Nash Tackle E-Zine Spring 2013

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NASH Issue #13 • April 2013





In the mix




Spring is a fantastic time to be out on the bank, I’m not so keen on mid summer, autumn is good and I love carp fishing in the winter, but even so, spring is special. The birds have been singing from about 3 am since mid March and nature has now properly woken up, the carp are on the move, at their top weights and in pristine condition and very catch-able. At the moment it seems like the whole world has gone Purple Monster Squid and Zig Bug crazy, catch reports featuring these new products are flooding in by the day!



In the mix

SINGLES Although there are plenty of carp getting caught over beds of Monster Squid, single hook bait fishing in the spring is also a well practiced and successful tactic. The new Snow Pots, these being ‘ready to go’ balanced snowman hook bait kits complete with a dip and a range of Hi-Viz top baits have been catching well. The new Magma Glugs are also proving very popular. We had a close look at these last time, these unique two part hook bait glugs are proving very effective for pinching a bonus bite in changeable tricky conditions.

ZIG BUGS Occasionally a new product or method comes along that has the potential to revolutionise our carp fishing. The bait boat is a typical example that springs to mind. I’m not really qualified to comment on these as I’ve never used one and I have to admit I’m not really a fan. In some angling situations they can be a really useful tool but many anglers become far too reliant on them, in the wrong hands bait boats are a menace. And like any angling edge, overuse can render much of the advantages far less effective. The chod rig was another big one, the chod opened up new avenues to explore and allowed previously difficult weedy sanctuaries where the carp felt safe and away from pressure to be fished effectively. Even the most riggy difficult to catch carp were vulnerable in these situations and the chod worked well, for a while at least.



There’s been some extravagant claims made about the chod, ‘the great leveller’ or the less flattering ‘Noddy Rig’ meaning that just about anyone can chuck one out and catch. But just like bait boats, overuse and an over reliance can reduce its effectiveness.

GET ON THE BUGS! Zigs seem to have an indefinite effective lifespan but again they must be fished effectively to get the best from them. Just recently I’ve seen anglers new to zig fishing chuck a Bug out on an extra rod for a few hours then wind it in after not catching and give it up. Others are more patient and are prepared to sit it out expecting a bite at some point. I know ‘sit it out and wait’ is how many carp anglers fish on the bottom but to get the best from the Zig Bugs you have to be more proactive. Confidence and getting yourself in tune with the carp and the underwater world they live in is the key. I used to get very fidgety fishing zigs and would soon be itching to get back to my tried and tested ‘safe’ bottom bait fishing if I wasn’t catching. But having witnessed some of the amazing results achieved during the Zig Bug development programme, I’ve persevered and I’m gaining the knowledge to fish zigs for maximum effect and I learn something new every time I fish with them. Now the opposite applies, if I’m not catching on the bottom I just can’t resist getting on the Bugs!

The new lightweight and ultra compact Scope and Dwarf gear is perfect for this hyperactive style of fishing. I can carry additional zig rods set up ready to go, change tactics in seconds and still fish mobile and hunt those carp down.

Within these pages you’ll find plenty of top tips from our top anglers on how to fish these new products and tactics to their maximum potential so please read on and enjoy. I think that’s enough from me – the sun’s out and I’m going fishing!







LIFE AT NASH The boys at Nash HQ, bring you a little insight on their day to day life, working for the mighty Nash Tackle.

oli DAVIES It hasn’t been my worst winter ever, and I’ve bagged a couple of crackers since the turn of the year. Like everyone I’m sure though I’ve had enough of the snow! I love the coming of spring but it can be a tough time of year for shooting features.

Often the magazines are working on the May issue in March, and as you will all know it certainly isn’t very spring-like out there at the moment. I’ve just come back from doing a feature for ACF on usually prolific day-ticket lake Farlows, which had last week been producing a few fish. This week, with temperatures dropping back down well below freezing again it was tough going, with only 3 carp coming out while



I was there in spite of there being plenty of brave anglers fishing. Luckily for me I managed to bank one of them keeping my pride intact! You can read about it in Aprils Advanced Carp Fishing. I’ve also been out with Winston shooting video content for the Nash TV channel. By the time you read this you should be able to watch the fruits of our labour, in the form of a ‘magazine style’ show. It’s a little bit different to everything else out there and we hope you will all enjoy it.

Nash TV / Photographer Also coming soon is an epic new Urban Banx featuring Operations Director and compulsive angler Alan Blair. The recently released Urban Banx 3 has already proved to be really popular, in spite of Alan’s unusual choice of venue, the tiny tidal River Crouch. This time Alan visited Northlands Park, a park lake surrounded by three council estates and a busy road in the heart of Basildon and basically emptied the place in spite of freezing overnight temperatures. It was extremely tiring just trying to keep up with him, such is the energy that he has. He also proved a big hit with the locals, even though he was the only one catching! This is set to be the biggest and best episode yet of Alan’s urban adventure, so be sure not to miss out and accept no imitations…



alan BLAIR

Operations Manager

All be it massively late I will start off by saying Happy New Year, yes I know it’s April but I sadly never got around to contributing to the last Nash E Zine so it only seems right to kick off with that now! It would have been easy to start off by having a little moan about how terrible the weather has been BUT, in fact I haven’t been too negative about it at all!!! Not only have I fished more than any other Winter/Spring BUT we have been smashing it so much at work, with bundles of tackle and bait flying out the door day after day, even through the worst months of the year – what can I really complain about! After a busy Autumn a few of us took a welldeserved break over to Les Telliates in France – EXCELLENT venue and I would say if you get the opportunity – GO! A lot of big fish were caught to over 60lbs and I personally filled my boots with some real Chunks including a new PB that took a real liking to ‘The Purple’. Late autumn saw me concentrate a lot of my efforts on the rivers and I had some great sessions on the Lea, Ouse, Itchen and Test catching all manner of species where I have started to put the pieces together with what Bug Juices work best for each species and how using a particular flavour can and will catch you one species and not the other – interesting stuff. November and December are heavy product development months where we are all putting the final touches to either development, design, testing etc in preparation for samples in early 2013. Early December saw me visiting Korea and China in a whirlwind schedule of meetings dotted all over the place. As always it was an exciting time but

