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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Volunteer at PPA – 10am-1pm. We planted trees and shrubs at our Rancocas Creek Farm to address flooding and erosion issues. To help the trees thrive, we are mulching with pizza boxes and woodchips. Participation limited to 25; registration required. Rain date is Feb 9. Masks must be worn when within 10 ft of others not in your household. To register: 609-859-8860 or PinelandsAlliance.org.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 . 120 W Whites Bogs Rd, #34, Browns Mills.
RNC Bird Seed Sale – Feb 6-7. 12-4pm. Members receive a 20% discount on our bird – 7-8:30pm. With Susan Drummond. A 975-8379. TheCenterLifeInBalance.com.
seed and suet. Rancocas Nature Center, 794 Rancocas Rd, Westampton. 609-261-2495. RancocasNatureCenter.org.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Virtual Tai Chi Fusion – Wednesdays, Feb 10-Mar 17. 6-6:45pm. 6-wk series with Eastern Harmony Healing. Immerse yourself in a blend of tai chi, qigong and the internal martial arts. Nourish your mind and body with this calming. Classes recorded so you can replay if you miss. $79. Tinyurl.com/y2wvy7n4.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Rain Garden Zoom Workshop – 6:30-8pm. Learn about the problems associated with uncontrolled stormwater runoff, what a rain garden is, how to construct and maintain a rain garden on your property; how a rain body’s energy systems, by tapping into the egiesLLC.com. Register: Elightenment.com/
garden can improve water quality in your community and general watershed-friendly landscaping techniques. Free; donations appreciated. Register: tcsahub.org.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Creek Care Day – 10am-12pm. Volunteer to help remove invasive plants, clean up litter and plant native plants. For location, RSVP: 215-744-1853 or Ryan@ttfwatershed.org. WatershedAlliance.org.
Treats for Tweets Winter Bird Scavenger
Count takes place this weekend. Walk the sanctuary and visit our feeders to look for birds. After we finish our scavenger hunt we’ll make a treat for the birds. All ages. Free. Hawk Rise Sanctuary, Range Rd, Linden. Registration required: NJAudubon.org.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Presidents’ Day Free Tours and Hike – 10am-1pm. Tour the Cranberry & Blueberry Farm Museum, explore the tractors, farm tools, barrels, crates, blueberry and cranberry sorters and advertisements from the local Pine Barrens industry. Check out the historic photos and artifacts in the huge, barn building. Must wear a mask and practice social distancing. Whitesbog Preservation Trust, 609-893-4646. Whitesbog.org.
Psychic Development Workshop/Share
safe place to nurture your soul and expand your awareness with like-minded people. Each month will be a different topic to learn and practice. An opportunity to share your experiences and ask questions for a better understanding of your intuition. Seating limited to 8 to honor social distancing. $25. The Center, Life in Balance, 45 S Main St, Medford. Pre-registration required: 609-
Balance Hormones with Energy Medicine
– Class provides some tools to balance the body’s natural healing ability. Using powerful simple techniques that work quickly and easily, symptoms of PMS and menopause become more manageable and less challenging. With handouts. $15/1hr. Inquire on next class. Info: 609-752-1048, NextStepStratHunt – 1-2:30pm. The Great Backyard Bird
pages/seller-profile?siobhan-hutchinson. Calming Stress & Anxiety – Class provides some tools to balance the body’s energy systems, by tapping into the body’s natural healing ability. Using powerful simple techniques that work quickly and easily, stress becomes more manageable and less challenging. With handouts. $15/1hr. Inquire on next class. Info: 609-752-1048, NextStepStrategiesLLC.com. Register: Elightenment.com/ pages/seller-profile?siobhan-hutchinson.
Relieve Pain – Learn powerful Energy Medicine tools to help: ease chronic pain so you no longer have to miss out on the activities you love; bounce back from injuries faster; relieve chronic headaches so you don’t have to power through a day in pain; lessen your reliance on pain medication so you can lessen the risky side effects and expense. With handouts. $15/1hr. Inquire on next class. Info: 609-752-1048, NextStepStrategiesLLC.com. Register: Elightenment.com/ pages/seller-profile?siobhan-hutchinson.
Online Holistic Health with Siobhan – 10am, Mon & Wed. A mixture of qigong and easy holistic health techniques, you may effectively change how you feel in mind/body/ spirit. This is a provocative and interactive class with time for Q&A. Lots of health challenges will be covered. Meets live online; recordings available for a limited time. $96/mo; 2 1-hr classes/wk. Save 50% if join T’ai Chi Chih at full price; that is 3hrs of classes per week. Info: 609-752-1048, NextStepStrategiesLLC.com. Register: Elightenment.com/ pages/seller-profile?siobhan-hutchinson.
T’ai Chi Chih: Joy thru Movement – 6pm. A non-martial art with many health benefits. This practice is more qigong-like and is completely non-violent. A set of movements (done standing or seated) completely focused on the development of an intrinsic energy called Chi. Improve physical and emotional balance, help with better sleep quality and overall sense of well-being is reported by clients. In-person classes in Toms River in Mar. Meets live online; recordings available for a limited time. $96/mo. Save 50% if join Holistic Health with Siobhan at full price; that is 3hrs of classes per week. Info: 609-752-1048, NextStepStrategiesLLC. com. Register: Elightenment.com/pages/ seller-profile?siobhan-hutchinson.