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News in brief

Breck Conference examines monasticism and Anglican spirituality

In June, Nashotah House hosted the James Lloyd Breck Conference on Monasticism and the Church. Keynote speakers included the Rev. Bryan D. Spinks of Yale Divinity School and Dr. Ann W. Astell of the University of Notre Dame (pictured). Directed by conference chair the Rev. Dr. Greg Peters, Servants of Christ Research Professor of Monastic Studies and Ascetical Theology at Nashotah House, the conference explored how late medieval English monastic spirituality was resourced by early Anglican Christians in both their personal devotional life and in parish practice.

This year’s conference book, From Anchorhold to Parish: English Monasticism & Anglican Spirituality, is available for purchase at nashotahhousepress.com.

Garfield, Golla awarded Rath Distinguished Scholarship

Rising seniors Elizabeth Garfield and Andrew Golla were recently awarded the Rath Distinguished Scholarship. Rath scholarship recipients are selected annually for their academic achievement, merit, and leadership. The award is provided through the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges & Universities (WAICU), thanks to the generosity of the Rath Family Foundation.

Wells named Director of Unity, Faith and Order for the Anglican Communion

Dr. Christopher Wells, Affiliate Professor of Theology at Nashotah House, in August was named the next Director of Unity, Faith and Order for the Anglican Communion. Wells will lead and support the work of the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith, and Order (IASCUFO) — the international body that advises provinces, the Secretary General, and the Instruments of Communion on ecumenical relations and doctrine. He will also serve as the lead staff member for Anglican Communion delegations to official international ecumenical dialogues, according to an Anglican Communion Office announcement. He succeeds the Ven. Dr. William Adam, who was installed as Archdeacon of Canterbury in July. Wells has been executive director of the Living Church Foundation since 2009.

Nashotah House’s growth featured in The Living Church

Dean Dr. Garwood Anderson spoke with The Living Church magazine about the seminary’s enrollment growth, its development goals, formation in the context of community, and building bridges across jurisdictional differences. Click here to read the story.


Find more Nashotah House stories and the latest news at nashotah.edu/ news.

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