Glamour World’s Best Image Solution: Glamour Retouch This is the Hi-tech Digital world we are living in and here the Fashion world is the catchiest thing flying that we all know. So when these two things get along with one another hand in hand, something dynamic turns out. Basically the mash up of dominant media (printing/TVC /digital/web) all these types of promotional activities and visual communication largely depend on glamour photography and exposure. Digital enhancement of Model faces and figures is called image Glamour Enhancement or Digital Photo service in Photoshop. It is our innate human nature to become a beauty and make us beautiful. Photoshop glamour enhancement has made a pace into interpreting our cherished desire or dream into real. Digital glamour enhancement not only wipe out the errors (big or fragment) but also make the model much younger, or add extra beauty beyond imagination.
There are so many other things in the sector of Glamour Retouch. They are given below:
There might be some correction on face and a lot makeover. Like you always cannot click the perfect picture
there might be some retouches you will need to make it perfect. There are retouches available such as- Fix hair style, remove hair strings, add some hair to remove gaps, correct hair color, Red Eye Removal, Bring emphasis to the eyes, Build eyelashes & remove creases, Dark Circle Lightening (Eyes), Teeth Whitening, Remove gaps, Resize or reshape teeth, Braces removal, Glare and Shine Adding/Re moval, Nose Reshaping and Skin Retouching,
Ear Piercing or tattoo removal, skin texture correction, Enlarge lips, saturate lips color and enhance lips gloss, Blemish elimination, Eye & Eyelash Enhanceme nt, Wrinkle Removal, Scar Removal, Unwanted Vein Removal, Aging & Anti-Aging and so on. •
Then there are the enhanceme nts over body and cloth. Such as - Skin Smoothing, Expunge blemishes and wrinkles, soften skin texture, tattoo removal, Digital liposuction and slimming of the body,
Digital Plastic Surgery (breast enlargemen t)Doublechin removal, body reshaping)C lothing recolor/Ret ouch/ironin g, Make up Application, Skin Resurfacing and so on. •
There is a treatment for Technical Imperfectio ns too such as- Contrast Correction,
Color Treatment, Image Straighteni ng, Custom Cropping/R esizing, Brighten Image, Noise Removal, Blur Reduction, Color Cast Removal, Object Removal, Shading/Hi ghlighting, Background
Changing and so on. •
And lastly there is a term where a designer would have the chance to show him/her creativity with the terms likeNatural Enhanceme nt/Retouch, Lighting & Exposure Corrections , Glamour/fa shion/mod el retouching, Direct Focus/Spotl ighting, Fantasy Enhanceme nt, Feature Adjustment and much more.
So you can see there are many things that are to be explored in this field one designer can discover him/her creativity and the client can get the Glamour Retouch to meet the success of the business. These inside services are all very important for Glamour Retouch and apply by the designers all the time.