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C mpass Rose A monthly publication from the City of Nassau Bay

February 2023

Moon Trees Launching


The City of Nassau Bay is excited to announce two special Moon Tree planting ceremonies scheduled for Friday, February 10th and Saturday, February 11th. The trees will be planted at City Hall and David Braun Park, respectively. The City will be dedicating the Moon Trees to the Astronauts of Apollo 14, including Ed Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the Moon and former resident of Nassau Bay. The two planting ceremonies will be followed by programs at City Hall, which will feature a panel discussion including individuals associated with the Apollo 14 Mission, as well as the NASA Artemis program, which will also carry seeds to the Moon. The program on Saturday will be tailored to local families to encourage young future astronauts to attend. Additional details on the Moon Tree Launch can be found at www.nassaubay.com/MoonTree.

Event Schedule

February 10th | 3pm to 5pm City Hall Council Chamber

Welcome by Mayor Phil Johnson

Presentation of Colors & Pledges of Allegiance

Invocation by Pastor Keith Uffman of Webster Presbyterian Church

Comments by Parks & Recreation Chairman Michelle Weller

Mayor’s Comments

Introduction of George Abbey

Commentary on the Apollo Program by George Abbey

Moon Tree Origin

Astronaut Stuart “Stu” Roosa’s experience as a smoke jumper parachuting into dangerous forest fires gave him a passion for tree conservation. After college he became a fighter pilot, an astronaut, and then command module pilot for Apollo 14, which ultimately gave birth to Moon Trees. On the journey to and around the moon, Roosa carried 450 seeds of several species of trees to honor his time with the forest service. It was unknown at the time whether the harsh extended exposure to zero gravity and radiation would prevent the germination of the seeds. Upon their return to earth in 1971, these seeds were planted. Fortunately, the seeds germinated and produced normal living trees and were named Moon Trees, as was their future offspring. Less than 70 original Moon Trees are alive today. The Moon Tree Foundation was established by Stu’s daughter Rosemary Roosa to perpetuate this beautiful legacy of her father and the continued reproduction of Moon Trees from their seeds and those of future generations. They will have essentially the same DNA as the original Moon Trees!

A Message From Mayor Phil Johnson: On behalf of the City of Nassau Bay, I am honored to invite our Nassau Bay community and esteemed local elected officials to join us for the City's inaugural Moon Tree Launch.

As we all know, our beautiful City was established to be the bedroom community for the Manned Space Flight Center, soon to be named Johnson Space Center, and provide a community for astronauts, space professionals, and their families. Today, more than 60 Nassau Bay residents have visited space, and a few have walked the moon. The planting of these Moon Trees helps us honor our City's deep-rooted history in space.

This incredible addition was made possible through a partnership between the Moon Tree Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public about the United States Space Program, Gary Mossman, and the City’s Parks and Recreation Committee (led by City Councilmember Michelle Weller). I thank them for their dedication in bringing this project forward, allowing future generations to enjoy these trees for years to come. Please join us in celebrating this historic event!

Presentation of the Apollo 14 Film

Presentation on Apollo 8 and Moon Trees by Rosemary Roosa

Artemis Update by James Spivey

Moon Tree Planting

Light refreshments to follow

February 11th | 12pm to 3pm David Braun Park Pavilion

Boy Scout Rocket Launch

Welcome by Parks & Recreation Chairman Michelle Weller

Presentation of Colors & Pledges of Allegiance

Invocation by Senior Pastor Dan Schepman of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

Mayor’s Comments

Introduction of George Abbey

Commentary on the Apollo Program by George Abbey

Presentation of the Apollo 14 Film

Introduction of Rosemary Roosa

Presentation on Apollo 8 and Moon Trees by Rosemary Roosa

Artemis Update by James Spivey

Panel of Speakers for Moon Talks

Moon Tree Planting

The afternoon also includes activities by Nassau Bay Rocks and a children's dessert party.

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