Architecture Portfolio

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Natalia Rey Architecture Portfolio

Use. Row Houses

Tectonics. School


Public Building. Theater

Urban Project

Inhabit the Landscape

Artesano Iron Works

architecture as education


academic projects 2001-2006

Course a ims use


ana lysis


1:100 M od e l

Use. Row houses. La Castellana, Bogotรก

Understand the idea of use in relation with the concepts: Public Private - Collective Dimensions Distribution - Comfort Get more abilities with: Handling project programs and distributions Operational strategies on the project Handling geometry, shapes and scales Use the analysis For diagnose problems and establish possible solutions To get the idea of an architectural program that includes the requirements and the purpose of the project Like a tool to evaluate the project Improve the skills of the: Communication of the architectural ideas Recording of the process of a project

Genera l volume and the parking lot


Landscaping Waste classification and recycling system Collection and storage of rainwater Houses with natural ventilation


Colle ctive


Public space

No fences or walls determining a border The public space like an extension of the private space. The inhabitants take care of this space so they improve their sense of belonging.

Use the street furniture from the district manual to establish a relationship with others projects of the city Arborization with native species

H a n d m a d e d r a w i n g of a p a r t of the p u bli c sp a c e

U s e . L a

R o w

h o u s e s .

C a s t e l l a n a ,

B o g o t รก

1:200 M od e l


Addition & Subtraction Repetition & Difference Rhythm & Variation Served & Server Principal & Secondary Minimal areas and standards Different scales 1:200 M od e l

1:200 M od e l

U s e . L a

R o w

h o u s e s .

C a s t e l l a n a ,

B o g o t รก

1:100 H a n d m a d e D r a w i n g



The definition of tectonics involves the understanding of architecture since its constructive essence and the architectural project as a physically constructible project of space. Understand

Structura l systems

Study the behavior of structural systems based on their responses to vertical loads, horizontal loads, torsion and the materials chosen.

Non-structura l systems

Materia ls


1:250 M od e l

Tectonics. School. San Geronimo del Yuste, Bogotรก

Set of building elements that do not serve a supporting function inside the structure but must be designed with the deformations o the group. Through these elements the characterization is achieved because they determine light, air, color, waters, rhythms,

establish direct relationships between themselves and shape ideas in concrete. The logic to choose and arrange determine a good project. The understanding of the place supposes a sensible observation, accurate and relevant of all the elements that allow the intention to determine the idea of building and verify all the physical decisions in technical terms, environmental and aesthetic.

The place for this project has very distinct characteristics that determine our starting point: its pronounced tilt, low temperatures at mornings, absence of public space in the neighborhood and the idea of the people about this like an open and green space. The main purpose of the project is to create spaces for experimentation and meeting for the stu dents because is necessary to give them freedo m to discover by themselves . Buildings disintegrate to achieve those spaces and also become in a n essential event because the activities are not limited or specific. Students can use one space to move, stay, rest or study

T e c t o n i c s . S a n

S c h o o l .

G e r o n i m o

d e l

Y u s t e ,

B o g o t รก

T e c t o n i c s . S a n

S c h o o l .

G e r o n i m o

d e l

Y u s t e ,

B o g o t รก

Course a ims The main purpose of this studio is to enable the student develop the abilities for define his own criteria in front of architectural problems. In addition with determining the place and the program, the student must develop a critical position like a third determinant that identifies and generate the project. a. Work in personal concepts like: what I like, what I believe and why? b. View the project that the place wants c. Understand the program that the client is looking for d. Develop the project Professor Carlos Campuzano

1:250 M od e l

House. Usaquen, Bogotรก

The house, located at the eastern limit of Bogota, was designed for one family. Standing on the mountain, the place have a special view and a large vegetation area plenty of pines. These two characteristics determine the shape of the house.

H o u s e . U s a q u e n ,

B o g o t รก

The uses were grouped in three blocks that were located according to the place: the living room has all the view over the city; from the rooms, people can see the top of the trees and the kitchen with the dining room generates access to the main forest. Large windows give a permanent view of the surroundings and the straight and clean shapes contrasting with the organic shapes of the place, mark a clear reference in this forest.