never as good as actually seeing the samples and especially getting out there and testing them. Big things for the next couple of year’s guys we are ‘on point’ and there is a shed load more banging products coming to a bank near you soon! I’ve got to mention the team here. As always, the times are changing and as Nash also continues to strive onwards and upwards, the business and staffing need to expand and or change with the pace at which we are rolling. There are a quite a few new additions to the team including Our Media Managers in Europe – that’s Arno, Matteo, Giovanni and Oliver –They are really making their mark in Germany/Austria, Italy, the Benelux and France. We also have a number of new staff at HQ in all areas of the business – as they say “you need good people around you” and that is exactly how I feel. We have a great team of people right across Europe and it’s a pleasure to not only work with them but also have them as mates. I’m sure over the coming months you will hear more and more from various new staff all with something to say about their ‘Life At Nash’. And I suppose that takes me up to around Christmas time and after the usual ‘munch out’ period and a party at my house on New Year’s it was time to think about the New Year ahead of me. I always go into it with LOTS of plans and over the years I’ve realised that the more plans you have the more you will achieve i.e. they will never all come to fruition however if you have lots of them at least some of them will. The usual eat less rubbish, save more money, stop smoking, read more etc were all added to the list (and I will point out that as always these are the ones I have failed at) as well as some more unusual plans/targets that include some exciting fishing trips abroad and in the UK as well as really ‘Doing It’ with the whole Urban Banx Ting!!

Above: Coming to a spot near you soon - been out looking for potential Urban Banx venues and the oppertunities are endless. Below: Check it out – some of the best carp fishing media I have watched Far Bottom: Another Stunner that made up a great day at Northlands Park.

We have now released Urban Banx 3 and the feedback has been great – so so many of you can really relate to the whole “accessible and exciting locations” that we are visiting and it’s only going to get better. UB 3 saw me tackle a small Tidal River and if you haven’t already seen it – check out the link watch?v=KZYCE3Bojng Not only was the venue ‘right up my street’ but the fish were absolutely pukka – proper little stunners and each with their own individual character. In February Winston, Oli and myself headed over to Northlands Park where we set to with filming UB 4 – it ‘went off’ and I had a proper red Letter session to the point where I really had caught my fair share and I was asking if any of the general public would like to try this bizarre activity that drew me and so many others out on a February day to the centre of Basildon. Of course the general public got involved and families that had never even seen such things as carp on the bank before were soon experiencing what it was all about. We really have got some big plans for future episodes but I think in the short term you can also look forward to pieces from some interesting canal locations and me visiting my home town of Milton Keynes were I reminisce about how it all came about! Finally on the whole Urban Thing – I’ve got to mention two lads from Austria – Bastal and Nick. These lads are on it; they are out there doing it in their own Urban Jungle and along the way have produced an Epic DVD aptly named – Metropolis Carp. OK – they are speaking German but there are English subtitles and if I am honest I actually really enjoyed reading my way through their production. If you like the whole ‘Urban’ thing then check it out – it’s Sick!!

Right: One of many from a spot that just kept on producing. Below: Proper Characters from the most unlikely of places

Shows, Shows, Shows . . . . . . . . . There is quite simply just too many now but we are still pulling out the stops to get all over Europe to see you guys, bringing with us the latest product, tips, edges and advice to aid you with catching more fish. As much as a show is a right ball ache, there is nothing more rewarding than speaking to like-minded anglers and hopefully teaching or inspiring them about all things angling. As always, the likes of Sandown Carp Society, Zwolle, Carp Italy, Big One etc were all packed to the rafters and a good time was had by all. I’ve got to also mention the Northern Angling Show hosted by good friends Clossick, Spenny and the one and only Reedy – you boys smashed it – top job and just what we ALL needed – taking shows to the next level – I already look forward to next year and albeit a long way off – I urge people to try and get along to see what these lads can put together – is it going to be the show of the future? Only time will tell but I know who my money is on . . . . .. My Fishing in the UK over the last three months has been great – I’ve actually done a lot more carp fishing than I would have expected and really enjoyed it. 14


By picking a suitable winter venue and keeping the bait going in I’ve had some really great results getting out most weeks for an overnighter. Even though the temperatures have been terrible and the conditions appalling there were still fish to be caught and some nice ones too. Although early January saw me still catching on the zigs including fish to mid-30’s in a bizarre twist of events I went through a 6 week period where I could only catch fish off the deck and not up in the water where I really expected them to be. I had located a spot on my chosen water and had managed to get the fish feeding on it regularly and right through the coldest of times – I found that as long as I kept the bait going in every couple of days the fish (or at least this group of fish) would stay active and could be caught – I believe they never went into a state of dormancy in those ‘upper layers’ at their most comfortable ‘zone’ as they were happy and comfortable with the regular stream of bait. All of the fish I caught from this spot were in great condition, VERY plump and without a leech in sight. Ironically,

just a couple of weeks back I caught my first zig carp after this prolonged period and he was not looking like he was from the same ‘pod’ of fish – he was caught from a different area of the lake, clearly hadn’t been on the munch and was covered in leeches. I’m convinced that this was a fish that had been ‘asleep’ during the really bad weather and awoken from his slumber with the recent flurry of spring and its awakening. It really highlighted to me that if you can keep a good food source going onto a spot that even in the coldest of times the fish will feed and good times can be had. Usually during this period I would have been doing a lot more roach and perch fishing but sadly I’ve lacked in this area and need to use the next few weeks to try and make up for it. I had also set myself the target of a nice big winter pike but although a few sessions were had I didn’t catch the biggie I so desire – already looking forward to that! So back to work, as I mentioned, it’s all going very well and what with the launch of another brilliant promotional DVD, the lads pushing the boundaries with Nash TV, our team of great consultants and Ambassadors out there representing the brand at our up and coming Fishery Road shows and of course more and more new product dropping – there’s never a dull moment at Nash. I will be going along on the Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th August to the Fishery Road show at Emperor Lakes in Devon – it would be great to see you all there. Until then, be happy, enjoy what you are doing and if you get the opportunity to help others along the way then all the better.

