35 minute read


Truly Making Love Sex and Intimacy as a Healing Force

by Marlaina Donato


Intimately connecting with a loved one is one of life’s most precious gifts, but it’s easy to lose sight of our innate sensual energy in the maze of the mundane. Through lovemaking, we can harness our life force, and according to abundant research, reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, manage pain and improve brain health. A significant correlation also exists between higher ejaculation frequency and a reduced risk for prostate cancer later in life, Boston University researchers report in European Urology.

Making love is also good for boosting our natural immunity. College students that engaged in amorous activity once or twice a week—especially with long-term partners—had 30 percent higher levels of the antibody immunoglobulin A in their saliva, concluded research by Wilkes University, in Pennsylvania.

Stripping Down to Basics

A few lifestyle adjustments can do wonders for worn-out romance. Quality sleep itself can be a potent aphrodisiac. Women are more likely to be “in the mood” after a good night’s sleep, even with just an extra hour of shut-eye, according to a 2015 pilot study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Therapist Kurt Smith, clinical director of Guy Stuff Counseling and Coaching, in Roseville, California, advocates limiting phone use and engaging in non-technological activities. “Phones have moved from being used as a communication device to becoming many people’s connection to the rest of the world. Unfortunately, when used as such, they pose a threat to the emotional connection with our partners,” he says. “With all distractions removed, sit on the sofa, face each other and talk. This suggestion can make many people very uncomfortable, because they have no idea what they’d say to their partner. Actually, talking to your partner without a purpose other than to just listen and connect with each other has become rare.”

An element of fun can go a long way in the quest to stay connected. “Approach your sex life like a science experiment or an art project instead of a math problem,” says Jamie Elizabeth Thompson, a holistic intimacy expert in Austin. “It’s an exploration with no one right answer. Attitude is important when it comes to sex because people can take it so seriously and place crippling pressure on having this fantasy Hollywood sex life.”

Aphrodite’s Plate

Feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin all contribute to the pleasure response, and sharing luscious food with a lover can be sensuous, as well as endorphin-friendly. Nutritious foods such as almonds, walnuts, asparagus and avocados support reproductive health, and a dessert of dark chocolate and honey-drizzled fruits like berries,


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fi gs and cherries can support libido in both women and men. Nixing excessive alcohol and sugar is also a good romantic investment.

Partnership as Sacred

Deep relationship is only possible when we are willing to be vulnerable. “Porn is a drug that people unknowingly use to self-medicate and manage uncomfortable thoughts and emotions,” explains Smith. “Many men have no idea what they’re missing because they’ve never had an emotionally intimate relationship without the negative infl uence of porn. Porn makes sex self-focused, rather than what it’s supposed to be, which is the intimate connection of two people. Porn is selfi sh, rather than loving, giving and sharing with a partner.”

Th ompson attests that lovemaking can help us align with the divine, especially “when people have reverence for the power of their erotic life force. When people open their view of what sex is, it can become an act of worship.”

Love prompts us to become more ourselves. “When erotic life force is fl owing freely, the body is vital and the system is turned on. When channeled properly, this energy is highly creative,” muses Th ompson. “It’s the fuel of your vehicle, the charge of your battery, and when you are full on life force, it organically overfl ows into service.”

Marlaina Donato is an author and composer. Connect at WildflowerLady.com.



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NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 12th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email publisher@nasrq.com for guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. Visit nasrq. com to submit online. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4

Healing Your Skin from the Inside Out - 2-4pm. Join us for a witty, straightforward talk with Brooke Bouis, Master of Science in Human Nutrition,and co-author of SKINISMS, published in 2018. Her research has been presented at the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine World Conference & featured in over 80 magazines. Brooke and co-author Karen Sinclair Drake gave us the tools we need when buying skinisms-friendly skincare and personal care products, fresh facial recipes we can make at home, and over 20 delicious recipes to nourish our ‘skinisms’ from within. Yes, we can boost our immune system and prevent wrinkles at the same time! RSVP Space is limited at 941-952-1200. Host: Full Spectrum Health, 2106 Bispham Road, Sarasota.

Gallery by Advanced Student Mediums - 7-8:30pm. On this night, and on the 1st Friday each month, a number of our advanced student mediums will present a Spirit Messages Gallery, supported by two Certified Mediums.Each attendee will have the opportunity to receive information from their spirit loved ones or guides, by the different styles of each student. Come and enjoy this fun and informative evening. $10 donation is requested. We offer separated seating with masks optional. No reservations needed. More info at CMFSarasota.org, Facebook is: CMF of Sarasota and 941-266-8435. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota.


Restorative Yoga with Crystal Bowls and Poetry

with Cheridan Smith and Robert Austin - 3-5pm and March 12th, 3-5pm. Join Cheridan Smith and Robert Austin as She puts you into restorative yoga postures and he plays a soft and soothing crystal bowl concert. Cheridan will read poetry from her book, “Delve Deep Inside My Soul” throughout the class. Cost $25/pp. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street, Englewood, 941-208-5568, PalmStudioEnglewood.com.


Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev Kismet Weeber, “Beauty and Shadow.” These two opposites can co-exist yet have great differences on how they affect our body and our spirit. In person at Rising Tide and on Zoom: https://zoom.us/i/83017916524 Password: RTI2021. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational.org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7

Feng Shui In a Day - 12-1:15pm, Feb 7-10. Learn to create a perfect balance for your life using Feng Shui based on the front door of your home, with tips that you can immediately put into place. $135. Register @ CreateTheFeeling.com or contact LauriePawli@gmail.com. The Art of LovingKindness - 7pm. With Jim Toole. Explore how living from a place of heart centered kindness transforms your experience of yourself, your expression in your life, your connections and relationships and the world as we know it. Offer true love this Valentine’s Day and always by learning inspirational ways to be the grace of kindness through unconditional love. $15, presented online on Zoom. Register at SpiritofLifeInternational.org or contact Jim at SpiritofLifeInternational@gmail. com or 941-809-1104 with questions. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11

Beginning a Daily Tea Ritual - 2-4pm. A daily tea ritual will enhance your well-being in many ways! Join us for this inspiring, engaging class. A naturopath and a psychotherapist have teamed up to lead us in the meaningful choices of creating time with our own selves in our comfort zone. Are You ready? Afternoon Tea with Coyote and Rose Apothecary founders Taylor Howell and Jackie O’Neil. $10. Reserve your tea spot, space is limited. Call 941-952-1200. Host: Full Spectrum Health, 2106 Bispham Road, Sarasota.

Sound Immersion Meditation with Sandra and

Michael Katala - 6:30-7:30pm and March 11, 6:307:30pm. Various sound techniques will be used to cleanse negative energies and create space to align the body on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual levels. his meditation will be done off the floor and in the air! You will be cocooned in Aerial Hammocks for an ethereal experience. $25/pp. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street, Englewood, 941-208-5568, PalmStudioEnglewood.com. Double Pyramid Activation Workshop - 7-9pm. Lead by Robert Austin, you will lie under the Copper Frame Pyramids, infused with energy of large Stones of Selenite, Rose Quartz Sodalite and Crystals for ten to fifteen minutes. Tibetan Bowls will be played to experience the Sacred Geometry and Amazing Healing Energy, in a dream-like state of relaxation. Guests will share their observations of what they perceive, during this period.There will be two Double Pyramids set up for this event. We are providing separated seating with masks optional. Reservations needed. Call or text Robert at 941-822-9046. $25 donation requested. CMFSarasota.org, Facebook is CMF of Sarasota. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12

Reiki III, 1, Master Class Series - 11:30am-5pm. An attunement and certification class at Rising Tide. This is a two part class, with Reiki III, 2 Master Attunement class on February 19. $122/class. Includes a FREE private Reiki hands-on teaching session with Rev. Zan. For payment or information: Zan@ woman-spirit.com or Rev. Zan Benham at 941-9227839. Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota. Romanticism Through the Ages - 2:30pm. World-renowned virtuoso Eleonora Lvov plays music from Chopin to Gershwin (including a rare ‘gem’ from Beethoven) with incomparable elegance, passion & tenderness. Experience romance, poetry & spirituality of great piano music. FREE. Selby Library, 1331 1st St., Sarasota, 941-358-0235, EleonoraLvov.com. Register at SCGovLibrary.LibraryMarket.com/Events starting 1-29-22. Couples Yoga Workshop with Karen Ascher - 6-7pm. Enjoy some Relaxation with your loved one. Stretch, Adjust, Align and Breathe Together. Join today, feel the bliss in session and enjoy the afterglow … champagne to follow. $30/per couple. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street, Englewood, 941-208-5568, PalmStudioEnglewood.com.

Your True Purpose - 10am-4pm. With Chuck Pisa. In this workshop we will examine what purpose is…your True Purpose. Topics will include: How to align with my true purpose, What does my purpose look like?, Exercises in how to align with your innermost desires?, How to determine what I “really” want?, How do I know if I’m moving in the right direction in my life?, How physically, emotionally and mentally healthy am I? and How to feel greater Joy, Happiness and Fulfillment in my life! 2022 is a year for creating and attracting what you want…it is a year to break limitations! Longevity Wellness Clinic, 528 48th St Court East, Bradenton, 941-9239355, LongevityWellnessClinic.com.


Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Parvati, Karen Miki, “Let’s Speak of Love” A lighthearted service around the theme of love befitting Valentine’s Day. In person at Rising Tide and on Zoom: https://zoom.us/i/83017916524 Password: RTI2021. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational. org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839.


Valentine’s Day “ZEN” Session - 6:30-8pm Via Zoom. Open to all - No yoga or meditation experience needed, just be ready to completely relax. This 90 minute “ZEN” Session offers a welcome respite among all the turbulence of life & helps us balance the nervous system. Rest & Restore - Mind, Body, Spirit.In this beautiful practice, you are lying down - on your yoga mat with lots of pillows, blankets, cushions & more or you can do it from your bed. Restful & restorative - there’s no way to do this wrong. The goal is to move into a deep state of state of relaxation. It’s time for you to come honor yourself with True Deep Rest. Find a distraction free space and allow yourself to receive this much needed relaxation. Dress comfortably and have lots of pillows, blankets & props to assure a truly restorative evening. $10. Tosign up or more info, please contact Zen JenBrown atZenJenYoga50Plus.com, or email ZenJenYoga@iCloud.com or 941-830-3040. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16

Astrology 101, Wednesday - 7-9pm.Curious about how the stars influence your life? Join Alexandria Mazzarino as she helps you discover practical astrology for the everyday person. This playful workshop will introduce you to the language of astrology and connect you with how planetary movements affect your life. For example, just like checking the weather forecast, you will learn to navigate a moon cycle to improve decision making and make better choices. Learn how to let the stars guide you. $20 donation requested. To confirm space, call or text 917-733-8878. Please be prepared to supply your birth date, place and time (if available). More info at CMFSarasota.org,Facebook is: CMF of Sarasota. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota.

