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Hear Ye, Hear Ye | Events of Interest
Volunteer for YLD Mock Trial
The NBA Young Lawyers Division will once again host the Davidson County High School Mock Trial Competition on Friday, February 24 and Saturday, February 25, at the Historic Metro Courthouse. Volunteers are needed to help judge and score each round on both event days.
You must be a licensed attorney to volunteer for the presiding judge slot and/or a juror who scores the round. You do not need to be a licensed attorney to volunteer as a bailiff. Volunteers are what make this competition possible every year, and both the YLD and the students greatly appreciate your time and support! Visit NashvilleBar.org/YLDMockTrial for more information. n
Have an Idea for a CLE?
We are always looking for creative, relevant, and Zoom-friendly CLE seminar ideas! Please contact Cameron at Cameron.Adkins@nashvillebar.org if you have an idea or would like to see a specific topic in the coming months. We appreciate you! n
Save the Date: 2023 Law Day
In celebration of the American Bar Association’s Law Day, the Nashville Bar Association invites you to join us on Friday, April 28, at the Downtown Renaissance Hotel for our 2023 Law Day Lunch. We are happy to announce our keynote speaker, Tennessee Supreme Court Justice Sarah Campbell, who will be speaking on this year’s theme: “Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration.”
For the latest information, stay tuned to NashvilleBar.org/LawDay n