7 minute read
Email Publisher@NASouthJersey.com for guidelines. We advise confirming in advance directly with the business or organization.
Kids’ Yoga – Thursdays, June 2-30. 3:454:45pm. With Melanie Morgan. Classes give elementary aged yogis (5+) an opportunity to build their focus, strength, flexibility, mindfulness and most importantly, play. Live In Joy Yoga & Wellness, 118 W Merchant St, Audubon. LiveInJoyYoga.com.
Eight Gong Sound Bath Meditation – 7-8:30pm. Join Angelo Rizzo and Sara Joy Kuhlen as they play the gongs to provide the frequencies to resonate with your body on a cellular level, optimizing your physical health and stimulating the free flow of energy, gently releasing stuck emotions. $33. Excitari Wellness Center, 30 Jackson Rd, Ste D101, Medford. Register: 856-885-2990 or Vagaro.com/excitariwellness/classes. Evening in the Pines: Frog Walk – 7:309:30pm. Take our guided evening hike to get a different perspective of the forest under the light of the moon. Pinelands Adventures, 1005 Atsion Rd, Shamong. Pre-registration required: PinelandsAdventures.org.
Discover Double Trouble: National Trails Day Hike – 10am-1pm. A free 3.5-4-mile guided overview of the park’s history, industry, plants and wildlife. Free. Double Trouble State Park, 581 Pinewald Keswick Rd, Bayville. Registration required: PinelandsAlliance.org.
National Trails Day at Whitesbog Pres-
ervation – 10am-4pm. A variety of guided hikes and programs including a dog walk gathering, nature walks and more. Free. Whitesbog Preservation Trust, 120 W Whites Bogs Rd, #34, Browns Mills. 609-893-4646. Whitesbog.org.
The Hum of Nature’s Pet & Owner Group
Healing Sessions – 11am & 1pm. $50. Venus Moon Space, 226 Chestnut St, Glendora. Register: LoveLightAndNature@yahoo.com. TheVenusMoon.com.
Reiki Level 1 Certification: Beginner – 126pm. With Jennifer Chamberlin. Learn what reiki is, the history, principles and how to perform it on yourself, others, pets and even plants. Goodness Grover, 205 Rte 9 N, Ste 39, Freehold. Register: GoodnessGrover.com. Interpretive Trail Hike – 1:30-3pm. An interpretive hike through our varied habitats. Easy pace suitable for all ages. Masks and social distancing required. Inclement weather cancels. Registration limited. Free. Rancocas Nature Center, 794 Rancocas Rd, Westampton. 609-261-2495. RancocasNatureCenter.org.
Yin Yoga with Angelic Reiki with Crystal
Bowl Savasana – 6:30-8pm. With Alexis DiTullio and Sue Raletz. Class will incorporate essential oils and healing Angelic Reiki as you rest in the yin poses. An extended Crystal Bowl Savasana will bring harmony to complete the class. Beginners welcome, no experience necessary. Live In Joy Yoga & Wellness, 118 W Merchant St, Audubon. LiveInJoyYoga.com.
Mindfulness in Action – 6:30-8pm. With Kathy Hardies. An evening of mindful breathing, sharing and snacking, as we explore ways to bring more mindfulness to our daily experience. It will help transform the way you navigate the world around you. $30. The Center, Life in Balance, 45 S Main St, Medford. Registration required: 609-975-8379. TheCenterLifeInBalance.com.
Power Animal Guided Meditation – 7-8:30pm. During this meditation, Katie will take you to a sacred space to invite your Power Animal in. Spend time with this animal and ask it for any messages you may need in that time. Then share our animals and discuss their symbolism. $25. The Nurtured Soul’s Sacred Backyard Sanctuary. Address given upon registration: Tinyurl.com/2hm92nbx.
A Night with the Angels Mediumship Gal-
lery – 7pm. Presented by Inkie the Guided One. $35. Venus Moon Space, 226 Chestnut St, Glendora. Register: InkieGuidedOne@ gmail.com. TheVenusMoon.com.
Aromatherapy Weekend Intensive – June 10-12. 9am-5pm, Fri & Sat; 10am-4pm, Sun. Aromatherapy Applications: Raindrop Technique/Auricular Therapy. $375. Medford Memorial Community Center, 21 S Main St, Medford. 609-321-4843, LearnReflex.com. Nature Rx Guided Walk – 7-9am. Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and smells of the forest on our guided Shinrin Yoku-inspired forest bathing walk. Pinelands Adventures, 1005 Atsion Rd, Shamong. Pre-registration required: PinelandsAdventures.org. National Get Outdoors Day – 10am-4pm. Pick up a scavenger hunt checklist inside the Nature Center before embarking on the trails, complete it and return to the Nature Center for a prize. All ages. Free with admission. Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge, 4 Sawmill Rd, Medford. 856-983-3329. CedarRun.org. Saturday Guided Walk – 10:30-11:30am. Studies show that taking a walk in a natural area is good for your physical and mental health. Free. Rancocas Nature Center, 794 Rancocas Rd, Westampton. 609-261-2495. RancocasNatureCenter.org.