Conversations with Mikka - 6-7:30pm. Full Spectrum Health is hosting open, informal small group conversations about nutrition with Mikka Knapp, RDN. This will run the third Monday of each month from 6-7:30. Come curious. Bring questions! RSVP 941-952-1200. Full Spectrum Health is located in Gulf Gate area: 2106 Bispham Road, Sarasota. Healthy snacks provided. Learn more about Mikka at BrightBodyNutrition.com.

Toning and Mindfulness - 6-7pm. Awaken your psychic powers and re-calibrate your chakras while you bathe in sacred healing frequencies and light. From the comfort of a mat or chair you will learn simple Bija mantras or seed syllables that will augment your awareness and recalibrate your light body. Experience augmented awareness with Seed Mantras, Crystal Sound Bowls, Chants, Drone Boxes and an Interactive Mandala Projection that will take you on an extraordinary journey to a higher plane. $15/per session. Rosemary Court Yoga, 810 Central Ave, Sarasota. MusicandWellness.Biz


Universal Signs Psychic Fair - 11am-4pm. Come join us for a personal reading using Tarot and Oracle cards and various other modalities of spiritual connection, plus Crystal Bowl Healings with messages from guides or loved ones. We also offer Astrology and Numerology readings. Colleen Panebianco is offering many Sauv’e natural, handmade essential oil products. $20/15 min. readings or healings. We offer separated seating with masks optional. No reservations needed. More info 941-586-4797. CMFSarasota.org, Facebook is: CMF of Sarasota. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204. Sarasota.

Beverly Gordon’s Earth Beings - an Art Studio

Tour - 1-5pm, Feb 19th & 20th. A home studio tour of sculptural figures and collages that capture the rising spiritual energies of our time and connect us to nature. Discover Beverly Gordon’s world of Earth Beings - collage and assemblage sculpture incorporating natural elements such as bones and shells. The work brings us close to nature and the rising consciousness/energies of our time. Come be surprised and look with wonder at these imaginative reconfigurations. Held in the open air (right near the beach). Learn about/join in the natural/spiritual adventure. Refreshments, videos, conversations provided. 1722 Manasota Beach Rd., Englewood. Visit BeverlyGordon.info for more information.

Introduction to Crystal Grid Workshop with

Erin Fangboner - 1-3pm. Join Erin Fangboner to learn about crystal grids in a relaxed discussion-oriented style workshop. This class will demonstrate how the stones work together, and how to start incorporating them into your everyday and spiritual life. Learn what the crystals are and how they work together. You will learn the fundamentals of crystals and the use of sacred geometry. Premade grids will be displayed and explained. We will have a meditation and then make our own grids. $30/pp. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street Englewood, 941-208-5568, PalmStudioEnglewood.com. Sip-N-Sounds, by Resonance Holistic Wellness - 7pm. Sip some wine followed by a one-hour healing sound bath with various Tibetan & Crystal bowls, 36” gong and other light instruments. $35/pp and includes wine & light snacks. To reserve your spot call 941-312-4334, event holds 8 people.First come first serve. Event located @ the Southgate Circle Wellness Center, 3148 Southgate Circle, Sarasota. ResonanceSRQ.com.


Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Zan Benham, “All Is Possible.” The idea that something is impossible is based on our ignorance and inner understandings of limitation. In person at Rising Tide and on Zoom: https://zoom.us/i/83017916524 Password: RTI2021. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational.org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22

BREATHE 2-22-22 Global Livestream - 7-9pm. Join live or watch anytime. Using a simple, powerful breathing technique, we will all feel God’s divine light in our body at the same time and hold the same prayers for peace within ourselves, loved ones and global community. The time is now. Let us breathe powerfully together. $22. Breathe22222.com.


Light Language Healing Circle - 7-9pm. At first you may not understand what is being said, but soon your heart will.Join Reiki Master and certified Reconnective Healer JoAnn Cooke to learn what this is all about, and how to activate this powerful energy.Light Language is the universal language of love, communicated via spoken word, song, dance, written symbol and other actions. It bypasses the logical brain, and is interpreted through the heart. Whether you are familiar with Light Language or this is new to you, this healing circle will benefit all. Each one will experience a light language healing communication. Come with an open heart and be prepared for a powerful transmission of healing to assist you where most needed. $20 donation requested. Reservations please 509-520-0377. We offer separated seating with masks optional. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota.CMFSarasota.org,Facebook is: CMF of Sarasota.


