Nashoba Leadership Retreat

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Nashoba Regional School District Leadership Retreat August 10 and 11, 2022

Kirk Downing, Superintendent

Introductions ● ● ● ●

Name Role Leadership Style You need me when…

Scott Blanchard Jeanine Boulay Kyle Grady Joan DeAngelis Nick Pezzote Pat Marone Kaitlyn Angulo Kate Boynton Ross Mulkerin Mark Levine Courtney Philbin Laura Pagington Kirk Downing Aleta Masterson Laura Friend Joel Bates Ann Marie Stoica Tania Rich Patrick Perkins Shelley Dulsky Steve Grant Bridgette Hannigan Su Qi Sean O’Shea Lenore Zavalick Rob Frieswick Lesa Breault-Gulbicki

How do you survive being stranded in the desert?



Joel B. Kaitlin A. Mark L. Ross M. Ann Marie Bridgette H.

Sean O. Scott B. Steve G. Rob F. Lesa B-G Pat



Kate B. Jeanine B. Nick P. Tania R. Laura P. Courtney P.

Kyle G Shelley D. Patrick P. Lenore Z. Joan D. Su Qi

Break Time!!! Return in 15 minutes!

Nashoba Regional School District Strategic Plan 2027 Coming Together, Moving Forward Together

360 Leadership Survey Know yourself by asking for feedback.

What did I learn from your feedback?

Norm and Agreements

Contribute Thoughtfully Begin meetings with a focus on relationships. We share airtime. We share positive contributions of our work each week. Listen Deeply We begin with curiosity and ask ourselves, What is the speaker saying and what might be the underlying content, issues, concerns? Demonstrate Respect We each do our part to create an inclusive environment where all of us can safely contribute. We assume positive intent. Embodies other norms I can be vulnerable and not feel judged Engage Fully We hold ourselves responsible for attending consistently, being prepared, participating actively, and limiting off-task behavior Focus on the presenter to offer thoughts, feedback or to simply gain understanding Respect Confidentiality We share challenges, successes, failures and doubts with confidence that the information each of us shares will be held in confidence. Be solutions oriented Bring problems to the team with ideas to try . Test ideas on each other. Listen authentically to critical feedback. Bring courage Speak your truth experience discomfort United front Kids are the priority in all of our roles

Nashoba Regional School District Strategic Plan 2027 “Learning along the Great Road”

Mission Vision Values Goals

Our Mission…

Together, we inspire and challenge all learners to realize their unique potential and become active contributors to their community

Be your best self. The Vision…

Pave your path. Impact the world.

We Value… academic achievement and personal growth voice, choice, and agency lifelong learning

Our Core Values…

a safe, caring, and inclusive community collaborative partnerships innovation a sense of belonging FOR ALL.

Nashoba Regional School District’s Theory of Action

Through communication systems and protocols, clearly aligned and articulated curricula, innovative practices, shared leadership, equitable opportunities and outcomes for all, and effective resource allocation, we will inspire and challenge all learners to realize their unique potential in becoming active contributors to their community.

Communication Creativity

The Portrait of a Nashoba Graduate

Empathy Culturally Competent Global Citizen Learner’s Mindset Perseverance

Connections and Communications

NRSD Goals 2027

Teaching Learning and Leading Culture and Belonging Human Resources, Facilities and Finance

Connections and Communications Strategic Objective: Improve communication systems and protocols to strengthen culturally responsive home/school relationships that foster understanding and community engagement

SI #1: Develop consistent communication structures and protocols across the district SI #2: Ensure universal access to information for all stakeholders SI #3: Improve upon communication of student progress

Teaching, Learning, and Leading Strategic Objective: Support and inspire all learners through improving and implementing clearly aligned and articulated curricula, equitable innovative instructional and assessment practices, and shared leadership

