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my office for treatment of lower back and foot pain but mentioned the difficulties with her thumbs as a side note. Over the course of several treatments, I made sure that we treated the problems which caused tension in the pectoral fascia, while also treating the areas of fascia restriction related to her other complaints.

She experienced noticeable improvement in her thumb pain with just two treatments, and by her fifth treatment, her thumb pain was 90% better. When treating thumb pain and arthritis, the amount of improvement will vary from person to person. However, even when there is advanced joint arthritis, there can still be significant improvement in the pain. This is because strength restoration through proper treatment can better stabilize the joint. A more stable joint will become less painful, even when there is arthritis.


Thumb problems caused by restricted fascia do not happen immediately. Over time, shoulder muscle imbalances develop as well, as a result of the restrictions, and these also need to be addressed. My patients learn to perform specific stretches for certain tight muscles and strengthening exercises for other muscles that have weakened. If done properly, these stretches and exercises make an enormous difference in how thorough and lasting the improvement will be after fascia therapy has been completed.

When treating many types of pain in the body, the fascia connections can be quite complicated. However, in the case of thumb pain, the majority of cases involve a simple connection with the fascia of the chest, thumb, wrist and forearm. Treatment is usually straightforward, and the success rate is high. There is some homework involved, but most patients find it worth the effort to restore strength and function to their aching thumbs.

Eric Winder D.C. uses gentle manual therapy and rehab techniques, without forceful manipulation, to help patients with a wide range of pain and injury problems. For more information, call 941-957-8390 or visit Gentlebay.com. Dr. Winder’s offices are located in Sarasota and Osprey.


by Sarah Blondin

We already know what it feels like to be in our hearts. Although we may feel disconnected from it and at times doubt ourselves, most often all we need to do to awaken it is to become still and quiet, and it will do the rest. When we draw our attention inward and focus on our heart center, it will calm and reassure us, often instantly.

This may sound too good to be true, but this is exactly what happens when we invite and allow it. When we inhabit the heart, we awaken to our aliveness. We spontaneously arrive like a bolt of lightning in the present moment and all of our arguments against ourselves and life go quiet. Goodness pushes up through the chaos of our internal world and we feel lit from within by a light we had no idea was there.

At any time, no matter where we are, no matter what we are doing, we can touch this place in ourselves and activate the benefits of the heart space. Try practicing now by placing a hand on your heart, breathe in and notice how this small act sends a message to soften and disarm. It is that simple. It’s about shifting and moving ourselves into this place of love and acceptance, allowing ourselves to be infused with the consciousness of our heart.

If we look within, most of us can identify a vision we have, an image of who we want to become, an enhanced version of ourselves— something like You 2.0. This image is often kinder, more loving, openhearted, accepting, inspired and creative; it’s often less self-conscious and more gallant. This self doesn’t succumb to fear, anger or hardship and rises above everything with ease. This vision we have in our mind’s eye is the best representation of our heart-minded selves. It is the call of our heart.

When we see this version as our potential rather than a reminder of our shortcomings, we can use it as a way—a tool—to help us move in the direction of our light. Take time throughout the day to bow our head and take three conscious breathes into our heart. Let its current feed us. Remember we are wise. We are soft. We are brave. Let all other noise stop. Re-enter the kingdom of our heart.

Sarah Blondin is among the top three popular meditation teachers on InsightTimer, and the author of Heart Minded: How to Hold Yourself and Others in Love. Visit SarahBlondin.com.

Teeth, Emotions and Spirituality

by Dr. Martina Mallery

Did you know that emotions and Belief systems are thus in charge of thought processes can impact your our reality and our health. Each chakra dental health? Our spiritual, mental and is connected to its own unique set of emotional bodies are entrained with the emotional patterns. Throat chakra is physical body through a system of particle- connected to soul expression, namely accelerator centers called chakras. the soul’s desire to fulfill its mission

Oral cavity and its associated struc- and to express itself authentically tures such as teeth, gums, lips, tongue, and truthfully. tonsils, TMJ, maxillary sinuses, cervical However, since we live on spine and thyroid gland all draw their vi- Earth, we inhabit an extremely polarized tal life force through the so-called throat and dualistic collective where societal chakra. Unimpeded flow of this life force is programming instills untrue beliefs about critical for optimal health of these physical ourselves. This is seen most profoundly in structures, and blocked flow will over time belief systems connected to a soul expresresult in disease. What blocks the flow of this sion. From a young age, society teaches vital life force? Discordant emotions resulting that our creative endeavors, or desire for from chronic discordant thoughts which, in play and curiosity are frivolous and must turn, are rooted in untrue core beliefs. take the backseat, while yielding to the

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responsibilities and duties demanded by this society.

By the time we are teenagers, we don’t know anymore what our purpose is and what makes us excited. Throat chakra is the most highly blocked chakra, and if we suffer from protracted gum disease, high tooth decay rate, TMJ disorders, teeth grinding, chronic tonsillitis, or thyroid disease, we must ask ourselves where we have been suppressed or where we have denied our creative needs.

Are you afraid to speak for fear of being rejected or hurting someone’s feelings? Are you afraid to play and be called lazy for it? Do you block your desire to paint or experiment with colors? Do you suppress the urge to dance, sing and work on exciting projects? Or have you even forgotten completely what makes you excited?

Do you remain in relationships that are stifling and no longer serving you? Are you convinced of the belief that you don’t matter? A primary emotion that blocks the throat chakra is fear to express oneself. Until this fear and the core belief of not being worthy of full soul expression are released, the disease in the associated structures such as teeth and gums will be difficult to manage.

At White Sands Dentistry, a private holistic practice, we strive to address all possible causes of dental disease including nutrition, home-care practices, or spiritual and emotional needs. We also provide gentle, conservative and preventative care.

Our hallmark procedure is the safe removal of mercury “silver” amalgam fillings for which we have been certified by International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. In addition, we utilize ozone therapy which has many applications in dentistry, and is non-toxic alternative to antibiotics and pharmaceuticals commonly used in mainstream dentistry.

Dr. Martina Mallery is the owner and lead dentist at White Sands Dentistry. Her practice is located at 520 48th Street Court E, Bradenton. For more information and to schedule an appointment, call 941-748-9393 or visit WhiteSandsDentistry.com.

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