I’m going to end my piece with a note about how this year it is the Chinese year of the snake – this means speed and accuracy and I think it’s a good philosophy to apply where you can.





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Product Design Engineer

Spring has been a long time coming this year, mid March 2012 I was floater fishing in the warm spring sunshine but this year we had to endure snow! Although I haven’t managed to get out much recently, this has given me time to sort all my tackle and bait out and get everything ready for the coming season on my syndicate. If I’m honest I can’t wait to get fishing properly again and by that I mean two/three nights a week between work because I believe, for me, this year is the year to land a chunk! The times that I have managed to get out this year involved me taking the Nashional Academy Students to local day tickets every Friday to get a few bites. Over the last few weeks most of the bites have come on zigs, I think more and more anglers are realising the potential offered by zigs and not just as a summer tactic. Autumn, winter, spring and summer, zigs just keep catching!

If I’m honest I can’t wait to get fishing properly again and by that I mean two/three nights a week... My main plan of attack this year is to keep the bait going in, work, home and my girlfriend’s house are all within ten miles of my syndicate so there’s no excuse not to keep trickling it in and keeping in touch with the water My target fish is one that I have seen on the bank a few times but unfortunately I’ve yet to catch it myself. It’s a common called Spike which is over 40lb and is a real character. I do have a slight suspicion as to where she is going to come out first this year and that is the spot I have been regularly baiting. So watch this space! The Scope rods are going to make my fishing so much easier in terms of casting to the far bank under snags and also when playing fish in the boat. There’s a few little bait edges I can’t wait to try too, the Gyro Bug Mix in particular is going to be a massive winner and tear waters apart up and down the country. Anyway, keep safe and keep catching.

Life At Nash

The winter has flown by for me as we head into spring. I have been very busy with all my work here at Nash HQ but also add the winter shows, casting demos and casting tuitions it has meant that time has flown by. I have managed to get out fishing a few times through the winter; I have been travelling to a little lake in Hampshire that has some tremendous winter form. The lake stock is mostly commons and averaging upper doubles. There are also plenty of 20’s and a couple of 30s and in a stunning location. The lake was good to me in the few trips that I managed. The weather wasn’t kind to me on the first trip and I had to endure 48 hours of constant rain, this meant I had to fish in some of the thickest mud and marsh like conditions and did manage 2 bites though, so it was worth it. The second trip was kinder weather wise, and fish wise. It remained dry and I managed around 11 bites with half of these being 20’s so well happy with that. The last trip also was a good one with another 3 twenties coming my way, the weather was cold and frosty but after the soaking I had previous on my first trip fresh in my mind, this was much preferable. The end result was eight twenties in three 48 hour sessions which during the months of January and February I will take any day. The tactics used were to fish the far margins ranging from 20 yards to 60 yards, I would cast over on to the bank, walk round locate the lead, clip the rig on and drop them tight in the edge. The banks are undercut so the fish hug very tight to the edge. As soon as the rig was dropped in I

terry EDMONDS Rod Development



Life At Nash

would spread around 50 mixed 10, 15 and 20mm monster squid boilies around the rig. The more the fish got on the bait the more I edged towards the 20mms trying to sort out the bigger fish. Rigs were very simple heavy inline drop of leads and 5 inches or braid, with simple bottom baits mounted on a size 7 twister hook. I landed every take. The shows have been very busy and I have recently come back from Austria. I really enjoyed meeting some of the Eastern European carp anglers and was really impressed with some of their long range fishing skills. I have promised myself a trip over there to fish with these guys. Most of the fishing they do is competition fishing at extreme distances so they have been honing the skills for a long time and a type of fishing I really enjoy. The future looks just as busy at the moment with trips to Wales, Romania and France lined up along with my usual day to day work I am sure the summer will fly past just as quick.



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It’s hard to believe that as I sit here writing this it’s the 4th April, half the office lake here at Nash HQ is frozen and there is a mixture of sleet and snow battering against the office window, what is that all about? This time 12 months ago I had already got my spring campaign up and running on my local syndicate and was well and truly getting amongst them, 12 months on and I have racked up a pathetic 3 nights on the bank so far, all of which were whilst shooting features. I did however achieve a life long angling ambition last month by catching a birthday carp. Myself and Oli Davies were on the banks of Manor Farm in Biggleswade for a February day session, shooting a feature for Maximum Carp magazine. It was a horrible day weather wise but we managed to put together a good feature and despite the conditions I managed to sneak a mid double common out which was not only my first carp of the year but a nice little birthday treat to match.

tom FORMAN Media & Marketing

Life At Nash



tom FORMAN Things didn’t quite go to plan the following week when we set out to catch a canal carp for the cameras. In our defence we picked the coldest day of the year so far to do so! Excuses excuses……. In my last “life at Nash” piece I mentioned the up and coming busy period otherwise known as “show season”. Well a few months down the line and we have just returned from the Northern Angling Show up in Manchester which was the last of the big indoor shows of the year. Yet again the shows were a great success with huge amounts of interest with regards to the new product and the guys at NAS did a superb job, especially as it was their first year doing so. However there is no rest for the wicked as in a few weeks time the fishery roadshows kick off which will see us travelling the country and parts of Europe, bringing Nash to a fishery near you! 26


There’s a lot of excitement around Nash HQ at the moment, not just because of all the great up and coming product releases we have coming up this summer but also greatly to do with the fact that there is “apparently” a warm spell of weather moving in over the coming weeks and I have even heard the word “heatwave” mentioned. If I’m honest, I’m not going to get too excited just yet as we all know the glorious English weather can be a little unpredictable at the best of times but I have done a little research and if what they say is true then we have some great fishing weather on its way. I may have got a little too carried away at the weekend by dusting off the floater gear but I’m sure it’s not too far away and I will be waiting armed with my Bolt Machines and Riser Pellet ready to get stuck in once again, and I for one cannot wait.

