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green living

Unfortunately, some feline cancers are extremely aggressive. It started in Doris Gassen’s cat, Meadow, with a few small bumps under the skin that quickly grew and multiplied. “About six days after they first appeared, they were open and draining,” says Gassen, in Madison, Wisconsin. The diagnosis of cutaneous lymphoma was made and palliative care was implemented. Meadow crossed the rainbow bridge within a few weeks.

Preventive Measures


Keeping cats at a healthy weight, giving them plenty of exercise opportunities and keeping them indoors more or entirely can all help reduce the risk of cancer. The feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus, which can lead to cancer, are usually contracted from feral cats outdoors.

Genetically modified organism (GMO) ingredients such as corn, soy, alfalfa and cottonseed in pet foods are also culprits, because they can contain high concentrations of glyphosates. The World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer declared glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, to be a probable human carcinogen, and research indicates that it does cause cancer in animals.

“Many experts who have studied animal dietary patterns in the wild agree that a whole-food diet composed of mostly meats, organs and bones, supplemented to a much lesser extent with vegetables, is the way to go for both cats and dogs,” says Ty Bollinger, the San Antonio-based author of The Truth About Cancer.

Keeping cats healthy throughout life with routine wellness care helps strengthen them against any illness or injury. And while quality of life for pets may be paramount, Cougar seems to be going for quantity, as well. “Clinically, Cougar is doing fantastic. She just can’t jump as high as she used to,” says Herbst. “She’s back to bullying the other three cats and hanging out with the dog. She’s feisty.”

Julie Peterson writes about health, wellness and environmental issues. Find her at JuliePeterson2222@gmail.com.

NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 12th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email publisher@nasrq.com for guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. Visit nasrq. com to submit online.


Move Better, Feel Better 2021 Feldenkrais Sum-

mit - May 1-10. It started as Feldenkrais WEEK. Now it’s 10 Days of Interviews with a panel discussion to follow. Along with FREE Awareness Through Movement Lessons. Take a look at all the Summit Offers! Sign up for Free! https://www. feldenkraissummit.com/?affiliate=bonniekissam


The Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Basira, Anna Gomez, “A Time For Reflection.” Inward reflection and inquiry can serve us during the remaining two thirds of this year. What have I experienced during this unique year? What does my heart yearn for? How do I envision the rest of 2021. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. On Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/812208049 Password: RTI2020. For Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational.org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839.


Spiritual Principles for Covid Recovery - 7pm. Explore universal spiritual principles that are keys to open into a new expression and experience in life as we evolve through Covid. Learn ways to discover, choose, attract and create more freedom, fulfillment and peace in our lives every day. Fee is $10, presented online on Zoom. Please contact Jim at RevJimToole@gmail.com or 941-330-5031 to attend.


A Universal Service - 2pm EST. With Rev. Tara Muir and other Reverends from Rising Tide International, honoring the Centennial Anniversary of the Universal Worship Service, our weekly egalitarian service. Join us in our global wave of celebrations on Zoom https://zoom.us/j/99249870462. Meeting ID: 992 4987 0462. Passcode: 435819. For Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational. org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839.


Special Gallery Event – 2-4pm. Presented by well-known Psychic-Medium, Teacher, Lecturer Diana Mier, winner of the Sarasota Psychic Award Challenge. Born into Spirit service, Diana will bring loving and precise messages from Spirit and loved ones to each person in attendance. Please make your reservations early as seating will be limited to 15 attendees.Reservations required by call or text to Diana 941-488-0833. We are providing separated seating and all CDC requirements are being met. A $25 donation is requested. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204. Sarasota, 941-266-8435, CMFSarasota.org, Facebook is CMF of Sarasota.


The Universal Service -10:30am. With Rev. Aisha Carol Rosenbaum, “Celebrating Mother’s Day.” We celebrate the Divine Mother of All, as we also honor our Mother Earth. Included is the Hindu Devi Prayer, honoring the many aspects of the Divine Mother. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanities on a single altar. On Zoom: https:// zoom.us/j/81220 8049 Password: RTI2020. For Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational.org For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839.

Move Better, Feel Better 2021 Feldenkrais Sum-

mit Discussion – 6pm. Bonnie K of Sarasota is a panelist discussing the 4 interviews of the day with the theme‘Move your Brain’conducted by Lavinia Plonka. View Move Better, Feel Better 2021 Feldenkrais Summit here: https://www.feldenkraissummit. com/?affiliate=bonniekissam Sign up for Free!