SI #1: Engage in an audit of district-wide curriculum and conduct a curriculum revision cycle SI #2: Develop a Professional Learning Community culture across all schools, departments, and grade levels SI #3: Develop a district-wide instructional coaching model S1#4: Examine all school schedules to create a schedule K-8 and 9-12 that facilitates best use of instructional time, better access to course offerings, and deeper collaboration for staff SI #5 Audit the process of leveling courses at the secondary level SI #6: Create, develop, and implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support approach (MTSS)

Culture and Belonging Strategic Objectives: Ensure equitable opportunities and outcomes for all through increased awareness, representation, practices, and communication around diversity, equity, and inclusion

SI #1: Conduct an audit for equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging, PK-12+ SI #2: Deepen understanding and strengthen practices in culturally responsive teaching SI #3: Integrate social emotional learning best practices into daily instruction and student life SI #4: Develop and implement a systemic approach to social emotional learning that creates equitable learning conditions wherein all students, PK-12, learn and practice social, emotional, and academic competencies. SI #5: Grow a PK-12 Nashoba identity

Human Resources, Facilities, and Finance Strategic Objective: Maximize the potential of students, staff, caretakers and community through effective resource allocation through;

SI #1: Build and create a distributive leadership plan that fosters shared responsibility for leading and learning SI #2: Articulate district priorities through the budget SI #3: Recruit, hire and retain a highly qualified, diverse staff that mirrors the educational vision

-cultivating short-term and long-range planning, maintenance, renovation, and building initiatives.

SI #4: Make time and financial commitments to professional development in order to accomplish strategic plan objectives / initiatives

-recruiting, hiring, supporting and retaining a highly effective, diverse workforce.

DRAFT: SI #5: Review of school safety and develop priority actions as district and for individual schools

-maintaining and upgrading technology systems to ensure access to robust digital resources.

DRAFT: SI #6: Improve and sustain physical environments that promote healthy and vibrant learning conditions in all buildings.

Teaching and Learning Laura Friend

Assistant Superintendent

Strategic Initiatives:

Action Steps ❖

Update NRSD curriculum unit mapping tools, K-12, to reflect: •intentional integration of PoG and SEL competencies •instructionally strong and equitable unit design, standards, enduring understandings, essential questions, learning competencies, assessment methodology

Audit and review NRSD Curriculum Review Cycle

K-5 Provide professional development and instructional coaching to support Bridges Math curriculum development and implementation, Early Release professional development

6-12 Align, develop, and map curriculum for all courses and units of study using updated curriculum unit mapping tools, Facilitated Early Release Job-Alike PLCs

Explore new curricula (courses, programs, areas of study) to further strengthen and extend innovative programming and offerings, 9-12

Build collective efficacy for Universal Design for Learning, curriculum design and leadership •UDL Now! Facilitated District Read •UDL Playbook Facilitated Read, NRSD Leadership Council

Teaching, Learning, and Leading SI #1: Engage in an audit of district-wide curriculum and conduct a curriculum revision cycle ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Curriculum Alignment, Development & Mapping Curriculum Review Cycle Audit & Revision Bridges Math Curriculum Development & Implementation Universal Design for Learning

Culture and Belonging SI #3: Integrate social emotional learning best practices into daily instruction and student life

Strategic Initiatives:

Action Steps ❖

Teaching, Learning, and Leading SI #2: Develop a Professional Learning Community culture across all schools, departments, and grade levels SI #6: Create, develop, and implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support approach (MTSS)

❖ ❖

Human Resources, Facilities, and Finance

SI #1: Build and create a distributive leadership plan that fosters shared responsibility for leading and learning

Build shared understanding of impact, efficacy, and implementation of Professional Learning Community model, Facilitated Early Release Job-Alike PLCs Support HS Department Chairs and train Teacher Leaders to serve as Job-Alike PLC facilitators Identify structures for school-based teams to collaboratively lead planning and implementation efforts using communication feedback loops and purposeful meeting structures for looking at data, School-Based PLCs Develop a plan for implementation of Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), appropriate for each developmental grade span, preK--2; 3-5; 6-8; 9-12 Create an RTI Child Study Goal Attainment Tool to inform, guide, and align STAT practices across the district Provide all educators (Gr. K-9) with training on the use of Renaissance Learning as a benchmarking and progress-monitoring assessment tool. Revise current District Assessment Schedule to reflect integration and implementation of Renaissance Learning (STAR Reading and Math) and Massachusetts Dyslexia Guidelines within the context of larger assessment structure in support of MTSS approach

