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news briefs
A Breath of Fresh Air at The OM Shoppe & Spa
With summer in full swing, the heat and humidity can be stiff and stifling. That’s why we invite you to take a breath of fresh air at The OM Shoppe & Spa. Diffuse a relaxing spearmint oil to invite coolness and calm. Smudge some dried sage to shift and clear negative energy. Light a stick of sandalwood incense to experience peaceful grounding. You can find all of your most loved fragrances and scents in our store, as well as some new finds that are sure to become fast favorites, like our new flower waters. These aromatic mists infuse a light floral lift into any experience and come in orange blossom, German chamomile, jasmine, lavender, rose and ylang ylang. No matter how you choose to treat your senses on your journey, we are here to assist you.
For more information, call 941-706-3257 or visit TheOMShoppeAndSpa.com.
Rising Tide International Presents “Songs and Stories of Our American Heritage”
Rising Tide International will hold a special service on July 3, 10:30 a.m., featuring American Troubadour Bill Schustik. He will perform “Celebrating Our Uniquely American Spiritual Foundations” with explorations and sing-a-longs of American patriotic tunes. Schustik is a musician, vocalist, storyteller and historian who draws inspiration from the writings of Tom Paine, arguably one of the most important (albeit, often overlooked) of the American founding fathers. Paine was the first to see us as a free, independent nation and to coin the phrase United States Of America. He also was an unstoppable revolutionary, advocating for the rights of man and common sense.
This will be presented live at Rising Tide International, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, and on Zoom. Visit Zoom.us and input the meeting ID: 830 1791 6524 / Passcode: RTI2021. This is a weekly egalitarian service that celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. For more information, call 941-922-7839 or visit RisingTideInternational.org.
Reiki Training At Wild Ginger Apothecary
Did you know that Sarasota is a metaphysical hub? With stories about Sarasota’s energy grids, vortexes, a Calusa force field that prevents hurricanes and the 99% quartz-crystal sand at Siesta Key, it’s no wonder that we have a large spiritual community established here. With a plethora of healers comes opportunities for learning, and we have curated a group of instructors here at Wild Ginger Apothecary to share their knowledge and magic with all of you. Our latest installment of this is our Reiki Training & Certification program. Reiki is a Japanese form of complementary therapy related to energy healing. The word “Reiki” means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign,” and it comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy. According to Reiki practitioners, energy can stagnate in the body due to emotional pain or physical injury, causing energy blocks. Practitioners use their palms to sense these energy blocks, then resolve them to enhance the client’s well-being. A few of the many benefits of a Reiki session include overall harmony and balance, increased focus, improved sleep, accelerated self-healing abilities and stress relief.
At Wild Ginger Apothecary, we offer three levels of Reiki Training and Certification with our friends Jean-Luc and Paula from the Remedy Room, also in Sarasota. In our Level I course, you will learn about the history and benefits of Reiki. You will also receive your own attunement. In the Level II course, you will gain hands-on experience practicing on others, while learning about sacred Reiki symbols.
Level III comprises a refresher on the first two levels, a lesson on the last two sacred Reiki symbols and instructions on how to attune others. After these classes, you will become a certified Reiki healer, ready to share the practice and start healing others. Here is a breakdown of our upcoming classes for the summer. Check out our full event and class schedule on our website, and book a Reiki healing session for yourself as well.
news briefs
THCV Hemp Oils Help People Suffering from Long-Haul COVID
Age Advantage Brands is pleased to announce that their CBD Made Easy Energy & Focus THCV Hemp Oil has been shown to be effective in helping people with diminished focus and who feel sluggish to feel “normal” again. THCV is a cannabinoid and is known as the “sports car” of cannabinoids. Like CBD and THC, this means that it works with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS helps regulate our physical and mental well-being, influencing how we experience stress and anxiety, sleep, eating, and even our hormone levels. “Although THCV may sound like THC, its effects are quite the opposite. It is not psycho active,” says Andrew Strickman. “According to several studies, it demonstrated the ability to suppress appetite, which may aid weight loss. It has also been shown to up-regulate energy metabolism, resulting in a motivated, alert, and energized feeling of euphoria, along with providing focus. For this reason, it is often recommended for daytime or any time when functionality is essential.”
For more information, call 877-208-8200 or visit CBDMadeEasy.com/thcv-products.
Magnesium, DIM and Iodine Deficiencies: Why Should We Care?
An overwhelming majority of Americans have mood disorders, hormonal issues and low energy. There are a host of reasons why, but nutrient deficiencies play a major role. Beata Molnar, Biofeedback Practitioner and Energy Healer has noticed many a few common areas of imbalance on her clients’ scanning panels. Some of these include magnesium, iodine and DIM deficiencies. Magnesium is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, such as nerve and muscle function, sugar regulation, bone health, immune system and cardiovascular wellness. Iodine helps make thyroid hormones. Unfortunately, iodine was removed from bread several years ago and replaced with toxic bromines. As a result, chronic thyroid issues became much more rampant.
DIM is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. One of the most important benefits of this compound is regulation of estrogen in the body. Estrogen imbalance can lead to cancer in both men and women. Supplementing with DIM and eating a plant-based diet rich in these vegetables can be life-saving.
Blood tests and biofeedback evaluations can also help you discover these deficiencies and receive guidance to create healthier practices and routines. Biofeedback evaluations can scan various panels at once. Please contact Beata Molnar for more information. She also offers other wellness treatments such as PEMF, Biomagnets, Sound Tuning, Red Light Therapy, Energy Healing and Frequency Applications.

