1 minute read

FY24Strategic InitiativesCont.

Continuing to support the social emotional needs of students, we are establishing a staffing standard ratio of 250 students per counselor as recommended by the American School Counselor Association By applying that standard we will be able to shift a guidance counselor from Nashoba Regional High School to the Florence Sawyer school and bring all of our schools within range of the recommendation Nashoba Regional High School’s average student to counselor ratio will be approximately 160-170 students per counselor which is well under the recommendation of the ASCA

We have also established administration standards for each school/town at a ratio of 250 students per administrator. With each town having approximately 750 students and NRHS having over 800 students, each town will be funded with three administrators. That means we will reduce the administrative staffing of the district by 1.6 positions. We can safely make that move knowing the deans at each school will be supporting administration by working with students in daily school activities. Technology skills and innovative instructional practices are critical to the success of our students. This budget also increases 0.4 of an instructional leadership position for the Director of Innovation and Digital Learning.

Other positions have been reduced as a result of moving out of the pandemic. The COVID nurse position has been removed, a custodial position has been reduced to align to staffing standards across schools, and instructional assistant positions have been reduced due to fewer kindergarten sections (MRE) or the positions were shifted to special education to address needs for students on IEP’s.

Net staffing changes are as follows: administration is down 1.2 positions, certified educators are reduced 4.3 positions, and support staff have been reduced by 2.0 positions. These reductions were made responsibly without reducing or eliminating programs, courses, or services to students. Total cost reductions of those positions was approximately $500,000.

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