38 minute read
Many of the tips and ideas in Hunt, Gather, Parent changed Rosy and our relationship right away. For example, when I started including Rosy in household chores and cut back on the “child-centered” activities, her behavior improved essentially overnight. She needed more connection, more responsibility and more ways to contribute.
Other parts of the book involve mind shifts or changes in my own behavior. Those took longer to have an impact on Rosy. But I was the slow one. Once I changed, she immediately followed.
Western parents have, in many ways, forgotten how to relate to children in a way that’s calm, peaceful and cooperative.
Why will ancient methods of parenting from huntergatherer families, what you coined “TEAM parenting,” work for parents everywhere?
These methods are about the parent-child relationship, which is the same around the world, especially when children are young. The TEAM [Togetherness, Encouragement, Autonomy and Minimal interference] parenting method is a way of relating to children that’s independent of the surroundings or environment.
For example, in Tanzania, a 5-year-old girl learns to cooperate by helping her mom gather baobab pods or carrying a jug of water back from the river. In San Francisco, Rosy is learning to cooperate and be helpful in the same way by being included in household chores. She rinses dishes, scrambles the eggs, carries a small bag of groceries to the car at the supermarket. The details are different from place to place, but the concept is the same.
Julie Peterson writes about health and wellness from rural Wisconsin. Reach out at JuliePeterson2222@gmail.com.
The Quiet Power of Intuition
by Marlaina Donato
Albert Einstein considered knowledge secondary to intuition and inspiration, and modern visionaries like Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg have all endorsed the practical magic of gut feelings. The rest of us that have had that unexpected hunch to take a chance in business or get off the highway via a different exit than we first planned are in good company.
Intuition—once a key factor in our ancestors’ ability to survive and later reduced to a New Age curiosity—is now a subject of research in the military, which has renamed it “sensemaking”. Beneath the clatter of modern living, the quiet voice within each of us is alive and well, an often-ignored superpower. Intuition gives us the opportunity to leave the comfortable shore of left-brain reasoning to dive into immediate somatic response. This sixth sense in our everyday toolbox can enable us to not only endure, but prosper.
Research has shown that believing in the value of intuition and trusting gut feelings in business pays off. In the 1970s, parapsychologist Douglas Dean and John Mihalasky, an engineering professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, tested 385 American CEOs on their intuitive capacities. Eighty percent of the individuals with the highest scores had previously increased company profits twofold within five years.
Out-of-the-blue flashes of “knowing” usually come without warning and can dissolve like a flake of snow under the glare of too much analysis. This sense can also warp and prove unreliable during extreme emotional states like anger or fear. Being aware of subtleties and trusting the energetic current beneath the surface invites more accurate and fruitful results.
Cultivating internal knowing is a wise investment that can also quell frazzled nervous systems in the process. Adopting simple habits and activities can dial down the fight-or-flight stress response and make room for the inner voice. We might wonder how we know if it’s our fear or our desire talking, and the answer is simple: Listen to feelings, not thoughts. Other suggestions include:
n Meditation or meditative movement like dancing or repetitive, mindful activities like kneading bread or painting n Creative projects like scrapbooking or journaling n Spending quality time in nature n Dialing into our everyday senses n Taking a social media sabbatical for more unplugged downtime
NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 12th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email publisher@nasrq.com for guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. Visit nasrq. com to submit online.
The Relief of Release - Healing the Past to Have
a Future - 7pm. With Jim Toole. Explore ways to create more clarity, freedom and openings to being able to manifest new experiences in life. Discover how letting go allows for healing and the opportunity for inspiration and transformation. The fee is $10, presented online on Zoom. Please contact Jim atRevJimToole@gmail.com or 941-330-5031 to attend.
Sound Immersion Meditation - 6:30-7:30pm. Various sound techniques will be used to cleanse negative energies and create space to align the body on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual levels.This meditation will be done off the floor and in the air! You will be cocooned in Aerial Hammocks for an ethereal experience. $25 per person. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street Englewood, Florida, 941-208-5568, PalmStudioEnglewood.com. Gallery by Advanced Student Mediums 7-8:30pm. On this night, and on the first Friday each month, a number of our advanced student mediums will present a SPIRIT MESSAGES GALLERY, supported by two Certified Mediums. Each attendee will have the opportunity to receive information from their spirit loved ones or guides, by the different styles of each student. Come and enjoy this fun and informative evening. $10 donation is requested. We offer separated seating with masks optional. No reservations needed. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota, 941-266-8435, CMFSarasota. org, Facebook is CMF of Sarasota.
Free “Basic Concepts” Class on ZOOM - 10am- 12noon. Please join us, to learn more about our Center and consider becoming a member. SarasotaCenterofLight.com/Event/Basic-Concepts-Classon-Zoom/ Sarasota Center of Light, 852 S Tuttle Ave. 941-953-6620, or after hours 727-492-2977, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com.
Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev.Liana Salima Rael,“Celebrating the Message of St. Francis.” The theme here is of service to people and appreciation of the natural world. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. In person at Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, and on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/81220 8049 Password: RTI2020. RisingTideInternational. org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839
OM Singing Bowl Sound Bath - 7-8pm (doors open @ 6:45). Join us for a beautiful sound bath, a form of deepened relaxation! The OM Shoppe professional Sound Therapy Practitioners, bring you these beautiful multi-instrumental sound baths to guide you into a deepened place of stillness and peace. Discover the magical way that sound can help ease you into a meditative state, and heightened mind-body awareness! The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5, Sarasota.Tickets: TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or 941-706-3257.
