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Regenerative Healthcare and Agriculture

by Fred Harvey, MD


Spring is in the air, and Dr. Fred Harvey’s “food forest” is bursting with life. Bananas and papayas are fattening. New pineapples are crowning. Lettuces, mustards and brassicas are growing tall. Squash are tomatoes are ripening. Mangoes and lychee are flowering. The diversity of plants in his yard has increased exponentially. At the same time, the soil microbiome has also grown healthy. Insects, worms and fungi are abundant in the soil. This was a barren grass plot three years ago when Dr. Harvey first started to regenerate the land by his home.

Regenerative agriculture is critical for planetary health. Extractive agriculture steals vitality from the land which, in turn, reduces crop nutrients and abundance. There is evidence that regenerative agriculture directly affects human health. In one study, asthma rates were lower in an urban area after an organic community garden was created in the neighborhood.

The basis of regenerative healthcare follows same principles as regenerative agriculture, both of which are conservative in nature. These systems utilize holistic management practices to leverage the natural power of an organism. This involves nourishment with organic materials, clean hydration and microbial diversity within the system.

Both regenerative healthcare and agriculture conserve the integrity of the system, minimize aggressive intrusions and improve the ecosystem diversity. This is how Functional Medicine practitioners view healthcare, by treating each individual as a diverse and complex ecosystem that needs to be holistically managed to optimal function.

Regenerative medicine uses the definition of a “process of replacing, engineering or regenerating human or animal cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function.” Therefore, Functional Medicine practitioners believe that human bodies can regenerate once the root cause of a dysfunction is found and then removed with the implementation of dietary and nutritional supplements to help the body establish optimal function.

As an example from his own life, four years ago, Dr. Harvey suffered two rotator cuff tears after doing excessive power yoga with poor posture. However, he did not believe that surgery was the kindest or most effective way to approach the dysfunction.

Instead, he stopped the exercise regimen in order to prevent further damage, then he embarked on a two-year journey with a class-four hot laser, chiropractic therapy, deep tissue massage and a regenerative therapy called Muscle Activation Technique. He also took SynovX Tendon & Ligament, which yields strong evidence for tendon repair, and Regenemax-plus, which helps the body make collagen to repair tendons. Just like the blossoming plants in his yard, Dr. Harvey’s shoulders have since regained their functionality with no residual pain.

Come in for a Functional Medicine consultation to start on your regeneration journey. The Harvey Center is located at 3982 Bee Ridge Rd., Sarasota. Telehealth and second opinion consultations are available upon request. For more information, call 941-9299355 or email Doc@HarveyCenter.com.

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