Viva LA Breathing – Online 6:30-8:30pm.A Touch to Inform seminar online. Through the Feldenkrais Method® learn how mobility and action support breathing, while optimally breathing supports posture. 2 CEs for LMTs. Breath is central to our well-being. A fully functionally aligned spine supports breathing while exploring different ways to breath can support spinal alignment. Explore how engaging your attention to your breathing mechanisms (rib cage, spine and diaphragm) you can drastically improve your posture, movement and life. Bonnie Kissam, 941-360-2248, Bonnie@ FeldenkraisInSarsota.com, TouchToInform.com/ Product/Viva-La-Breathing/


Double Pyramid Activation Workshop – 7-9pm. Lead by Robert Austin, you will lie under the Copper Frame Pyramids, infused with energy of large Stones of Selenite, Rose Quartz Sodalite and Crystals for ten to fifteen minutes. Tibetan Bowls will be played to experience the Sacred Geometry and Amazing Healing Energy, in a dream-like state of relaxation. Guests will share their observations of what they perceive, during this period.There will be two Double Pyramids set up for this event. We are providing separated seating and all CDC requirements are being met. Reservations Needed. Call or text Robert at 941-822-9046. A $25 donation requested. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota, 941-266-8435, CMFSarasota.org, Facebook is CMF of Sarasota. Dowsing ‘Practice’ Class – 7:30-8:30pm. Please Bring your Dowsing Rods with you. Love offering. Davis Hall @ Sarasota Center of Light, 2727 Browning St., Sarasota, 941-953-6620, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com.


Meet the Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy

Taught by Dr. Cynthia Higgins, MD – 1-6pm. What do you need help with changing in your life? Why not ask the Divine intercessors and messengers for help and support and insight. Learn how to open your heart to hear, feel, see and sense angel presence. “Meet the Angels of the Healing Ray” is an experiential workshop in which we will connect with at least 9 angels dedicated to healing of our human condition. These 9 angels are an integral part of a hands-on healing modality called Integrated Energy Therapy®. Connecting with these angels offers an opportunity to understand what is being offered to humanity as a tool for our spiritual evolution. This class requires no prerequisites other than the willingness to receive. $175. Reserve: TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota.


The Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Tara Muir, “Loving Kindness.” The service is about finding and being at ease in one’s own true nature. On Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/812208049 Password: RTI2020. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanities on a single altar. For Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational. org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839.

Free Community Sound Bath for Collective Com-

munity Wellness - 4-5pm. Free Sound Bath Concert offered by The OM Shoppe at Phillippi Estate Park in Sarasota. Relax back into a Crystalline Sound Bath led by the professional sound therapy practitioners and musicians of The OM Shoppe & Spa. The OM Shoppe provides over 50 different instruments for this amazing sound immersion in nature. Drift into this vibrational immersion of sound, expertly composed with certified practitioners & musicians trained in the

science of sound. Free to the public; love donation can be made to Streets of Paradise at StreetsofParadise. org which provide comfort to the homeless. It is recommended to arrive 15 to 30 minutes early; bring a blanket- Phillippi Estate Park is located at 5500 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. For more info, contact The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota, TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or call 941-706-3257.


Healing with Feminine EnergyTaught by Dr. Jenna

Peterson, AP - 7-9pm. Learn the skills of feminine energy cultivation, direction/distribution for youthfulness and healing. Learn ancient energy medicine techniques and skills you can immediately utilize and continue to develop over time. Regular practice will bring a relaxed and youthful appearance, soothe anxiety, and reduce body pains and tension. $55. Reserve: TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota.


The Freedom and Fulfillment of the Divine Femi-

nine - 7pm. Explore the beauty and benefit of accessing, expressing and experiencing the energy of the Divine Feminine. Learn ways, whether you are male or female, to bring more balance, harmony, freedom and grace into your life. Fee is $10, presented online on Zoom. Please contact Jim at RevJimToole@ gmail.com or 941-330-5031 to attend.


Regain, Maintain Lifelong Agility - Seminar

LIVE in Sarasota and Online – 5-8pm Friday through Sunday 4pm. If you could feel more agile, what would you be able to do? Would you crawl more with your grandchildren or walk more painfree? Do you think it is possible to sense space and agility and find yourself moving more youthfully?Through Lifelong Agility you will discover ways to work with the unique patterns you have developed that limit your movements and find many variations that enhance your abilities.Dr. Feldenkrais’Awareness Through Movement® lessons, are used throughout along with individual demonstration and partner work. Bonnie Kissam, 941-360-2248, Bonnie@FeldenkraisInSarsota.com, TouchToInform.com/Product/Lifelong-Agility-Seminar/


The Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Zan Benham, “Graduating to A New Paradigm” May marks the season ofgraduations all around our country. For many, it marks the end of one undertaking, and offers a breather before the next one, with time to contemplate, let go and unfold. It is thus with our spiritual quests as well. On Zoom: https://zoom. us/j/812208049 Password: RTI2020. \ For Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational.org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839.

