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Cultivate Satisfaction to be Healthier and Happier


Older people with high levels of life satisfaction—a favorable attitude toward life—have healthier habits, less depression and pain, better sleep and a longer life, reports researchers from the University of British Columbia. They studied nearly 13,000 U.S. adults older than 50 for four years and found that higher life satisfaction was linked to 26 percent reduced mortality and a 46 percent lower depression rate. People that felt good about their lives had fewer chronic conditions and pain, exercised more often, were both more optimistic and likely to be living with a partner and experienced less hopelessness and loneliness. However, such positive feelings were not associated with fewer health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis or obesity; were not marked by less alcoholic binging or smoking; and were not affected by frequency of contact with children, family and friends.

Consider Depression Treatment to Fight Ulcers

Research from the University of Queensland, in Australia, has found that peptic ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, along with other gut disorders, are linked to depression. The researchers analyzed health data from more than 450,000 people and found eight genetic variants that predispose people to peptic ulcers and other gut diseases, often with depression as a comorbidity. Lead author Yeda Wu says the research supports a holistic approach to identifying and caring for patients with gastrointestinal diseases, noting, “As a medical student, I noticed how some patients’ gastrointestinal symptoms improved after psychotherapy or psychiatry treatment.”

Eat Five Veggies and Fruits

Daily to Live Longer

People that struggle to eat the often-recommended nine servings of fruit and vegetables each day can relax: The latest research from Harvard, based on 26 studies of 2 million people from 29 countries, found that two and three daily servings of fruit and vegetables, respectively, were linked to the most longevity. Compared to only two servings of produce per day, five servings lowered the risk of death overall by 13 percent, cardiovascular disease by 12 percent, cancer by 10 percent and respiratory disease by 35 percent. Green, leafy vegetables, including spinach, lettuce and kale, and fruit and vegetables rich in beta carotene and vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, berries and carrots, showed benefits.Starchy vegetables, like peas and corn, fruit juices and potatoes, did not appear to reduce the risk of death.

Enhancing Cellular Oscillation with PolarAid

The science behind PolarAid was first demonstrated by Dr. Georges Lakhovsky and Nikola Tesla, an electrical and mechanical engineer, inventor and futurist who is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system. Lakhovsky, a Russian inventor of the multiple electrode radio lamp and the multiwave oscillator, authored The Secret of Life: Electricity, Radiation and Your Body, where he explained that cells are small oscillatory circuits emitting ultra-short electromagnetic waves similar to waves radiated by stars. He demonstrated that health was determined by the relative strength of these cellular oscillations, and bacteria, cancers, and other pathogens corrupted them, causing interference with the oscillations.

Tesla identified the existence of the energy that has continued to spring from the cosmos since the creation of the universe. This powerful scalar energy supporting all vegetable, animal and human life has been referenced in cultures across the globe for thousands of years. Tesla found that scalar frequencies nourish our body just as food and water do, but as we experience life’s challenges and traumas, or as we age, the cells of the body lose the capability to absorb these vital energies.

For Wellness Living, Joy & Empowerment

The Universal Service - Sun. June 20 at 10:30am “Celebrating Father’s Day and The Summer Solstice” On Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/812208049 Password: RTI2020. Private Sessions: Counseling, Energy Work, Reiki, Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, Intuitive and Oracle Card Readings

Rev. Zan Benham (Butterfly Deerwoman) www.woman-spirit.com • Zan@woman-spirit.com • 941-922-7839 Visionary • Intuitive Counselor • Shamanism • Reiki Master Teacher • Ceremonialist • Reader

A medical doctor practicing today in Serbia, Dr. Dino Tomic and his team was able to procure the original schematics of the two scientists and their inventions. Tomic adapted Lakhovsky and Tesla’s groundbreaking science to perfect the PolarAid antenna, a specially designed, copper-based alloy ring with a proprietary design. By reconstructing the devices and using them in a clinical setting, Tomic observed their effects and determined that the most efficient device was a polarization coil, which he used as the foundation for developing the polarization disc called PolarAid. It works like a satellite antenna, receiving and amplifying natural energy from the atmosphere. When applied to the body, the PolarAid disc redirects the energy to replenish the body’s energy flow, enhancing its capacities to heal naturally.

Scientific evidence that the human body runs on electrical energy has been recognized for decades. In modern medicine diagnostic methods such as the ECG, EEG, EMG and magnetic resonance imaging are based on the measuring of electromagnetic parameters and used to assess the overall level of physical health or functioning of certain organs.

PolarAid is best used in conjunction with a healthy diet, supplements, exercise and common-sense habits. For more information, call 450-486-7888 or visit PolarAidHealth.com.

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Rev. Theresa Fieberts

by Fred Harvey, MD

There is signifi cant hype around testosterone replacement for men these days. We see clinics and advertisements hawking shots or creams to fi x every ailment under the sun. Primarily sold as the answer for erectile dysfunction or low libido, testosterone replacement has become a real fad. However, it is a potent chemical which is so risky to use that the FDA made it a controlled substance like opiates and sedatives. Misuse of it can cause metabolic changes in those who do not want a beard. It can close the bone growth centers in adolescents to stunt their physical development. It can also cause liver damage when taken in a high dose orally. Th erefore, I recommend the use of this strong and useful hormone sparingly due to these risk factors. At the Harvey Center, we use science and laboratory testing instead to guide hormone replacement.

First, let’s defi ne a term: Bioidentical. Th is means, the hormone replacement is exactly the same as what occurs naturally in a living organism. Androgen refers to the line of human hormones that produce masculinizing eff ects, so a Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) would use testosterone, the principle human male hormone, rather than synthetic steroids that mimic human ones.

My preferred method is topical daily replacement with a cream gel because our human diurnal (day-night) physiologic cycle involves a daily morning spike in testosterone, which drops off steadily until night and results in less stimulation for restful, adequate sleep.

One drawback of HRT topical cream is the user must be diligent to wash hands and to keep the area of application covered when in intimate contact if the cream has not yet absorbed. Linens and clothing should also be washed separately to keep the testosterone exposure away from others.

Weekly injections are another relatively convenient method of administering testosterone HRT. With this method, the testosterone only reaches a low once per week instead of daily. However, pellets are one method that I do not recommend because they artifi cially override the normal axis of control between the master glands in the brain and the testes. Male fertility is also in question with that method. It seems safe in testing, but I prefer a more natural rhythm to mimic life’s normal diurnal pattern, as we see with daily cream use.

DHEA is a bioidentical precursor hormone to testosterone, and it can support a lack of testicular production of testosterone. I always test DHEA when treating male hypogonadism (Low testosterone syndrome). Supplementation with DHEA can be helpful to support testosterone production.

Estradiol is metabolically created from testosterone. Alcohol increases metabolic conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Th erefore, excess alcohol could decrease available testosterone supplies. We also monitor the estradiol level to make sure that men are not wasting their testosterone through conversion to estradiol.

Call the Harvey Center to discuss whether science guided HRT is right for you. Th e Harvey Center is located at 3982 Bee Ridge Rd, Sarasota. Ph 941-929-9355. Telehealth and second opinion consultations are available upon request. We can help you to achieve hormone balance, feel stronger and achieve better results in mental and physical activities. For more information, call 941-929-9355 or email Doc@HarveyCenter.com.

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