Law of Attraction - 1-3pm. An on-going class with Rev. Zan Benham, “Back To Basics” for Unity of Sarasota, presented on Zoom. Requirements are the book, “Ask and It Is Given” by Jerry and Esther Hicks, a notebook, pen and a rock or stone. Class will include a weekly YouTube from Esther Hicks/ Abraham. $10, which may be sent via PayPal, Venmo or Zelle, to Zan@woman-spirit.com. Zoom link will be sent to you after first payment and contact with Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839. For more info, Woman-Spirit.com. Aerial Yoga Nidra - 1-2:15pm. Yoga Nidra is a state in which the body is completely relaxed, and the participant becomes aware of their inner world. The goal is “samadhi”, meditative consciousness. $25 per person. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street Englewood, Florida, 941-208-5568, PalmStudioEnglewood.com. Practical Astrology - 7 to 9pm.Curious about how the stars influence your life? Join Alexandria Mazzarino as she helps you discover practical astrology for the everyday person. This playful workshop will introduce you to the language of astrology and connect you with how planetary movements affect your life. For example, just like checking the weather forecast, you will learn to navigate a moon cycle to improve decision making and make better choices.Learn how to let the stars guide you.$20 donation requested.To confirm space, call or text 917-733-8878. Please be prepared to supply your birth date, place and time (if available).Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota, CMFSarasota. org, Facebook is CMF of Sarasota.
“Spiritual Growth” ZOOM class by David Winfree
- 2-4pm. $20. SarasotaCenterofLight.com/Event/ Spiritual-Growth-by-David-Winfree/Sarasota Center of Light, 852 S Tuttle Ave. 941-953-6620, or after hours 727-492-2977, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com.
Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Parvati, Karen Mikki, “Natural Silence.” Relax into the quiet, riding the deep traditions of silence, or meditation, or attunement with Nature in all religions. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. In person at Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota and on Zoom: https://zoom. us/j/81220 8049 Password: RTI2020. RisingTideInternational.org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839.
Zen Event - Rest, Relax & Restore via Zoom!
- 6:30-8pm, eastern. Zen Jen Yoga offers a few Restorative Yoga poses, Guided Meditation, Reiki Energy, a Healing message from the comfort of your home. No yoga or meditation experience needed for this class, just be ready to rest and restore your mind, body, spirit. This Special Event offers a welcome respite among all the turbulence of life & helps us balance the nervous system. The overall calming effect on the nervous system sets a deeply relaxing tone that comforts your mind & your body down to the cellular level. This 90-minute class offers a few Restorative Poses, a full guided meditation, Reiki Energy and a Healing Message. This class can be done in bed for those that prefer. Whether on a yoga mat or in a bed, have lots of pillows, blankets & props to assure a truly restorative evening. Dress comfortably!$10. To sign up/more info, ZenJenYoga@iCloud.com or call/text 941-830-3040.
Floating Crystal Bowl Concert - 6:30-7:30pm. Stimulate and restore the harmony between the physical and spiritual planes of the body, while suspended in an Aerial Hammock. Crystal Bowl Energy healing through harmonic sounds and crystals resonates with the body balancing the chakras and 42 Sarasota/Manatee Edition www.nasrq.com
re-energize the auric field. The powerful vibrations of sound penetrates the body which consists of approximately 70% water and gives a gentle internal massage to all your cells. Let the positive vibrations of the bowls integrate into your body and let your spirit soar! $25 per person. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street Englewood, Florida, 941-208-5568, PalmStudioEnglewood.com.
Beyond Visions Psychic Fair - 11am-4pm. Come join us for a personal reading using Tarot and Oracle cards or a Crystal Bowl Healing with messages from beyond, be it Guides or loved ones. Kathy Skeens will offer Numerology readings and Robert Austin is offering his several Modalities of Spiritual connection. Colleen Panebianco is offering many Sauv’e natural, handmade essential oil products. $20/15 min. readings or healings. We offer separated seating with masks optional. No Reservations needed. No reservations needed. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota, 941-266-8435, CMFSarasota.org, Facebook is CMF of Sarasota.
“Dreams and Astral Travel” ZOOM Class
- 1-4pm. With Rev. Elaine Kuzmeskus, SarasotaCenterofLight.com/Event/Dreams-and-AstralTravel-Zoom-Workshop/ $50. Sarasota Center of Light, 852 S Tuttle Ave. 941-953-6620, or after hours 727-492-2977, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com. Shaman Journey - 2-5:30pm. With Rev. Zan Benham, Butterfly Deerwoman for Rising Tide on Zoom. A Shaman Journey is similar to a guided meditation enhanced by the heartbeat of the large Mother drum. It is a wonderful venture, into the world of your own Shaman’s Dream. $25, payable by Oct. 15 at 3pm or $30 thereafter. Payment can be made on PayPal, Venmo or Zelle, via Zan@woman-spirit.com. To register, contact Rev. Zan via email or 941-922-7839 and the Zoom link and other particulars will be sent to you. For info, Woman-Spirit.com.
Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Kismet Weeber, “Mysticism” Mysticism is in every human being, but not always awakened. It is born of silence and religion. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. In person at Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota and on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/81220 8049 Password: RTI2020. RisingTideInternational.org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839.