Strategic Initiatives:

Action Steps ❖

Conduct a district-wide audit of implemented schedules, K-12, to assess use of instructional time and relevant staff allocation

In collaboration with Director of Pupil Personnel, Director of Business and Operations, and Principals: •Review scheduling audit and reach consensus on aligned and common scheduling approach for 2023-2024, K-2; 3-5; 6-8

In collaboration with Director of Pupil Personnel, Director of Business and Operations, high school administration and staff: •Review scheduling audit and reach consensus recommendation for future course offerings and collaboration opportunities for staff while maximizing staffing allocation and supporting NRHS Educational Visioning Plan

In collaboration with Director of Pupil Personnel, high school administration and high school department chairs: •Create a tool and method for assessing the impact of course leveling on current and future student learning and outcomes

Teaching, Learning, and Leading S1#4: Examine all school schedules to create a schedule K-8 and 9-12 that facilitates best use of instructional time, better access to course offerings, and deeper collaboration for staff SI #5 Audit the process of leveling courses at the secondary level

Strategic Initiatives:

Action Steps ❖

Examine data from equity audit and other available sources to prioritize and create scope and sequence for professional development, 2023-2027

Build awareness and knowledge of Culturally Responsive Teaching, and practices supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion. Offer, support, and facilitate NRSD SEED Seminar (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity)

Support training of The Calm, Compassionate Teaching Approach, strengthening student interaction strategies, Leadership Council & Mental Health Educators

Explore the use of survey tools (e.g., Panorama) to capture baseline data on students' social emotional competencies to identify targeted instructional needs, K-12

In collaboration with Director of Pupil Personnel: •Explore options for research-informed social emotional curricula •Develop plan for district-aligned systemic SEL approach and resources with associated timeline, 2023-2027

Culture and Belonging SI #2: Deepen understanding and strengthen practices in culturally responsive teaching SI #3: Integrate social emotional learning best practices into daily instruction and student life SI #4: Develop and implement a systemic approach to social emotional learning that creates equitable learning conditions wherein all students, PK-12, learn and practice social, emotional, and academic competencies.

Strategic Initiatives: Pupil Personnel Services Joan DeAngelis

Pupil Personnel Services Director

Strategic Initiatives:

SI #4: Develop and implement a systemic approach to social emotional learning that creates equitable learning conditions wherein all students, PK-12, learn and practice social, emotional, and academic competencies. SI #6: Create, develop, and implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support approach (MTSS) SI #1: Build and create a distributive leadership plan that fosters shared responsibility for leading and learning SI #1: Develop consistent communication structures and protocols across the district

Action Steps In collaboration with Teaching and Learning: Explore options for research-informed social emotional curricula Develop plan for district-aligned systemic SEL approach and resources with associated timeline, 2023-2027 Align professional development with Teaching and Learning to support district initiatives (for example:....) Create an RTI Child Study Goal Attainment Tool to inform, guide, and align STAT practices across the district Study the caseloads of specialist to provide interventions in regular education classrooms prior to referrals. Realign the PPS department (year one) to prepare for distributive leadership (year two) (Policy development JD)

SI #1: Engage in an audit of district-wide curriculum and conduct a curriculum revision cycle SI #5: Grow a PK-12 Nashoba identity

Articulate and communicate process for ongoing internal curriculum and program review and evaluation (JD)

Explore and develop understanding of restorative practices as a systemic framework for responding to student intervention, 6-12 (JD) Create a "We are Nashoba" tri-town committee comprised of students, staff, families, community members for the purpose of identifying opportunities and universal activities to strengthen Nashoba's collective identity…Celebrate all students

Lunch Time!!! Return in 45 minutes!