Spiritual Time Management - 7pm. With Jim Toole. Explore how transforming the practical, powerful strategy of time management into a spiritual expression is not only more effective and productive, it creates a deeper experience of empowerment, freedom and fulfillment. Learn to reach beyond the limitations of managing time into creating and achieving with your Spirit. The fee is $15, presented online on Zoom. Register at SpiritofLifeInternational.org or contact Jim at SpiritofLifeInternational@ gmail.com or 941-809-1104 with questions.

Floating Crystal Bowl Concert with Robert

Austin- 6:30-7:30pm and March 18, 6:30- 7:30pm. Stimulate and restore the harmony between the physical and spiritual planes of the body, while suspended in an Aerial Hammock. Crystal Bowl Energy healing through harmonic sounds and crystals resonates with the body balancing the chakras and re-energize the auric field. The powerful vibrations of sound penetrates the body which consists of approximately 70% water and gives a gentle internal massage to all your cells. Let the positive vibrations of the bowls integrate into your body and let your spirit soar! $25/pp. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street Englewood, 941-208-5568, PalmStudioEnglewood.com. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26

Crystal Bowl Yin Yoga Workshop with Robert

Austin and Cheridan Smith - 1-2:30pm and March 26th, 1-2:30pm. Enjoy the long, deep holds of Yin Yoga to relax and restore joints, muscles and fascia while absorbing the transformative sounds of live played crystal and Tibetan bowls. Rejuvenating and healing. All levels are welcome. $25/pp. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street Englewood, 941-208-5568, PalmStudioEnglewood.com.


Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Liana Salima Rael,”Transfiguration Sunday: Transformative Experiences to Live By” Exploring the transfiguring/enlightening events that have helped humanity to shape the religious pathways that offer hope and inspiration to continue our connection with the divine. In person at Rising Tide and on Zoom: https://zoom.us/i/83017916524 Password: RTI2021. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational. org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839.


Auragraphs Inspired by Spirit Workshop- 11am2pm. Taught by British medium, Marie Lisseman; Want to try something NEW, FUN, and Spirit-inspired? This Auragraph class can get your intuitive juices flowing for the New Year! Auragraphs (known initially as symbolic art) are creative. $40. To register, go to the Center’s website: SarasotaCenterOfLight.com. Please complete your class registration no later than 10am on Friday, Feb. 28 to receive the Zoom link before class starts.

plan ahead


Shaman Journey - 2-5:30pm. With Rev. Zan Benham, Butterfly Deerwoman in person at Rising Tide (Covid depending.) Similar to a guided meditation enhanced by the heartbeat of the large Mother drum. It is a wonderful venture, into the world of your own Shaman’s Dream. $25. payment in by February 4th at 3pm. $30/ATD. Payment can be made on PayPal, Venmo or Zelle, via Zan@woman-spirit. com. To register, contact Rev. Zan via email or 941-922-7839 and the particulars will be sent to you. Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd, Sarasota. For info, Woman-Spirit.com.


“Health & Nutrition”- 10-11am. WithFred Harvey, MD of The Harvey Center for Integrative Medicine. Health & nutrition is a live call-in or email “Ask the Doc” health show from 10-11 on WMNF 88.5FM public radio Tampa. Email questions to DJ@WMNF.org

OM Shamanic Sound Journeys with Resonance - 4th Sunday of every month. Sold out for over 2 years! You will experience a blend of, shamanic drumming, rhythm, crystal singing bowls, rattles, tuning forks, vocal toning, electric violin and more in a coordinated and orchestrated fashion to help improve participants well-being. Clinical Hypnotherapist Beth A Snyder begins your journey by gently inducing a hypnotic state. Then your journey into sound begins. Consider your intention now. Tickets: TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota.

Christian Spiritualist Sunday Morning Services

- 10am. Old time camp meet style service, guided meditation, healing, presentation of truth and mini spirit message for each person. Private or group readings available daily by appointment. Contact Rev Shari. Church of Light, 2408 43rd Ave. West, Bradenton, 941-751-5683.

Sunday Service at CMF - 10:30am. At each Sunday morning service, we are offering spiritual healing, an inspirational talk, messages from spirit, special music and an ever-important environment of fellowship. Leave refreshed and inspired to start the new week. We feature a variety of speakers and spirit message bearers throughout the year. We offer separated seating with masks optional. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Dr., Suite 204, Sarasota, 941-266-8435, CMFsarasota. org, Facebook: CMF of Sarasota.

Unity of Sarasota - 10:30am. We are meeting in person and livestream at UnityofSarasota.org under the services tab. The Sunday Celebration service includes a message and lively music. 3023 Proctor Rd., Sarasota, 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org.

Universal Service - 10:30am. Each Sunday with a rotation of Reverends. This is a weekly egalitarian service which celebrates all of humanity’s religions together on a single altar. It is a place where East meets West, offering opportunities for spiritual growth and sharing. At Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, and on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/81220 8049 Password: RTI2020.. RisingTideInternational. org, for info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839.

