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Name Safeeyah Malee Student ID 55160550 Name Rossdee Sahoh Student ID 55116354

In the holiday, John did not go to school. He stayed at home with his family. Suddenly, his mother asked him to buy vegetables and gave him 100 Baht.

He went to the store and walked into the store.

Shopkeeper: Hey, John. Can I help you? John: Yes, I want to buy some vegetables. Shopkeeper: What kind of vegetables? John: Carrot, broccoli, and turnip. Shopkeeper: Ok, wait a minute. John gave 100 baht to the shopkeeper. Then she gave him some changes.

Then he walked back to his house.

John counted the money and he noticed that the shopkeeper gave him wrong change. It was more than 100 baht.

So he decided to return the change to the shopkeeper. On the way, he met his friend. Friend: Hey, where are you going here? John: I’m going to return some money to the shopkeeper. Friend: You don’t have to return it. I think it’s better to use this money buy a new toy.

John was very confused about whether he would return the change to the shopkeeper.

Finally, he decided to return the change to the shopkeeper.

At the market Shopkeeper: Do you leave something here? John: No, I’m back to return the wrong change to you. Shopkeeper: Oh!! Really? How nice you are!!

The shopkeeper said thank you to John and she gave a car toy as a reward to John.

Moral of the story An honest person will always get a good thing as a reward.

Under the beautiful sea, there lived a little turtle. He had no family and friends. He lived alone so long.

One day, he went to the shore to find friends. Suddenly, he met a beautiful bird on a rock.

Turtle: Hey! Bird, how beautiful you are! I like the colors on your wings. Bird: Oh! Really? Thank you. Turtle: What are you doing there? Bird: I just sat on a rock to show my beautiful body. Turtle: Well, can you be my friend? I’m here today to meet some friends because I live alone under the sea. Bird: No!! I don’t want to be your friend. Look at yourself. You are so black!! Turtle: why did you say that? Bird: Because you are ugly but I’m beautiful so we cannot be friends.

After that, the little turtle went back to the sea sadly and lonely.

Next day, he went to find some friends again and again but nobody wanted to be friends with him until he met with a fish.

Turtle: Hey! Fish, I’m a little turtle. I have no friend. Can you be my friend?

Fish: No way! Look at yourself! You are so black and ugly! I don’t want to be your friend.

Turtle: Don’t judge me outside but inside I’m so kind. If you need my help, I really can help you.

Fish: Stop talking!! You cannot do that because you are just a black and ugly turtle. Go away!!!

The little turtle felt bad and very sad alone. He didn’t know how to make with others.

One week later, he went to see the fish again because he was bored. Suddenly, He saw the fish caught in a net. So, he went to help the fish quickly.

Fish: Anybody here, please help me help me!! Turtle: I will help you. Don’t worry! Fish: I don’t want to die. Turtle: Please wait, I will bite a net. Fish: Hurry up! I’m going to die.

Finally, the little turtle can help the fish get away from the net.

Fish: Thank you very much for helping me. Turtle: I’m willing to help you. Fish: I’m really sorry for what I make you feel bad and say bad things to you. Turtle: It’s alright. Fish: Without you, today I might have died. Thank you so much for helping me and you aren't even angry that I used to be bad to you.

After that, the little turtle and the fish became friends and help each other forever.

Moral of the story Don’t judge someone before you get to know him or her well.

In the city, there lived three friends. They were close and all of them were vary talkative.

When they lived together they would talk all day and all night.

A: Do you know Mr. Tom? He is short. I don’t like him. B: I know. He is a bad guy. C: His wife is ugly too.

Suddenly, a neighbor came and asked them. A neighbor: Hey, what are you doing? A: Nothing much, we are just talking. A neighbor: But I heard you always say bad things about others. Please think about yourselves! All of you are so poor. B: She’s right. Why are we poor? C: I don’t know. Next day, the three friends went to ask their parents why they were poor.

A: Hi! Dad, we want to know why we are poor. Father: Because all of you are lazy. If you want to be rich, you have to stop saying bad things about others and start to work diligently. Can you do that?

B: I’m not sure. Father: If you want to be rich you have to do what I tell you.

A: Ok, we promise we will come back with a lot of money.

Next morning, the three friends decided to work but they were still lazy and wanted to gossip about others. A: I think we have to stop talking about others and let’s go to work. B: But I’m lazy. A: Why are you talking like this? B: I don’t know. I want to sleep now. C: Yes, I feel sleepy now. If you want to be rich, go to work alone.

After that, her friend went to work alone every day because she wanted to get money.

At night, he had nothing to do. So, she worked harder. She made cookies and sold at the market the next day.

Soon, he became rich.

One year later, the three friends come to visit their parents. Father: Are you rich now? A: Yes, I’m rich now. B: No, we are not. We are still poor. Father: Because both of you are still lazy and don’t keep the promise. A: Thank you dad. I’m became rich because of you. Father: NO, it’s because of you.

Moral of the story Don’t be lazy, if you are lazy you will get nothing.

At a little house, there are a poor woman and her son. She is very diligent and her son always helps her in everything.

One day, she decides to do extra work because she has no enough money to use.

At morning, they grow various vegetables behind their house.

At noon, they bake cookies, cakes and many kinds of bakeries to sell to the villager.

In the evening, they go fishing for selling and eating.

They sell it all at the market every morning but no one buys it. Because everyone is disgusted with poor people and does not dare to buy things from poor people.

They are really sad and give up on it. Therefore, they stop selling anything.

One morning, there is a man who is really hungry knocking on the door begging for some food.

She invites him to come inside and prepares food. The man is very surprised with the food because it has a very good taste and the vegetables are very fresh.

A man: Why don’t you sell them? A mother: I used to, but no one paid attention to me. A man: Do not give up! You need to overcome that problem. Maybe one day there will be someone to support you. So, you need to try it again.

After that, they bring everything to sell at the market again, but everyone still ignores them.

At last, there is a person to buy their bakery because of pity.

Fortunately, that person likes their bakery and then he suggests everyone buy the delicious bakeries, fresh vegetables and fish from them.

Finally, many people become interested in their bakeries and vegetables.

Both of them have a big house by their efforts. Because they are very diligent and do not give up when facing obstacles.

Moral of the story Don’t give up on the thing you do not try hard enough.

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