H o u s e . U s a q u e n ,

B o g o t รก

H o u s e . U s a q u e n ,

B o g o t รก

In the theater occur the developments of the ideal of civic virtue and moral in Greece. Go to the theater was a celebration of community spirit. It was not just entertainment . Place for meeting and expression that can make us feel in a story or elsewhere. It allows the unexpected, the surprise. << La boite a miracles, the box of surprises, is defined as an empty box, in order to accommodate all desires. Only where is nothing, everything fits. you can wish>> Josep Quetglas

1:200 M od e l

Public Building. Theater. Chapinero, Bogotรก

The place shows a significant decline because there are no green areas or public space. The physical appearance of the buildings is very bad. New uses of the area are incompatible with existing structures where is a big number of educational centres. The purpose is to create a place that makes a connection with a pedestrian area suggested by the land use plan. A square that becomes an important reference point in the area and in the city and made some residence halls that generates a change of uses in the sector and consolidate it like an university zone.

P u b l i c

b u i l d i n g .

C h a p i n e r o ,

T h e a t e r

B o g o t รก

CONTRAST The airtight box and heavy against a surrounding room light which gives a more appropriate scale for pedestrians and where are located the facilities of the theater. CONNECTION He building connects visually the two main streets with the lobby and directly to the intervention at the base level INTERIOR/EXTERIOR The meeting point between the inside and outside the courtroom becomes the people towards it

P u b l i c

b u i l d i n g .

C h a p i n e r o ,

T h e a t e r

B o g o t รก

Multifunctional container city Transform the place into residence area to improve the quality of the sector and take advantage of the qualities as an urban centre. The place is one of the most specials in the city, not only because is part of the urban and historical centre, also for its location between two main avenues, vital structures of the layout of the city and of great importance for the history of Bogota. It is a damaged traffic sector in which the lack of public spaces and order, in both its shape and its activity, has become a very bad place in Bogota that affects, strongly, the urban centre. That why in our desire of improve the area, and so impact in the urban centre improvement, we understand the need to create a permanent population in the sector, to appropriate it and keep it alive at all hours, making this place more friendly for those who live there and for the thousands of people arriving constantly. General view

Urban Project. San Victorino, Bogotรก

strateg ies ana log y= a ship


Proyecto L´hospitalet / Vicente Guallart Enric Ruiz / Barcelona

In a consolidated city center, we want to reshape the city redefining the relationship of buildings, defined as containers of different activities and public space that should accommodate the large influx of people arriving, and put them together to restructure the activities of the sector looking for the constant activities in this and define it as a characteristically place of the city.

U r b a n S a n

p r o j e c t .

V i c t o r i n o ,

B o g o t ĂĄ

Mult iples activiti es contained under t he same structure. It is a container for housing, commerce, industry, leisure, sports, service, machinery, and both horizontal and vertical movements. Its flow of people is intermittent and is constantly loaded. Only works while is inhabited. Contained under a helmet that is the one that

before / after

characteristically appearance. Its various activities are interconnected with each other both horizontally and vertically and their relationships can be direct or indirect. Everyone in the boat are related to the ship activities making them part of their working system.

In one hand, adapt existing containers to better use through the inclusion of new uses and the organization of the existing uses, allowing constant activity. On the other hand, understand the city as a fabric and create relationships between its various spaces, allowing him to be better utilized.




It is essential to generate a constant population in the area that gives life both day and night, through the implementation of hosing and facilities of municipal interest.

Implantation of equipment that is capable to accommodate a large number of people and also give the place character.

The densification of the sector and the creation of contemplative spaces in housing and towers.

Service facilities like parking lots and warehouses

Adequacy of abandoned buildings and under -utilized for office use.

Create housing typologies that ensure the night population that generate communal and public spaces of high quality without sacrificing density. [High urbanism, towers to release on the ground]

The public space is defined as a strip that is going through the buildings, while connecting them, and set as a variable and dynamic space for pedestrian

U r b a n S a n

p r o j e c t .

V i c t o r i n o ,

B o g o t รก

Support facilities are established to serve the housing and offices.