Sunday Morning Celebration Service, Zoom Live

- 11am. Join us as we come together as a spiritual family and community, sharing our love and light for ourselves, for each other, and the world. Be a part of sharing the energy and illumination of our hearts and souls together through conversation, music, meditation, a talk and an affirmation. Sarasota Center of Light, 852 S Tuttle Ave. 941-953-6620, or after hours 727-492-2977, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com. Feldenkrais with Bonnie K - 5:45pm. Online! Awareness Through Movement classes: Lessons (in chairs/on floor) are designed to quiet non-working habitual patterns, invite you into a process for learning and offer experiences for more efficient movement. Ongoing classes $65/4 movement lessons w/ replays. 941-360-2248. FeldenkraisInSarasota.com. Register with Bonnie at:FeldenkraisinSarasota.com/ Sarasota-Classes-Feldenkrais/

Pub Theology - 6:30-8pm, the 2nd Mon. of the month. With Rev. Amy Zehe. Bring your Spiritual questions. We are meeting at the Olive Garden in the Landings. 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org.

Learning to Connect Classes at CMF - 7-9pm. Join Susan Houliston and guest instructors every Monday & Tuesday to learn techniques for connecting with Spirit. Students are given the opportunity to practice lessons to develop their skills while exploring various modalities. $15 donation is requested. Please refer to the CMF website CMFSarasota. org for description of the programs offered for each weekly class. We offer separated seating with masks optional. Reservations needed, so call or text Susan at 941-266-1696. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota.


Guest Reader Psychic Medium Cheryl Buchanan

- 12-3pm. Cheryl provides messages from guides, departed family or friends, and/or advice from spirit during her gentle and detailed readings. She uses tarot to connect the answers as needed. $30/15 minutes. Book an appointmentat WildGingerApothecary.com Wild Ginger Apothecary, 6557 Superior Avenue, Sarasota, 941-312-5630.

Introduction to Energy Medicine Via Zoom -

5-6:45pm, Feb 1st, Feb 8th, Mar 1st, Mar 8th. Join us for a four-part workshop to learn a simple framework self-healing and self-mastery. Reiki is a form of complementary therapy that strengthens your mindset and helps you direct the flow of universal life force energy. Learning this framework will empower your participation in your healing journey, and may also allow you to relieve pain, reduce symptoms of illness, enable relaxation and develop strength of mind and emotion. Reiki Level I Feb. 1st & 8th , Reiki Level II Mar 1st & 8th. $600/4 classes, includes certification. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/89350942073?pwd=T0YxOU94SEFYVmRkWC8yajZWUDBIZz09 Password: Empowered, or call 941-923-9355 for Zoom link & access number.

Law of Attraction - 7-8pm. An on-going support group with Rev. Zan Benham on Zoom. Class will include a weekly YouTube from Esther Hicks/ Abraham. $10 fee may be sent via PayPal, Venmo or Zelle, to Zan@woman-spirit.com. Zoom link will be sent to you after you confirm your desire to take this class. Rev. Zan Benham, 941-922-7839. For more info, Woman-Spirit.com 44 Sarasota/Manatee Edition www.nasrq.com

Feldenkrais with Bonnie K - 9:45 or 11am. Online! Awareness Through Movement classes: Lessons (in chairs/on floor) are designed to quiet non-working habitual patterns, invite you into a process for learning and offer experiences for more efficient movement. Ongoing classes $65/4 movement lessons w/replays. More info, 941-360-2248. FeldenkraisInSarasota.com. Register with Bonnie at: FeldenkraisinSarasota.com/Sarasota-Classes-Feldenkrais/ Sarasota Conscious Newcomers Group - 5:30pm. Are you looking to meet like - minded community members? Have you just moved into the area and are looking to meet, create, and learn from mindful connections? We are offering a beautiful, sacred space to curate these connections. Join us for our new monthly newcomers’ group! It will be an open, relaxed, safe space to meet and guide each other on our mindful paths. Select Wednesdays per month, Free. You must reserve your spot at WildGingerApothecary.com to attend. Wild Ginger Apothecary, 6557 Superior Avenue, Sarasota, 941-312-5630. OM Crystalline Vibrational Immersion - 7pm, every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Join us for this beautiful form of deepened relaxation! The OM Shoppe professional Sound Therapy Practitioners bring you these beautiful multi-instrumental sound baths to guide you into a deepened place of stillness and peace. Discover the magical way that sound can help ease you into a meditative state, and heightened mind-body awareness! Tickets: TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota. Unity of Sarasota - 7pm. Music and inspiration in person and Livestream at UnityofSarasota.org under the services tab. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org. Healing, Intention and Meditation Zoom Live - 7:30pm. Join us for a time of healing, connection and meditation. Let us all come together and experience the energy and inspiration that can make such a powerful difference in our individual lives. Sarasota Center of Light, 852 S Tuttle Ave. 941-953-6620, or after hours 727-492-2977, SarasotaCenterofLight.com.


Psychic Sunday Tours -1-3pm. The 90-minute Psychic Sunday tour is led by Michael Newton-Brown, whose first psychic experience came when he was three years old - awakening one night to bid farewell to the spirit of his great-grandmother, who had just passed over downstairs. Michael began tarot reading in 1970; in 1975, he attended the Arthur Findlay College for the Advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences in Stansted, England, and has been an active medium and tarot reader since. $44.99 + tax/fees (and any add-ons). Individual tarot readings are available after the tour. All tours depart from the DST Trolley Cottage located at 1826 4th Street - a cute 1930s cottage near downtown with a charming Vintage Sarasota gift shop. Discover Sarasota Tours, 1826 4th Street, Sarasota, 941-260-9818, DiscoverSarasotaTours.com. A Course in Miracles (ACIM) - 6-7:30pm. Caroline and George Robertie. To register email Caroline. Scammel@Comcast.net. 3023 Proctor Rd., Sarasota, 941-955-3301, UnityofSarasota.org.

