1 minute read
from FY24 Budget Book
The timeline for the FY24 Budget Process was established and shared with the School Committee in the fall of 2023 The timeline provides a lens on the crafting of the budget with the primary focus on our “Learning Along the Great Road” Strategic Plan. In October, the process of articulating strategic priorities through the budget began with analyzing current staffing configurations, non-salary budgets, and capital projects. Those priorities were presented in the budget workshop to the Nashoba Regional School Committee during the month of January. The budget workshop focused on the expense side of the budget as we waited for projections for all revenue sources including state aid. Once the projected revenue streams were determined, accurate town assessment projections were offered to the NRSC. Town officials had an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on the proposed budget at the annual finance/advisory committee meeting. The community had the same opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback at the annual budget hearing prior to a vote by the NRSC. On March 15, 2023, the budget was passed by the NRSC and now citizens have an opportunity to vote on approval of the budget at their annual town meetings. For the budget to pass, two of the three towns must vote for approval.