4 minute read
Detoxifi cation for the Start of 2022
by Fred Harvey, MD
Last month, I discussed toxicity and the possible sources of toxic burden in our lives. We explored natural toxins and synthetic toxicants, toxic metals and excessive electromagnetic radiation exposures. We also touched on psychospiritual stresses and physical traumas as further toxic burden. We can reduce this toxic burden and improve our overall function, energy and satisfaction in life with simple action steps towards optimal health.
Th e fi rst step is to develop awareness that you are not functioning as well as you believe could be possible. Once you realize and toxicants in patients. Initially, we test for these toxins based on the signs and symptoms discerned from the intake exam. We look for the presence of toxic metals, petrochemical solvents, pesticides and glyphosate. Th ere are specifi c ways to look for human metabolic toxic byproducts and environmental or food-borne mycotoxins. Once we fi nd these, the next step is eliminating the source, which will depend on which toxins are found. For instance, mercury in tuna fi sh or pesticides on a peach would each require diff erent elimination plans.
We can also take basic steps to support a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. Use resources like the EWG.org “Dirty Dozen and Clean Fift een” food lists. Drink only fi ltered water. Eliminate pesticide and herbicide use in your local environment. Stop eating processed foods from companies like Kellogg, Kraft and Nabisco and all “fast foods” establishments. Reduce intake of most
this functionality is not at the level it could be, you can then take the next step toward recovery, which is to explore what you feel through discussion with family, friends and doctors.
Fortunately, there are doctors who understand these issues. Functional Medicine is uniquely positioned to help you delve into this complex process. Our goal is to discover why you are ill, so we can stop the damage. Our client history intake process dives deep in order to help guide the search for the root cause.
We use unique tools to fi nd toxins
Welcome 2022!
Let's optimize your wellness
We are here to help guide your steps on the detox journey to optimal health. Contact The Harvey Center team to learn more about the simple detox plan and let’s welcome 2022 in with open arms!
Dr. Fred co-hosts WMNF 88.5FMDr. Fred Harvey hosts the WMNF 88.5FM every Monday, 10-11am. Health & Nutrition radio show live,
Call or email the Health & Nutrition live radio show and "ask the Doc"! every Monday, 10-11am. Call or email your medical questions and join in the conversation. Call 813-239-9663 or email dj@wmnf.org Phone the station at 813.239.9663 on October 4, 11, 18 & 25.or email dj@wmnf.org during the show.


The Harvey Center for Integrative Medicine 3982 Bee Ridge Road, Suite J | Sarasota 34233 Ph 941.929.9355 www.harveycenter.com

animal products because they are tainted by the same pesticides and herbicides that poison our fruits and vegetables.
Keep your smartphone away from both your head and body as much as possible. Use detoxifi cation supports such as Opticleanse GHI, which is designed to support gastrointestinal and liver detoxifi cation. Drainage is another homeopathic remedy to facilitate the elimination of toxins. S-acetyl glutathione is an oral absorbable detoxifi cation support that helps to reduce mercury and petrochemical toxins. High-quality probiotics and prebiotic fi ber will help to improve elimination by increasing bowel movement. In addition, remember that water is the universal solvent of biology to fl ush out the system, so be sure to hydrate. Let’s start this new year with a resolution to cleanse our health. We at the Harvey Center are here to guide your steps on the detox journey to optimal wellness! Contact our offi ce to learn about a simple detox plan, and let’s welcome 2022 in with open arms.
Th e Harvey Center for Integrative Medicine is located at 3982 Bee Ridge Road, Suite J, Sarasota. For more information and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Harvey, call 941-929-9355, email Doc@HarveyCenter.com or visit HarveyCenter.com. 5 Time Award Winning Medspa Rita Medical Elite; Injectables ♦ Laser ♦Introducing Aesthetics InjecttheablesExclusiv Lasere SaltFaci Aesal® thetics 5 Time Award Winning Medspa 5 Time Award Winning Med Rita Medical Elite offering Call today for a FREE spa
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