Angel Healing Meditation - 7pm. Come experience this unique, relaxing meditation infused with grounding, visualization techniques, and connecting with the Seraphim and Archangel energy! This ancient, high vibrational energy amplifies your meditation experience and is a deeply relaxing experience. Biweekly, $20. You must preregister at WildGingerApothecary.com Wild Ginger Apothecary, 6557 Superior Avenue, Sarasota, 941-312-5630. friday Spiritual Sobriety Women’s Group - 10am. Are you searching for a women’s group to support your spiritual journey of sobriety and/or recovery? We want to welcome you to a non-denominational, non-twelve step affiliated, open discussion for women. This space will be designated for sharing the tools and experiences that we have utilized on our paths to recovery, wellness, and healing. ALL are welcome to this informal weekly meet-up at Wild Ginger Apothecary, no matter where you are on your sobriety journey. Sober-curious are welcome. Please arrive on time for this sacred space. Feel free to bring or invite a friend. $5 minimum donation per person, cash only at the door or preregister at WildGingerApothecary.com Wild Ginger Apothecary, 6557 Superior Avenue, Sarasota, 941-312-5630. Film Noir Night Night - 7-9pm. Film noir (/ n w ɑːr /; French: ) is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes and motivations. The 1940s and 1950s are generally regarded as the “classic period” of American film noir. Film noir of this era is associated with a lowkey, black-and-white visual style. Experience a different film every Friday. Free admission. The George Café, 5131 North Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, 941-277-3707, TheGeorgeSarasota.com, TheGeorgeSarasota@yahoo.com.


Sarasota Farmers Market - 7am-1pm. Rain or shine. Established in 1979, the market continues its tradition of serving the community with local produce, plants, prepared foods and artisans. They currently have a full market that includes 70 vendors and 5,000 sq ft of produce and plants. 1 N Lemon Ave., Sarasota, SarasotaFarmersMarket.org. Bradenton Farmers’ Market - 9am-2pm. Over thirty-five vendors offering locally grown fruits, vegetables, plants, organic products, fresh seafood, prepared foods, as well as the local artists, craftspeople and musicians. 400 12th St., W. Bradenton, 941-301-8445. Death Cafe: Coffee, Cake and Conversations - 2-4pm. 3rd Sat. Of the month. No agenda. No counseling. No judgment. Just opportunity to share and ask questions. With Rev. Robin G. White & Rev. Amy Zehe. 3023 Proctor Rd., Sarasota, UnityofSarasota.org. Sound Healing Meditation with Ed Russell - 5pm, 1st Saturday of every month. Sound bowls have a centuries-old tradition throughout Asia to awaken and refresh those in sacred spaces. You will feel the vibrations move throughout your body, allowing conscious and unconscious information to come to you. $20. Book at WildGingerApothecary.com Wild Ginger Apothecary 6557 Superior Avenue Sarasota, 941-312-5630. CHECK OUT OUR NEW ONLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY AT NASRQ.COM/BUSINESSES ACUPUNCTURE/


Board Certified Acupuncture Physician The Integrated Path, P.A. 2801 Fruitville Rd.Suite 135, Sarasota 941-924-8833 • IntegratedPath.com The Integrated Path to Health and Wellness for the whole family utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine,Acupuncture, Energetic Medicine, Bloodwork Analysis,Clinical Nutrition Assessments and ZYTO Elite to restore balance. Over 30 years of clinical experience!


Dr. Christina Captain, DAOM Nationally Board Certified Dipl.Ac Complimentary Meet & Greet The Medical Complex 2650 Bahia Vista Street, Suite 101, Sarasota, 941-951-1119 •FamilyHealingCenter.com Family Healing Center, an integrative wellness practice. Addressing all health issues we will find the key to unlock your highest level of health and wellness. Complimentary Meet & Greet


Anna L. Baker, D.O.M. Nationally Board Certified Acupuncture Physician 941-924-2723 • FacesByDrAnna.com Unique muscle-tightening acupuncture facelift and necklift done with 12 hair-thin needles, none of which are on the face. Results documented photographically. Only one maintenance treatment needed every 18 months. Free consultation includes facial analysis. Monthly seminars, call for schedule.


6557 Superior Avenue (Gulf Gate Shopping Village), Sarasota 941-312-5630 WildGingerApothecary.com Community for health + wellness. Offering hemp CBD, health remedies, metaphysical gifts and tools, crystals, cards, essential oils, jewelry and more! Classes and drop-in tarot and psychic readers daily. Open Tues -Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-4pm, Closed Sun + Mon Residual Strain Therapy Eric Winder DC Offices in Sarasota and Venice, FL 941-957-8390 • eric.winder.dc@gmail.com Professional care with a personal focus. Feel better through proper alignment, and get back to work and play! See our website for more information.