“In our defence we picked the coldest day of the year so far to do so! Excuses excuses…….”

If I was to give one piece of advice for the up and coming spring / summer it would be to get out there and find them. The carp are waking up and they are never shy about telling us this. Weather permitting the fish can be easy to find at this time of year and often bait in the right place can bring almost instant results! Get your Polaroids on, get hunting and most importantly of all be sure to share your results with us on our facebook page! Good luck!



Coaching by catching, at a venue near you! BIGGER and better for 2013, the Nash Fishery Roadshow is bringing the very best in carp tuition to a venue near you - and it’s all for FREE!








Ever felt you needed your own personal carp tutor? Need help with zig rigs, spodding, long range casting or making pop-ups? Want to get your hands on the latest rods, alarms, bivvies and accessories?


Seven action packed summer weekends from North Yorkshire to Devon give you unlimited access to fish with and be coached by the very best. From chod rigs to slack lining, hookbait toppers to zig bugs, whatever you want to know Team Nash can help you.






Zig Bugs and Zig Rigs Tying and casting fixed and adjustable zigs, hookbait choices, and mixing and feeding spod slop to turn your swim red hot for off the bottom action.

Professional Casting Tuition From underarm to extreme range, improve your distance and your accuracy. Be amazed at the distances achieved by the Scope and Dwarf rod ranges.

Floater Fishing Freelining to extreme range controller rigs. Feeding and building a swim, targeting the biggest fish, choosing and enhancing hookbaits, Bolt Machine tips and the deadly Riser Pellet.

End Tackle Masterclass Diffusion camo concealment explained. How to construct safe, anti-tangle and concealed helicopter rigs, safety bolt beads and running rigs.

Dedicated Junior and Peg One Areas We take three youngsters to hone their throwing stick, spod rod and casting skills. Plus, win 24 hour sessions with Team Nash.

Carp Care and Photography The lowdown on handling carp from net to bank and back again. Unhooking mats, Medicarp, accurate weighing, better trophy shots and safe returning.

Marker and Spod Tactics Learn to feel the bottom and find features that bring more bites, and then clip up for accurate rig and bait placement day and night.

Rig Clinics From knots to D loops to shrink tube and hook selection, you’ll learn step by step all the rigs you’ll ever need to know.

NashBait Join the purple revolution - see, smell and even catch on the outstanding Monster Squid Purple. Learn deadly Rock Salt secrets, making perfect pop-ups and bottom baits, the best stick mixes, bag fillings and liquid tricks. Feeding and fishing with Soluballs and Chain Reaction, maggot tips and more!

PLUS all the latest Nash tackle to see, try and even catch carp with. The innovative Scope and Dwarf ranges, new Sirens, Cyber Shot throwing sticks, 2013 bivvy displays, luggage, accessories and MUCH more… For more details visit the official Nash websites – or consult local Press, fisheries and tackle shops.








relatively small number of anglers who have really got their zig tactics sorted often catch carp in difficult conditions when everyone around them is struggling fishing on the bottom. But the ground breaking Zig Bugs have taken the concept to a new level. Although we think of carp as bottom feeders, they actually spend a great deal of their time anywhere and everywhere but. Carp are inquisitive creatures, their inbuilt survival instincts compel them to investigate any occurrence natural or otherwise that could potentially provide them with food. Zig Bugs have the proven ability to trigger this natural curiosity and during a lengthy development programme the Bugs often produced a bite when all other tactics including conventional zig baits had failed. The number of big carp caught on Zig Bugs over the last year has surprised us too.

BUG TYPES There is a wide range of Bugs that will trigger a response in many different light levels and angling situations Hi-Viz ‘Attractor Beatles’ are the first choice for many anglers looking to provoke a response

from a mid water cruiser, ‘The Naturals’ are more subtle, ‘The Critters’ in many ways closely mimic the natural creatures that carp often become so preoccupied on. As the name suggests, Glo Bugs are Zig Bugs that glow in the dark! They are proven to produce a quick response in low light conditions and are deadly at night. ZIG BUGS

There’s also a comprehensive and equally effective There is a comprehensive and ever expanding range range of hookless Zig Bugs that can be combined of Zig Bugs to choose from. Although depth is always with alternative hook patterns to create your own crucial, on a given day, a particular pattern or colour unique carp trap. will often provide the key to success. Getting in tune THE RIGHT STUFF with the explosions of natural food, fly hatches and other events that regularly occur in the carp’s under water world will be a new concept for many anglers. Zig fishing is not a ‘chuck it and wait’ method, to get It’s a fascinating new skill to learn and a vital one too. the best from the Zig Bugs you need to really angle for those carp. So we’ve developed a dedicated range of Experimenting with the Bugs and gradually gaining and utilising that knowledge allows a more proactive products to allow you to do just that. Depth is crucial, sometimes a few inches either way or using a specific approach to be developed. colour on the day can make the difference between success and failure. Remember, carp spend much of their time cruising the mid to upper layers. Mastering the Bugs will maximise the chance of success when other more ‘one dimensional’ tactics are destined to fail.



