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Cooling and Soothing

Blueberries are quite popular as a healthy fruit for good reason. They are the most antioxidant fruit around. Because they contain natural compounds called anthocyanins, which are flavonoids, blueberries help protect against cardiovascular disease. They also have high amounts of EPA and DHA, making these little berries quite the superfood.


Carrots offer a great crunch. They also are a fine source of betacarotene, vitamin A, fiber and potassium. Not just a calming herb, lavender is also anti-inflammatory and even aids in digestion. Strawberries are fragrant and tasty, and also provide vitamins C and B 9 , magnesium and potassium. These sweet fruits are rich in antioxidants.

Yields: Depends on size of molds

½ cup blueberries ½ cup carrots ½ cup strawberries 1 Tbsp dried lavender

Place the ingredients in a mixer and blend.

Place a silicone ice cube mold on a cookie sheet for support. The smaller the cavities, the better.

Pour the mix into the molds and place in the freezer.

Once frozen, pop out treats and store in a glass container in the freezer.

Serve one frozen treat to each pet every few days.

Tonya Wilhelm is a professional dog trainer, spreading the word about positive methods of preventing and managing behavioral issues with a holistic approach. To connect, visit RaisingYourPetsNaturally.com.

How Awe Can Transform Our Lives

by Jonah Paquette

What do you feel when you gaze Here are some ways we can find more up at the night sky, listen to a awe in our daily life: soul-stirring piece of music or Seek out nature: Connect to the natural witness an act of great courage or inspiraworld, even by just visiting a local park, tion? What happens in your body, and what and notice the beauty all around. emotions arise, when you come face-toface with these sorts of moments? This feeling—often complete with goosebumps and a shiver down the spine—is known as awe. And as it turns out, this underappreciated and often misunderstood emotion just Appreciate the good:Slow down and appreciate the small stuff—the aroma of morning coffee, time with loved ones, having a roof over our heads or even just the breath. Look for inspiration: The current might hold the key to a happy, meaningful challenges around the world have also and healthy life. shown some of the best of humanity. Spend

Although we might think of awe as a time learning about the people making a rare experience, awe-inspiring moments difference and experience a sense of awe are all around us. We don’t have to climb to through their courage. the summit of Mount Everest or stand atop Expand the mind: Learning about the Eiffel Tower to reap the many benefits mind-expanding topics like astronomy, the of awe. Instead, we can learn to notice the human brain or anything else that captures changing colors of the leaves, truly see the the imagination can be a great way to harjoy in a child’s eyes or allow ourselves to ness a feeling of awe. be uplifted by the kindness of a stranger. Foster connection:The next time we’re When we do, it not only feels good in the with the people we love, take a moment to moment—it actually can change life in appreciate how awe-inspiring it is to have lasting and profound ways. In fact, cuttingthe capacity to love and forge bonds the edge research has shown that awe holds way that we do. many benefits, ranging from improved mental health, stronger immune systems, Jonah Paquette is a psychologist, author and increased compassion, strengthened social international speaker specializing in the science bonds and much more. In short, the moof happiness and well-being. His newest book, ments that make us go, “Wow!” can be the Awestruck, explores how moments of awe very moments that lastingly change our and wonder can transform our lives. For more lives for the better. information, visit JonahPaquette.com.

calendar of events

NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 12th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email publisher@nasrq.com for guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. Visit nasrq. com to submit online.