Toning and Mindfulness - 6-7pm. Induce deep meditation and recalibrate the vital body with the combination of voice and breath. In this one-hour meditation class you will learn specific vowel sounds or seed mantras that can retune your vital body and awaken your physiology. Toning is a form of vocalizing that utilizes the natural voice to express open vowel sounds and humming on the full exhalation of the breath. $15/session. Rosemary Court Yoga, 810 Central Ave., Sarasota. CarloscuellarBrown.Wixsite.com/Music-and-Wellness. The Masks We Wear - 7pm. With Jim Toole. Just in time for Halloween. Explore new ways to take a closer look at your own personal and spiritual truth and its effects on the roles and images you portray. Create new levels of authenticity in who and how you choose to be, express and experience your life. The fee is $10, presented online on Zoom. Please contact Jim atRevJimToole@gmail.com or 941-330-5031 to attend.
ative and colorful product to take with you to decorate your home? During this creative process, directed by Cheryl Buchanan, your personal animal spirits, angels, and your guides will make their presence known. Some of your guides will appear immediately and others will show themselves later. Cheryl is providing all the materials needed. Nothing hard about it. No previous experience needed. So come join in the fun and fellowship and let your creative juices flow. $25 donation. Reservation please as class size limited, call 937-418-7068. We offer separated seating with masks optional. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Dr., Suite 204, Sarasota, CMFSarasota.org, Facebook is CMF of Sarasota.
Fun Fit Flex Festival - 9:30am-1pm. Fun Fit Flex is The Myositis Association’s newest signature awareness campaign raising awareness for people living with myositis. This FREE event will host a non-competitive fun walk, a festival of fitness demonstrations and activities, nutrition and wellness components, and family fun! Fun Fit Flex will help support patient programs, enhance professional education efforts, and propel critical research for cures. Bring the kids, dogs & yourself & have fun! Location is TomBennett Park, 400 Cypress Creek boulevard, Bradenton (right off I-75 exit 220, SR 64). Get involved today at FunFitFlex.org. More info, Donna DeFant 941-720-5955 or Marianne Moyer 941-794-8350. Crystal & Tibetan Bowls Concert - 7-8pm. By request, Robert Austin will be performing this very popular concert once again at CMF. Experience relaxation on a deep level with this concert of over 50 singing bowls. Let the vibrations of the bowls integrate into your body and let your spirit soar!Bring a blanket, cushions and pillows if you like. $20 donation. We offer separated seating with masks optional. Reservations requested by calling or texting Robert at 941-822-9046. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Dr., Suite 204, Sarasota, CMFSarasota.org, Facebook is CMF of Sarasota.
Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Zan Benham, “Every Season Has A Reason Under The Sun.” The fall season is upon us. Days grow shorter and cooler and like nature, we too withdraw into ourselves. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. In person at Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, and on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/81220 8049 Password: RTI2020. RisingTideInternational.org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839. OM Shamanic Sound Journey - 3-4pm (doors open @ 2:45). You will experience a blend of, shamanic drumming, rhythm, crystal singing bowls, rattles, tuning forks, vocal toning, electric violin and more in a coordinated and orchestrated fashion to help improve participants well-being. Clinical Hypnotherapist Beth A Snyder begins your journey by gently inducing a hypnotic state. Then your journey into sound begins. Consider your intention now. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5, Sarasota. Tickets: TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or 941-706-3257.
Table Tipping Séance - 7-9:30pm. Internationally known Medium AnnMarie Touchette will conduct this physical mediumship demonstration for a small group (limited to 6). Tipping allows the spirits to move the table so that the sitters are able to feel that energy. Every participant will have the opportunity to sit at the table and receive messages. Sitters can also ask questions to receive yes or no answers.$30 donation is requested. We are providing separated seating and masks are optional. Reservations needed. Call or text AnnMarie at 817-528-8841. Center Sip & Yin - 5-6pm. One hour of yin yoga with cocktails to follow. Benefits of practice include: calms and balances the mind & body, reduces stress and anxiety, improves flexibility, releases fascia and improves joint mobility, and improves the flow of Chi. $20 per person. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street Englewood, Florida, 941-2085568, PalmStudioEnglewood.com. Exploring Your Archetypal Energies - 7-9pm. Nationally known certified medium, longtime teacher and lecturer, Reverend Diana Mier will present the 4 Major Archetypes. We all have these. Victim, Saboteur, Prostitute, and Child. There is no escape. What we learn about these in reference to our own self is paramount for how we will continue in life. This class will greatly improve your connection with your Guides and with Spirit.What archetypes are you blessed with? $20 donation. We offer separated seating with masks optional. Reservations requested by calling or texting 941-416-1622. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota, CMFSarasota.org, Facebook is CMF of Sarasota.
“Remote Viewing” ZOOM Seminar - 11am-1pm. With Rev. Bill Patridge. SarasotaCenterofLight. com/event $20. Sarasota Center of Light, 852 S Tuttle Ave. 941-953-6620, or after hours 727-4922977, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com.
Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Tara Ann Muir, “Honoring The Ancestors. “ In many traditions, this is a time of year when the spirits of those who have passed are able to come closer to the living. This service will recognize our gratitude and celebrate our connection to ancestors and those near and dear who have passed from this world. All are welcome to bring pictures or objects belonging to those you would like to remember to place on the altar. In person at Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, and on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/81220 8049 Password: RTI2020. RisingTideInternational. org. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839.
plan ahead
OM Singing Bowl Sound Bath - 7-8pm (doors open @ 6:45). Join us for this beautiful form of deepened relaxation! The OM Shoppe professional Sound Therapy Practitioners, bring you these beautiful multi-instrumental sound baths to guide you into a deepened place of stillness and peace. Discover the magical way that sound can help ease you into a meditative state, and heightened mind-body awareness! The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5, Sarasota. Tickets: TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or 941-706-3257.
