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Amelya Rose Madrigal - Her goal was to make new healthy relationships with the local tribal nations. Through making community and good relations with our surrounding tribal nations, through gardening and helping in any way we can. Amelya connected ITEPP members, Native youth, and community members to engage with their Tribal gardens. In expanding the FSL's volunteer program, they helped plant strawberries, propagated asparagus, pulled weeds, pulled himalayan blackberries, planted willow trees, helped clean, and helped in any other ways in the regional Tribal gardens. "The ITEPP members that joined the project learned a lot about food sovereignty, and what it means to respect the land and the things surrounding you in a good way".


Zeen Vincent - Their project consisted of a relationship between a local non-profit, Friends of the Dunes (FOD), and the Da gou rou louwi’ Cultural Center. The goal of this project is to integrate more Native Wiyot education into the field trip program, Bay to Dunes, run by FOD. This project not only serves as a means of incorporating Native education into this specific program, but also creates a better understanding of how Native curriculum can be used in outdoor education. Outcomes of their project include new language materials, educational fun activities, and educational stickers for kids to take home.

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