End of Summer Sale - Aug 1- Aug 31 st . Elysian Fields is having a fabulous sale, with 50-70% many items going on all month. Sale items will include some clothing, scarves, tea, magnets, candles, bath and body products, purses and bags, cards - just a little bit of everything, really! Prices as marked, while sup- plies last. Elysian Fields, 1273 Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, 941-361-3006, Info@ElysianFieldsOnline.com. SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 The Universal Service Online- 10:30am. With Revs. Jessi and Ackbar Miller, “Love and Heart Songs from the Many Traditions and Faiths World- wide.” This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions and spiritual traditions on a single altar with universalist prayers, chants and readings and more that honor all faiths as lights serv- ing humanity’s unfoldment. Presenters rotate weekly. On Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/812208049\ Password: RTI2020 from your home.. For info Rev. Zan, 941- 922-7839. Formerly at Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational.org THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 The Anti-Aging Series Part 3…How Behavior Affects the Aging Process - 6pm. With Technology Therapist Ray Foley. Work, work, work…stressed out…not enough time…not enough money…kids are driving me crazy…road rage. We all know the story. So many things produce stress in our life; but it’s our behavior patterns that determine the level of stress. When our behavior feels out of control, we have much less choice over how we respond to stress. Is there a way to easily pass the controls over to a wiser, calmer presence? Well...yes! Whether you are young, middle aged or a senior citizen, this class will reveal some surprisingly easy steps you can take while at your computer to dissolve stress and increase your capacity for guidance and right action. $10, free for members - for more information see link www. tinyurl.com/longevityonline Longevity Wellness Clinic, 941-923-9355, LongevityWellnessClinic.com. SATURDAY, AUGUST 8 What is my Truth? - 11am. Enjoy an interactive and experiential workshop on exploring, discovering, recognizing, embracing, embodying, experiencing and living your truth. Learn about “the simple truth”, universal truth and how to navigate all the information bombarding you every day affecting how you are your truth. Facebook Live, Sarasota Center of Light Facebook Page,941-953- 6620, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 The Universal Service Online - 10:30am. With Rev. Patti Quinlan, “The Human Being is a Tree of the Field,” This service is dedicated to the beauty and symbolism of trees from the different religions. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions and spiritual traditions on a single altar with universalist prayers, chants and readings and more that honor all faiths as lights serving humanity’s unfoldment. Presenters rotate weekly. On Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/812208049\ Password: RTI2020 from your home.. For info Rev. Zan, 941- 922-7839. Formerly at Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational.org THURSDAY, AUGUST 13 Anxiety-Relief to Trigger Calming - 10- 10:45am. Experiencespecificmovementandbreath you can use regularly during this time of unrest to encourage calmness. Class will include very GENTLE movement that can be done from a chair or mat. Join Stephanie Nikirk, private yoga instructor, for a relax ing online session to feel refreshed and lighter. $10. Register: bit.ly/2WDHa60 to receive a secure Zoom link or call 941-374-3665 with any questions.

The Overthinker’s Series Part 3: An Introduction to Quantum Thought (and a tool for using

it!) - 6pm. With Ontologist & Philosopher Elizabeth A Wilson. Classical cognitive science says that thoughts operate on a string of cause and effect. If I think A then the thought B will happen and that makes me think C - and then I’m stuck in a cycle that doesn’t feel good and drains my energy. But that old way of thinking isn’t quite true! It’s more accurate to saythatthoughtsexistasfieldsofpotential,andthat the cause and effect sequence that traps us in cyclical rumination only happens when we make our minds up about something. This is radically empowering for overthinkers! In this class you will learn a thought technique for interrupting negative thought patterns AND explore some wonderful science about the true potential in your thinking. $10 free for members - for more information see link www.tinyurl.com/longevityonline Longevity Wellness Clinic, 941-923-9355, LongevityWellnessClinic.com Meditation in a Troubled World - 7pm. Be a part ofaninformativeandbeneficialworkshopoffering both simple and powerful explanations of medita- tion and its benefits. Learn various, simple and advanced methods and techniques of meditation that will help you live a more aware, awakened, peaceful, healthy and joyful life as you experi- ence all the changes happening in the world today. Facebook Live, Sarasota Center of Light Facebook Page, 941-953-6620, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 The Universal Service Online -10:30am. With Rev. Kismet Weeber, “Words That Enlighten and Enrich,” This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions and spiritual traditions on a single altar with universalist prayers, chants and readings and more that honor all faiths as lights serv- ing humanity’s unfoldment. Presenters rotate weekly. On Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/812208049\ Password: RTI2020 from your home.. For info Rev. Zan, 941- 922-7839. Formerly at Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational.org MONDAY, AUGUST 17 Living Consciously -7pm. Join us for a workshop that will explore what it means to be conscious and live consciously. Explore simple and more advanced methods of being aware of, elevating and expanding your consciousness to create more clarity, freedom andfulfillmentinyourexperienceofyouandyour life. Learn how to choose, act and interact consciously in today’s continuously changing living landscape. Facebook Live, Sarasota Center of Light Facebook Page, 941-953-6620, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com THURSDAY, AUGUST 20