Spirit Fest: Metaphysical and Holistic Fair - 5pm8:30pm Fri; 10am-6pm Sat & Sun. Enjoy 40+ booths with vendors, practitioners, intuitive readers, artists, and demonstrations. Special festival Friday evening. Something for everyone. Speakers throughout both days on a variety of topics. Entrance fee: $10. Children 12 & under free. Vendor opportunities still available. Visit SanctuaryFL.com, Sarasota Event Center, 600 North Beneva Road, Sarasota. HOUSECLEANING. Enjoy your free time and let us do what we do best: Housecleaning to your healthy satisfaction. Call Paula for a free estimate 941-320-4052.
PY. Advanced Clinical Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy is available in Sarasota. Specializing in healing trauma and coping with life transitions. La-Alza.com.
Personal Assisting, Errands, Appointments, and more. Let Me Help lower your stress and simplify your life. Call Amy 941-216-7467. LetAmyHelp.com
SPIRIT. The human being is an energy field of the Spirit - the spiritual forces are also healing forces awaiting our request. Gabriele-Publishing-House.com Toll-Free: 844-576-0937.
CLASSROOMS FOR RENT. Detached building, bright interior, light and airy, central location off Tuttle Avenue, with plenty of FREE parking. Adjacent to beautiful Healing Garden. The wood floor, decor and candles create an environment perfect for yoga or tai chi, movement, meditation, one-on-one meeting or a class. $25 an hour.Also, single classrooms in the nearby Education Center on Tuttle Avenue are available for rent, with whiteboard, kitchen facilities, and chairs.For more information, call 941-953-6620 (9 am-12noon), Mon-Fri, or after hours 727-492-2977.
Delivering Holistic Healing in the comfort of your own home! Licensed Massage therapist offering Mobile Thai Massage, Massage, Reiki, and Yoga.Call 330-389-9440 or visit LotusMudraTherapeutics.com for more details. Cynthia M Krizo MA98114
Ho’Oponopono: A Group Workshop and
Meditation with Don Reed Simmons - 2-5pm. This is a special event with The OM Shoppe & Spa based on the Hawaiian tradition of forgiveness and reconciliation. An ancient practice, Ho’Oponopono, meaning “to make right.” Now you can use this powerful method of healing through forgiveness of Ho’Oponopono. Amazing results have taken place from the over 12 years Don has been teaching and working with this powerful modality. “Being released from the chains that bind you of anger, animosity, resentment and remorse allows the individual to be free to accomplish the goals and ambitions you really want to focus on” Don says. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5, Sarasota. Tickets: TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or 941-706-3257.
OM Shamanic Sound Journey - 3-4pm (doors open @ 2:45). You will experience a blend of, shamanic drumming, rhythm, crystal singing bowls, rattles, tuning forks, vocal toning, electric violin and more in a coordinated and orchestrated fashion to help improve participants well-being. Clinical Hypnotherapist Beth A Snyder begins your journey by gently inducing a hypnotic state. Then your journey into sound begins. Consider your intention now.The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5, Sarasota. Tickets: TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or 941-706-3257. October 2021 43
OM Shamanic Sound Journeys with Resonance
- 4th Sunday of every month. Sold out for over 2 years! You will experience a blend of, shamanic drumming, rhythm, crystal singing bowls, rattles, tuning forks, vocal toning, electric violin and more in a coordinated and orchestrated fashion to help improve participants well-being. Clinical Hypnotherapist Beth A Snyder begins your journey by gently inducing a hypnotic state. Then your journey into sound begins. Consider your intention now. Tickets: TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota.
Christian Spiritualist Sunday Morning Services
- 10am. Old time camp meet style service, guided meditation, healing, presentation of truth and mini spirit message for each person. Private or group readings available daily by appointment. Contact Rev Shari. Church of Light, 2408 43rd Ave. West, Bradenton, 941-751-5683. Sunday Service at CMF - 10:30am. At each Sunday morning service we are offering spiritual healing, an inspirational talk, messages from spirit, and an ever-important environment of fellowship. Leave refreshed and inspired to start the new week. We feature a variety of speakers and spirit message bearers throughout the year. We offer separated seating with masks optional. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Dr., Suite 204, Sarasota, 941-2668435, CMFsarasota.org,Facebook: CMF of Sarasota. Unity of Sarasota - 10:30am. We are meeting in person. Services available on the Web too – live streamed. The Sunday Celebration service includes a message and lively music. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org. Universal Service - 10:30am. Each Sunday with a rotation of Reverends. This is a weekly egalitarian service which celebrates all of humanity’s religions together on a single altar. It is a place where East meets West, offering opportunities for spiritual growth and sharing. At Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota,and on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/81220 8049 Password: RTI2020.. RisingTideInternational. org, for info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839.
Sunday Morning Celebration Service, Zoom Live
- 11am. Join us as we come together as a spiritual family and community, sharing our love and light for ourselves, for each other, and the world. Be a part of sharing the energy and illumination of our hearts and souls together through conversation, music, meditation, a talk and an affirmation. Sarasota Center of Light, 852 S Tuttle Ave. 941-953-6620, or after hours 727-492-2977, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com. Center for Spiritual Living Cultural Coast - 11am. Virtual Gathering Via FaceBook & YouTube Live. Join us the first Sunday each month for a contemplative/meditative experience. The rest of the month is a bit more lively - always an inspiring message based on the Science of Mind (New Thought) philosophy, featuring local & internationally known musicians. Contact Rev. Theresa Fieberts 941-3760177, CSLCulturalCoast.org. Reiki Shares - 1-3pm, Oct 3 and Oct 17. Energy healing the first and third Sunday of every month. Benefits of Practice Include: Helps you with pain, anxiety, and sleep. Cost: Donation based for rebuilding the fund of the Blue Lotus Buddhist Meditation Center and Holistic Center. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street Englewood, 941-208-5568 PalmStudioEnglewood.com.
