Dnipropetrovsk region - INVESTMENT PASSPORT

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ІNVESTMENT PASSPORT of Dnipropetrovsk oblast





Investment passport of Dnipropetrovsk region is created by the State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine in collaboration with Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration. It contains qualitative up-to-date comprehensive information on competitive advantages and investment opportunities of the region; it aims at disclosure and realization of its investment potential. We hope that the publication would be not only a source of information for business but would also allow raising investment attractiveness of the region, become the effective tools to set business contacts with potential investors and favour making positive decisions on investing in Dnipropetrovsk region. State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine

Dnipropetrovsk region as of today is the economical centre of Ukraine, the leading region of metallurgical and agricultural clusters of Ukraine's economy, a world space-rocket centre. We have set very important and ambitious plans – to make Dnipropetrovsk region the area of opportunities for everybody living here, working here, investing in the economy of this region and developing own business here. Even today we can already affirm that there are substantial evidence testifying to the fact that the economy of our region is worth to be invested in irrespective of the country the investor came from. We welcome you to Dnipropetrovsk, we will be pleased to support your investment projects, to cooperate collectively reaching progress together since the attraction of investment into the projects of Dnipropetrovsk region's development makes possible establishing a reliable foundation for the future of Ukraine! Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration



• Strategically advantageous economic and geographical position in Central Europe, significant transit potential. • Powerful industrial complex (mining and steel, coal, machine building, space industries). • Significant and unique mineral deposits, climate propitious for farming, quality soil and sufficient water resources. • Developed transport infrastructure. • Balance of public and private interests. • High rates of socio-economic development. • Organizational support in the implementation of investment projects, experience with investors. • A strong educational and research base, competitive workforce. • Developed financial infrastructure.



SECTION 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE REGION 1.1. Geography and climate.....................................................................................................................8 1.2. Demography.......................................................................................................................................9 1.3. Human resources...............................................................................................................................9 1.4. Education...........................................................................................................................................10 1.5. Property.............................................................................................................................................11 1.6. Economic potential..........................................................................................................................11 1.7. Success stories..................................................................................................................................14 1.8. Transport and communications...................................................................................................17 1.9. Socio-cultural sphere......................................................................................................................19 SECTION 2. INVESTMENT OFFERS 2.1. Priority spheres for investment....................................................................................................24 2.2. National projects in the region....................................................................................................24 2.3. Strategic regional projects.............................................................................................................24 2.4. Industrial property and land plots...............................................................................................27 SECTION 3. CONTACTS.............................................................................................................................30



Ukraine’s Regions Competitiveness Report 2012 (http://www.feg.org.ua) State Statistics Committee of Ukraine (http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua) Dnipropetrovsk Region Statistics Administration (http://www.dneprstatgov.ua) Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration (http://www.adm.dp.ua) Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council (http://www.oblrada.dp.ua) Dnipropetrovsk Investment Agency (http://www.dia.dp.ua) Dnipropetrovsk Regional Centre for Investment and Development (http://www.investdnipro.wix.com/main) • Ukraine's Investment Atlas 2013, the Agency • Regional Investment Attractiveness Rating 2013, Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, Institute for Economic Researches and Policy Consulting, the Agency




Investment passport of the region


Geography and climate

Education Economic potential Ratings

Human resources Demography

Transport and communications

Dnipropetrovsk oblast Success stories Property Socio-cultural sphere

1.1. Geography and climate MAP OF THE REGION


AREA OF THE REGION – 31.92 thousand km²


ALTITUDE ABOVE SEA LEVEL medium – 170 m, maximum – 211 m

WATER RESOURCES OF THE REGION Dnipropetrovsk region is completely located within Dnipro river basin. There are about 300 rivers in the region and 101 storage reservoirs with the total volume of over 908.8 million m³. The largest storage reservoirs are Karachunivske, Makortivske, Kresivske, Dzherzhynske, Pivdenne.

PRECIPITATION From 400 to 430 mm a year. Moderately continental climate. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE January: - 6.0 Ñ°, July: +22.5 Ñ°



stretch, km

water intake, km²













Mokra Sura















1.2. Demography THE LARGEST CITIES


Major cities






Kryvyi Rih








Zhovti Vody


60 years and elder 22% 16-59 years old 63% 0-15 years old 15%

GENDER Male – 45%

POPULATION – 3307.8 thousand people (as of 01.01.2013)

Female – 55%

1.3. Human resources WORKABLE POPULATION (%)

EMPLOYABLE POPULATION – 1553.8 thousand people

Younger than employable 13.5%

REGISTERED UNEMPLOYMENT RATE 1.7% (to the employable population)

Employable 65.0%

AVERAGE WAGE – UAH 3138.1 (for 2012 as of 01.01.2013)

Elder than employable 21.5%

DIVISION OF EMPLOYEES BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES employees total – 1528.5 thousand people industry trade; repair and maintenance of vehicles, home appliances, articles of personal use education

26.5% 25.1% 7.6% 7.0%



transport and communications


realty, lease, engineering, providing services to entrepreneurs


health care


public administration




public and individual services; cultural and sports sector


financial activity


hotels and restaurants 0








1.4. Education There were 1030 comprehensive schools with 293.8 thousand pupils in 2012/2013 school year. Vocational technical schools amounted to 63 units with 30.7 thousand students. Training of personnel with higher education by professional orientation is carried out in 54 higher education institutions (HEI), among which 31 HEI have I-II accreditation levels, 23 HEI have III-IV accreditation levels. HEI are divided into types in the following way: •20 technical schools •10 specialized schools •31 colleges •5 academies •8 universities •2 institutes 180.1 thousand people have got an education in HEI of all the levels of accreditation. LEADING HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of ²²²-²V levels of accreditation -

Training domains


15 9 7 7 10

89 50 7 12 25

19397 12575 3286 6520 8652

7 7 8

35 27 32

9654 6835 7361

12 3 22 6

18 9 63 33

3875 2636 28358 6772

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University National Mining University Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian University Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazarian National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine Kryvyi Rih National University Dniprodzerzhynsk State Technical University