The 5 Energy Types Part 3: “The Gift of the Pro-

jector” - 6pm. With Chuck Pisa, Esoteric Healer. Are you able to sense what others are thinking and feeling, and are you able to influence others just with your intention and energy? You might be a PROJECTOR! Roughly 20% of the population are Projectors. What is your unique gift and how is it offered?HowdoProjectorsandGeneratorsbenefit each other and the world? INCLUDED! A free chart of your design will give you a beautiful visual model of your energetic make up. $10 free for members - for more information see link www.tinyurl.com/ longevityonline Longevity Wellness Clinic, 941- 923-9355, LongevityWellnessClinic.com Self-Identity and the Image You Portray in Life - 7pm. Explore, discover, embody and learn to live as your True Self. Learn and practice inspirational and practical techniques of spiritual self-discovery and expression. Be your integrity and authenticity every day in world constantly challenging your view of you. Facebook Live, Sarasota Center of Light Facebook Page, 941-953-6620, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 The Universal Service Online - 10:30am. With Rev. Parvati, Karen Miki, “In Celebration Of their Light – Part II,” We will be sharing from Zoroastrianism - Dastur Dhalla , and from Judaism - Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. Len Seligman, Mahbood will share a personal story about the Rabbi along with some of his music. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions and spiritual traditions on a single altar with universalist prayers, chants and readings and more that honor all faiths as lights serving humanity’s unfoldment. Presenters rotate weekly. On Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/812208049\ Password: RTI2020 from your home.. For info Rev. Zan, 941- 922-7839. Formerly at Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational.org TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 Introduction to Fascia - 6:30pm. With the COVID-19 crisis, our evening programs have moved online. You are invited to attend a Zoom webinar. You will learn in-depth about fascia, why it is important, and how fascia problems are resolved with gentle manual therapy.Dr. Eric Winder will discuss case examples, provide a treatment demonstration and hold a Q&A session following the presentation. Visit GentleBay.com to register for the webinar. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 Ask the Personal Trainer - 6pm. We are so proud to introduce the newest expert on our team: Eric Albala! Eric has dedicatedhis life to achieving and maintaining physical excellence, and we are over the moon that he’s goingto be sharing his gift with us all! In this class, Eric will share his own story of struggle and victory, answer those questions you’ve been pondering about strengthening the body, plus showusthefivemoveshealwaysdoestoampuphis physical power. This is a light-hearted and informal introduction to personal training, so if you’ve been toying with the idea of getting your body back into alignment, this is your night.$10 free for members - for more information see link, www.tinyurl.com/ longevityonline Longevity Wellness Clinic, 941- 923-9355, LongevityWellnessClinic.com THURSDAY, AUGUST 27

Purification Series Part 3: Water, the Magic

Elixir of Life! - 6pm. With Natalia Garcia, regis- tered dietician. Drink more water, they say! And yes, ok, we get the message. But if I am drinking all this other liquid, what’s the big deal? If you feel like you are drinking enough zero calorie drinks and you’re still struggling with weight loss, fatigue, achy joints and other strange and unusual symptoms, you’re probably feeling frustrated and (frankly) old. Well, enough is enough! We are going to talk about how simply drinking more water might be the best and cheapest way to feel younger and get healthier - NOW! $10, free for members - for more information see link, www.tinyurl.com/longevityonline Longevity Wellness Clinic, 941-923-9355, LongevityWellnessClinic.com Developing Self-Love and Acceptance- 7pm. Be a part of an open and intimate workshop exploring what it means to love and accept ourselves, our lives and the world around us. Learn to release limitations and barriers, while creating openings and awarenesses of a deeper knowing of your perfection and innocence. Discover your true love within and how to live open hearted in a world filled with constant changes. Facebook Live, Sarasota Center of Light Facebook Page, 941-953-6620, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 The Universal Service Online -10:30am. With Rev. Zan, “Celebrating Ourselves and the Many Fruits of Our Labor,” This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions and spiritual traditions on a single altar with universalist

HOUSECLEANING. Enjoy your free time and let us do what we do best: Housecleaning to your healthy satisfaction. Call Paula for a free estimate 941-320-4052.

prayers, chants and readings and more that honor all faiths as lights serving humanity’s unfoldment. Presenters rotate weekly. On Zoom: https://zoom. us/j/812208049\ Password: RTI2020 from your home. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839. Formerly at Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational.org

on going events


Sunday Service and Celebration - 10am. Come join us at the Church of Light for healings, meditation and messages. Private and group readings by appointment. Contact Rev Shari. Church of Light, 2408 43rd Ave. West, Bradenton, 941-751-5683. Sunday Service at CMF - NOTE that our 10:30am services will resume operation when considered safe to do so by our Board of Directors. Please check our website regularly to learn THAT date (tentatively Aug 9th). Each Sunday morning service will offer spiritual healing, an inspirational talk, special music and messages from spirit. Leave refreshed and inspired to start the new week. We feature a variety of speakers and spirit message bearers throughout the year. Hand sanitizer provided and all CDC requirements will be met. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Dr., Suite 204, Sarasota, 941-266-8435, Please check website for any UPDATE before visiting, CMFsarasota.org,Facebook: CMF of Sarasota. Unity of Sarasota- 10:30am. Services available on the Web and Facebook Live. The SundayCelebration service includes a message and lively music. Check website for other classes available on Zoom. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org. Sunday Morning Celebration Service - 11am. Join us as we come together as a spiritual family and community, sharing our love and light for ourselves, for each other, our country and the world. Be a part of sharing the energy and illumination of our hearts and souls together through conversation, meditation,atalkandanaffirmation.Willbeoffered as Facebook Live if public gathering is not possible. Sarasota Center of Light, 852 S Tuttle Ave. 941-953- 6620, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com. Center for Spiritual Living Cultural Coast - 11am. Virtual Gathering Via FaceBook & YouTube Live. Join us the first Sunday each month for a contemplative/meditative experience. The rest of the month is a bit more lively - always an inspiring message based on the Science of Mind (New Thought) philosophy, featuring local & internationally known musicians. Contact Rev. Theresa Fieberts 941-376- 0177, CSLCulturalCoast.org.