ZIG FLO One of the first things we found when testing the Bugs was that many popular zig hook link materials in common use fell well below our expectations. Abrasion resistance and knot strength were generally poor and with some materials you had to go really fine to get a bite, so we decided to develop something much better. Zig Flo is super buoyant, low viz/low spook and is incredibly strong in relation to its diameter, for zigs and floaters we honestly believe there is no better floating hook link material available. ZIG LINKS Combined with a Diffusion Weed Safe Bead, a tungsten Zig Link eliminates tangles on the cast and introduces an element of movement when a carp investigates and attempts to suck in the hookbait. Our tests have proven that Zig Links improve hook holds and put more carp on the bank. ZIG FLOATS The new low viz no spook Zig Floats allow the angler to simply and easily search out the depths with adjustable Zig tactics BUG BOX The Bug Box can be stored in any Box Logic tackle box or Soft Box and holds up to twenty Zig Bugs. Crucial hook points are protected and the correct colour or Bug type can be quickly and easily selected. BUG JUICE This is much more than just an oil based attractor spray, the Bug Juice contains a unique blend of ingredients specifically designed to mimic the water born ‘eat me’ signals created by the carp’s natural food. GIRO BUG MIX This purpose designed ground bait contains a complex mix of highly soluble ingredients that give off potent water born food signals. Tiny pellets, dried insects, larvae and other small semi buoyant particles also permeate the water creating a column of attraction from the lakebed to the surface. In many ways this incredibly attractive and reactive mix mimics a natural fly hatch, carp are drawn to the disturbance like a magnet and quickly become fascinated and completely preoccupied with the complex multi-layered attraction created by this unique ground bait mix.

BALL MAKER The Ball Maker provides a quick and easy method of compressing the Giro Bug Mix, on the bank or at home prior to fishing, dense compacted ground bait balls that will stay intact even when catapulted long distances can be quickly and easily manufactured. RISER PELLETS This unique pellet mix is a ‘must have’ product for any serious angler fishing zigs and surface tactics. A complex mix of small to micro size pellets all with different levels of buoyancy creates a column of attractive particles that in many ways mimics a fly hatch. Spring carp are drawn to it like a magnet!


SIMON CROW choice of many The Zig Bugs are going to be the spring when the this coming year, especially in the mn. fish begin to move up the water colu t warming up the All it needs is for a bit of sun to star carp reacting, upper layers and you’ll soon see the . The one thing especially in the middle of the day takes can the I will say about zig fishing is that sit waiting for often be very gentle. A lot of anglers rod; most of screaming Sirens before they hit the n to liners or wind the time putting single bleeps dow 34


ing there is a lot moving the bobbins. When zig fish the long hooklink of margin for error with the pivot of st definitely being used, so single bleeps are mo worth hitting. use drop-off leads. The other thing worth saying is to a direct line than Playing a fish is so much easier on several feet away when it’s weighed down by a lead awkward angle from the fish; all it does is create an in the line. Good luck!


To be totally honest, most years, spr ing fishing really has been my Achilles Heel and I’ve been ever so slow at getting off the mark, often having to wait until May/June to really start getting amongst the fish. However, since I started usin g zigs a few years back, my results really have soared !Last year in fact, I caught possibly around 80% of all of my fish on zig rigs, and caught on them during eve ry month of the year, yet I still see so few people usin g them.


Practicing and perfecting your me thods and tactics is crucial and once you feel confide nt with them you’ll put endless amounts of carp on the bank which you simply may not have cau ght by using conventional tactics. The new Zig Bugs have really taken my zig fishing to new levels and I strongly recomme nd you give them a try! Spring is a very exciting time for my angling. As it warms up, and the natural world awakens its time to get the zigs out. The spring hatches on the gravel pits that I fish are of epic proportions, with wave upon wave of pupae rising up through the water and emerging as flies. The carp cannot help but take advantage of this and so it offers us an opportunity to catch them when they are not really interested in ‘conventional’ baits by imitating these hatches and fishing in the upper layers. The fish can be caught like this just under the surface surprisingly early and in conditions where you wouldn’t necessarily expect a zig to be the best method. It seems to trip up the big girls too, as well as some of the rarely caught fish. I intend on fully capitalising this year, and I’ll be fishing my favourite ‘Louse’ pattern from the Naturals range, along with some of the recent additions. Make sure you don’t miss out and give them a go. NASH E-ZINE




We knew from day one that monster squid was going to be big! The original red version is an instant fish catcher with proven long term appeal, ‘the red’ has caught a phenomenal amount of carp both large and small from all kinds of different waters for anglers of all abilities. Monster squid black added a new dimension to the range and gave thinking anglers a new angling edge. Troublesome diving birds often completely ignore ‘the black’. Many anglers have commented that on the lakebed the mid black/grey colour somehow makes the bait look as if it belongs there. Black monster squid has caught an unusual number of big difficult to catch or elusive fish too. Now we have purple monster squid and since its release, the catch reports have been flooding in by the day with stories of multiple captures and new personal bests. Carp seem fascinated by the new hi-viz colour, even on pressured waters where fish often treat ‘in you face’ colours with suspicion ‘the purple’ seems to act like a magnet. Purple is an instant catcher, but just like the red and black monster, the new purple will also produce consistent season long success. WHAT’S IN A COLOUR? The Robin Red, Black and Purple dyes used in the Monster Squid act like filters and affect taste and the way the flavours and other water born attractors leak out from the bait. Carp will instantly recognise all three baits but the subtle differences provide advantages in the many angling situations likely to be encountered. FROZEN AND SHELF LIFE BOILIES Using a frozen and shelf life version of the same bait provides a major edge. Just like their frozen

