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M:D:D Military






眷村文化為臺灣㆞地區在㈵㊕特殊的時空背景㆘㊦下所形成之㈵㊕特㈲㊒有文化,㈹代表著近㈹代 以來來民族遷移與融合的縮影。而歷歷史空間保存再利利用已逐漸受到重視並藉 由眷村歷歷史、文化㈾㊮資產保存、歷歷史聚落落保存、相 關法令令改革、國內外歷歷史 空間及眷村保存再利利用之案例例分析等,進行行相關文獻 回顧與研究。 眷村是台灣㆓㈡㊁二次大戰之後㈵㊕特㈲㊒有的㈳㊓社會現象,不不但增富台灣的文化內涵,在台 灣族群關係㆗㊥中的角色、㆞地位也值得研究。然而,國內對眷村的研究似乎還缺 乏㆒㈠㊀一 個統整的、跨領領域、跨㈻㊫學科的研究議程。文㈻㊫學作家與文㈻㊫學評論論以眷村 概念念為核弖, 從事眷村文㈻㊫學的文本建構與文本分析。族群與族群關係研究 專家把眷村納入族群 研究的對象,將眷村住民及其後㈹代(第㆓㈡㊁二㈹代、第㆔㈢㊂三㈹代) 視為台灣㆕㈣㊃四大族群之㆒㈠㊀一。 都都市計畫專家把眷村改建、遷建當做都都市更更新的 工作議題之㆒㈠㊀一。文史工作者與㆗㊥中央、㆞地方政府的文化部門則著重眷村文化 (物)的保存(史料料彙整與田野調查等) 與相關文化活動的舉辦。

Military Dependents Directory Place Food

Villages Characteristic Characteristic Utensil

Place Food 眷村菜不不算是㆒㈠㊀一種菜系,頂多是40㉃至60年年㈹代,因為 ㈵㊕特殊眷村環境㆗㊥中衍生出來來的㆒㈠㊀一種飲食文化,當時物 ㈾㊮資缺乏,大江南北北的外省省㆟人齊聚眷村,加㆖㊤上㆒㈠㊀一些本 省省籍媽媽的手藝,融合而成的家常菜,簡單樸實, 卻又滋味雋永的食物。

Place Food ㆖㊤上海蘿蘿蔔絲餅 ㆖㊤上海醉雞 第㆒㈠㊀一家刀削麵 吃吃看韭菜盒 王家口袋燒餅 龔家楊桃湯 汾陽餛飩 小寶米粉羹

Place Food 「㆖㊤上海蘿蘿蔔絲餅」,超過20年年的歷歷史,老老闆㈵㊕特別到㆖㊤上海 拜師㈻㊫學藝,將道㆞地口味帶回台灣,蘿蘿蔔絲餅(17元)每㈰㊐日 手工現做之外,豐富內餡㈲㊒有㈮㊎金金華㈫㊋火腿、蝦仁與香菇,相 當物超所值 uobosi cake, more than 20 years of history, the boss, especially to Shanghai to study with a teacher, the authentic taste back to Taiwan, the radish cake (17) daily by hand is now done outside, rich stuffing Jinhua ham, shrimp, mushrooms, quite value for money

Place Food 「招牌醉雞」(450元),採用養殖4個㈪㊊月以㆖㊤上的放山雞、 ㈵㊕特級紹興與㆗㊥中藥製成,冰脆爽口的外皮與入味滑滑嫩的白 肉,許多老老饕就愛這味。

Signs Drunken Chicken "($ 450), put pheasant breeding more than four months, super Shaoxing Chinese medicine made many connoisseurs love this flavor, the ice brittle refreshing skin with tasty Huanen white meat.

Place Food 40年歷史的「第⼀一家刀削麵」,正統山西刀削麵的口 感,由⼀一位退役士官長完整呈現,純手工麵條不僅薄 厚⼀一致,Q彈的嚼勁更是令人陶醉

40-year-old "noodle" orthodox Shanxi noodle taste, integrity presented by a retired Master Chief, handmade noodles, not only Bohou consistent Q bombs chewy intoxicating

Place Food 北北方麵食為主的「吃吃看」,現做的「韭菜盒」(25 元),包裹著冬粉與超㈬㊌水感的韭菜,爆漿的迷㆟人滋 味,也是非試不不可的小吃。

Charming taste, try it, now do Leek "(25 million), the wrapped Dongfen with super water flu leeks explosive slurry Northern pasta is also a non-test can not snack.

Place Food ㉂自助新村內的老老字號早餐店「王家口袋燒餅」,也是造訪㊧左 營不不吃不不可的㆟人氣小吃。

The old buffet New Village the breakfast shop "royal pocket biscuits", but also visit Zuoying do not eat is not popular snacks.

Place Food 龔家楊桃湯就位於㊧左營大路路㆖㊤上,是㆒㈠㊀一家經營㆕㈣㊃四㈩㊉十多年年的老老 店,楊桃湯是由㆗㊥中藥和楊桃㆒㈠㊀一起熬煮,喝來來㈲㊒有鹹甜回甘味, ㆒㈠㊀一般客㆟人都都選原汁稀釋的楊桃湯,冰冰涼涼㆞地口感很消暑。

GONG carambola soup located in Zuoying road, is a business of 40 years old, star fruit soup boiled by traditional Chinese medicine and carambola drink to have sweet and salty back to the sweet taste, guests are generally selected juice diluted carambolasoup The Ice cool to taste very refreshing.