Living Spiritual Circle - 11am and 5pm. Circles via zoom with Rev. Suzi. Check website to sign up and for other classes available on Zoom. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org. Feldenkrais with Bonnie K - 5:45pm. Online! Awareness Through Movement classes: Lessons (in chairs/onfloor)aredesignedtoquietnon-working habitual patterns, invite you into a process for learningandofferexperiencesformoreefficientmovement. Ongoing classes $65/4 movement lessons w/ replays. 941-360-2248. FeldenkraisInSarasota.com. Contact Bonnie at: FeldenkraisinSarasota.com/Sara- sota-Classes-Feldenkrais/ Once I receive payment you will receive link to Virtual Meeting on Zoom. Pub Theology - 6:30-8pm, the 2nd Mon. of the month available on Zoom. With Rev. Amy Zehe. Bring your Spiritual questions. Contact Rev.Amy@UnityofSarasota.org for Zoom meeting instructions. Go to website for other classes available on Zoom. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org. Learning to Connect Classes at CMF - 7-9pm. Join Susan Houliston and guest instructors every Monday & Tuesday to learn techniques for connecting with Spirit. Students are given the opportunity to practice lessons to develop their skills and each class will end with healings by the “WE” for all attending. Discussions will follow.$10 donation is requested. Please refer to the CMF website CMFSarasota.org for description of the programs offered for each weekly class. Reservations needed, so call or text Susan at 941-266-1696. Hand sani

tizer provided and all CDC requirements will

be met. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota. A Taste of Feldenkrais, Class on Essentials – 7:15pm online. The mindset of Feldenkrais Essentials is to Inquire and ask questions. This is aTIME for NO striving. We simply ask you to be quiet and notice, BE and discover,how much more potential you havewhen you learn to ‘move with attention’, and, with the purpose to learn and expand! 941- 360-2248, FeldenkraisInSarasota.com.Online-first two complimentary. Offer yourself TIME to be with yourself in your own HOME - Perfect! Sign up di- rectly through Zoom:https://zoom.us/meeting/regis- ter/v5ctc-mqqTMsdXEmqjQYrd0SYcgZwZv2CQ


Living Spiritual Circle – 3:30pm. Circles via zoom with Rev. Suzi. Check website to sign up and for other classes available on Zoom. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org.


Feldenkrais with Bonnie K - 9:45 or 11am. Online! Awareness Through Movement classes: Lessons (in chairs/on floor) are designed to quiet non-working habitual patterns, invite you into a process for learning and offer experiences for more efficientmovement. Ongoingclasses$65/4move- ment lessons w/replays. More info, 941-360-2248. FeldenkraisInSarasota.com. Register with Bonnie at: FeldenkraisinSarasota.com/Sarasota-ClassesFeldenkrais/ Free Healing Clinic - 4-6:30pm. Our Masters tap into the Divine Source of energy to balance and heal your being. Relax and enjoy this renewing and enlightening experience. Love Donation Appreciated. Angel Ministries, 2269 S Tamiami Trl, Venice, 941-492-4995, AngelMinistriesfl.org. Unity of Sarasota - 7pm. Weekday service with music and inspiration. Services available on the Web and Facebook Live. Check website for other classes available on Zoom. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941- 955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org.

Connection, Healing, Connection and Medita

tion - 7pm. Join us for a time of healing, connection and meditation offered by Rev Jim Toole. Let us all come together and experience the energy and inspiration that can make such a powerful difference in our individual lives, our lives together and for the world. Will be offered as Facebook Live if


Living Spiritual Circle - 4pm. Circles via zoom with Rev. Suzi. Check website to sign up and for other classes available on Zoom. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org. Bentleys House - 7pm, 3rd Thurs of the month. A safe place to express your grief from loss of a pet. Contact Rev.Amy@UnityofSarasota.org for Zoom meeting instructions. Unity of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Rd., Sarasota.