LEADING COLLEGES AND SPECIALISED SCHOOLS - Dnipropetrovsk Regional Basic College of Transport and Economics - Dnipropetrovsk College of Technologies and Design - Dnipropetrovsk Industrial College - Dnipropetrovsk College of Transport Infrastructure - Dnipropetrovsk Radio and Instrument Making College - Dniprodzerzhynsk Technological College of Dniprodzerzhynsk State Technical University - Dniprodzerzhynsk College of Physical Training - Kryvyi Rih College of Economics and Management of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman - Kryvyi Rih College of National Aviation University - Novomoskovsk Cooperative College named after S.V. Lytvynenko - Interregional Higher Training College of Printing Industry and Informational Technologies State Educational Institution



- Tomakivka Agrarian Training College State Vocational Educational Institution - Kryvyi Rih Centre for Labour Training and Retraining for Construction Industry State Educational Institution - Zakhidnyi Donbas Professional College - Kryvyi Rih Professional Mining Technology College GRADUATES in 2012 Educational institutions

thou. people

HEI I-II levels of accreditation


III-IV levels of accreditation


Technical schools


Comprehensive II degree


III degree


1.5. Property HOUSING 23.6 m² per one resident of the region HOUSING STOCK Total housing stock – 78,074.0 thousand m², with private houses included – 71,849.0 thousand m² AVERAGE HOUSING COST (houses) in the city of Dnipropetrovsk amounts to (considering the cost of a land plot) 800 $/m² in Dnipropetrovsk suburb – 600-700 $/m² AVERAGE HOUSING COST (apartments) primary market – 850-1700 $/m² secondary market – 850-1000 $/m²

AVERAGE RENT – HOUSING 1-roomed flats UAH 1,800-2,000 per month 2-roomed flats UAH 2,800-3,000 per month 3-roomed flats UAH 3,500-4,000 per month AVERAGE RENT – OFFICE SPACE – UAH 75 per m² Rental charge of office facilities depending on a facility category: • Category «À» – UAH 100 per m² • Category «Â» – UAH 80-100 per m² • Category «Ñ» – UAH 60-70 per m² • Category «D» – UAH 50 per m² AVERAGE RENT – PRODUCTION FACILITIES – UAH 15 per m²


1.6. Economic potential PRIORITY SECTORS OF ECONOMY IN THE REGION The region has powerful industrial potential. There are over 700 industrial enterprises in the region of twenty main types of economic activity with 354,3 thousand employees. The following types of economic activity dominate in the mix of sales of industrial production: metal production, engineering, ore mining, food production, chemical manufacturing. Dnipropetrovsk region manufactures 18.4% (almost 205 billion UAH) of all industrial products of Ukraine sold. The region ranks second in Ukraine in terms of this indicator. EXPORT/IMPORT, COUNTRIES, BALANCE In 2012 the enterprises and organizations of Dnipropetrovsk region exported products to 85 countries of the world; imported articles were brought from 56 countries. The region is one of the leading exporter and ranks second in terms of exports among regions of Ukraine. Export deliveries amounted to $10,517.9 mln. Import deliveries amounted to $6,986.2 mln. Trade surplus was $3,548.7 mln. The region accounted for 14.7% of export merchandise account of Ukraine. In 2012 the foreign trade turnover amounted to $17,487.1 mln. Major partners in export of goods

Major partners in import of goods

Russian Federation




Russian Federation

24.7% 11.4%












Czech Republic

Italy Kazakhstan

2.8% 0








3.1% 0






The following services dominated in the structure of export of services by economic activities: - business, professional and technical services – 82.6% - transport services – 13.5%


Major partners in export of services USA Cyprus Russian Federation Virgin Islands

Major partners in import of services 18.1% 17.9% 17.1%

Great Britain Russian Federation Cyprus


Great Britain





2.8% 0









Virgin Islands United Arab Emirates Austria




31.9% 15.5%

4.3% 3.6% 0









Foreign transactions of services were carried out with the partners from 151 countries of the world. Exported goods ferrous metals mineral products ferrous metal work vehicles chemical products other


13.1% 37.5%

10.1% 14.3%

Imported goods mechanical and electrical equipment, machinery energy materials, petroleum, refining products ferrous metal and metal works chemical and allied products polymer materials, plastic and rubber vehicles ore, slag and ash paper and cardboard other 16.4%

13.4% 22.6%


3.0% 4.6%





PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED IN THE REGION Manufacturing of particular industrial products Manganese ore and concentrate

Unit weigh of the region in the economy of Ukraine, %


Non-sintered iron ore and concentrates


Large- and small diameter pipes; ferrous hollow sections




Wallpaper and similar paper coating


Sintered iron ore and concentrates


Steel without semi-finished products obtained by continuous casting


Cast iron


Finished rolled ferrous metals


Nonalcoholic beverages


Disc harrows


Coke and semi-coke of black coal


Fresh killed or refrigerated meat and edible by-products of poultry




Chocolate and other final foods containing cacao, in blocks,


plates and bars Scarifiers and cultivators



Sulfuric acid


Mineral and chemical nitrogen fertilizers


MAJOR COMPANIES LOCATED IN THE REGION Name ArcelorMittal Public Company (Luxembourg) HeidelbergCement Group (Germany)

Location Kryvyi Rih, 1 Ordzhonikidze St.) Kryvyi Rih, 1 Aktsionerna St.)

Type of activity ore mining, steel and coke production manufacturing of construction materials

Evraz Group Public Company (Great Britain)

Dnipropetrovsk, 3 Maiakovskyi St.

manufacturing of metal work

Lesaffre Group (France)

Kryvyi Rih, 10 27 Parpzizdu St.

food manufacturing

Maisadour Semences (France)

Dnipropetrovsk, 22 Karl Marks Ave.

manufacturing of agricultural products

Bunge Limited Public Company (USA)

Dnipropetrovsk, 46 Leninhradska St.


