3 minute read
Capitol Notes

“Put out the fire and call the dogs in; the hunt is over.”
Adjournment Sine Die. With the adoption of SJR 1629 by Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson, the 113th General Assembly has completed its work for this year. Around 5pm on Thursday, April 25, each body completed their quaint personal notifications to the Governor and the other body that the work is done for this the final year of the 113th General Assembly. Bills not acted upon this year are now dead and would have to be reintroduced to be considered by the next General Assembly. The 114th General Assembly will convene in organizational session on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
Top Five Legislative Enactments.
Appropriations (SB 2942 by Watson / HB 2973 by Hazlewood) Authorizes $52.6 billion in state expenditures; effective July 1, 2024.
Franchise Tax Cut (SB 2103 by Johnson / HB 1893 by Lamberth) $400 million corporate tax reduction going forward with authorization of three-year refund lookback process; multiple effective dates.
Certificate of Need (SB 2009 by Reeves / HB 2269 by Boyd) Removes certificate of need requirement for certain health care facilities; multiple effective dates.
Third Party Permitting (SB 2100 by Johnson / HB 1892 by Lamberth) Chap. 771 effective October 1, 2024; Streamlines the construction permitting and inspection process.
Shelby County Circuit Court Judicial Positions Moved East (SB 2517 by Niceley / HB 2002 by Farmer) effective upon Governor Lee’s signature; Abolishes two vacant judicial positions in Shelby County and moves one to the 4th Judicial District / Cocke, Grainger, Jefferson & Sevier counties, and one to the 19th Judicial District / Montgomery and Robertson counties.
Honorable Mentions.
State Books, includes among others, Shelby Foote’s Civil War trilogy, Dolly Parton’s Coat of Many Colors, and the Aitken Bible as official state books (SB 1822 by Rose / HB 1828 by Bulso) Chap. 720, effective July 1, 2024;
Hot Slaw as a State Food (SB 1573 by Lowe / HB 1597 by Raper), Chap. 546, effective March 11, 2024; Memphis Barbecue as a State Food (SB 2648 by Kyle / HB 2864 by Towns), effective May 3, 2024, and Healthier Diet Encouraged (HJR 855 by Lynn), adopted by the House, but not the Senate.
Don’t Shoot the Dog. We have heard a great deal of barking and growling around the food and water bowls about the release of No Going Back by the Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota. Dogs don’t spend much time on political autobiographies from our humans, but grrrrrr… May Cricket rest in peace.
Calendar Notes.
June 19 - Juneteenth holiday
July 2 - Voter Registration deadline for the August elections
July 4 - Independence Day holiday
July 12-27 - Early Voting period for the August 1 election
August 1 - State & federal primary election and local general Election