Living Spiritual Circle - 11am. Circles via zoom with Rev. Suzi. Check website to sign up and for other classes available on Zoom. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org. Developing Consciousness with Rev Jim Toole - 6pm. Enjoy a time of connection, checking in with each other, discussing spiritual topics and joining in a channeled meditation. All are welcome. Will be of - fered online on Zoomby invitation. Please contact Rev Jim at 941-330-5031 orRevJimToole@gmail.com.


Sarasota Farmers Market - 7am-1pm. Rain or shine. Established in 1979, the market continues its tradition of serving the community with local produce, plants, prepared foods and artisans. They currently have a full market that includes 70 vendors and 5,000 sq ft of produce and plants. 1592 Main St from Lemon Ave to Selby Five Points Park, Downtown Sarasota.

Central Sarasota Year-Round Farmers Market

- 8am-1pm, rain or shine. Every agriculture vendor at the market (fruits, vegetables, herbs, plants, etc.) is a grower or farmer, not just a reseller. The Florida House, 4454 S Beneva Rd, Sarasota. CentralSarasotaFamersMarket.com. Bradenton Farmers’ Market - 9am-2pm. Over thirty-five vendors offering locally-grown fruits, vegetables, plants, organic products, fresh seafood, prepared foods, as well as the s of local artists, craftspeople and musicians. 1005 1st Ave W, Bradenton. 941-932-9440. RealizeBradenton.com/our_vendors. Downtown Bradenton Farmers’ Market - 9am2pm. Features a special activity including guest chefs, raffles, arts & crafts vendors, children’s activities. Old Main St, Downtown parking/free on weekends. Dogs on leashes welcome. 941-744-7484. Psychic Fair - 10am-3pm. 2 nd & 4th Sat. Are you searching, questioning and seeking an- swers? Choose from some of the best Intuitive Artists in the area. See what your future holds.Com- plimentary refreshments. Private Readings $1/Min. Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail, Venice, 941-492-4995,AngelMinistriesfl.org. The Third Testament? - 11am. Introduction to the life work of Martinus. Live Stream with chat questions. Free. 941-462-3177, TheThirdTestament.info. Living Spiritual Circle - 1pm. Circles via zoom with Rev. Suzi. Check website to sign up and for other classes available on Zoom. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org.


CHINESE MEDICINE CARYN L. YOUNG, DOM, AP, OTR Board Certified Acupuncture Physician The Integrated Path, P.A. 3148 Southgate Ci, Sarasota 941-924-8833 • IntegratedPath.com The Integrated Path to Health and Wellness for the whole family utilizing Trad i t i o n a l C h i n e s e Medicine,Acupuncture, Energetic Medicine, Bloodwork Analysis,Clinical Nutrition Assessments and ZYTO Elite to restore balance. Over 30 years of clinical experience!

FAMILY HEALING CENTER, PA Dr. Christina Captain, DAOM Nationally Board Certified Dipl.Ac Complimentary Meet & Greet The Medical Complex 2650 Bahia Vista Street, Suite 101, Sarasota, 941-951-1119 •FamilyHealingCenter.com Family Healing Center, an integrative wellness practice. Addressing all health issues we willfindthekeytounlockyour highest level of health and wellness. Complimentary Meet & Greet

LONGEVITY WELLNESS CLINIC Traditional Chinese Medicine, Functional Medicine, Energy Medicine, Medical Qigong, Chinese Herbology for the treatment of physical, energetic and spiritual disease. Dr. Cynthia Clark 528 48th Street Circle East., Bradenton 941-923-9355 Office@LongevityWC.com LongevityWellnessClinic.com Medicine with integrity: with Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy medicine, medical Qi Gong and herbs, we help to restore vitality and full functioning to your body, mind and spirit. We do this through education, treatment and healthy methods. With safe, effective and personally tailored programs, our clients experience Health Freedom!

LONGEVITY WELLNESS CLINIC Traditional Chinese Medicine, Functional Medicine, Energy Medicine, Medical Qigong, Chinese Herbology for the treatment of physical, energetic and spiritual disease. Dr. Ernesto Fernandez 528 48th Street Circle East., Bradenton 941-923-9355 Office@LongevityWC.com LongevityWellnessClinic.com Medicine with integrity: with Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy medicine, medical Qi Gong and herbs, we help to restore vitality and full functioning to your body, mind and spirit. We do this through education, treatment and healthy methods. With safe, effective and personally tailored programs, our clients experience Health Freedom!

ACUPUNCTURE FACELIFT FACES BY DR ANNA Anna L. Baker, D.O.M. Nationally Board Certified Acupuncture Physician 941-924-2723 • FacesByDrAnna.com Unique muscle-tightening acupuncture facelift and necklift done with 12 hair-thin needles, none of which are on the face. Results documented photographically. Only one maintenance treatment needed every 18 months. Free consultation includes facial analysis. Monthly seminars, call for schedule.