PA Pivdennyi Machine Building Plant named after O.M. Makarov, State Enterprise (Pivdenmash)

Dnipropetrovsk, 1 Kryvorozka St.)

manufacture of vehicles, agricultural machinery, containers, manufacturing equipment for aircraft production

Dnipropetrovsk Oil Extraction Plant PrJSC

Dnipropetrovsk, 46 Leninhradska St.

processing of sunflower seeds and production of Oleina refined deodorized oil

Sozidatel Scientific Production Association

Dnipropetrovsk, 4 Sierov St.

construction, major repairs, reconstruction

Dniprovazhmash PrJSC

Dnipropetrovsk, 3 Sukhyi Ostriv St.

production of equipment for blast furnace and rolling-mill production, car dumpers, general and special purpose gears, cast iron tubing for underground and mines, equipment for ore-dressing, steel, pipe and coke industries

Delcom Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk Plant of Mining Automation

Dnipropetrovsk, 3 Academik Lazarian St.

production of complex systems and devices for automating of mine conveyor transport, industrial hardware of transmission and presentation of information, means of protection against electric shock in mine network of direct and alternating currents, as well as a variety of sensors for automation and control

Dnipropetrovsk Aggregate Plant PrJSC

Dnipropetrovsk, 53 Shchepkin St.

Synelnykove Springs Plant PrJSC

Synelnykove, 130 Lenin St.

production of fuel systems for aircrafts production of springs for the following vehicles: KamAZ, GAZ, Volga, Gazel, KrAZ, MAZ, ZIL, Moskvich, GAZ, RAF; LAZ, LiAZ, PAZ buses; ZiU, UMZ trolleybuses


Dnipropetrovsk Plant of Industrial Equipment

Dnipropetrovsk, 3 Rostovska St.

manufacturing of industrial equipment

Interpipe Nyzhniodniprovskyi Pipe Rolling Plant PJSC

Dnipropetrovsk, 1a Pisarzhevskyi St.

production of a variety of pipes, railway wheels

Evraz-Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Plant Named After Petrovskyi PJSC

Dnipropetrovsk, 3 Maiakovskyi St.

production of pig iron, steel and rolled metal

Agro-Soyuz Holding

manufacturing of agricultural products, Dnipropetrovsk sales of farming equipment, spare parts, district, Yuvileinyi agricultural consultancy services urban settlement, 1 Nyzhniodniprovska St.

MAJOR FOREIGN INVESTORS In 2012 foreign investors contributed $313.4 mln of direct investment into the economy of the region. Total volume of direct foreign investment contributed into the region for all the investment period as of January 1, 2013 amounted to $ 8,432.3 mln. The volume of foreign direct investment per capita of the region amounts to $2,522.7 that is by 2.1 times exceeds the overall rate in Ukraine ($1,199.3). The largest foreign investment volumes were contributed into the industry – 75.1%, financial activity – 6.9%, trade – 6.0%, real estate activities – 3.7% and other sectors. The region received the investment from 60 countries of the world. Dnipropetrovsk region ranks 1st with confidence among the regions of Ukraine in terms of foreign direct investment. Top-ten major countries-investors comprising 95% of the total volume of direct foreign investment includes: •Germany – 4643.8 mln USD •Cyprus – 2508.4 mln USD •Virgin Islands – 400.3 mln USD

•Great Britain – 142.0 mln USD •Netherlands – 136.6 mln USD •Austria – 122.3 mln USD





Virgin Islands


Great Britain





1.5% 0







VOLUMES OF DIRECT FOREIGN INVESTMENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF YEAR 2011 – 7,495.1 mln USD 2012 – 8,208.2 mln USD 2013 – 8,432.3 mln USD

1.7. Success stories Project’s specifics Metro Group Holding opened 2 Metro Cash & Carry in Dnipropetrovsk


Project’s initiator

Information on initiator

METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine LLC (Metro Group, Germany)

In 2004 and 2009 METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine opened its first store in Kyiv in 2003. Since then the company has invested € 545 mln into its development in Ukraine.

Now Metro Cash & Carry Ukraine manages 33 shopping centres in 24 cities of Ukraine. O.M. Makarov Pivdennyi Machine Building Plant Production Association, State Enterprise is one of the leading industrial enterprises of Ukraine producing space-rocket hardware. Pivdenmash of today incorporates 86 workshops and 82 departments with 12 thousand employees working there.

O.M. Makarov Pivdennyi Machine Building Plant Production Association, State Enterprise (Pivdenmash)

New unique engineering solutions and technologies were developed in the manufacturing process for all the branches of production: metallurgy, machine and instrument building and so forth. Products: launch vehicles, space vehicles, aircraft construction, windmills, production of urban transport, tractors, manufacturing equipment for aircraft production, agricultural machinery.

7 types of launch vehicles were created, including those ones widely known around the world "Kosmos", "Interkosmos", "Tsyklon-2", "Zenit-3", "Dnipro". About 400 satellites of 72 types were carried to the orbit by these launch vehicles.

Pivdenne State Design Office

Thanks to the hard work of Pivdenne Design Office Ukraine has received the status of "space power". In 2010, three space vehicles were successfully launched around the world using "Dnipro", "Zenit-3 ' launch vehicle. In 2011, 6 space vehicles were launched. In 2012 test space complex "Sukhyi Kosmodrom" was put into operation within Ukrainian-Brazilian project "Tsyklon-4", which is a complete analogue of Brazilian Alcantara Launch Centre and is the only one training complex in the world for Ukrainian rockets' test launching.

In 2001 the first company of ATD Dniprovskyi LLC was established with the land bank of about 5 thousand ha. Launching of full-scale production of vegetables using capillary irrigation and vegetable storage with the capacity of about 1,200 tons.

KSG Agro

KSG Agro is one of the fastest growing companies of Ukrainian agricultural sector. The philosophy of business is an innovative approach.