The strategic location allows large flows of people across the city and even nearby, moving up there. The public space directs them from the main roads to the project. In addition to the typology of the buildings allows a constant movement through these blocks and doing a "great" space that connects everything.

The project aims to approach the topic of "living in the landscape" equitably involving natural and artificial elements that constitute the landscape of Bogotรก, suggesting the idea of how should be the way of inhabiting a territory in which these two types of environments are directly related.

of its importance in the landscape of Bogota, for its size, for define a limit in the city and mark a point of reference. In recent months we have witnessed a polemic against the actions proposed to occupy an area that is defined as "forest reserve" that dominates most of the eastern hills. The agreements and projects that have reached the inspection bodies and administration have focused on the importance of establishing the boundary of the reserve, defining as far as the city and as far as "natural." This relationship restricts to the citizens the access to the hills, increases phenomena such as invasions, illegal settlements, neighbourhoods and pirates destruction of nature to obtain materials.

Inhabit the Landscape. Eastern hills, Bogotรก

N. 34 Only if the area is inhabited and has an educated community, respectful, that feels like its owner, you can think of conservation. The hills will be open to the city connected. the proper way to inhabit [trails and ecological parks, camping sites, viewpoints ...] will be part of the daily dynamics of the city

I n h a b i t

t h e

l a n d s c a p e

E a s t e r n

H i l l s ,

B o g o t รก

N. 38

I n h a b i t

t h e

l a n d s c a p e

E a s t e r n

H i l l s ,

B o g o t รก

I n h a b i t

t h e

l a n d s c a p e

E a s t e r n

H i l l s ,

B o g o t รก

The proposed street furniture for Bogota is a system like the letters of the alphabet or words of a language, that whatever your organization, we will be speaking the same language. It is absolutely essential that this project will continue with this language, with the use of this furniture in open spaces (walkways, plazas ...), to make connections with the urban structure.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t uv w x y z

The types of trees that are used in the surrounding area, extending into the project and thus the tree planting is responsible for erasing the boundaries. Natural and artificial elements. There are two types of elements that coexist in one place and to which their identity is respected.

I n h a b i t

t h e

l a n d s c a p e

E a s t e r n

H i l l s ,

B o g o t ĂĄ

The materials and forms were selected from a reading of the great buildings that were built in Bogota during Mockus and PeĂąalosa governments that have a large impact within the city's image and provides elements that refer to an idea of city. This idea is needed to bring integration

professional works 2006-2010

Artesano Iron Works utilizes centuries old techniques to create authentic, custom, hand forged iron work masterpieces. Our commitment to preserving the old world traditions of hand crafted iron and bronze works is evident at the first glance. Not only do our craftspeople posses a meticulous eye for detail that ensures our custom designs are constructed with a constant focus on quality, our personalized design process provides each and every client with an innovative design solution that is truly one -of-akind. Additionally, no project is ever too small or too comprehensive, for Artesano Iron Works, forges new territory every day continuing a proud tradition of creating innovative design solutions for even the most challenging projects.

I led a designers and architects team in the process of design and develop lots of iron and bronze pieces. We worked together with a group of craftsmen who were experts in those traditional techniques, learning the logic of these materials and their possibilities. The p r oc e ss of i r on for g i n g .

Artesano Iron Works Bogota / Philadelphia. []

W r ou g ht i r on w or kshop

Br on z e c a sti n g w or kshop

A r t e s a n o

I r o n

B o g o t a

P h i l a d e l p h i a


W o r k s .

F r om the d e si g n to a hi g h q u a li ty ha n d c r a ft

Architecture educates us, much more than table -boards. The reason is quite simple: to inhabit architectural spaces, suggest us to adopt and develop in a free way of thinking and doing, social costumes and practices related both to the sensitive and rational beings we are. Space -time experience is not strange for anybody, and it is fundamental in children learning process.

