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Merekam Studi

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I prefer to call some work on the following sheets as in Merekam Studi, which are about what I have learned and can be used as a benchmark to measure the extent I understand. For that, let me provide a few lines of argument to introduce what influenced me to understand architecture comprehensively.

Architecture cannot stand alone as a singular entity. We all agree that architecture stands on a comprehensive scientific foundation. Size and scale are one of the primary forms of mathematics. Feelings, senses, and experiences are obtained from chemical reactions in the human body. Even when we talk about comfort in architecture, it's nothing more than how physics works. This scientific complexity of architecture then creates a system, and then we can agree that the completion of a system is a beauty. Why is there any architecture if it is not beautiful?


I admit that my ability in architecture is still premature. I need to learn more to let this knowledge grow and develop into something extraordinary. Peter Zumthor once wrote the same thing in the book Thinking Architecture, which I later confirmed in his writings. "Practicing architecture is asking oneself questions, finding answers with the teacher's help, whittling down, finding solutions. Over and over again."

Thank you for taking the time to talk to anyone who has opened this Portfolio. I hope there are more suggestions and criticisms or ideas that can even question what I have written. Afterall, a good design is a design that can raise questions.


Nasrul Hidayat

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