1994-1995 – construction and VESTA International putting into operation of Scientific Industrial ISTA-Centre CJSC with a design Corporation capacity of 1.3 million starter batteries per year. Creation of such plants as Enerhoavtomatyka State Research Plant and Ukrsplav LLC. 2008-2010 - creation of VESTA INDISTRIAL Plant with the total area of over 31.000 ì².

Launching of ISTA-Centre production lines. Marketing sales structure of ISTA Trading House was created. Launch of Enerhoavtomatyka State Research Plant

Accumulator Corporation LLC

Over the last 20 years experts of VESTA International Scientific Industrial Corporation are working on the development and creation of chemical power sources and technologies for their manufacture, as well as total energy systems. VESTA is: - 23% production growth for 2011 - 1.4% of world's market of storage batteries - 7.6 mln batteries – the largest production capacity in the Eastern Europe and CIS - complete production cycle - the largest producer of storage batteries in Ukraine – 33% market share - the largest importer of storage batteries in Russia – 14% market share - one of the largest producers of storage batteries in Europe - twenty-year experience in the battery business - 75% of export ISTA Corporation is one of the largest producers of starter batteries in Eastern Europe. It was the first to start full cycle production of storage batteries. The corporation gives the possibility to produce


about 5-5.5 mln batteries. ISTA became the only one producer in Ukraine which has got international certificates of environmental management systems ISO 14001:2004 and quality management ISO/TS 16949:2009.

LLC, Interplast LLC. Opening of new trade office in Germany. Supplying international auto makers – RENAULT-NISSAN alliance.


Interpipe Steel Electric Steelmaking Complex is the first iron and steel works built in Ukraine from scratch over the last 40 years.

Interpipe Nyzhniodniprovskyi Pipe Rolling Plant PJSC

Almost 600 new jobs were created; construction cost amounted to about $700 mln. Production of the plant is supplied to 75 countries.

Creation of company selling spare parts for agricultural and automotive engineering, Dniprovskyi Dog Training Centre, creation of Avia-Soyuz airlines for aerial chemical work using innovative technologies and plant protection techniques, establishing of AgroSoyuz moto-club, launching of Horsch-Agro-Soyuz agricultural machinery production in Kazakhstan.

Agro-Soyuz Holding

Initiation date of the Company is 1991. It is engaged in the study and implementation of innovative technologies into agriculture, in agricultural production, production and sale of modern agricultural machinery, support manning and supply of spare parts.

The project in conveyor transport automation is AUK-1M complex designed for automatic control system of fixed and semi-portable diversity conveyor lines.

Delcom Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk Plant of Mining Automation

Dnipropetrovsk Plant of Mining Automation is CIS leading enterprise producing complex systems and devices for automating of mine conveyor transport, industrial hardware of transmission and presentation of information, means of protection against electric shock in mine network of direct and alternating currents, as well as a variety of sensors for automation and control

2008 – the Blast Furnace No. 8 was blown in with the payload volume of 2,700 ì³. 2010 – start of construction of the first in ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih continuous casting machine. 2013 – the machinery in the continuous casting department reached the designed capacity of 1,200 thousand tons a year of square stock steel 150õ150 mm.

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih PJSC

ArcelorMittal is the world's leader among steel producers. ArcelorMittal is a leader in major steel markets of the world, including such industries as engineering, construction, manufacture of household appliances and packaging. The company also has large reserves of raw materials and efficient marketing system. The company employs over 245 thousand workers and is represented in 60 countries.

In 2001 Dnipropetrovsk Oil Extraction Plant became the first enterprise of the industry having introduced new management ideology according to the requirements of ISO 9001 international standard of the 2000 version. In 2002 the Enterprise joined the world's largest agricultural concern – BUNGE.

Dnipropetrovsk Oil Extraction Plant PrJSC

It was founded in 1947. Oleina oil is produced in Ukraine since 1998. The production capacity is currently 460 tons of bottled refined oil daily.

Since 2001 engineering computer centre has being operating which has no analogues in Ukraine. 2002 – joint production of motorcycle machinery – modern scooters and motorcycles with

Dnipropetrovsk Aggregate Plant PJSC

It is one of the leading enterprises producing fuel systems for aircrafts. The enterprise produces pumps of all modes of operation, including more than 50 models of centrifugal pumps. The plant produces hydraulic emulsion equipment for mining machinery,

having developed the production of control and power hydraulics ware for mechanized mining barring, tunnelling machines and other purposes. The enterprise has organized and is deploying joint production with FUTONG Chinese company (working under Honda license).

FUTONG Chinese company (working under Honda license). Household vacuum cleaners were steel being produced: Raketa 30, Raketa 35, Raketa 40, Raketa 45.

Since 2007 EVRAZ Dnipropetrovsk Steelwork Plant named after H.I. Petrovskyi PJSC is incorporated in Evraz Holding, one of the largest vertically integrated steel and mining companies with assets in Russia, Ukraine, Europe, USA, Canada and South Africa.

EVRAZ Dnipropetrovsk Steelwork Plant named after H.I. Petrovskyi PJSC

EVRAZ Dnipropetrovsk Steelwork Plant named after H.I. Petrovskyi is a modern industrial company that supplies the following products to the market: crane rails of all dimension types, mine rails, rims and axles for the automotive engineering, special shapes for loaders, plowshares for agricultural and mining machinery, armour lining of ore and coal grinding mills, channel irons, angle bars and other metal-roll products.

