in Kalar Kot Written By: DFID Team Qadirpur, Jacobabad

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Community Action Plan (CAP): Afterward community action plan was made. This Action plan aimed to give responsibility to the community to achieve fruitful results regarding ODF declaration.

VSC formation: Village sanitation committee (VSC) was also formed through selection of community to perform further activities. This VSC will play its role for cleanliness of village, construction of latrine and to make open defecation free ODF village. Overall whole session was good and participatory. Most of the participants decided to construct their latrine soon and promised to play role regarding ODF declaration. All participants also ensured that they’ll keep family clean and healthy. In last We thanked to Mr. Suhno Khan and all community for giving time for this activity.

Triggering Session in Kalar Kot Written By: DFID Team Qadirpur, Jacobabad

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We Will construct the Latrine, and will use it..

Triggering Session in Kalar Kot Written By: DFID Team Qadirpur, Jacobabad

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