Place Food 汾陽餛飩就位於第㆓㈡㊁二公㈲㊒有市場入口處,㆒㈠㊀一到假㈰㊐日店裡裡總是擠滿 饕客,店內只賣㆒㈠㊀一種商品,就是餛飩,簡單的餛飩湯,就擄擄獲 許多客㆟人的心,㆒㈠㊀一吃就成主顧,是來來㊧左營必吃的㆒㈠㊀一道的小吃。

Fenyang ravioli is located the second public market at the entrance, a holiday store is always packed with gourmands store only sell a commodity, that is, ravioli, simple wonton soup, it captured the hearts of many guests to eatpatrons come the Zuoying must eat a snack.

Place Food 開業已經㈲㊒有㆒㈠㊀一㆙甲子的小寶米粉羹,是遊客來來㊧左營必朝聖的小 吃店,店裡裡除了了著㈴㊔名的米粉羹之外,小菜與其他麵食也㈲㊒有不不 錯的表現。

Opened has six decades of Andy rice soup, tourists who come to the the left camp will pilgrimage snack bar, store in addition to the famous rice noodle soup, side dishes and other good pasta.

Villages Characteristic 1950年代,除了由日治時期遺留房舍所留下的眷村建物外,大 多眷村都建設於公有地的簡單房舍。早期最普遍的克難房子, 是屋頂蓋稻草、竹泥牆的眷村房舍。1960年代-1970年代時, 經軍方修建後,大多眷舍主體改為磚造,並具有私人廁所、浴 室、廚房規模及主樑、屋瓦與電線線路等設備,此建物演變約 與當時台灣建物略同。磚牆上常有藍、白、紅的國旗色彩與反 共精神標語。


Villages Characteristic 大紅門在眷村㆗㊥中最常看到的大門類類型,大紅色的喜氣感好 像時時刻刻都都充滿了了歡樂樂樂樂高興的氣氛,堅固厚重的材質也 提供第㆒㈠㊀一線保護㆒㈠㊀一家的重任。

Dahongmen most commonly seen in the military community door type, red festive sense seems at all times full of joy and happy atmosphere, strong and thick material also provides the first line of protection an important task.

Villages Characteristic 國旗在眷村㆗㊥中是屬於最常見見到也是具㈲㊒有㈹代表性的事物之 ㆒㈠㊀一,隨處都都可以看到萬旗飄揚,永遠都都㈹代表着這個㆞地方是 最效忠國家的㆒㈠㊀一個㆞地方,也㈹代表着他們永不不改變的愛國情 操。

jFlag in the military community are most commonly seen is representative of one of the things, can be seen everywhere million flags flying, this place always represents the most loyal to the country and a place, they never changepatriotism.

Villages Characteristic 勉勵勵標語 這在眷村㆗㊥中的牆面㆖㊤上㆒㈠㊀一定會出現,各式各樣的 標語時時提醒著住在那邊或者路路過的㆟人們,讓㆟人不不忘各㉂自 的職責。

Encouraged banners will appear on the wall in the military dependents, and a variety of slogans reminding people live in there or passing, people did not forget their duties.

Villages Characteristic 碎玻璃護欄欄 最傳統也最道㆞地的護欄欄,光看就很可怕,用 最簡單的方式達到最好的效果,這在傳統眷村裡裡可是不不可 或缺的景象。

Broken glass fence is the most traditional and the most authentic guardrail light look very terrible, with the easiest way to achieve the best results, but an integral part of the traditional military dependents scene.

Villages Characteristic 升旗台 這在眷村㆗㊥中時常會看到,這也是只㈲㊒有在眷村㆗㊥中才 會看到的景象,雖然國旗沒㈲㊒有飄揚,但是還是會讓㆟人止步 為它敬禮禮吧。

Flag station in the military often see, which is only in the military community will see the scene, Although the flag is not flying, but it will make people stop to salute it.

Characteristic Utensil 幾㈩㊉十戶㉃至百戶眷村規模,成為近似隔離離的單㆒㈠㊀一㈳㊓社區,此㈵㊕特 性雖讓同㆒㈠㊀一眷村內居民互動密切切,但是也不不易易與㈳㊓社區外溝 通。加㆖㊤上生存空間狹小、公共設施缺乏、眷村建設落落後等 因素,又㈲㊒有著共同愛國、反共等意識識與同㆒㈠㊀一軍種職業㆘㊦下, 所以產生住戶間情感聯聯絡頻繁的㈳㊓社區意識識。


Characteristic Utensil 白鐵食器 堅固耐用的白鐵食器,在眷村的㈰㊐日常生活㆗㊥中是 不不可或缺的產品,這單純簡單的外表加㆖㊤上使用過的痕跡, 似乎在訴說說說㆒㈠㊀一段讓㆟人回味的故事。

Rugged tin food tin food, the military dependents daily life is an essential product, and traces this simple simple appearance, seemed to tell the story for some people aftertaste.

Characteristic Utensil 生活用品 常會看到老老舊的軍靴還㈲㊒有㈬㊌水壺,以及擺設在顯 眼處㊞印㈲㊒有前幾屆領領導㆟人的獎章或是獎牌,這是他們㈲㊒有過的 記憶也可以說說說是種榮燿吧。

Daily necessities will often see the the old boots also kettle, and furnishings printed in a conspicuous place medal or medals previous leaders, they had memory can also be said is a kind of glory.

Characteristic Utensil 身邊小物 老老舊的相機以及拿時候常抽的香煙還㈲㊒有那時風 靡的大同寶寶,雖然都都成為歷歷史,但是看在他們眼㆗㊥中卻是 最讓㆟人動容回想的景象。

Small objects around the old camera and take the time often smoked cigarettes there was a popular the Datong baby, although have become a thing of the past, but the look in their eyes is the most touching retrospect scene.

M:D:D Military



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