1.8. Transport and communications High level of economic potential of the region, dense population of the territory resulted in the development of different means of transport, namely air, road, railway, pipeline, river, electric transport, underground. MAJOR MOTORWAYS The length of public motor roads of the region is 9,173.4 km, including paved ones - 9,166.6; 2,998.0 km are national roads and 6,182.6 km are local roads. The region ranks second in Ukraine in terms of the length of paved roads. The area of the region is crossed by the national roads (international, national, regional). Main directions: - M-04 Znamianka - Luhansk - Izvaryne (for Volgograd via Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk) – 283.5 km long - H-11 Dnipropetrovsk - Mykolaiv (via Kryvyi Rih) – 108.9 km - H-23 Kirovohrad - Kryvyi Rih - Zaporizhzhia – 167.0 km - P-52 Dnipropetrovsk - Tsarychanka - Kobeliaky - Reshetylivka – 78.5 km - H-15 Zaporizhzhia - Donetsk – 43.9 km - Ì-18 Kharkiv - Simferopol - Alushta - Yalta – 102.3 km - roundabout way of Novomoskovsk city – 31.3 km - M-29 Kharkiv - Krasnohrad - Pereshchepyne - /M-18/ – 35.6 km - H-08 Boryspil - Dnipropetrovsk - Zaporizhzhia (via Kremenchuk) – 133.6 km - P-51 Merefa - Lozova - Pavlohrad – 35.3 km - P-73 /H-08/ - Nikopol – 56.6 km - P-74 Piatykhatky - Kryvyi Rih - Shyroke – 49.5 km RAILWAY NETWORK Developed network of railways of Prydniprovska Zaliznytsia State Enterprise in Dnipropetrovsk region is 1,023.7 km to the entire operating length 3,208 km. • Rail interchanges: Nyzhniodniprovsk-Vuzol, Dnipropetrovsk, Synelnykove-1, Pavlohrad-1, Novomoskovsk-Dniprovskyi, Dniprodzerzhynsk, Apostolove, Kryvyi Rih, Piatykhatky. The capacity of railway terminals of Prydniprovska Zaliznytsia within the area of Dnipropetrovsk region is the following:


- Dnipropetrovsk – 60,000 passengers/day - Dnipropetrovsk-Pivdennyi – 1,800 passengers/day - Synelnykove-1 – 8,485 passengers/day - Dniprodzerzhynsk – 6,870 passengers/day - Chaplyne – 4,100 passengers/day - Piatykhatky – 2,900 passengers/day


AIRPORTS There are two international airports in the region connecting the regions with countries of far and near abroad. Dnipropetrovsk airport (DNK) is the gateway of Dnipropetrovsk region. Dnipropetrovsk Airport is category "B" airport arranged for the international transportation, operation the largest aircrafts is permitted: IL, AN, Boeing, Airbus and others, helicopters of all types and lighter aircrafts in the daytime and at night throughout the year. The Airport has one operating terminal with the current throughput rate of 800 passengers per hour.

AIR ROUTES DIAGRAM from Dnipropetrovsk (as of 01.07.2013)

Kryvyi Rih International Airport belongs to "B" category. The Airport has one operating terminal with the throughput rate of 200 passengers per hour.

Kryvyi Rih Holovnyi – 7,100 passengers/day Kryvyi Rih – 4,200 passengers/day Nikopol – 4,100 passengers/day Apostolove – 1,000 passengers/day Rokuvata – 3,300 passengers/day Marhanets – 2,000 passengers/day





Tbilisi Istanbul


Thessaloniki Antalya Тel Aviv

RIVER AND SEA PORTS There are 3 river ports within the territory of the region. The largest one is Dnipropetrovsk Port specializing in a wide range of goods – grain, scrap metal, sand, gravel, feldspar, board lumber, equipment, packaged unit cargo in big bags and palletized. The cargo handling capacity of the port is 10 million tons a year. Port area includes two cargo areas (13 berths). The total area is 20.8 ha. The total stretch of berth is 2,195 m. Navigation: from March to November. Location: in 393 km from Dnipro river mouth. Nikopol Port specializes in handling bulk and general cargo, which main nomenclature is local construction materials (sand, gravel). The quay is composed of two parts: passenger quay of 102.4 m long and cargo quay 97.4 m long. The berth of cargo area is 101.9 m long. The open storage area is 1,800 m², specialization: sales of sand. Navigation: from March to November. Location: in 212 km from Dnipro river mouth. Dniprodzerzhynsk Port specializes in handling general cargo – metal-roll and bulk cargo, which basic nomenclature is sand and gravel. The quay is composed of two parts: passenger quay of 94.5 m long and cargo quay 155 m long. The berth of cargo area is 155 m long. The open storage area is 2,000 ì², specialization: sales of sand. Navigation: from March to November. BUS TERMINALS The central bus terminal in the regional centre (Dnipropetrovsk) is the second in Europe (after Hamburg) in terms of its area and passenger capacity. It can receive and dispatch 3,100 buses and 124 thousand passengers a day.





1.9. Socio-cultural sphere MAJOR HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS There are 150 medical institutions for 27.7 thousand beds in Dnipropetrovsk region. The network of outpatient clinics amounts to 473. The largest health care institutions in the region are the following: - Dnipropetrovsk Regional Clinical Hospital named after I.I. Mechnikov (1 Zhovtneva Str., 1) - Dnipropetrovsk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (13 Kosmichna St.) - Dnipropetrovsk Regional Clinical Centre of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council (28 Plekhanov St.) - Regional Clinical Ophthalmologic Hospital (Dnipropetrovsk, 14 Zhovtneva Str., 14) - Clinical Oncology Dispensary of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council (1 Havrylenko St.) - Dnipropetrovsk Regional Perinatal Centre with in-patient department (17 Kosmichna St.) - Ukrainian State Research Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability (1a Radianskyi All.) - Institute of Gastroenterology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (96 Gazeta Pravda Ave.) - Ukrainian Research Institute of Industrial Medicine (Kryvyi Rih, 40 Vynohradov St.) CULTURE, SPORT, Ă’OURISM Dnipropetrovsk region is the land of talented people with great cultural potential. Petrykivskyi painting is an artistic reflection of the history of the region, it became a visiting card not only of Dnipropetrovsk region, but of all Ukraine. Works of Petrykivka masters are found in many museums around the world and in the private collections of fans of the original art. Petrykivskyi painting element lists (registers) in immaterial cultural heritage of Dnipropetrovsk region and Ukraine. The documents are submitted to UNESCO Secretariat to include the above mentioned element to Representational List of immaterial cultural heritage of mankind. There are 13 professional theatres, 1,921 libraries, 217 clubs, state circus, planetarium, 65 children musical schools in Dnipropetrovsk region.