Fusion Therapy 7069 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 941-921-7900 • FusionTherapySarasota.com Terry Schibler has 30 years experience in advanced bodywork. He has a singular ability to trace, recognize and treat complex pain patterns through numerous modalities such as CranioSacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Visceral and Fascial manipulation. Terry’s hands-on work is effective for a wide range of problems associated with pain and dysfunction such as Migraines, Chronic neck/back pain, Concussions, TMJ, Post-surgical dysfunction...and more.


HEALING ROOM, ENERGY HEALING, BIOFEEDBACK STRESS MANAGEMENT, PEMF Treatments to balance over a thousand conditions! Infrared Inversion, Sound Immersion with the Singing Bowls 718-791-3797 • PureFieldForce@gmail.com Energy Healing helps the body with a long list of conditions, aches, pains and imbalances. Biofeedback Scanning locates the imbalances and it also corrects them. PEMF (Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy) re-energizes damaged cells, it is a powerful tool to MANAGE PAIN! 941-586-9539, Facebook.com/CreateBalanceandHealing


3148 Southgate Circle, Suite 8, Sarasota 941-312-4334 ResonanceSRQ.com

37 years of combined experience in Holistic Wellness. Specializing in Research-Based Energy modalities, comprehensive sessions & focalized services, using FDA approved devices. 20 modalities to choose. PEMF, VibroAcoustics, Voice Analysis, Scalar Wave Therapy, Brainwave Entrainment, etc.

Lessons for Children (ABM), Adults, Classes, Prof Seminars Bonnie Kissam, M.A., Feldenkrais® Practitioner, LMT, CE Provider 941-360-2248 Bonnie@FeldenkraisInSarasota.com FeldenkraisInSarasota.com The Feldenkrais® Approach , ‘Movement with Attention’, helps one ‘sense easier, improved posture and ways of moving. Clients optimize their musical, athletic or everyday activities through heightened ‘awareness’. They fi nd unique ways to recover from injury, surgeries or illness. Call for appointments, classes or for weekend TOUCH TO INFORM seminars 941-360-2248 , Bonnie@FeldenkraisInSarasota.com.


Laurie Pawli, Director, Certified Red Ribbon Consultant TheFengShuiSchoolOfChicago.com TheFengShuiSchoolOfFlorida.com CreateTheFeeling.com 630-279-8870

The Feng Shui School of Chicago & Florida is recognized as a Gold Level School, the highest standard established by the International Feng Shui Guild. Basic classes through Professional Certifi ed Consultant Training Programs are taught. Classes are based on the front door of the space with a combination of Virtual and In Person Classes. Laurie was Certifi ed as a Feng Shui Consultant in 2001 and is a student of Grand Master Professor Thomas Lin Yun.


Laura Korman, DC, DACBN Chiropractor, Diplomate in Nutrition 16954 Toledo Blade Blvd, Port Charlotte 941-629-6700 • DrLauraKorman.com Dr. Korman specializes in helping peri-menopausal women eliminate pain, fatigue and unwanted belly fat through functional medicine, lifestyle strategies and regenerative therapies so they can reclaim their vitality and stay engaged in the life they love. We offer PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy), Class IV Deep Tissue Laser, Near & Far Infrared Sauna, Decompression Therapies, Whole Body Vibration and carry a professional line of supplementation. Linda Energy Healings. Karmic Clearings. Toxicity Sweeps. 941-564-7881 Platinumray@ProtonMail.com PhotonicQuantumHealing.com These are profound healings; designed for those ready for their inner Light-Body activations or for anyone experiencing physical issues such as pain, trauma or debilitation. As an expert in Sacred Geometry Linda is able to detect & clear the Karmic Causes of disease, degeneration & aging. This deletion of karma reaches the memory of the cell triggering a Benevolent soothing effect to all biological processes. Linda’s Healing Path began in 1992 after the 1st-Phase Mass-Awakening of 1989.


Linda Holistic Care & Nutrition - Home Health Aide - Advanced Computer Knowledge 941-877-0558 - ElderlyCare111@gmail.com PhotonicQuantumHealing.com/home Caregiver-Companion with impeccable work ethics & over 20 yrs experience. Linda’s expertise is in the Holistic Field but she can accommodate any lifestyle, culture or condition. She also specializes in Dementia & the many debilitations that affl ict our beloved Elders. If you are looking for a kind, intelligent, honorable person to have invigorating conversations (or peaceful quiet) DELICIOUS MEALS & the best care - look no further. As a Private Assistant her meticulous work is truly exemplary.


Caroline Crawford Messages from the spirit world with clarity and compassion. 941-402-9595 • CarolineCrawford.org CarolineCrawfordorg@gmail.com Highly gifted British Medium and Master Healer, Caroline channels messages of healing to comfort, inspire and empower you from your loved ones and her team of Angelic beings. Receive guidance & insight into your life now and your future career, relationships, health and spiritual path with renewed confi dence and optimism. Touching hearts for over four decades, Caroline is currently based in Sarasota. By appointment only, in person, by phone or zoom. 801 S Tamiami Trail, Nokomis, FL 941-412-4334 • CafeEvergreen.net Cafe Evergreen is a natural, organic restaurant. Our menu consists of many organic recipes designed to not only taste delicious, but also enhance your health. Open 7 days a week 11am-9pm.