Citizenship is a learning process. As citizens, architecture encourages all of us to take part in the decision making process, about the way of living we want to go for. But to have an active participation, it is necessary to have the elementary comprehension of the ideas and principles that are present in every design process. Design is less related to drawing and more concerned with thinking, even thought we use drawings and diverse representation ways (signs), to communicate our ideas. Design is about the sign, so, design is to think. The word architecture reveals its universal, necessary and collective meaning. It comes from the greek arké tékne. Arké means origin. The practice of architecture involves knowledge of who we are, where we come from, and where are we going to. Tékne means technique that is the application of knowledge to do things and participate in the world around us considering that we are the custodians of life. Technical procedure always involves doing things intelligently (logic), acting with respect for others and the environment (ethics), and perhaps the most admirable of all, the possibility that

Those are some of the ideas I love to work for with children and communities. ARCHITECTURE AS EDUCATION Antonio Manrique G. August 2008

architecture AS education. Bogotá. []


H ow w i n d w or ks & W a te r c olor p a i n ti n g . W or kshop f or p r i m a r y sc hool c hi ld r e n .

D e si g n a n d bu i lt a r oof . W or kshop f or p r i m a r y sc hool c hi ld r e n .

Cr e a ti n g ou r ow n c i ty . W or kshop for p r i m a r y sc hool c hi ld r e n .

a r c h i t e c t u r e


e d u c a t i o n

Bogotรก. []

As a centre of sustainability, Orga nizmo wan ts to set an example of sustaina ble living , of how to live in harmony with nature by recycling, inhabiting our surrounding implementing bio-architecture and alterna tive energy, responsibly managing w aste and w ater residues, and implementing organic agriculture and farming.

The project is setting an environmental educa tion centre, around a model of complete and coherent sustainable living. Our goal is to achieve a what we c all state of that is about aw areness, learning and u nderstanding of our surrounding a nd how can we join t he cycles of nature without interrupting or abusing them.

Tha t' s m e

Organizmo. Centre of sustainability and environmental education Tenjo. [ ]


In our centre of Bio Architecture and Alternative Technologies, to promote community work and the creation of sustainable hou sing is our goal. We investigate and build with different construction systems, using low cost or recycled material like PET bottles, hay, homemade adobes and using our earth and cow excrement to do interior and exterior finishes as well as the design and implementation of green roofs. Everything we develop we do it through workshops inviting the community to be part of this process. Communities have been ab le to achieve their own projects in different technologies after coming to our workshops and actually building a structure with each technique. We have been able to follow up and guide diff erent projects since our own experience in the search for sustainable communities. It has been very gratifying to see how people can improve their living situation by learning to contemplate and reuse what their surroundings are offering.

O r g a n i z m o .

C e n t r e

Tenjo. []

o f

s u s t a i n a b i l i t y

a n d

e n v i r o n m e n t a l

e d u c a t i o n .

BArch . Universidad de los Andes, 2006 2006-2009



Natalia Rey Colombian http :// /

A rte sa no Iron Work s Dire ctor of the Archite cture & Desig n Department Uni v ersi da d de l os A nde s R esearch Assistant. Proje ct: Diseñando, Archite cture A S Education Org a ni z mo. C enter of Su sta i na b i l i t y & E nv i ronmenta l E du c a ti on Dire ctor of the Environmenta l Education Department

Diploma in NLP and emotiona l intellig ence [Universidad de la Sabana] Built houses with plastic bottles [certifie d by Ecote c] AutoC A D, Photoshop, 3Dma x [certifie d by Autodesk] Spanish [Native] Eng lish [Fluent]

at the 1st

cong ress of childhood cancer for ke epers. Fundación Cardio Infantil Workshop of environmenta l e ducation for the community El Cope y. Promotion for coexistence prog ram. PNUD

Cov er ph ot o: R a mmed ea rt h wa ll. B a ri ch a ra , Colombi a . NR / Ph ot o: K uéla p fort ress. Ch a ch a poya s, Peru. NR

[1] Wood houses. Villarica, Chile. Natalia Rey [2] Earth finishes on a wall. Barichara, Colombia. NR [3] Mapuche typical house. Temuco, Chile. NR [4] Roman theater. Lyon, France. NR [5] KuĂŠlap fortress. Chachapoyas , Peru. NR [6] Otuzco windows. Otuzco, Peru. NR

[7] Tucume Pyramids. Chiclayo, Peru. NR [8] Rammed Earth wall. Cajamarca, Peru. NR [9] Chan Chan. Trujillo, Peru. NR

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