APOTHECARY WILD GINGER APOTHECARY 6557 Superior Avenue (Gulf Gate Shopping Village), Sarasota 941-312-5630 • WildGingerApothecary.com Community for health+ wellness. Offering hemp CBD, bulk herbs, remedies, sage, gifts, cards, meta- physical tools, essential oils, jewelry and more! Classes and drop-in psychicreaders daily. Open Tues - Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-3pm, Closed Sun + Mon

BOOKSTORE/GIFT SHOPS ELYSIAN FIELDS 1273 Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 941-361-3006 • ElysianFieldsOnline.com Celebrating 28 wonderful years, this award-winning store for conscious living offers a unique assortment of quality, hand-selected gifts: Jewelry, crystals, books, greeting cards, clothing, candles, aromatherapy, incense, and more………Private intuitive readings offered daily by the most reputable readers in town. Engaging classes and events monthly. Open: Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 12pm5pm. Always looking for experienced teachers, psychic readers, and astrologers.. THE OM SHOPPE 4801 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 941-706-3257 • www.theomshoppe.com, www.theomshoppeandspa.com Unique and one of a kind gifts, products, and spa services. The luxury spa includes services such as Sound Wave Attun- ementTM, Crystal Alchemy Energy AttunementTM , and massages that incorporate the an- cient healing sounds of singing bowls & crystal gridding. We offer an array of healthful and personally empowering products. Enjoy a visit to our showroom and discover the largest selection of crystal singing bowls in Florida. We invite you to stop in and mention code Natural10 to receive 10% off any single item.

COLON HYDROTHERAPY COLON THERAPY CLINIC Alain Menard • Allaesia Menard 7733 Holiday Drive • Sarasota, Fl 34231 941-922-7744• ColonTherapyClinic.com Cleansing for digestive disorders. Licensed 42 years. Developed gentle technique. Foot bath and ear candling.

CHIROPRACTORS GENTLEBAY SARASOTA CHIROPRACTIC Residual Strain Therapy Eric Winder DC Offices in Sarasota and Venice, FL 941-957-8390 • eric.winder.dc@gmail.com Professional care with a personal focus. Feel better through proper alignment, and get back to work and play! See our website for more information.


AND LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE TERRY SCHIBLER, LMT MA11621 Fusion Therapy 7069 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 941-921-7900 FusionTherapySarasota.com Terry Schibler has 30 yearsexperience in advanced bodywork. Hehas a singular ability to trace, recognize and treat complex pain patterns through numerousmodalities such as CranioSacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Visceral and Fascial manipulation.Terry’shands-on work isef- fective for a wide range of problems associated with pain and dysfunction such as Migraines, Chronic neck/back pain, Concussions, TMJ, Post-surgical dysfunction...and more.

CRYSTALS THE OM SHOPPE 4801 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 941-706-3257 • www.theomshoppe.com, www.theomshoppeandspa.com Unique and one of a kind gifts, products, and spa services. The luxury spa includes services such as Sound Wave AttunementTM, Crystal Alchemy Energy Attun- ementTM , and massages that incorporate the ancient healing sounds of singing bowls & crystal grid- ding. We offer an array of healthful and personally empowering products. Enjoy a visit to our showroom and discover the largest selection of crystal singing bowls in Florida. We invite you to stop in and mention code Natural10 to receive 10% off any single item.

DENTISTRY FLORIDA INTEGRATIVE DENTISTRY Dick Chapman 2401 University Pkwy # 204, Sarasota 941-893-5968 DickChapmanDDS1@gmail.com Our Holistic practice is committed to achieving optimal health using the highest standards in pro- fessional care and safety working together with our integrative modalities. Our approach to dentistry is based on honesty, integrity and respect.

WHITE SANDS DENTISTRY Dr. Martina Mallery 520 48th Street Court E. Bradenton 941-748-9393 WSDentalManager@gmail.com WhiteSandsDentistry.com Our holistic & biological dental practice offers fluoride-free, mercury-free and mercury-safe procedures, Huggins Protocol, biological extractions, jaw-bone cavitation/NICO revisions, Ozone Therapy, holistic dental hygiene protocols, phase-contrast microscopy, homeopathic support, metal-free restorations, dentalmaterialbiocompatibilitytesting,detoxification protocols and nutritional counseling all the while taking highly conservative and preventative approach.

