Drawing the WORLD... \ Мы сами рисуем свой Мир...
Foreword Thesis Introduction Concept/ Experiments/ Research Physical Modeling Design Photos
One year Thesis project “NeueArche” - started as a part of the STUDIO X “ALGORITHMIC EXPERIMENTATIONS”“agenda was to explore the topic of algorithmic configurations within a more elaborate framework. The studio was to examine unified and continuous compositions as a starting point but will concentrate on diversified compositions that propose radical shifts, raptures and discontinuities within the set framework; we are looking to discover a world beyond perfection, beyond the suffocation of prediction, patterned growth; to seek those instances where unity becomes discontinuous and the separateness becomes continuous... Topic of the project -The procreation center, floating in the open ocean “HumanNature” Symbiosis - was chosen as a continuation of the Diploma work (MGTU 2007) within a Studio X framework.
I want to thank DIA school - and all great people from all over the World: my “da best� roommates Andreea (Romania) and Asia (Poland), StudioX People Alex (Russia), Tudor (Romania), Cosmos (Ghana), Claudia (Nicaragua), Shi (China), Wan Da (China), Vicky (China), coolest friends : Bobby, Miruna, Mircea, Alexandra, Irina, Maya, Mauro, Maria, Luki, Liu, Valentina and Debby, Norbert, Igor, Ola, Nastia, Yahia, Mike, Mitali, Masha, Grisha, Diana, Andrea, Vicky, Pedro, Islam, Carolina, Karim, Timo, Alec, Conny and all the others who came to work and to study here - in Dessau International Architecture Graduate School (DIA) 2008- 2010 (to all Tutors and Students). Thanks to DAAD for the scholarship - it was helpful. Special respect and thanks to : my first professor from Russia - to Ernst Zalmanovich Frenkel, StudioX and Thesis prof. Christos Passas, tutors: Yevgeniy Beylkin, Daniel Da Rocha, prof. Andrea Haase and prof. Angelika Brzoska.
Subject * The procreation center, floating in the open ocean “HumanNature” Symbiosis . The place, where a new human life begins. Project topic is connected to the concept of the legendary Noah’s Ark - the vessel, which, according to the Book of Genesis, was built by the Patriarch Noah to save himself, his family and the world’s animals from a worldwide deluge. Specifying that the aim is not to save the lives of all creatures, which inhabit the Earth, but to begin with -to raise a healthy human generations. Understanding the water environment as a pure and fluent Space, which is free of many restrictions and negative influences which we face building on - land architecture. *an area of knowledge, a topic, an area of interest or study. A basis for action; a cause.
Thesis * The objective is to design a “breeding environment” (procreation center): - Floating in the open ocean, a safe and organic architectural structure, which is responsive to the environment and to people’s demands; - Aimed to overcome the negative influence of the global urbanization, industrialization and pollution, by escaping from the Land to the Watery World; - Investigate a possibility to create a fluid “puzzle” structure, taking all the advantages of the fluid environment; - The system of elements which is free to reorganize and transform itself – in numerous variations. The idea is to design the Whole – as a collection of parts and give them a method, the ability to add or remove some parts, re-link, rearrange and reform the Whole according to the outer or inner changes. * original point of view as a result of research, meaning "position", and refers to an intellectual proposition.
- Flexible module structure with the responsive regulation system, translated into the space and volume language – symbolic architectural concept. The concept of symbiotic existence between the Water environment and People, who are performing a certain operation program – creation of a new human life. The term - “breeding environment”, I would define (in respect of the concept of NeueArche) as a simple formula (with which almost every built space could be described): bEnvironment = Process *Form; Form = (Space+ Volume)* Function*Program*Architectural Translation; and Process is more than action in time itself but, it also represents the transformations of the System (architectural spaces and elements) during different scenarios and conditions. Process describes the “life” within between the build volumes, outer and inner spaces under Environmental and physical Properties of Water conditions.
Particular parameters: 1) Inner Process conditions: *NA Program – firstly should be understood as a “Operation Diagram”, the part of the temporary habitation of the residents in the NeueArche (The average duration of the habitation is 1,5 year and the mount of residents is about 200 people, plus 50 people of stuff) “Operation Diagram” consists of 3 basic elements: input, operation and output. Input represents the people (couples or singles), who are planning to have a baby. Operation stage is represented by time line, which is describing the different periods of habitation (along with health program, study courses, work est.). Operation stage is divided into four parts: the first part is an “Adaptation” period, the second is “Preparation” period – which is the segment of the time line during the child bearing, the third is the “Birth of the Child” and it is represented by the dot, the last period of the operation stage is called a “New life”, that is a return-adaptation, going from the water world to the habitation on land. Output can be considered as a result of the process (Operation stage), it is a new human life – a child together with the people, who became parents and have got a new social role. 2) Event conditions: Birth of a Child, Big Ships docking,Helicopter arrival, Adding a new element 3) Environment conditions -Water World conditions require (from the System and each of the elements): positive buoyancy, stability in the water (Calm/Storm), ability to move in the liquid environment. -Weather conditions – Calm, Storm Scenario (parameters: temperature, wind, waves) *Functionally NA consists of four parts, each of whose is connected to the others. They are: ”The Core”, “Residential Cells”, “Perimeter modules” and ”Links”. In this respect the “Core” is also an architectural translation of the Operation stage with all the functions and required spaces. The Core consists of: the administration, the health department, auditoriums, parks and green zones, of the public open and closed spaces, it has the nourishment department, control center, storage (fresh water\ food\energy) and equipment spaces. All departments are arranged in the space according to the buoyancy properties of the spaces and the stability of the Core. The heaviest parts are situated in the bottom of the Core for the better stability of the structure (storage and equipment departments) and the spaces with the positive buoyancy such as parks and open public spaces are on the top. So I can describe a form making process as a “translation” of the “Story” with the words of “Pattern” following the logic of material world (Physical Lows).