Dnipropetrovsk region numbers 81 stadium with stands for 1,500 seats for spectators – 81; 1,236 gymnasium with the total area not less than 162 m², 4,760 sports facilities, 1,384 premises for physical training and health improving, 54 swimming pools. 648.6 thousand people are engaged in physical training, health improving and sports activities. Major leisure and recreation spots Name



Meteor Sports Complex (Dnipropetrovsk, 27a Makarov St.) meteor.dp.ua

Meteor Sports Complex of O.M. Makarov Pivdennyi Machine Building Plant Production Association, State Enterprise is one of the major sports facilities in Ukraine for training internationalclass athletes. The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers determined the status of Meteor Sports Complex as the sports base for Olympic and Paralympic training.

Water and Sports Complex, Public Utility Company of Dnipropetrovsk City Council (Dnipropetrovsk, 13 Naberezhna Peremohy St.)

Every year the following competitions in the rowing canal of Water and Sports Complex are held: more than 30 competitions in rowing sports, including about 10 national competitions, training of Ukrainian national teams in rowing sports; World and Europe Championships Qualification, teaching and training sessions for pupils of children's and youth sports schools as well as training of rowing sports veterans. The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers determined the status of Meteor Sports Complex as the sports base for Olympic and Paralympic training.

Dnipro-Arena Stadium (Dnipropetrovsk, 51 Naberezhna Peremohy St.) www.fcdnipro.ua

Dnipro-Arena Stadium was opened September 14, 2008. Field dimensions are 105x70 m, the stadium seats 31,003 spectators. The stadium has a media box for 219 seats, restaurant for 560 seats and VIP-boxes for 292 seats. The stadium was designed according to FIFA and UEFA requirements – matches of any level can be held here under the aegis of these organisations.

Voskhod Sports Club (Dnipropetrovsk, 51 Naberezhna Peremohy St.) www.skvoshod.com.ua

Voskhod Sports Club is one of the best sports clubs in the region operating since 2005. The total area of the Club is 17,000 m² including 25-meter outdoor swimming pool, a football field with a modern surface, gyms with modern equipment and rehabilitation zone, which allows providing a comprehensive range of sports services.

Meharon Tennis Club (Dnipropetrovsk, 6a Shchors St.) www.megaron.dp.ua

Meharon Tennis Club was launched in 2003. This is one of the largest tennis centres in Ukraine, Ukrainian tennis tournament as well as international tournaments are held on its tennis courts. One of the most prestigious Davis Cup.

Escorial Sports and Entertainment Centre (Kryvyi Rih, 23 Meleshkin St.) www.eskorial.com.ua

Escorial Club started operation in 2002. The area of the complex incorporates fitness, sports, shaping and aerobics, martial arts rooms, 3 swimming pools, 4 saunas and a beauty salon. There are 2 conference halls for 40 and 80 seats. Bowling for 8 tracts is situated at the first floor.

MiKomp Swimming Pool Sports Club (Dniprodzerzhynsk, 109-4 Anoshkin St.) www.micomp.com.ua

MiKomp Swimming Pool is popular among water sports fans. Training and competitions in swimming, synchronized swimming, diving and water polo are held here. Sports Club has a swimming pool of 8 tracks 50 meters long, the tower for diving with platforms at 3, 5, 7 and 10 meters, pair springboard at 1 and 3 meters, 4 gyms and stands for 600 spectators.

Ice Arena (Dnipropetrovsk, 53 Naberezhna Zavodska St.)

Inside sports facility with artificial ice cover. The total area of the building is 2,800 m, dimensions of an ice field is 60x30 m. The sports arena seats 375 spectators. There is also a gym, four locker rooms with showers, rooms for commentators, coaches, referees and administration.

Ice Arena (Kryvyi Rih, 21-6 Riazanov St.)

Inside sports facility with artificial ice cover. The total area of the building is 2,800 ì, ice field dimensions – 60x30 m. The sports arena seats 375 spectators. There is also a gym, four locker rooms with showers, rooms for commentators, coaches, referees and administration.

Specialized Children's and Youth School of Equestrian Olympic Reserve, Public out-of-school educational institution of Dnipropetrovsk City Council (Dnipropetrovsk, 775-à Peredova St.)

The School is a leading institution in the Dnipropetrovsk region to train athletes for Olympic Equestrian: dressage, show jumping and triathlon. The complex includes fields for show jumping and dressage, indoor arena, rehabilitation centre with sauna and outbuildings. Sports events, tours for children, performances are regularly held here. Access to the facility is free, visiting the competitions are free.

Tsunami Recreation Centre (12a Zhovtneva St.) www.tsunami.com.ua

Unique water-recreation centre with an area of 4,500 m² with superb bathhouse, swimming pools and diverse massage, fitness and beauty services.

MOST-City Centre, Shopping and entertainment complex(Dnipropetrovsk, 2 Hlinka St.) www.most-city.com.ua

MOST-City Centre is a massive complex with unique concept that combines business centre, residential apartments, shopping and entertainment complex into a single infrastructure. The total area of the Complex is 117 thousand m², including shopping and entertainment complex – 66 thousand m², business centre – 16 thousand m², residential apartments – 18 thousand m², parking for 800 cars.

Karavan Entertainment centre Yuvileinyi urban settlement, 17 Nyzhniodniprovska St.) www.dnepr.karavan.com.ua

The ice rink operates the whole year round. There is Ihroland children's entertainment complex, Skala climbing wall, tennis, 7D cinema. Lots of stores, cafes and restaurants of varying price range.

Dafi Shopping and Entertainment Centre (Dnipropetrovsk, 1-a Zorianyi Blvd.) www.dnepr.dafi.ua

Dafi Shopping and Entertainment Centre won first place in the rating of the best shopping centres in Ukraine according to Focus magazine. The are the Kinostantsiia cinema, ice arena, 7D rides, children's play stations, fast-food and restaurants chains and other destinations.

