2 minute read
Letter from the Dean
It is no secret that we are living in a tumultuous era, not least in the life of the Church, as we seek to find our way in the midst of a culture seemingly less favorably predisposed to the “pillar and bulwark of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). That we find ourselves here, however, might be our best chance in our lifetimes to “light the candle rather than curse the darkness.”
In reality, spiritual hunger has not receded. For a variety of reasons, perhaps the Church has not commended itself as a credible site for such hunger to be satisfied when fast food – not good for you but plenteously available – surrounds on all sides.
While we might rue this development, we might even better seize upon it as an opportunity.
Enter Nashotah House. This is what we are finding: the longing for a Christian faith, deep and wide, serious and joyful, is at a high ebb among an emerging generation of once malnourished Christians. And they are finding Nashotah House to be a place where the future is to be found in the past and freedom to be found in discipline.
So, toward that end, seizing that opportunity, we labor and ask the Lord to bless the work of our hands. And he does. In growing enrollment, in the increasing generosity of our benefactors, in the new friendships forged between persons once alienated now united in Christ.
Your role in all of this is central. Would you please read this Impact Report, giving thanks to God with us “for every good and perfect gift.” And receive our thanksgiving for your generous investment in the Church of Jesus Christ.
In partnership,
Dr. Garwood P. Anderson