ENERGY HEALING HEALING ROOMBLUE LIGHT ENERGY HEALING HEALING ROOM, ENERGY HEALING, BIOFEEDBACK STRESS MANAGEMENT, PEMF Treatments to balance over a thousand conditions! Infrared Inversion, Sound Immersion with the Singing Bowls 718-791-3797 • PureFieldForce@gmail.com Energy Healing helps the body with a long list of conditions, aches, pains and imbalances. Biofeedback Scanning locates the imbalances and it also corrects them. PEMF (Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy) reenergizes damaged cells, it is a powerful tool to MANAGE PAIN! 941-586-9539, Facebook.com/CreateBalanceandHealing INQUIRE WITHIN GODDESS SHOPPE Goddess Healing with Susan 1653 5th Street, Sarasota 941-330-9274 TheGoddessShoppe.net Susan@TheGoddessShoppe.net Susan Milligan is a Physician As- sistant, Reiki Master, and graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing specializing in Energy Healing and Past Life Regression.

LONGEVITY WELLNESS CLINIC Traditional Chinese Medicine, Functional Medicine, Energy Medicine, Medical Qigong, Chinese Herbology for the treatment of physical, energetic and spiritual disease. Chuck Pisa, BS, LMBT, LMT, CPEH 528 48th Street Circle East., Bradenton 941-923-9355 Office@LongevityWC.com LongevityWellnessClinic.com Chuck Pisa, BS, LMBT, LMT, CPEH is an energy worker with a unique blend of Esoteric Healing, reconnection therapy and coaching that facilitates multi-layered healing and powerful paradigm shifts in his clients’ approach to life.

FELDENKRAIS METHOD® THE FELDENKRAIS METHOD® Lessons for Children (ABM), Adults, Classes, Prof Seminars Bonnie Kissam, M.A., Feldenkrais® Practi- tioner, LMT, CE Provider 941-360-2248 Bonnie@FeldenkraisInSarasota.com FeldenkraisInSarasota.com The Feldenkrais® Approach ,‘Movement with Attention’, helps one ‘sense easier, improved posture and ways of moving. Clients optimize their musical, athletic or everyday activities through heightened ‘awareness’. Theyfinduniqueways to recover from injury, surgeries or illness.Call for appointments, classes or for weekend TOUCH TO INFORMseminars 941-360-2248, Bonnie@FeldenkraisInSarasota.com.

FUNCTIONAL & LIFESTYLE WELLNESS KORMAN RELIEF & WELLNESS CENTER Laura Korman, DC, DACBN Chiropractor, Diplomate in Nutrition 16954 Toledo Blade Blvd, Port Charlotte 941-629-6700 DrLauraKorman.com Dr. Korman specializes in helping peri-menopausal women eliminate pain, fatigue and unwanted belly fat through functional medicine, lifestyle strategies and regenerative therapies so they can reclaim their vitality and stay engaged in the life they love. We offer PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy), Class IV Deep Tissue Laser, Near & Far Infrared Sauna, Decompression Therapies, Whole Body Vibration and carry a professional line of supplementation.

HEALING ARTS EDUCATION LIFE SPECTRUM INSTITUTE Juliet Mathison Sarasota 770-465-6294 LifeSpectrumInstitute.com Healing arts education for pro- fessionals. Unique, leading edge content. Study path options for manual therapy practitioners and experienced energy healers. Integrative Kinesiology, Incep- tion Point Balancing, Meridian Therapies, Autonomic Fascial Integration (AFI) and more. AFI Level One is now scheduled and open for registration. 16 CEUs for LMTs.

HEALTH COACH LONGEVITY WELLNESS CLINIC Traditional Chinese Medicine, Functional Medicine, Energy Medicine, Medical Qigong, Chinese Herbology for the treatment of physical, energetic and spiritual disease. Tatiana Thompson, CHC, Health Coach 528 48th Street Circle East., Bradenton 941-923-9355 Office@LongevityWC.com LongevityWellnessClinic.com Tatiana Thompson, CHC, is a health coach and physical therapist with a groundbreaking approach to revolutionizing her clients’ use of food for healing, impacting their health and happiness beyond measure.

MEDICAL SPA AND WELLNESS NIA CLINIC MEDSPA 5250 17th Street Unit 106 941-203-5347 NiaClinicMedSpa.com. Non Invasive Aesthetics Medical Marijuana Evalua - tions, BioTE® Bioidentical Hormone Replace - ment Medspa spe- cializing in eyebrow Microblading, eyelash exten- sions, non-surgical micro needling face and neck lifting, CryoSkin fat freezing, facials, chemical peels. Dr Boyle specializes in BioTE® hormone replacement, weight loss injections, Marijuana evaluations, Botox and injectables, as well as pain management.

NATURAL FOOD CAFE EVERGREEN 801 S Tamiami Trail, Nokomis, FL 941-412-4334 • CafeEvergreen.net Cafe Evergreen is a natural, organic restaurant. Our menu consists of many organic recipes designed to not only taste delicious, but also enhance your health. Open 7 days a week 11am-9pm.