Modified Yoga for Women Only - “Strength & Stretch” Yoga Class via Zoom - 9:30am. Movement of the body is used in this class to help keep us strong. Bring light hand weights if you have them, or cans of beans if you don’t. Not for the advanced student, beginners welcome. This is anoncompetitive environment, a nurturing space to learn & grow. It’s via Zoom, for Women Only.This is a 75-minute class and it’s just $5, or get a multiple class discount. To sign up or more info, please contact Zen Jen Brown at ZenJenYoga@iCloud. com or 941-830-3040.
Essential Relational Skills for Personal and Ther-
apeutic Use - 11:30am-3:30pm, Oct 4-Nov 1. This online class is designed to provide essential skills for optimizing the quality of any social or therapeutic relationship. The course consists almost entirely of presence-centered and heart-centered exercises that promote authenticity, resonance, acceptance, and compassion. Can be taken singularly or as part of a certification in Trauma-informed Relational Skills. $665. Virtual event, 808-345-9069. Feldenkrais with Bonnie K - 5:45pm. Online! Awareness Through Movement classes: Lessons (in chairs/on floor) are designed to quiet non-working habitual patterns, invite you into a process for learning and offer experiences for more efficient movement. Ongoing classes $65/4 movement lessons w/ replays. 941-360-2248. FeldenkraisInSarasota.com. Register with Bonnie at:FeldenkraisinSarasota.com/ Sarasota-Classes-Feldenkrais/
Candlelight Sound Bath Meditation with Becky
Moriarty - 6pm. During these crazy, stressful, weird, unbalancing times of life self-care is super important. There is no better way to relax, de-stress, take time for ourselves & boost our immune systems then with Sound Healing. The use of crystal bowls, Himalayan bowls, other deep-vibrational instruments plus intention can balance dissonant frequencies and bring them back into harmony. $20. Book at WildGingerApothecary.com Wild Ginger Apothecary 6557 Superior Avenue Sarasota, 941-312-5630. Pub Theology - 6:30-8pm, the 2nd Mon. of the month. With Rev. Amy Zehe. Bring your Spiritual questions. WE are meeting at the Olive Garden in the Landings. 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org. Learning to Connect Classes at CMF -7-9pm. Join Susan Houlistonand guest instructors every Monday & Tuesday to learn techniques for connecting with Spirit. Students are given the opportunity to practice lessons to develop their skills and each class will end with healings by the “WE” for all attending. Discussions will follow. $15 donation is requested. Please refer to the CMF website CMFSarasota.org for description of the programs offered for each weekly class. We offer separated seating with masks optional. RESERVATIONS NEEDED, so call or text Susan at 941-266-1696. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota. 44 Sarasota/Manatee Edition www.nasrq.com
Mediumship Fundamentals Course on ZOOM - 7:30-9:30pm, Oct 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th. With Rev. Mary Torrey. The fee for this 4-week class is $75, registration is due no later than 10 am on Monday, October 4. SarasotaCenterofLight.com/Event/Mediumship-Fundamentals-Course-With-Rev-MaryTorrey-on-Zoom-Oct-5-12-19-26/Sarasota Center of Light, 852 S Tuttle Ave. 941-953-6620, or after hours 727-492-2977, SarasotaCenterOfLight.com.
Modified Yoga for Women Only - “Balance” Yoga Class via Zoom - 9:30am. This is a Gentle Yoga class with a focus on Balance. Our Balance keeps us upright and allows us to walk without assistance. This class also offers attention to reducing falls or injuries as we age. Not for the advanced student, beginners welcome. This is a noncompetitive environment, a nurturing space to learn & grow. It’s via Zoom, for Women Only. This is a 75 minute class & it’s just $5 or get a multiple class discount. To sign up or more info, please contact Zen Jen Brown at ZenJenYoga@ iCloud.com or 941-830-3040.
Feldenkrais with Bonnie K - 9:45 or 11am. Online! Awareness Through Movement classes: Lessons (in chairs/on floor) are designed to quiet non-working habitual patterns, invite you into a process for learning and offer experiences for more efficient movement. Ongoing classes $65/4 movement lessons w/replays. More info, 941-360-2248. FeldenkraisInSarasota.com. Register with Bonnie at: FeldenkraisinSarasota.com/Sarasota-Classes-Feldenkrais/
Course in Miracles - 10-11:30am. With presenter Ellen Fiorillo. Come join this class based on the book. Unity of Sarasota, Room A, 3023 Proctor Rd. 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org. Nondual Awakening Lido Beach Gathering - 6-8pm. Join us as we listen to and discuss five-minute excerpts from favorite awakened ones featuring Mooji, Adyashanti, Byron Katie, Eckart Tolle, Nisargadatta, Gangaji, Osho, Rupert, Rumi and Hafiz. Bring YouTube links to your favorite nondual awakened ones. In person,social distancing observed or virtual. Free. For details, go to meetup.com/nonduality. Please check site weekly to confirm location. OM Crystalline Vibrational Immersion - 7pm, every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Join us for this beautiful form of deepened relaxation! The OM Shoppe professional Sound Therapy Practitioners bring you these beautiful multi-instrumental sound baths to guide you into a deepened place of stillness and peace. Discover the magical way that sound can help ease you into a meditative state, and heightened mind-body awareness! Tickets: TheOmShoppeandSpa.com or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota.