Crystal Singing Bowls for Personal Wellness @ The OM Shoppe & Spa Taught by Zen Seraphine

- 7-9pm, May 26th or Sept 22nd or Dec 15th 7-9pm. Learn how to play a quartz crystal singing bowl for optimum benefits. Discover the transformative power of sound therapy, and how a crystal singing bowl can enhance your quality of life! Learn how to play a crystal singing bowl with nuance, finesse, energetic sensitivity, and confidence for personal energy work, and to develop or enhance your personal meditation practice. $125/pp. Reserve: TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota.


Meditation, Mindfulness, and Focus “Turn off

that Monkey Mind!” - 7:30-9pm. ZOOM Class with Rev. Lisa Johnson. $20. Register & Pay at Sarasota Center of Light 941-953-6620 (M-F 9am-12noon) or at SarasotaCenterOfLight.com.


The Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Kismet Weeber, “Harmony and Disharmony.” God called by many names, and translations is the one true love behind all religions. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanities on a single altar. On Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/812208049 Password: RTI2020. For Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, RisingTideInternational.org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839

plan ahead


Four Part Chopra Primordial Sound Meditation Course Taught by Maria Schaedler-Luera, Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Certified Chopra

Center Meditation Instructor - 4-6pm, June 7th, 14th (by appt), 21st & 28th. What can I expect from taking this four part primordial sound meditation course? Learn Primordial Sound Meditation led by certified Chopra Center meditation instructor Maria Schaedler-Luera. Primordial Sound Meditation is a time-tested meditation technique dating back thousands of years to the Vedic traditions of India. Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon have revived this ancient process and made it available in a format that is easy for anyone to learn. TheOmShoppeandSpa. com or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota.


OM Shamanic Sound Journeys with Resonance

- 4th Sunday of every month. Sold out for over 2 years! You will experience a blend of, shamanic drumming, rhythm, crystal singing bowls, rattles, tuning forks, vocal toning, electric violin and more in a coordinated and orchestrated fashion to help improve participants well-being. Clinical Hypnotherapist Beth A Snyder begins your journey by gently inducing a hypnotic state. Then your journey into sound begins. Consider your intention now. Tickets: TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota. Unity of Sarasota- 9am. Live service at the labyrinth. Bring your chair and wear a mask. social distanceis in place. Check website for other classes available on Zoom. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-9553301, UnityOfSarasota.org.

Christian Spiritualist Sunday Morning Services

- 10am. Old time camp meet style service, guided meditation, healing, presentation of truth and mini spirit message for each person. Private or group readings available daily by appointment. Contact Rev Shari. Church of Light, 2408 43rd Ave. West, Bradenton, 941-751-5683. Sunday Service at CMF - Each Sunday morning service we are offering spiritual healing, an inspirational talk, messages from spirit, and an ever-important environment of fellowship. Leave refreshed and inspired to start the new week. We feature a variety of speakers and spirit message bearers throughout the year. We are providing separated

seating and all CDC requirements are being

met. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Dr., Suite 204, Sarasota, 941-266-8435, CMFsarasota.org, Facebook: CMF of Sarasota. Unity of Sarasota- 10:30am. Services available on the Web and Facebook Live. The SundayCelebration service includes a message and lively music. Check website for other classes available on Zoom. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org.

Sunday Morning Celebration Service, Zoom

Live - 11am. Join us as we come together as a spiritual family and community, sharing our love and light for ourselves, for each other, and the world. Be a part of sharing the energy and illumination of our hearts and souls together through conversation, music, meditation, a talk and an affirmation. Sarasota Center of Light, 852 S Tuttle Ave. 941-953-6620, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com. Center for Spiritual Living Cultural Coast - 11am. Virtual Gathering Via FaceBook & YouTube Live. Join us the first Sunday each month for a contemplative/meditative experience. The rest of the month is a bit more lively - always an inspiring message based on the Science of Mind (New Thought) philosophy, featuring local & internationally known musicians. Contact Rev. Theresa Fieberts 941-3760177, CSLCulturalCoast.org.


Living Spiritual Circle - 11am and 5pm. Circles via zoom with Rev. Suzi. Check website to sign up and for other classes available on Zoom. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org. Feldenkrais with Bonnie K - 5:45pm. Online! Awareness Through Movement classes: Lessons (in chairs/on floor) are designed to quiet non-working habitual patterns, invite you into a process for learning and offer experiences for more efficient move-

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