5411 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota, 941-378-4367 5770 Ranch Lake Blvd, East Bradenton, 7537297 • HolisticForPets.com Specializing in Hypo-allergenic Foods, Frozen Natural Raw Foods, Herbal & Homeopathic Remedies, Detergent & Soap Free Shampoo, Natural Flee Preventatives Skin Care Products, Healthy treats, Toys and gifts.


640 S. Washington Blvd., Suite 150 941-552-4500 • BrainWaveCenters.com We offer Brain Mapping, Neurofeedback Training, Psychological & Behavioral Testing and Therapy Services. Non-invasive relief for anxiety, depression, ADHD Trauma and more. Free consultations.


200 Central Ave, Suite 18, Sarasota 941-284-9563 HairandEarth.SalonsByJC.com Erinn offers Sarasota excellence in conscious haircare. Cuts, color, highlights, smoothing treatments and more. Metaphysical gifts too! Kevin Murphy color line as well as retail products available. Comfortable, private space for calm, creative collaboration. Call or text Erinn Earth for an appointment or consultation. Or schedule online at: HairandEarth.SalonsByJC.com



Dr. David Cifra, DC Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Specialist Office: 941-358-2224 • Cell: 315-345-7390 DrCifra@SarasotaDiscCenter.com www.SarasotaDiscCenter.com Medical Breakthrough Technology! Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Specialist, Dr.David Cifra,DC. Advanced procedure for patients who have back and neck pain and want to avoid narcotics, epidural injections, and unnecessary surgeries. Over 90% effective. No pain, No drugs, No surgery, NO Injections. Call today 941358-2224. FREE CONSULTATION.


at Wild Ginger Apothecary 6557 Superior Avenue (Gulf Gate Shopping Village), Sarasota 941-312-5630 WildGingerApothecary.com Fourth-generation Psychic Intuitive Tarot Reader, Skye Samuel, is now available full time for readings Tuesday-Saturday at metaphysical and health boutique, Wild Ginger Apothecary. Skye has over 35 years’ experience and specializes in direct question answering for all matters of love, health, money, and life. In-person, virtual video or phone available. Book online or drop-in. Tues - Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am4pm.


5411 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota 941-378-4367 5770 Ranch Lake Blvd. East Bradenton, 7537297 HolisticForPets.com Specializing in Hypo-allergenic Foods, Frozen Natural Raw Foods, Herbal & Homeopathic Remedies, Detergent & Soap Free Shampoo, Natural Flee Preventatives Skin Care Products, Healthy treats, Toys and gifts


Rev. Zan Benham, BSL, BD, CHT 941-922-7839 Spiritual counselor, shamanic practitioner, Reiki healing, breath, and energy work, hypnosis, soul retrieval, past life regression all to empower and help you move into the Divine fl ow of the joy and power within you. 5700 Midnight Pass Road Suite 4B 941- 350-7495 SpaExperienceSiestaKey.com Newly relocated and remodeled day spa Formerly Massage Experience Siesta Key proudly offers an array of healing and pampering services. A sampling of our offerings include specialty anti-aging facials, facial sculpting, pampering, therapeutic massage medical massage, acupuncture, cupping and now featuring two couples rooms catering to small groups and wedding parties.Owner Connie Lewis has over 25 years of experience in the Spa industry and welcomes you to her new Spa conveniently located next to the public beach on Siesta Key.


852 S Tuttle Ave, Sarasota 941-953-6620 • sarasotacenteroflight.com Experience the peaceful energy, love and light of our metaphysical spiritual community. Join us for the inspiration, healing and connection to Spirit in our services, classes and social gatherings.


June Drennon, CCT 2008 JuneDrennon@TampaBayThermography.com 727-729-2711 FloridaMedicalThermography.com

JuneDrennon@FloridaMedicalThermography.com Certifi ed Clinical Thermographer 2008. Prevention is better than early detection. Knowledge is power: Know your risk factors to make corrections and avoid developing pathology. Call for location convenient for you.


6557 Superior Avenue (Gulf Gate Shopping Village), Sarasota 941-312-5630 WildGingerApothecary.com Community for health + wellness. Offering hemp CBD, bulk herbs, remedies, sage, gifts, cards, metaphysical tools, essential oils, jewelry and more! Classes and drop-in psychic readers daily. Open Tues - Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-4pm, Closed Sun + Mon HOUSECLEANING. Enjoy your free time and let us do what we do best: Housecleaning to your healthy satisfaction. Call Paula for a free estimate 941-320-4052.


PY. Advanced Clinical Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy is available in Sarasota. Specializing in healing trauma and coping with life transitions. La-Alza.com.


Personal Assisting, Errands, Appointments, and more. Let Me Help lower your stress and simplify your life. Call Amy 941-216-7467. LetAmyHelp.com PRIVATE CHEF. Former restaurant owner will prep and cook your healthy meals in your home. I specialize in gluten free delicious meals, vegan and healthy food. Start off the New Year with healthy meals prepped 3, 5 or 7 days a week. I offer juice cleanses and I can do the shopping too. Feel free to email or call me with any questions, 941-275-1727, MarysMyChef@gmail.com.

coming in the march issue

Food & Nutrition

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