The Sarasota Mystic Faire Returns
On July 23, 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., and July 24, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., the Sarasota Municipal Auditorium will host the largest metaphysical event of the year. Back for its tenth anniversary, the auditorium will brim with talented psychics, mediums and energy healers.
Numerous vendors will be onsite to offer crystal bowls, healing tools, crystals, books, jewelry, photography, clothing and more. Enjoy free lectures all weekend from experts in their fields. This event features a unique mix of people committed to serving others. Explore fascinating concepts and modalities, while browsing the items for sale, all in one comfortable and convenient location.
Location: 801 N Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. For more information, call 239-949-3387 or email Canbria@aol.com.
coming in the august issue
Dr. Anna Baker, DOM, invites you to join her interactive anti-aging seminars via Zoom on July 13 and July 22, both at 1:30 p.m. She will showcase her Faces by Dr. Anna acupuncture facelift and her muscle retightening Pearl Cream by Dr. Anna. Please contact the Pearl Cream by Dr. Anna store to access the meeting ID number.
Dr. Anna performs a unique type of acupuncture facelift that she invented. The muscles of the face and neck are progressively retightened to retrace the steps that aging took. An initial package of 10 treatments is required, and the results last for 18 months before a one-treatment touchup is needed to maintain the lift. COVID-19 safety protocols include treatment rooms with special air filtration systems that pull patients’ breath droplets out the window.
In this seminar, Dr. Anna will show photographed results on people of all ages. In addition, she will discuss her proprietary Pearl Cream by Dr Anna that offers the same muscle retightening as her acupuncture facelift in a slower, more gradual process. Her Pearl Cream is an anti-aging serum made from real pearls and Chinese herbs without any preservatives. Pearl Cream by Dr. Anna is also available as a muscle tightening body lotion, men’s anti-aging line and sports performance line.

Location: 2721 Mall Dr., Sarasota. Temporary COVID-19 store hours: Monday–Friday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. To access the meeting ID, call 941-921-2662. For more information, visit FacesByDrAnna.com and PearlCreamByDrAnna.com.
Palm Studio & Boutique
Pilates, Yoga, Fascial Stretch and Barre