APPOLO Shopping and Entertainment Centre (Dnipropetrovsk, 36 Titov St.) www.appolo.com.ua

APPOLO Shopping and entertainment centre was inaugurated November 14, 2009. There is VARUS – the largest supermarket in the city with the area of 6,180 m², lots of stores, supermarket for children, ATMOSFERA restaurant-billiard, playground for children, Fit4You fitness centre. Shopping and entertainment centre has a parking for 375 cars.

Lavyna Amusement Park (Dnipropetrovsk, 20 Kosmichna St.) www.lavina.dp.ua

Lavyna Amusement Park is located in the heart of Dnipropetrovsk, at the foot of the Kosmichna gully picturesque hill. The only one Park of its kind on both sides of the Dnipro River thrills with its scope and at the same time with its compactness and cosy beauty. Services provided: skating rink, ski slope, tubing descent, equipment rental, restaurant, hotel, medical centre, parking.

Bartolomeo Creative Club (Dnipropetrovsk, 9B Naberezhna Peremohy St.) www.bartolomeo.com.ua

Bartolomeo Club is located on the picturesque bank of the Dnipro River. There area of the Club comprises museum park of ethnography, banquet and conference centre, yacht club, swimming pools, tennis courts, restaurant and hotel complexes, music and dance clubs, festival area.


MUSEUMS Museum branch in Dnipropetrovsk region numbers 131 museum. Currently the region comprises museums of historical (2), complex (123), (regional, ethnographic and natural history), art (2), natural (2), scientific and technological areas (2). Among them there are memorial museums devoted to the prominent figures of the land (D. Yavornytskyi, F. Reshetnikov, V. Shcherbytskyi, O. Blavatskyi, H. Svitlychnyi, H. Synytsia) "Bytva za Dnipro" (Battle for Dnipro) diorama received its 10 millionth visitor in 2012. It was opened in 1975 timed to thirtieth anniversary of the Victory in Great Patriotic War. In Dnipropetrovsk Historical Museum named after D. Yavornytskyi, which is among 100 best museums in the world, keeps a unique collection of archaeological memorials, documents, copies of art, antiquity articles – more than 23 thousand exhibits; most of them are more than 3000 years old. The first in Ukraine 3D video gallery was opened in Kryvyi Rih in the exhibition hall of the largest in the world "Kvitkovyi Hodynnyk" (Flower Clock) as a separate hall of Kryvyi Rih City Local history Museum. NATURAL RESERVES Conservation area of Dnipropetrovsk region comprises over 2.4% of the region. 34 wildlife preserves were created for the last 6 years. There are 156 conservation areas in Dnipropetrovsk region with a total area of over 75 thousand ha; 30 of them have got the national status, other 126 have local status. The most famous national conservation areas are the following: Balka (gully) Bandurka, Hrushevatski lisy (forests),Obukhivski Zaplavy (water meadows), Taromski Plavni (marshy meadows), Solonyi Lyman (firth). SANATORIUMS The most famous ones: • Children's Psychoneurological Sanatorium No. 4 for children with dysphasia and CNS disorder (Dnipropetrovsk, 62 Batumska St.) • Specialized Centre of Medical and Social Children's Rehabilitation of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council (Dnipropetrovsk, 34 20 Rokiv Peremohy St.) • Kryvyi Rih Children's Sanatorium for Consumptives of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council (Kryvyi Rih, 14 Kirov Blvd.) • Solonyi Lyman Dnipropetrovsk Regional Physiotherapy Hospital (Novomoskovsk district, Novotroitske village, 94 Herasymenko St.) HOTELS More than 60 comfortable hotels welcome guests of the region. The most popular are: Ukraina Grand Hotel (2 Korolenko St.) Park-Hotel (21D Voroshylov St.)


Axelhof Boutique Hotel (14/44 Mechnikov St.)


Reikartz Hotel 12À Chervona St.)


Kaspii Hotel (53À Ispolkomovska St.)


Tsunami SPA-Hotel (12À Zhovtneva Sq.)


Bartolomeo Hotel (9B Naberezhna Peremohy St.)


Akademia Hotel (20 Karl Marks St.)


Yevropeiskyi Hotel (22 Lenin St.)





Investment passport of the region


Industrial property and land plots

Priority spheres


National projects in the region

Strategic regional projects

2.1. Priority spheres for investment 1. Agroindustrial complex 2. Construction 3. Precision (high-technology) engineering

4. Mining and metallurgical complex 5. Light industry 6. Space sector

2.2. National projects in the region according to the Agreement between Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council and State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine of March 21, 2012

- «NEW LIFE» – opening of regional perinatal centre (2012). - «OPEN WORLD» – providing of comprehensive schools of Dnipropetrovsk region with informationcomputer technology and multimedia equipment, access to Internet network (creation of information and communication (4G) educational national network of national level in the two educational institutions of the region - in Dnipropetrovsk College of Information Technologies of Dnipropetrovsk O. Honchar National University and Kryvyi Rih Natural Science College). - «REVIVED CATTLEBREEDING» – working out and implementation of programs of cattle-breeding development. - «GREEN MARKETS» – creation of network of regional wholesale food markets. - «CLEAN CITY» – implementation of the project of construction of solid domestic waste processing plant in Dnipropetrovsk. - «INDUSTRIAL PARKS OF UKRAINE» – creation of industrial infrastructure. - «ENERGY OF NATURE» – implementation of Biomass Energy National Project component, aimed at the development of bioenergy branch of Ukraine by introducing bioenergy equipment and technologies for public utility and industrial heat and electricity generating facilities. - «TIMELY ASSISTANCE» – creation of unified regional operational dispatching service applying GPRS technology in the functioning of emergency service. - «CLEAN WATER» – implementation of projects to provide Dnipropetrovsk dwellers with clean drinking water.