Spiritual Discovery: In a Time of Up-
heaval – 2pm. With Tom McElroy. Talk will focus on universal healing precepts found in the Holy Bible, especially in Christ Jesus’ life and teachings, and show how they are available for anyone to understand and experience through the lens of Christian Science. Free. Cherry Hill Library, 1100 Kings Hwy N, Cherry Hill. CSGreaterPhiladelphia.org/Haddonfield. Moonlight Walk – 8-9pm. Join an experienced guide for a night walk in the pines. Whitesbog Preservation Trust, 120 W Whites Bogs Rd, #34, Browns Mills. 609-893-4646. Whitesbog.org. Night Hike: Adults Only – 8:30-10pm. Enjoy a guided hike to visit nocturnal habitats that are home to owls, raccoons, opossums and other wildlife that emerge after dark. $15/ person. Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge, 4 Sawmill Rd, Medford. Registration required: 856-983-3329 or CedarRun.org.
EFT Practitioner Certification – 9am-3pm. Presented by Allison Havemann, ND and Holistic Nurse Nicole Pavlik. Learn how to apply the incredible healing modality of EFT (aka tapping) to your own life and/or to your wellness practice. Goodness Grover, 205 Rte 9 N, Ste 39, Freehold. Register: GoodnessGrover.com.
Intimate Conversations Group Coach-
ing – 6:30-8:30pm. Join Teja Valentin and Richard Parkes in this dynamic group class for intimate conversations and practices. Will have some Q&A time and partner up and to explore some techniques to deepen intimacy and awareness. $40. Live In Joy Yoga & Wellness, 118 W Merchant St, Audubon. LiveInJoyYoga.com.
coming in the july issue
Food Connection Food Connection
It’s Summer!
Farmers Markets are

Beardfest – June 16-18. Unplug in South Jersey’s beautiful Pinelands Preserve while enjoying music that spans an incredibly wide range of genres. Paradise Lake Campground, 200 Paradise Dr, Hammonton. More info: PinelandsAlliance.org.
Gallery Reading with International Me-
dium Rich Braconi – 6:30-8:30pm. Rich’s unique abilities allow him to relay deep spiritual messages of personal guidance, insight and love from loved ones in Spirit, often filled with universal wisdom and insight that everyone will find inspiring and uplifting. No guarantee that everyone will receive a message. $55. Excitari Wellness Center, 30 Jackson Rd, Ste D101, Medford. Register: 856-885-2990 or Vagaro.com/excitariwellness/classes.
World Peace Meditation – 6:30-8pm. With Lou Ann Graves. A guided meditation calling in the beautiful energies of Mother Mary and Jesus. Together we can raise the vibration of the world as we send out love and peace. During this meditation receive a reiki healing. $35. The Center, Life in Balance, 45 S Main St, Medford. Registration required: 609-975-8379. TheCenterLifeInBalance.com.
Kirtan with Gershone with Special Guest
Mira – 7-8:30pm. An evening of live music and chanting. Gershone offers devotional songs with voice, harmonium and tabla, rooted in the music of Pakistan and India. Live In Joy Yoga & Wellness, 118 W Merchant St, Audubon. LiveInJoyYoga.com.
Upper Delaware Bay Driving Tour – 10am2pm. Visit Canton, Stow Neck Road, Mad Horse Creek, Stowe Creek Rd Landing, Bayside/Caviar and end with a walking tour of historic Village of Greenwich. Gibbons House, 960 Ye Greate St, Greenwich. sjlandwater.org. Pine Barrens 101 – 12-2pm. An introduction to a little bit of everything that the NJ Pinelands has to offer. Pinelands Adventures, 1005 Atsion Rd, Shamong. Pre-registration required: PinelandsAdventures.org.
8-Week Homeopathy Course – Learn classical and practical homeopathy using curriculum by Joette Calabrese, homeopath, led by holistic RN Nicole Pavlik. Certificate of completion provided at end of course. Register: GoodnessGrover.com. Summer Solstice Sunset Hike – 7:309pm. Join Naturalist Kate on a sunset hike during the longest day of the year! Start off the season with a 2.5-mile walk around Arney’s Mount while enjoying beautiful views and the sounds of summer. Arney’s Mount, 150 Juliustown Rd, Columbus. Register: co.burlington.nj.us.
Blueberry Summer Festival – 10am-3pm. An old-fashioned country fair with museums, historic homes, a General Store, tractor-pulled wagon rides to the blueberry field to pick heirloom berries, local handmade craft vendors, local folk music, with berries for sale from a local blueberry farm. Whitesbog Preservation Trust, 120 W Whites Bogs Rd, #34, Browns Mills. 609-893-4646. Whitesbog.org.
Lower Batsto Guided Tour – 12-5pm. An immersive journey on the Batsto River led by one of our trained guides. Pinelands Adventures, 1005 Atsion Rd, Shamong. Pre-registration required: PinelandsAdventures.org.
Kayak Expedition and Picnic – 11am. Bring your own kayak or canoe or use one of Old Pine Farm’s 5 kayaks to enjoy an adventure on the south branch of Big Timber Creek. Learn how to kayak from an experienced instructor or just head upstream or downstream on your own to explore. Old Pine Farm Natural Lands Trust, Willoughby House, 340 Pine Ave, Deptford. OldPineFarm.org.
Earth Fair – 11am-5pm. Ideas in the Sustainable Living Tent for reducing your carbon footprint and a presentation from Mike McGrath, host of “You Bet Your Garden,” the 2022 Earth Fair will be full of ideas to live cleaner and greener. Free. Historic Smithville Park & Smith’s Woods. 803 Smithville Rd, Mt Holly. co.burlington.nj.us.
Butterflies of Boundary – 2-3:30pm. Join Naturalist Kate to learn about different butterflies that are seen here throughout the summer. Learn identification tips and how to tell moths and butterflies apart. Boundary Creek Natural Resource Area, 515 Creek Rd, Moorestown. Register: co.burlington.nj.us.