counterparts, Nash Bait shelf lifes have a high food value and don’t contain nasty chemical preservatives. The shelf lifes contain slightly higher levels of attractors with differing tastes, on a given day carp will sometimes show a preference for one or the other so fishing with a mix of the two maximises the chance of success. Many of our top anglers always keep a few bags of shelf lifes stored in their vehicles for those days when the carp unexpectedly go on the feed which also provides flexibility. Nash shelf lifes are not inferior to the frozen baits, just slightly different. THE COMPLETE CARP CATCHING PACKAGE As with all Top Rod boilies, the matching peripheral products allow the thinking angler to fish effectively in a wide range of angling situations and conditions. POP UPS Fished over matching bottom baits or an alternative boilie, the results so far achieved on the purple Air Ball Pop ups have surprised us all. Also for chods and for any kind of single hook bait fishing, the Purple Monster is hard to beat. FOOD AND BOILIE DIPS These two established products are bait bucket essentials for everyone at Nash HQ. The dense bottom hugging nutritionally based Food Dip takes attraction to a new level. The Oil based Boilie Dip has been designed to permeate the water with irresistible ‘eat me’ signals. Mixing the two products together is a top tactic that creates a curtain of attraction from the lakebed to the surface.

BAIT TALK SOLUBALLS AND CHAIN REACTION Catapult and throwing stick friendly, the rapid breakdown Soluballs provide a quick user friendly and effective method of introducing a highly attractive food source into your swim. Soluballs quickly break down into a high food value mush that will keep carp preoccupied and focused on your baited spots for long periods. The matching Chain Reaction pellets allow the angler to create attractive quick and easy ‘stick’ type presentations without the background residual smells of PVA which can potentially put spooky pressured carp on their guard.

JULIAN CUNDIFF TALKS MONSTER SQUID It’s my first year on Monster Squid so in many ways I have an open mind on how to approach my boilie fishing. I knew it was a brilliant bait, I’d caught at Church Pool with it and even this winter when I normally stick to bright hi-attract baits and maggots the Monster Squid had been catching them from the off. However there are certain little edges I have found already that I am sure will catch you all additional fish and I intend to develop them for 2013 and beyond. As I’m already using the Monster Squid Red, rather than make a complete change to the amazing Purple, to start with I’ve elected to just add a handful of the new bait and experiment with a visual tweak. Using a mix of all three colours is another interesting option worth considering. The Red is already well proven to work anywhere, if birdlife is a problem the Black is harder for them to locate, whereas in deep and/or coloured water, the Purple stands out incredibly well. Don’t neglect the Soluballs especially at this time of year. I’d rather fish over a scattering of them than boilies until the water really warms up.

You can catapult them very accurately too. I have been adding a slight ‘glaze’ of Monster Food Dip to the Soluballs before I catapult them out. The liquid slows down the breakdown of the Soluballs too. I love to fish snowman presentations and combining a Monster Squid bottom bait with Amber Strawberry pop up works brilliantly. I don’t fish it in the standard way but instead use two thirds of a bottom bait and one third of a pop up. By trimming the pop up and bottom bait you can achieve a bait that just sinks with the weight of the hook and the white visual topper really stands out. Those three tips will stand you in good stead this spring but my best Monster Squid advice is....Get out there - find them and don’t overdo the level of ‘solid’ bait! Soluballs, paste and Chain Reaction are there for you to utilise, capitalise and bag up Happy Monster Carping!






Spring is the time for Boilies Nigel Sharp Here's a few brief words on why I think most if not all anglers should carry some Hi-Viz Scopex pop-ups during this spring. For over a decade I've had the pleasure of fishing for some of the best carp in the country that reside in some of the hardest lakes in this land. During this time I've learned that in the early spring (which for me starts in the middle of February) the carp are at their most vulnerable because their senses aren't as sharp as they can be during the summer months. One of those senses is their eye sight so this is why I think the more visual baits work time and time again when they start looking for food. As for the Scopex flavour I'm convinced that because it’s such a pungent smell the carp recognise it as a food source so it too works for similar reasons when the carp start searching out food with dulled senses. With bites coming during both night and daylight hours on this combination it again proves that a visual bait with a strong smell of Scopex is the way forward during the early spring. Over the years I've caught fish like Frimley's Charlie's Mate, Pingewood’s Pecs, and the Car park lakes Heather The Leather and Single Scale on yellow Scopex pop-ups during the months of March and April so I'll always make sure I don't leave home without them especially at this time of the year. So if you don't already have some in your armoury go grab a pot of Rainbow Pop Ups from your local Nash tackle dealer and if you really want to give the carp something in the way of encouragement douse them in a mixture of matching Food and Boilie Dips. Like-wise if you’re a fan of using bottom baits or snowman presentations try giving the new Snow Pots and Magma Dips a go because I know I will be. Anyway, the frogs and toads have been spawning and both the hours of darkness and daylight have balanced out so turn off the computer and switch on your buzzers because spring is here at last! NASH E-ZINE


Mark Watson Although I don’t discount any method of catching carp, who can ignore the amazing results achieved on the Bugs? Boilie fishing through the spring is what I have most confidence in and is exactly what my main plan of attack will be this year. My target is a rather large common in what can only be described as an “interesting” lake. Firstly, I never consider boilies a one dimensional approach although some seem to think it is. With a bit of thought there are many things that can be done and I like to do most of them. Pre-baiting is a large part of my plan to get the carp to readily accept a hookbait. I’ll start by spreading the boilies all around the lake apart from any deep areas. They are for autumn, not spring. The shallows will get special attention with bait and keen observation. My boilie of choice is the Monster Squid in all colours and even more colours are in my pop-up tubs. Hi-Viz hookbaits come into their own in the spring with white being my own personal favourite, flavoured to match the Monster Squid. Using them on chod rigs with light leads I can be very mobile and cast onto any showing fish quickly and quietly knowing that they will be used to the taste of my bait and attracted by the colour – go on try it!