Unity of Sarasota - 7pm. Weekday service with music and inspiration. Meeting in person. Recorded on website as well. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301, UnityOfSarasota.org.
Healing, Intention and Meditation Zoom Live - 7:30pm (new time). Join us for a time of healing, connection and meditation. Let us all come together and experience the energy and inspiration that can make such a powerful difference in our individual lives. Will be offered on Zoom. Sarasota Center of Light, 852 S Tuttle Ave. 941-953-6620, or after hours 727-492-2977, SarasotaCenterofLight.com.
Bentleys House - 7pm, 3rd Thurs of the month. A safe place to express your grief from loss of a pet. We are meeting in person at Unity of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Rd., Sarasota, UnityOfSarasota.org.
Sarasota Farmers Market - 7am-1pm. Rain or shine. Established in 1979, the market continues its tradition of serving the community with local produce, plants, prepared foods and artisans. They currently have a full market that includes 70 vendors and 5,000 sq ft of produce and plants. 1 N Lemon Ave., Sarasota, SarasotaFarmersMarket.org. Bradenton Farmers’ Market - 9am-2pm. Over thirty-five vendors offering locally grown fruits, vegetables, plants, organic products, fresh seafood, prepared foods, as well as the local artists, craftspeople and musicians. 400 12th St., W. Bradenton, 941-301-8445.
Chair Yoga for Everyone - via Zoom- 9:30am.Men & Women of all ages, shapes, sizes & abilities welcome. Absolutely NO floor work in this class, it’s either sitting in the chair or standing using the chair for support. This class helps release tension, tightness and stress from the body. Not for the advanced student, beginners welcome. This is a noncompetitive environment via Zoom. Full 60-minute class is just $5 or get a multiple class discount. To sign up or more info, please contact Zen Jen Brown at ZenJenYoga@iCloud.com or 941-830-3040. Sound Healing Meditation with Ed Russell - 5pm, 1st Saturday of every month. Sound bowls have a centuries-old tradition throughout Asia to awaken and refresh those in sacred spaces. You will feel the vibrations move throughout your body, allowing conscious and unconscious information to come to you. $20. Book at WildGingerApothecary.com Wild Ginger Apothecary 6557 Superior Avenue Sarasota, 941-312-5630. CHECK OUT OUR NEW ONLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY AT NASRQ.COM/BUSINESSES
CARYN L. YOUNG, DOM, AP, OTR Board Certified Acupuncture Physician The Integrated Path, P.A. 2801 Fruitville Rd.Suite 135, Sarasota 941-924-8833 • IntegratedPath.com The Integrated Path to Health and Wellness for the whole family utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine,Acupuncture, Energetic Medicine, Bloodwork Analysis,Clinical Nutrition Assessments and ZYTO Elite to restore balance. Over 30 years of clinical experience!
Dr. Christina Captain, DAOM Nationally Board Certified Dipl.Ac Complimentary Meet & Greet The Medical Complex 2650 Bahia Vista Street, Suite 101, Sarasota, 941-951-1119 •FamilyHealingCenter.com Family Healing Center, an integrative wellness practice. Addressing all health issues we will find the key to unlock your highest level of health and wellness. Complimentary Meet & Greet
FACES BY DR ANNA Anna L. Baker, D.O.M. Nationally Board Certified Acupuncture Physician 941-924-2723 • FacesByDrAnna.com Unique muscle-tightening acupuncture facelift and necklift done with 12 hair-thin needles, none of which are on the face. Results documented photographically. Only one maintenance treatment needed every 18 months. Free consultation includes facial analysis. Monthly seminars, call for schedule.
6557 Superior Avenue (Gulf Gate Shopping Village), Sarasota 941-312-5630 WildGingerApothecary.com Community for health + wellness. Offering hemp CBD, health remedies, metaphysical gifts and tools, crystals, cards, essential oils, jewelry and more! Classes and drop-in tarot and psychic readers daily. Open Tues -Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-4pm, Closed Sun + Mon Alain Menard • Allaesia Menard 7733 Holiday Drive • Sarasota, Fl 34231 941-922-7744• ColonTherapyClinic.com Cleansing for digestive disorders. Licensed 49 years. Developed gentle technique. Foot bath and ear candling.
Mobile Chiropractic Or in Sarasota/Bradenton Offices 941-447-2041 • DrAmyTafeen.com Dr. Amy provides exceptional and compassionate chiropractic care for pregnancy, infants, children, and adults! She has over 40 years of experience providing both long-term wellness and acute injury care. She loves working with babies and kids, and also specializes in athletic care. Dr. Amy is now offering mobile chiropractic! She’s excited to either come to you at your home or office (using COVID safety protocols), or to see you at one of her Sarasota or Bradenton office spaces. Dr. Amy has a cash practice and is not currently accepting insurance.Contact Dr. Amy TODAY to discuss scheduling and pricing. She is offering complimentary phone consultations to talk about whether chiropractic is for you!
Residual Strain Therapy Eric Winder DC Offices in Sarasota and Venice, FL 941-957-8390 • eric.winder.dc@gmail.com Professional care with a personal focus. Feel better through proper alignment, and get back to work and play! See our website for more information.