NATURAL PET FOOD HOLISTIC FOR PETS 5411 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota, 941-378-4367 5770 Ranch Lake Blvd, East Bradenton, 753-7297 • HolisticForPets.com Specializing in Hypo-allergenic Foods, Frozen Natural Raw Foods, Herbal & Homeopathic Remedies, Detergent & Soap Free Shampoo, Natural Flee Preventatives Skin Care Products, Healthy treats, Toys and gifts.

NEUROFEEDBACK THE BRAINWAVE CENTER 1440 Main St., Sarasota 941-552-4500 • BrainwaveSarasota.com We offer Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback Training. Non-drug, Non-invasive relief for anxiety, depression, ADHD, Trauma, and more. Free consultation. Retrain Your Brain & Enjoy Life!

NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS SPECIAL NUTRITION - DISCOUNT PRICES 1882 Stickney Point Rd, Sarasota 941-929-0884 • SpecialNutrition.net Offering the largest selection of all major supplement brands and natural products in the Sarasota area at discount prices. Special orders are our pleasure.

SUPER VALUE NUTRITION 2163 Siesta Drive Sarasota, 941-366-1997 5842 Bee Ridge Rd. Sarasota, 941-342-1908 SuperValueNutition.com SuperValueNutrition@gmail.com Sarasota’s original discount Vitamin store, family owned since 1977! Lowest prices and best selection in town! PAIN MANAGEMENT -

NECK AND BACK PAIN SARASOTA DISC CENTER Dr. David Cifra, DC Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Specialist 315-345-7390 DoctorCifra@SyracuseDiscCenter.com SyracuseDiscCenter.com Medical Breakthrough Technology! Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Specialist, Dr. David Cifra, DC.Advanced procedure for patients who have back and neck pain and want to avoid narcotics, epidural injections,and unnecessary surgeries. Over 90% effective. No pain, No drugs, No surgery. Call today 315-345-7390. FREE CONSULTATION.

PET SUPPLIES HOLISTIC FOR PETS 5411 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota 941-378-4367 5770 Ranch Lake Blvd. East Bradenton, 753-7297 HolisticForPets.com Specializing in Hypo-aller- genic Foods, Frozen Natural Raw Foods, Herbal & Homeopathic Remedies, Deter- gent & Soap Free Shampoo, Natural Flee Preventatives Skin Care Products, Healthy treats, Toys and gifts

SHAMANIC PRACTICES SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR, SHAMANIC AND REIKI PRACTICES Rev. Zan Benham, BSL, BD, CHT 941-922-7839 Spiritual counselor, shamanic practitioner, Reiki healing, breath, and en- ergy work, hypnosis, soul retrieval, past life regression all to empower and help you move into the Divine flowofthejoyandpowerwithinyou.

SPIRITUAL CENTERS CENTER FOR METAPHYSICAL FELLOWSHIP 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota 941-266-8435 CMFSarasota.org • Facebook: CMF of Sarasota 10:30 Sunday worship with inspired talk, music, spirit messages and healing. Weekly classes, special events, monthly message gallery. Come to engage, be enriched and enlightened. CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING CULTURAL COAST Rev. Theresa Fieberts 941-376-0177 CSLCulturalCoast.org Info@CSLCulturalCoast.org Sometimes meditative, sometimes rockin’ ~ always inspirational. Our Sunday ser- vices on-line via FB or YouTube, meditation group, prayer support, on-going enrichment and Science of Mind classes, networking and community building! Sign up for our e-newsletter at CSLCulturalCoast.org.

SARASOTA CENTER OF LIGHT 852 S Tuttle Ave, Sarasota 941-953-6620 • sarasotacenteroflight.com Experience the peaceful energy, love and light of our metaphysical spiritual community. Join us for the inspiration, healing and connection to Spirit in our services, classes and social gatherings.

THERMOGRAPHY FLORIDA MEDICAL THERMOGRAPHY June Drennon, CCT 2008 JuneDrennon@TampaBayThermography.com 727-729-2711 FloridaMedicalThermography.com JuneDrennon@FloridaMedicalThermography.com CertifiedClinicalThermographer 2008. Prevention is better than early detection. Knowledge is power: Know your risk factors to make corrections and avoid develop- ing pathology. Call for loca- tion convenient for you.

YOGA WILD GINGER APOTHECARY 6557 Superior Avenue (Gulf Gate Shopping Village), Sarasota 941-312-5630 WildGingerApothecary.com Community for health+ wellness. Offering hemp CBD, bulk herbs, remedies, sage, gifts, cards, metaphysical tools, essential oils, jewelry and more! Classes and drop-in psychicreaders daily. Open Tues - Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-3pm, Closed Sun + Mon

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