I never consider boilies a one dimensional spproach although some seem to think it is

Simon Crow At this time of the year I always favour the brighter coloured baits than I do later in the year. The fish are just coming out of their winter hibernation period and very often not yet in the gorging mood. Good spots to pay attention to are the shallower areas where the fish will visit to take in the warmth from the sun. Half a dozen or so Monster Squid Purple alongside a simple bottom bait on the hair will be the kind of approach I’ll favour. Either that or a few Soluballs or Chain Reaction next to a critically balanced Rainbow pop-up. You don’t need to over bait to trip up spring time carp, and you don’t need to go in too heavy with the attractors. A quick dunk in the Food Dip is what I’d favour instead of an overnight soak. I love using boilies for probably 90% of my fishing and that goes for spring too. In general I would normally go for something a little more fruity like the Amber Strawberry, but the fishing I’ve done so far with the Purple Monster Squids has given me a nice dilemma! I always like to keep my fishing as simple as possible (I make less mistakes that way) but the effectiveness of the boilies can be improved just with the addition of a handful of sweetcorn here and there, or of course maggots in some cases but I prefer the corn. 44


The sweetness and the visual aspect of the corn helps to draw fish in but combined with the purple boilies, it really does look attractive. For the hook bait I’ve been using just a normal Squid bottom bait straight out of the bag, balanced with a piece of fake Mutant corn or maize. There is one other little touch that I feel has been useful and that is to use a small mesh bag of the Fish Frenzy Method Pellets, which helps the bait sink slowly to the bottom but then the bag bursts open to form a small patch of food around the hook bait - the Scopex Squid Pellets seem to be a winner!

Steve Briggs It may not have been the harshest winter we have ever had, but it certainly has been a long one, so spring couldn’t come quickly enough for me this year. I love to boilie fish in April and May as I find the carp are very quick to respond to quality bait being spread around a wide area. Tighter beds of bait, especially spod mixes, seem to be more effective for me in the warmer months than during spring. I’m sure that’s simply because the carp love charging around the lake after a long cold winter, plus it’s hard to hold them for long. My spring advice to anyone is to keep moving with the fish and keep the bait going in regularly as you move.

thing I did was to get another 40-50 Monster Squid boilies back in the area. I managed seven fish in five hours, which would be considered a very good hit in 48hrs on that particular water. It was the boilies which produced the results for me, I went through 2.5kg of them to keep the carp munching. When you have got carp in a feeding frenzy with boilies the most basic rigs will do a brilliant job.

Keep moving with the fish and keep the bait going in regularly as you move.

Last spring I had a great morning session by staying mobile and baiting constantly with a throwing stick. When I had a fish in the net the first thing I did was to get another 40-50 Monster Squid boilies back in the area. I managed seven fish in five hours, which would be considered a very good hit in 48hrs on that particular water. It was the boilies which produced the results for me, I went through 2.5kg of them to keep the carp munching. When you have got carp in a feeding frenzy with boilies the most basic rigs will do a brilliant job.

Rich Wilby It may not have been the harshest winter we have ever had, but it certainly has been a long one, so spring couldn’t come quickly enough for me this year. I love to boilie fish in April and May as I find the carp are very quick to respond to quality bait being spread around a wide area. Tighter beds of bait, especially spod mixes, seem to be more effective for me in the warmer months than during spring. I’m sure that’s simply because the carp love charging around the lake after a long cold winter, plus it’s hard to hold them for long. My spring advice to anyone is to keep moving with the fish and keep the bait going in regularly as you move. Last spring I had a great morning session by staying mobile and baiting constantly with a throwing stick. When I had a fish in the net the first NASH E-ZINE


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This is my first contribution to the Nash E-Zine, so some of you might be thinking ‘who’s he? - he doesn’t catch carp?’ I do actually spend some time through the spring and summer carp fishing, but my real passion is for the barbel and particularly those inhabiting waters close to where I live in the West Midlands. Nash Baits have been synonymous with catching carp big and small for over 2 decades and with bait guru Gary Bayes at the helm that is no surprise. Scopex Squid, Monster Pursuit and Monster Squid have all taken stillwaters apart not just in this country but abroad as well. Some anglers have dabbled in the past with applying these baits to the rivers for barbel with varying levels of success and this season just gone I decided to switch my attentions to the Monster

Squid for my own barbel fishing. When the river season started, for the first time in years the rivers were carrying several feet of chocolate brown floodwater. This was far from ideal as I really wanted more consistent conditions of lower, clear water so I could introduce the bait knowing where it was ending up on the river bed safe in the knowledge it wasn’t rolling off downstream away from my preferred area. Thankfully by the beginning of July things had settled down and I could start to put my plan into action. I decided that visiting the venue 2-3 times a week and introducing bait on a little and often basis without actually fishing should give the fish enough confidence to see it as a safe food and get them accustomed to eating it without getting caught. Now on the river I had chosen, fish spotting was 100% impossible due to the water never being gin clear and it being too deep. I started off by introducing the bait over a half mile stretch of river in the hope that no matter where the barbel lived and fed they would, at some point come across it. After a couple of weeks it was time to put a baited rig in the water! That first session saw a couple of moderately sized barbel on the bank along with the obligatory chub. A good start and upon leaving a bit more bait was introduced. I repeated this cycle once or twice a week fishing a different swim each time and upon leaving baiting up. As I wasn’t yet getting amongst the bigger specimens I decided to narrow down the area I was feeding in the hope of concentrating the fish into one area and therefore locate some of the bigger fish that ultimately were my target. This made an almost instant impact and on my next visit a fish of 10lbs 15oz visited the bank. I carried on baiting in the same manner and catching plenty of fish and slowly but surely narrowing the area of feeding fish down to just a single swim. It took about 6 weeks in total but once I’d got the fish accustomed to the



bait in one area they were readily taking it and more importantly their habits had changed and instead of bite time coming at 10pm it was actually coming as soon as I introduced the bait! Fantastic, I had literally got the fish feeding when I wanted them to and resident in an area known only to me and one other. I continued catching - given that I was introducing a fair amount of bait in between fishing I found it important to introduce very little or nothing at all when I actually had a baited hook in the water. The last thing I wanted was to introduce a couple of kilos of boilies then place my baited rig in the middle. I was using single 20mm boilies as a hookbait, then a very small bag of crushed Monster Squid along with a stringer of 4 halved

