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Editing Original Officers

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City Screen

City Screen

Status & Rank

Officers other than Rulers possess what is known as a Rank. Ranks are graded from 1 to 9, with 1 being the highest. Officers can be promoted in Rank when their Merit reaches a certain level. Officers will be awarded the Status of Minister at Rank 7, Governor at Rank 5, and Viceroy at Rank 2. The higher an officer's Status, the more orders and proposals they are capable of executing. As their Rank rises, they can also obtain Privilege Orders, which can be used to propose a “Foreign” (P.23) or "Deploy" mission to the Ruler for one time only. (It is guaranteed to be approved.)


*If an officer's Rank increases when they already have a set of Privilege Orders, they will not be able to receive another set.

Status Classifications

Your officer's Status can cause the game to unfold in many different ways.


A Ruler commands an entire kingdom, known as a force. You can appoint Viceroys, Governors, and Ministers to enable even more missions to be carried out, making it easier to expand your force's size and influence. You can use Orders (P.12) to give orders, or you can approve proposals brought to you by your Ministers and other officers. Use the “Personnel” (P.22) command to recruit officers, the “Domestic” (P.20) command to develop your city, and the "Military" (P.21) command to build up your military strength, fight battles, and invade other cities to increase the size of your realm.

Viceroy *Must be an officer of Rank 2 or higher.

A Viceroy is in charge of an area referred to as a district. You can give orders to the cities within your district just like a Ruler can. You can also appoint Governors and Ministers to enable even more missions to be carried out, making it easier to develop your district.

Sui Yuanjin

QLord Yuan Shao! What should common officers like myself focus on doing? Perhaps we are best served by sitting back and watching men of ability such as yourself in action?! I am humbly at your service, so I eagerly await your orders!

An officer under Yuan Shao. He defended the supply base in Wuchao with Chunyu Qiong, but was attacked by Cao Cao and killed along with Lu Weihuang in the confusion. Governor *Must be an officer of Rank 5 or higher. A Governor is the officer placed in charge of a city. You can give orders within your city just like a Ruler can. You can also appoint Ministers to enable even more missions to be carried out, making it easier to develop your city.


*Must be an officer of Rank 7 or higher. Ruler Ministers are appointed by the Ruler, while Viceroy Ministers and Governor Ministers are appointed by Viceroys and Governors, respectively. War Ministers can propose “Domestic,” “Military,” “Personnel,” “Strategic,” and “Materials” missions for other officers. As a Minister, try to propose missions and earn Merit.

*When a Domestic Minister has a Governing rating of 90 or higher, a Military Minister has a Leadership rating of 90 or higher, and a War Minister has an Intelligence rating of 90 or higher, they will be able to propose two missions. *A Ruler's War Ministers can also propose "Foreign" missions.


Essentially, officers can only propose missions for themselves. You should focus on completing your missions and earning Merit so you can be promoted to Minister.

Free Officers

These officers do not serve any particular force. You can either occupy an empty city by using the “Raise Flag” command, or look to “Apply” to another force and work your way up the promotion ladder as an Officer.

ALook at you! You'll never be able to properly defend Wuchao in such a wretched state! Yes, it is true that a common officer is unable to decide their own missions, but you can always propose missions at the Ministry even if I don't give you orders directly. I will review the details of your proposal, and give you my permission to carry it out if I find it to be a sufficient use of your time. Once your mission has been decided, it's up to you to execute it. Leave the Ministry and use the Officer Commands to proceed.

Confirm Mission (Ministry Commands)

Enact Mission (Officer Commands)

Yuan Shao

Main Game Screen

As time progresses, officers and armies will begin to move about the map. You can also visit the cities and villages of other forces, as well as carry out missions.

Name / Affiliated Force / Status Main Character Info

Rank / Merit Rank / Merit

Your current Rank, as well as the Merit needed to receive a promotion to the next Rank. Your Rank will increase when the gauge is filled.

Pause / Adjust game speed

You can pause and unpause the game by clicking on this icon. allows you to choose the speed of the game.


Current Assignment Mission / Request

If you have any missions or requests from other officers, they will be displayed here.

City (P.29)

Officers are assigned to a city. You can use the “Deploy” command to form an army and occupy the city of another force or an empty city to increase the number of cities under your force’s control.

Village (P.29)

Villages are another location besides cities where citizens gather. You can assign them as vassals to cities in order to obtain various benefits from them.

Army (P.30)

In battle


If you choose a point on the minimap while it is selected, the camera will jump to that location.


If you use your Orders, you can assign a mission without being at the Ministry. Rulers, Viceroys, and Governors have two sets of Orders. Additionally, Ministers can also propose missions. Rulers, Viceroys, and Governors can also approve the proposals of their subordinates.

Ruler War Minister(R) Domestic Minister(R) Military Minister(R) Officer Viceroy Governor War Minister(V) War Minister(G) Domestic Minister(V) Domestic Minister(G) Military Minister(V) Military Minister(G) With Privilege

Switching Between Screens

Enlarge Select “Ministry”

Main Game Screen City Screen (P.14) Ministry Screen (P.16)

Minimize Exit

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