TERRY SCHIBLER, LMT MA11621 Fusion Therapy 7069 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 941-921-7900 • FusionTherapySarasota.com Terry Schibler has 30 years experience in advanced bodywork. He has a singular ability to trace, recognize and treat complex pain patterns through numerous modalities such as CranioSacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Visceral and Fascial manipulation. Terry’s hands-on work is effective for a wide range of problems associated with pain and dysfunction such as Migraines, Chronic neck/back pain, Concussions, TMJ, Post-surgical dysfunction...and more.
HEALING ROOM, ENERGY HEALING, BIOFEEDBACK STRESS MANAGEMENT, PEMF Treatments to balance over a thousand conditions! Infrared Inversion, Sound Immersion with the Singing Bowls 718-791-3797 • PureFieldForce@gmail.com Energy Healing helps the body with a long list of conditions, aches, pains and imbalances. Biofeedback Scanning locates the imbalances and it also corrects them. PEMF (Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy) re-energizes damaged cells, it is a powerful tool to MANAGE PAIN! 941-5869539, Facebook.com/CreateBalanceandHealing
Lessons for Children (ABM), Adults, Classes, Prof Seminars Bonnie Kissam, M.A., Feldenkrais® Practitioner, LMT, CE Provider 941-360-2248 Bonnie@FeldenkraisInSarasota.com FeldenkraisInSarasota.com The Feldenkrais® Approach ,‘Movement with Attention’, helps one ‘sense easier, improved posture and ways of moving. Clients optimize their musical, athletic or everyday activities through heightened ‘awareness’.They find unique ways to recover from injury, surgeries or illness. Call for appointments, classes or for weekend TOUCH TO INFORM seminars 941-360-2248 , Bonnie@FeldenkraisInSarasota.com.
KORMAN RELIEF & WELLNESS CENTER Laura Korman, DC, DACBN Chiropractor, Diplomate in Nutrition 16954 Toledo Blade Blvd, Port Charlotte 941-629-6700 • DrLauraKorman.com Dr. Korman specializes in helping peri-menopausal women eliminate pain, fatigue and unwanted belly fat through functional medicine, lifestyle strategies and regenerative therapies so they can reclaim their vitality and stay engaged in the life they love. We offer PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy), Class IV Deep Tissue Laser, Near & Far Infrared Sauna, Decompression Therapies, Whole Body Vibration and carry a professional line of supplementation.
Caroline Crawford Messages from the spirit world with clarity and compassion. 941-402-9595 • CarolineCrawford.org CarolineCrawfordorg@gmail.com Highly gifted British Medium and Master Healer, Caroline channels messages of healing to comfort, inspire and empower you from your loved ones and her team of Angelic beings. Receive guidance & insight into your life now and your future career, relationships, health and spiritual path with renewed confidence and optimism. Touching hearts for over four decades, Caroline is currently based in Sarasota. By appointment only, in person, by phone or zoom.
801 S Tamiami Trail, Nokomis, FL 941-412-4334 • CafeEvergreen.net Cafe Evergreen is a natural, organic restaurant. Our menu consists of many organic recipes designed to not only taste delicious, but also enhance your health. Open 7 days a week 11am-9pm.
5411 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota, 941-378-4367 5770 Ranch Lake Blvd, East Bradenton, 753-7297 • HolisticForPets.com Specializing in Hypo-allergenic Foods, Frozen Natural Raw Foods, Herbal & Homeopathic Remedies, Detergent & Soap Free Shampoo, Natural Flee Preventatives Skin Care Products, Healthy treats, Toys and gifts.
640 S. Washington Blvd., Suite 150 941-552-4500 • BrainWaveCenters.com We offer Brain Mapping, Neurofeedback Training, Psychological & Behavioral Testing and Therapy Services. Non-invasive relief for anxiety, depression, ADHD Trauma and more. Free consultations.
Dr. David Cifra, DC Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Specialist Office: 941-358-2224 • Cell: 315-345-7390 DrCifra@SarasotaDiscCenter.com www.SarasotaDiscCenter.com Medical Breakthrough Technology! Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Specialist, Dr.David Cifra,DC. Advanced procedure for patients who have back and neck pain and want to avoid narcotics, epidural injections, and unnecessary surgeries. Over 90% effective. No pain, No drugs, No surgery, NO Injections. Call today 941-358-2224. FREE CONSULTATION.
at Wild Ginger Apothecary 6557 Superior Avenue (Gulf Gate Shopping Village), Sarasota 941-312-5630 WildGingerApothecary.com Fourth-generation Psychic Intuitive Tarot Reader, Skye Samuel, is now available full time for readings Tuesday-Saturday at metaphysical and health boutique, Wild Ginger Apothecary. Skye has over 35 years’ experience and specializes in direct question answering for all matters of love, health, money, and life. In-person, virtual video or phone available. Book online or drop-in. Tues - Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am4pm.
5411 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota 941-378-4367 5770 Ranch Lake Blvd. East Bradenton, 753-7297 HolisticForPets.com Specializing in Hypo-allergenic Foods, Frozen Natural Raw Foods, Herbal & Homeopathic Remedies, Detergent & Soap Free Shampoo, Natural Flee Preventatives Skin Care Products, Healthy treats, Toys and gifts
Rev. Zan Benham, BSL, BD, CHT 941-922-7839 Spiritual counselor, shamanic practitioner, Reiki healing, breath, and energy work, hypnosis, soul retrieval, past life regression all to empower and help you move into the Divine flow of the joy and power within you.