State of the Union Presentations

The State of Our Schools

Center School Florence Sawyer School Hale Middle School Luther Burbank Middle School Mary Rowlandson Elementary Nashoba Regional High School

Team Time!!!

Day 1 Wrap Up! See you tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. for breakfast. Presentations begin at 8:30 a.m.

Day 2! Welcome back!

Reflections from day 1?

Calm, Compassionate Teaching Larry Epstein, Ph.D.

Calm, Compassionate Teaching


Lunch Time!!! Return in 45 minutes!

Nuts and Bolts

Strategic Initiatives: Human Resources

Ann Marie Stoica

Human Resources Director

Action Steps

Strategic Initiatives: ● SI #4.1: Build and create a distributive leadership plan that fosters shared responsibility for leading and learning. SI #4.3: Recruit, hire and retain a highly qualified and diverse staff that mirrors the educational vision.

Use IBB negotiation principles to partnership with the NREA to craft and support leadership positions. Review and update non-rep job descriptions and titles to reflect current practice. Define standardized district-wide recruiting and hiring processes based on our core values. Create stock promotional materials to assist in attracting highly qualified and diverse applicants. Formalize celebrations for excellence in the classroom, Professional Teacher Status, and retirements.

Strategic Initiatives: Technology

Su Qi

Technology Manager

Strategic Initiatives: SI #1: Develop consistent communication structures and protocols across the district

Action Steps ●

Communication platform

Nuts and Bolts ●


Technology request, evaluation and support

Strategic Initiatives: Finance, Operations, and Facilities

Ross Mulkerin

Interim Business Manager

Rob Frieswick Director of Facilities

Strategic Initiatives: SI #4.1: Build and create a distributive leadership plan that fosters shared responsibility for leading and learning

Action Steps ➔

Analyze current budget and class size ratios to identify cost efficiencies to fund positions envisioned within Strategic Plan

Strategic Initiatives: SI #4.2: Articulate district priorities through the budget

Action Steps ➔

Director of Business and Operations Entry Plan

Review budget process and communication from FY23 planning to support public presentation of budget

Build web presence of budget information and materials (partnership with School Building Committee for high school project)

Create a more robust and sustainable short and long term capital plan (RF)

Implement study for integrated system of HR, Evaluation, Scheduling, Operations, etc. to increase efficiencies

Strategic Initiatives: SI #4.4: Make time and financial commitments to professional development in order to accomplish strategic plan objectives / initiatives

Action Steps ➔

Entry plan of Director of Business and Operations

Collaboration between T&L and Business Office to prioritize budget for PD purposes

Strategic Initiatives: DRAFT: SI #4.6: Review of school safety and develop priority actions as district and for individual schools

Action Steps ➔

Engage with experts to analyze school facilities to identify technology needs and physical plant concerns

Strategic Initiatives: DRAFT: SI #4.6: Improve and sustain physical environments that promote healthy and vibrant learning conditions in all buildings.

Action Steps ➔

Engage in the exploration and identification of a system to support the physical environments and associated capital needs

Strategic Initiatives:

Action Steps

Strategic Initiatives: Health, Wellness, and Safety Lesa Breault-Gulbicki

Health and Wellness Coordinator

Strategic Initiatives:

Action Steps In collaboration with Teaching and Learning:

SI #3: Integrate social emotional learning best practices into daily instruction and student life SI #4: Develop and implement a systemic approach to social emotional learning that creates equitable learning conditions wherein all students, PK-12, learn and practice social, emotional, and academic competencies.

Develop plan for district-aligned systemic SEL approach and resources for health services Align professional development with Teaching and Learning to support district initiatives (for example:....) - suicide protocol and training- re-entry plans after hospitization

Strategic Initiatives: DRAFT: SI #5: Review of school safety and develop priority actions as district and for individual schools DRAFT: SI #6: Improve and sustain physical environments that promote healthy and vibrant learning conditions in all buildings.

Action Steps Engage with experts to analyze school protocols to identify safety needs and concerns with student and staff engagement/trainings

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