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License Renewal


2020 is a licensure renewal year for social workers, which means that all social work licenses and certifications in the State of New Jersey will expire on August 31, 2020 unless they are renewed. Many of you will have already received information via U.S. Mail from the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs regarding the renewal of your social work certification/license. If you have not yet received your renewal notification, you can expect to receive it via U.S. Mail soon.

Renewal is online only, and your renewal notice will provide you with instructions on how to renew your license or certification. The deadline to renew your license without incurring any additional penalty fees is August 31, 2020. If you renew after August 31, 2020, a late fee of $100 will be added to your renewal fee. After September 30, 2020, you will not be able to renew online and will need to contact the Board of Social Work Examiners directly for reinstatement procedures and associated fees. If you have not renewed your license or certificate by October 1, 2020, you will not be able to practice social work in the State of New Jersey until you have reinstated your license.

Members have reported that the Board’s website would not allow them to renew their license online in the first several days after notifications were mailed out. Since notifying the Board, social workers have been able to successfully renew their licenses online. If you were previously having trouble, we encourage you to try again using the instructions on your renewal notice. At the time of this publication, there are no announced extensions for licensure renewal or changes to the current continuing education requirements.


To renew your license or certification, you must complete the required number of continuing education credits outlined below during the current biennial period: September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2020. As a reminder, you will NOT be sending your CE certificates to the Board of Social Work Examiners when you renew your license. Rather, you will be asked to confirm that you have completed or will complete your CE requirements by August 31st. The BSWE requires you to keep certificates

of attendance for 5 years following the licensing cycle for which the credits were obtained. However, NASW-NJ encourages members to keep documentation permanently, as this information maybe useful to you in ways you cannot predict right now.

At this time, there is no limit on the amount of continuing education credits you can earn online, as long as they are courses that are valid according to the NJ BSWE Regulations. Information about approved sources of continuing education can be found starting on page 17 of the Regulations. Members are also welcome to reach out to our team with CEU questions.

Certified Social Worker (CSW): CSWs must complete a minimum of 20 hours of continuing education (5 hours of which must be in ethics, 3 hours in the area of social and cultural competence, and 1 hour related to prescription opioid addiction). CSWs who have completed more than the 20 hours during the biennial period may carry over a maximum of 4 surplus hours into the next cycle.

Licensed Social Worker (LSW): LSWs must complete a minimum of 30 hours of continuing education (5 hours of which must be in ethics, 3 hours in the area of social and cultural competence, and 1 hour related to prescription opioid addiction). LSWs who have completed more than the 30 hours during the biennial period may carry over a maximum of 6 surplus hours into the next cycle.

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW): LCSWs must complete a minimum of 40 hours of continuing education (5 hours of which must be in ethics, 3 hours in the area of social and cultural competence, and 1 hour related to prescription opioid addiction). At least 20 must be courses or programs related directly to clinical practice. LCSWs who have completed more than the 40 hours during the biennial period may carry over a maximum of 8 surplus hours into the next cycle.

If you obtained a license or certificate after September 1, 2019, you must complete one-half of the minimum required credits of continuing education, of which 3 credits must be related to ethics, 2 credits must be related to social and cultural competence, and one credit must concern prescription opioid drugs.

More information about licensing, continuing education requirements, and renewal can be found on our Licensing FAQs page. Additionally, members are welcome to reach out to us for a licensing consultation for any other questions.



CBT Supervision & Training. Congenial group meets every other Friday morning in Cranford. Clinical discussion and suggested readings explore the newest CBT approaches. For further information, contact: Lynn Mollick at LynnMollick@gmail.com or (908) 276-3888. Dr. Mollick is the Co-Founder and Co-Leader of the NJ Association of Cognitive Behavior Therapists.



Focus Ad/Image Rates:

• Over 7000 members • Digital delivery and printed • Frequency: 1 issue • Full-color, camera-ready image sent to NASW-NJ via electronic upload • Full page/bleed: $1000 • Advertorial: (story ad w/ image or logo) $1500 • 1/2 page: $700 • 1/3 page: $450 • Inside back cover: $2000 • Back cover—limited availability, call for details

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• Over 7000 members • Digital delivery and printed • Frequency: 1 issue • Text only • 50 words or less, $100


wwilliams.naswnj@socialworkers.org, call 732-296-8070, or visit naswnj.org for more information.


Do you offer professional development courses for social workers? Are you looking to reach more people and increase your revenue?

Adding CE credits for social workers is a geat way to do so!

The New Jersey Social Work Continuing Education Approval Collaborative (CE Approval Collaborative) is recognized by the New Jersey State Board of Social Work Examiners as an approving entity for social work CEUs in the State of New Jersey.

To learn more & apply visit: www.naswnj.org/ProfessionalDevelopment/CE-Course-Approval


Register at: naswnj.org/events

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