5700 Midnight Pass Road Suite 4B 941- 350-7495 SpaExperienceSiestaKey.com Newly relocated and remodeled day spa Formerly Massage Experience Siesta Key proudly offers an array of healing and pampering services. A sampling of our offerings include specialty anti-aging facials, facial sculpting, anti-aging facials, pampering, therapeutic massage medical massage, acupuncture, cupping and now featuring two couples rooms catering to small groups and wedding parties.Owner Connie Lewis has over 25 years of experience in the Spa industry and welcomes you to her new Spa conveniently located next to the public beach on Siesta Key. Rev. Theresa Fieberts 941-376-0177 CSLCulturalCoast.org Info@CSLCulturalCoast.org
Sometimes meditative, sometimes rockin’ ~ always inspirational. Our Sunday services on-line via FB or YouTube, meditation group, prayer support, on-going enrichment and Science of Mind classes, networking and community building! Sign up for our e-newsletter at CSLCulturalCoast.org.
852 S Tuttle Ave, Sarasota 941-953-6620 • sarasotacenteroflight.com Experience the peaceful energy, love and light of our metaphysical spiritual community. Join us for the inspiration, healing and connection to Spirit in our services, classes and social gatherings. June Drennon, CCT 2008 JuneDrennon@TampaBayThermography.com 727-729-2711 FloridaMedicalThermography.com
JuneDrennon@FloridaMedicalThermography.com Certified Clinical Thermographer 2008. Prevention is better than early detection. Knowledge is power: Know your risk factors to make corrections and avoid developing pathology. Call for location convenient for you.
6557 Superior Avenue (Gulf Gate Shopping Village), Sarasota 941-312-5630 WildGingerApothecary.com Community for health + wellness. Offering hemp CBD, bulk herbs, remedies, sage, gifts, cards, metaphysical tools, essential oils, jewelry and more! Classes and drop-in psychic readers daily. Open Tues - Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-4pm, Closed Sun + Mon
The 11th Annual Tour de North Port
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Presented by People for Trees, Inc.
Be a part of it!
The Tour de North Port is an on-road organized bicycle ride that takes place in North Port featuring our Florida pine flatwoods and parks that border the Myakkahatchee Creek; a great way to showcase the natural beauty and tree canopy of North Port! Riders choose a 15, 35, or 65-mile route which begins/ends at Imagine School, 2757 Sycamore St., North Port. It is NOT a race! The ride includes breakfast, lunch, desserts, rest stops with homemade snacks, SAG, t-shirt, goodie bag. For more information and to register go to
www.peoplefortrees.com. We are planning for 400 riders!
Proceeds benefit People for Trees, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit local group that since 1997 has been promoting the importance of protecting and maintaining a healthy, native tree canopy and support our efforts to continue our educational programs, workshops, and native tree plantings. READY TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? Personalize Your Energy Medicine! Shop by CHAKRA & INTENTION
The OM Shoppe & Spa | 941-706-3257
Copper can stop a cold before it starts
By Doug Cornell
Scientists have discovered a natural way to kill germs fast.
Now thousands of people are using it against viruses and bacteria in the nose and on the skin.
Colds start when cold viruses get in your nose. Viruses multiply fast. If you don’t stop them early, they spread and cause misery.
In hundreds of studies, EPA and university researchers have confirmed that viruses and bacteria die almost instantly when touched by copper.
That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about microbes, but now we do.
Scientists say the high conductance of copper disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys the cell in seconds.
Tests by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) show germs die fast on copper. So some hospitals tried copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives.
The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. When he felt a cold about to start he fashioned a smooth copper probe and rubbed it gently in his nose for 60 seconds.
“It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold never got going. That was September 2012. I use copper in the nose every time and I have not had a single cold since then.” “We can’t make product health claims,” he said, “so I can’t say cause and effect. But we know copper is antimicrobial.” He asked relatives and friends to try it. They reported the same thing, so he patented CopperZap® and put it on the market.
Soon hundreds of people had tried it. The feedback was 99% positive if they used the copper within 3 hours after the first sign of unwanted germs, like a tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat.
Early user Mary Pickrell said, “I can’t believe how good my nose feels.”
“What a wonderful thing!” exclaimed Physician’s Assistant Julie. Another customer asked, “Is it supposed to work that fast?”
Pat McAllister, 70, received one for Christmas and called it “one of the best presents ever. This little jewel really works.”
Frequent flier Karen Gauci had been suffering after crowded flights. Though skeptical, she tried copper on travel days for 2 months. “Sixteen flights and
not a sniffle!” she exclaimed. Businesswoman Rosaleen says when people around her show signs of cold or flu, she uses copper morning and night. “It saved me last holidays,” she said. “The kids had crud going round and round, but not me.” Attorney Donna Blight tried copper for her sinus. “I am shocked!” she said. “My head cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.” A man with trouble breathing through his nose at night tried copper just before bed. “Best sleep I’ve had in years!” he said. In a lab test, technicians placed 25 million live flu viruses on a CopperZap. No viruses were found surviving soon after. Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the teams confirming the research. He placed millions of disease germs on copper. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched the surface,” he said. Some people press copper on a lip New device puts copper right right away if a warning tingle suggests where you need it. unwanted germs gathering there. The handle is curved and textured to increase contact. Copper can kill germs picked up on fingers and hands after you touch things other people have touched. The EPA says copper still works even when Dr. Bill Keevil: tarnished. Copper quickly kills CopperZap is made cold viruses. in the U.S. of pure copper. It has a 90-day full money back guarantee. It is available for $79.95. Get $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA22. Go to www.CopperZap.com or call toll-free 1-888-411-6114. Buy once, use forever. Statements are not intended as product health claims and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.