15mm boilies. This gave enough attraction to get some interest and ultimately a bite time after time. Things kept going extremely well and my confidence was high and despite more difficult weather conditions in the autumn and winter I’ve enjoyed season long success. I caught a large amount of barbel with a lot of them unsurprisingly coming to the Monster Squid, what I found to be more significant though was the fact that the bigger fish (4 x 12lb+ barbel) came to the Monster Squid even months after I had ceased introducing the bait as a regular food source. So if you are looking for a new bait for your barbel campaign, whether its Red Black or Purple, you could do a lot worse than ‘Get on the Squid’!




WITH THE BALLMAKER Thinking anglers are always looking to stack the odds in their favour. On the busy pressured waters that many of us fish, using something different to the crowds will always provide an edge. Formulating your own ground bait is a proven method for gaining a definite advantage, the more complex the mix, the more effective it will be. The Nash bait range is bursting with products that can be used to concoct your own unique mix. For example the water soluble ingredients found in the boilie base mixes will give any ground bait a major boost. Ground up Monster Carp Pellets make a perfect binder and whole and bashed up Riser Pellets create active reactive attraction. Food Dips and a wide range of nutritional liquids create more-ish tastes and appeal, Boilie Dips and Oil Palatants can be used to create a curtain of ‘eat me’ signals from the lakebed to the surface. Fish Frenzy mini boilies and pellets will also add extra tastes and textures which also adds to the complexity of the mix. Whether you are fishing conventional methods on the bottom, Zig Bugs or even surface tactics, a purpose designed ground bait will draw carp to your swim, stack the odds in your favour and boost catch rates. The new Ball Maker can be used to tightly compress ground bait mixes into solid dependable catapult friendly balls of feed that won’t break up in flight. Skinning the balls with lake water and allowing them to dry for a few minutes creates a ground bait ball that can be catapulted or spooned long distances. Adding oil based attractors to the water will make them even tougher and more resistant to break up. The more complex the mix the better, multiple food signals drive carp mad and trigger intense competitive feeding!


SERIOUSSHELTERS FORSERIOUS ANGLERS The original Ground Hog took the brolley concept into a new era, at the time this innovative ground breaking carp shelter combined new levels of weather protection with minimal weight and a fast pack down. For many hard core anglers fishing an all seasons mobile approach, the Ground Hog soon became the number one choice. So let’s have a look at the key features found on the latest models Compared to the original iconic shelter, the new Hogs provide a major upgrade, the latest high tech materials and improved manufacturing techniques keeps the Hog bang up to date and well ahead of the competition. A new ultra light fibreglass frame system maximises strength and rigidity. Both the Hog and Ground



Hog also feature zip on and off front infill panels or mosquito mesh options similar to that used on the Titan. Meshed rear vents also improve air flow and comfort in warm weather. There’s an Overwrap/Winter Skin option too that maximises comfort and eliminates condensation drip during the colder months. Four front and side storm poles bivvy pegs and HD groundsheet are included and the complete package weighs in at an impressive 10 kilos for the Ground Hog and 9 Kilos for the slightly smaller Hog. Ground Hog £307.99 Hog £274.99

& THE TITAN BROLLEY FAMILY TAKES WEATHER PROTECTION COMFORT AND MOBILITY TO NEW LEVELS TITAN BROLLEY Just like the original Hog, the Titan Brolley has again moved the brolley concept to new levels of refinement and its bomb proof too! Although originally intended as an open fronted shelter ideally suited to spring summer and autumn fishing with a zip on and off mossi mesh front panel, many anglers found them more than adequate for a 12 month campaign. Price £355.99 But some of our customers demanded even more so the ever expanding Titan Brolley family now boasts a host of new features and refinements TITAN BROLLEY PRO AS

2 Man option provides additional space and headroom. The complete system includes 2 sets of swan necks providing differing options for front storm poles.

The Pro boasts all the features from the original Titan Brolley with the added flexibility and benefits of water proof front infill panels a zip up door and rear vents

HD ground sheet Bivvy Stix and heavy duty pegs complete the package.

Titan Brolley Pro AS £439.99

There’s also an Overwrap/Winter skin option available for all models.


For short sessions, over night visits and longer stays on the bank throughout the twelve months of the year, used open fronted or as a full bivvy system, these flexible shelters really do tick all the boxes..

The Titan Brolley is the only brolley that can combat hurricane force winds and survive, it is without doubt the strongest shelter of its type in the world! Key features found within the range A rigid preformed aluminium frame maximises strength and minimises set up and pack down time. Integrated zip on and off front panels, zip up doors and mossi-mesh options. Low profile design maximises weather protection, a deceptively spacious interior will comfortably accommodate an Indulgence Wide Boy bed chair Rear vents on AS model improve air flow in warm weather.

1 Man £494.99 | 2 Man £549.99

For even more in-depth information please check out the website:




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WANT TO WIN THE LATEST PURPLE HAT AND T-SHIRT? Just answer the following question!

Q: What colours does the Monster Squid come in? Go to to enter your answer and be in with a chance to win!








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