“Residential Pods� are relatively small and the most mobile parts of the system, they can move in the water by themselves (they are not linked to the center), the construction of the agent is similar to the boat. They are designed to move inside the perimeter space and when they need to dock at some location, they can be fixed by the links. The main function of the Agent is a residential function. The Perimeter is the other important part of the system, it is formed by the Perimeter modules. They are relatively mobile and can move in the water forming different special compositions during various environment conditions and NeueArche inner happenings. All together these factors form various scenarios to that the system responds.
During the storm perimeter modules are connected together in a fixed shape, which protects the inner space and all the parts of the system. During the calm modules rotate and move to the maximum remoteness from the Core to which they are connected with the links under the water. The movement and position of the Perimeter modules is controlled by the Core according to the demands and environmental conditions. Along with the main protection function, Perimeter modules have the water desalination equipment, energy facilities (solar set), net system for fishing, docking zones for the boats and a helipad, on the top part of the Modules parks and gardens are situated. In comparison with the very mobile Elements, such as Residential Cells, the movement of the Perimeter Modules is more predictable and gradual.
The Links interconnect the System, they have a pneumatic construction and are used as a “muscles” for moving and fixing all the elements of the complex. In the fluid environment the best way of connection – is a flexible contact of the shapes, because all the fixed connections will experience the forces of the fluid environment, which increase a risk of braking. Links are forming a 3D pattern structure, which is controlled by the air flow (pneumatic system). Method* - Thesis development was some sort of “Dialog” between the Research and the Concept , which defined the Framework versus Content and “Translation” of them into the architectural form: Framework /Content. What was done in the field of architecture on the related topic - permanent habitation of people in the Ocean. *The procedures and techniques characteristic of a particular discipline or field of knowledge.
What are the particular aspects of the Water environment, such as the buoyancy and stability of the objects in the liquids. What are the people’s demands and needs during the permanent habitation program est. … This dialog from the point transformed into the looping line and along with the experimenting and designing (architectural translation of the concept) was carried through the whole time of working on the Thesis. After the research and experimental parts, after establishing the concept of the NeueArche project Idea and defining all the necessary functions and spaces, we came to the question of the form and architectural translation of the concept. There is a concept – process diagram – which creates an image of what is happening inside and why. And of course there are various ways to create a form for the “Story”, which is described and which is constantly evolving and transforming during the process of projecting, researching and experimenting. But only through this process it is possible to frame the final form. The starting point of the form making is the pattern, which guides the form (together with the Operating diagram and functional subdivision of the system). It establishes the language of the shape and the unique tectonics, which are repeating in different scales and forms (in plan, interior shape and in the skin subdivision), so all the parts will be able to reorganize and replace each other.
Criteria* - Standards of judging are different for the different fields of operations. With the buoyancy and stability – rules are very objective, because we are operating with the numbers and values. When it comes to the question of judging the architectural translation of the Framework / Content part – all kinds of opinions automatically start to be more and more subjective. But the rule is that the more defined Framework is – the more appropriate content we have in the outcome. Nevertheless the level of professional skills and creativity of the architect plays here one of the most important roles. One of the most effective ways to test the results of the design is to create a Variety of forms and transformations – to be able to compare them between each other. Hence the Criteria in this case is a floating parameter of the comparison which is determined by the level knowledge and (the most subjective thing in the World) sense of “beauty”.
* A standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test, by which facts, principles opinions, and conduct are tried in forming a correct judgment respecting them.
Introduction Is contemporary Architecture ready and brave enough to leave the Land and learn how to swim? Having no solid soil as a base – no neighborhoods and no land traffic connections, it will be an absolutely new type of Environment and Space, with which to operate. And moreover we are establishing new relations between objects in it, which are not fixed, but free to move in all three axes of coordinates. As architects we are curious to master a qualitatively new environment – the Water World. Topicality It happened so that, in the modern society negative life and health conditions arose because of global urbanization and the mixture of industrial and residential areas, which affects new generations of human beings. Objective The creation of an organic architectural “human and nature” symbiosis, aimed to overcome the negative influence of the global urbanization, by escaping from the Land to the water, designing the whole as a system of parts which can be reorganized according to the environment and inner changes. Description Imagine – the life in “NeueArche”: people should get into definite surrounding, comfortable, fluid, light and harmonious. The complex is designed for the habitation of 200 people. Those, who are planning to have a baby, can take up their residence there, for a term of several months to several years, if it is needed. Concept of the complex system is the following: Functionally it consists of four parts, each of whose is connected to the others. They are: ”The Core”, “Inside agents”, “Perimeter modules” and ”Links”.
The Core
Residential Pods
Perimeter Modules
Open public spaces
Auditoriums Closed Public spaces Maintenance stuff rooms Parks Storage Equipment
Open public spaces
Auditoriums Closed Public spaces Maintenance stuff rooms Parks Storage Equipment
Space for YOU:
NeueArche by Master of Architecture - Anastasia Globa
11.07.2010 Dessau, Germany