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License Renewal

What You Need to Know to Renew Your License in 2020

Social Work Licensure can be complicated. As part of your membership benefits, the team at NASW-NJ works to assemble information you need to navigate the state’s licensing and renewal process.

We have built a strong relationship with the NJ Board of Social Work Examiners (BSWE/Licensing Board) by attending their monthly meetings and communicating with BSWE staff frequently. In this way we stay abreast of all deadlines and changes you may face—and we communicate this information to you through our weekly newsletters, FOCUS and one-on-one consultations with our staff.

As many of you know, all NJ Social Work Licenses and Certifications are due for renewal this summer. Here’s what you need to know about licensing renewal:

The Facts

• Your license/certificate must be renewed by August 31, 2020. There is a 1-month grace period (September) during which you can renew and pay a late fee. • After October 1 st you cannot work as a social worker in New Jersey unless you have renewed your license.

• If you have changed your mailing address in the last two years, be sure to update it online so the Licensing Board has your correct address: www. njconsumeraffairs.gov/sw/Pages/ ChangeAddress.aspx

Renewal Notice

You will receive renewal information for your Social Work License (LSW or LCSW) or Certification (CSW) in the mail early this summer. The notice will be sent from the Office of the Attorney General, Division of Consumer Affairs (not the Board of Social Work Examiners).

Renewal is available online only. Your renewal notice will provide you with instructions on how to renew your license or certification.

Renewing Your License

How Many CE Credits Do I Need to Renew My License/Certification?

Continuing Education (CE) Credits are required for each biennial (two-year) licensing cycle. To renew your license (LSW or LCSW) or certification (CSW), you will need to have completed the required number of CE credits outlined below during the current biennial period, which is September 1, 2018 - August 31, 2020.

If you are an LCSW

An LCSW shall complete a minimum of 40 credits of continuing education, of which at least 20 credits shall be in courses or programs directly related to clinical practice, 5 credits must be related to ethics, 3 credits must be related to social and cultural competency, and 1 credit hour related to prescription opioid addiction. If the LCSW earns more than 40 credits during a biennial period, the LCSW may carry a maximum of eight surplus credits into a succeeding biennial period.

An LSW shall complete a minimum of 30 credits of continuing education, 5 of which must be related to ethics, 3 credits must be related to social and cultural competency, and 1 credit hour related to prescription opioid addiction. If the LSW earns more than 30 credits during a biennial period, the LSW may carry a maximum of six surplus credits into a succeeding biennial period.

If you are a CSW:

A CSW shall complete a minimum of 20 credits of continuing education, 5 of which must be related to ethics, 3 credits must be related to social and cultural competency, and 1 credit hour related to prescription opioid addiction. If the CSW earns more than 20 credits during a biennial period, the CSW may carry a maximum of four surplus credits into a succeeding biennial period.

If you initially obtained a license or certificate within the second year of this biennial license period (September 1, 2019 or later) the applicant shall complete not fewer than one-half of the minimum required credits of continuing education, 3 credits of which shall be related to ethics, 2 credits of which shall be related to social and cultural competency, and 1 hour related to prescription opioid addiction. An LCSW shall complete at least 10 of their 20 credits in programs which directly relate to clinical practice. Is There a Limit to the Number of CE Credits I Can Do Online?

No. You can complete as many of your CE credits online as you would like, as long as they are courses that are valid in NJ according to the NJ BSWE regulations.

What Do You Do with Your CE Certificates When It's Renewal Time?

You must keep your CE certificates for your own records. You do not send them to the BSWE when you renew your license.

• The BSWE requires you to keep certificates of attendance for 5 years following the end of the biennial cycle for which the credits have been obtained. However, NASW-NJ encourages members to keep CE documentation permanently as this information may be useful to you in ways you cannot predict right now.

• You will NOT be sending your CE certificates to the BSWE when you renew your license. When you renew your license online, you will be asked to confirm you have completed or will complete your CE requirements by August 31 st .

• Completing your CE requirements is part of your responsibility in keeping up to date with research, techniques, and resources for your practice. In addition, the BSWE does audit a percentage of social workers each cycle, so make sure that you have completed all your CEUs and have certificates ready to hand over if needed.

NASW-NJ will keep you updated as we receive more information about license renewal from the BSWE. In the meantime, if you have any questions about renewal, feel free to call our office at 732-296-8070 or schedule a licensing consultation (free for members!) online at www.naswnj.org/ Professional-Development/Licensing-inNew-Jersey.

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