441 W. Dearborn St. Englewood, FL 34223 (941) 208-5568
web: palmstudioenglewood.com email: palmstudioenglewood@gmail.com Sandhill Medical Thermography
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Medical Thermography NO Compression • NO Radiation • NO Pain Med-Hot Thermal Imaging Systems is a unique technology that measures and records skin temperature patterns and variations emitted from the human body. It helps illustrate a body’s physiology by showing patterns of active inflammation along with an increased blood supply feeding an existing disease pattern. OUR Services Include:
• Experienced, Professional, Certified Clinical Thermographers • Highest quality Medical High-Definition Camera provides finest images for precise interpretation • All images analyzed by specially trained and certified MD’s with written report • Report discussed and given to you with copies of your images, patient education • A new look at the inflammatory process and functionality of the body • Affordable Imaging Packages Acupuncture • Detox • Chiropractic • EEG Biofeedback • Medical Thermography 24901 Sandhill Blvd. Ste 8 at Deep Creek Commons, Port Charlotte 941 235-8929 SHH.ABMP.COM
Sarasota Mystic Faire
Massage Reiki Tarot Mediums Angel Portraits Feng Shui Crystals Candles Incense Spiritual Art Books Jewelry Past Lives Angel Art Mandalas Animal Communication Native American Art & Drums
July 23-24, 2022
10:30am-6pm Sat. • 11am-5pm Sun. Location:
Psychics & Healers! Unique Gifts! Door prizes all day long! Free lectures all day long! Proceeds Going To a Local Charity Please bring food for the local food bank $7 for day/$10 for weekend of fun!, 12 & under free
For information contact Candyce Strafford 239-949-3387 • canbria@aol.com MysticFaires.com
news briefs
Professional Supplement Center: Omega-3s for the Health of It! Unlock Your DNA Blueprint to Increase Your Healthspan

Everyone needs both EPA and DHA omega-3s. These powerhouse nutrients offer life-sustaining benefits for human health, from conception all the way into old age. But since we cannot manufacture these essential fats in our own bodies, we must consume them. When looking for an EPA/DHA supplement, Professional Supplement Center has you covered. We offer a variety of top-rated professional brands including Wiley’s Finest Fish Oil. Here are just a few reasons why EPA/DHA Fish oil is so beneficial.
Feeling moody? Mental wellness hinges on optimal nutrition, and quite often, those with low moods tend to have a diet low in omega-3. The American Psychiatric Association recommends that anyone who experiences mood or anxiety issues take at least 1,000 mg EPA/DHA per day. Just be aware, it can take up to eight weeks for dietary changes and supplements to make a noticeable difference.
Got a heart? Your cardiovascular health requires omega-3s for optimal circulation, heart rate and blood pressure levels. Omega-3s are also beneficial to help regulate cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Consuming at least 500-1,000 mg per day is the global recommendation, but more is better for most of us, especially if fish isn’t on the regular menu.
Need an immune system boost? How the body reacts to immune challenges is directly influenced by nutritional status. EPA and DHA omage-3s help to coordinate healthy immune function. As the building blocks for immune system cells, these nutrients also support healthy inflammation. Salmon, sardines, and purified fish oil are common sources of EPA and DHA. However, vegan options are available as well. Regular consumption of EPA/DHA omega-3s is essential, so make this a priority and visit Professional Supplement Center. Modern science often allows for an increase in lifespan, but for many, those extra years are spent in poor health. However, health coaching based on your own unique DNA can help to increase your healthspan—the length of time spent in optimal health.
Ideally, healthspan should equal lifespan. Nancy Wood, APRN, can use your DNA test results to help you create a plan to maximize your healthspan. She is
a family nurse practitioner, certified as a ReCODE 2.0 practitioner through Dr. Dale Bredesen’s Apollo Health. She also has additional training in functional medicine, a degree in nutrition, certification as personal trainer, and training as a yoga instructor.
Wood will use this broad scope of knowledge to partner with you in order to maximize your healthspan, using nutrition, lifestyle and supplements (if you choose). You will also learn about your own body’s levels of inflammation, potential issues with detoxification, the best forms of exercise for you and other insights into your individual blueprint. Call to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.

Location: 5525 Palmer Crossing Cir., Sarasota. For more information, call 941-487-5990 or visit ProfessionalSupplementCenter.com. Location: 1491 2nd St., Suite C, Sarasota. For more information, call 941-345-0430 or visit HealthSpanDNA.com.