2.3. Strategic regional projects Name of the project

Pivdennyi Obkhid (Southern bypass road), Dnipropetrovsk city




DniproUAH petrovsk 3874521.7 Regional thousand State Administration

term of


implementation stage

expected results

9 years

in 2012 the first stage of 17.368 km long was put into operation, in 2013 the second and the third stages of construction is being implemented

Construction of Pivdennyi Obkhid (Southern bypass road) will enable creating a semicircle around the city of Dnipropetrovsk, which will bring much of transit traffic outside the city boundary, enhance traffic safety, improve environmental condition, and combine transport flows between E50 and E 105 highways bypassing the city of Dnipropetrovsk.

Motor road in the UAH 6 years the works were Dniprosector from 1031083.4 petrovsk launched in Kaidatskyi Shliakh thousand Regional 2011, under street to Kyiv State Admiconstruction Luhansk - Izvaryne nistration (Å50) motor road

Construction of motor road in the sector of E50 highway will bring transit transport out of the centre of Dnipropetrovsk and will improve the environmental conditions.

Construction of underground in Dnipropetrovsk city

Putting into operation of the 3 stations of the second section of the first stage of underground (line length – 4 km) will increase passenger traffic of 10 million to 106 million passengers a year.

UAH 33 years in 2010 the Dnipro4489087.9 petrovsk underground Directorate of thousand construction Underground was renewed, in Construction, 2012-2013 EIB Public Utility and EBRD Company funds were raised for the project implementation

Designing and reconstruction of Meteor Universal Spectacular Sports Palace building in Dnipropetrovsk

Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration

UAH 2 years pre-project stage In terms of preparation for 2000000 EuroBasket 2015 championship, thousand shopping centres and infrastructure for training and competition is being constructed that will allow creating about 16.5 thousand jobs.

Regional program of housing construction in Dnipropetrovsk region for 2012-2017

Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council

UAH 6 years in 2012 the 325000 first house was thousand brought into service, 3 following houses are under construction

Providing of population of the region with housing at a reasonable price: 15 houses, 887 apartments with the total area of 53.046 thousand m².

Creation of breeding complex for growing cattle

Ves svit LLC

1 years registration of UAH 242000 land, developthousand ment of project documentation

Creating of livestock breeding complex to grow 3,600 heads of cattle, including 1,500 heads of dairy farm animal.

Creation of Pavlohrad Industrial Park

1 years determining of Attraction of investment of UAH Dnipropetrovsk State 69.240 the location of 854.5 mln USD. Region Admi- thousand the land plot of nistration 250 ha

Creation of an industrial park in Kryvyi Rih

Kryvyi Rih City Council

1 years determining of Attraction of investment of UAH 25000 the location of 153.5 mln USD. thousand the land plot of 26 ha

3 years in 2012 design Reconstruction of UAH Dniprohydraulic facilities petrovsk City 110335.5 and survey thousand of the rowing Council work on the canal and water site was carried ski stadium of out, repair work Olympic training was not carried base belonging to out Water Sports Complex Public utility company in Dnipropetrovsk

The facility is unique, the only one in Ukraine in terms of its technical parameters and geographical location. Provided reconstruction it will be the best in Europe. It is Included in the List of institutions of physical culture and sports, which are given the status of Olympic and Paralympic training base, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 18.01.2006 No. 30.


Construction of multi-purpose arena for Euro Basket - 2015

United Basketball Investment

UAH 2 years 400000 thousand

Construction of plant for the production of flat glass in Dnipropetrovsk region

Glas Trusch Company

UAH 4 years the land plot The creation of over 450 jobs is 2000000 for the provided. thousand construction of the plant is being determined

Creation of plant UAH Interpipe for the production Niko Tube 750000 of high-strength LLC, Nikopol thousand pipes with gas-tight threaded connections


design and survey works for the facility are carried out, preparatory construction work is started

In terms of preparation for EuroBasket - 2015 championship a multi-purpose arena is being constructed for 10 thousand seats.

1 year a mechanism to raise funds on a security of the state is being developed

The increase in exports of pipes for 215 million USD a year; import substitution of pipes of 100-130 thousand tons per year (at least 200 mln USD at current prices); providing of additional assessment to the budget of over 110 mln UAH per year; creation of 225 jobs.

2 years a mechanism to Creation of a UAH Dniprovskyi national industrial Machine-Buil 320000 raise funds on a thousand complex for the security of the ding Plant production of state is being State Holding modern industrial developed Company storages - batteries, lithium-ion batteries of all types and assembling electric vehicles

Creation of the first in Ukraine national industrial energy park will allow providing effective energy supply of the production complex, namely: it will combine the use of conventional sources of electric and thermal energy with generating facilities applying renewable energy sources; create more than 3 thousand jobs.

Production of space machinery in the field of precision engineering

O.M. Makarov Pivdennyi Machine Building Plant Production Association, State Enterprise

UAH 5 years feasibility study Increasing of production volume 3551700 of export-oriented products and thousand exports by 20% annually (up to 100 mln USD); carrying out of space experiments on board the International Space Station; manufacturing of the following launch vehicles: Zenit-3SL (Morskyi Start (Sea Launch), 3emT-2SLB, 3emT-3SLB (Nazemnyi Start (Land Launch), Dnipro, 1st stage of Antares launch vehicle and the integration of 8 space vehicles.

Construction of the second stage of arc-furnace Iron and Steel Works LLC, Dnipropetrovsk

Metallurgy Plant Dniprostal LLC

UAH 1540000 thousand

1 year a mechanism to raise funds on a security of the state is being developed state guarantees

The increase in exports volume of pipes by 700 thousand tons (worth at least 700 mln USD) providing of additional assessment to the budget of over 200 mln UAH per year; creation of 595 jobs.

2.4. Industrial property and land plots Area



566.0 ha

Pavlohrad district

The area of Pavlohrad Machine-Building Plant, industrialpurpose lands, state ownership. Distance to the railway – 2 km, to the motorway – 2 km, to the substation 330 kW – 3 km.

100.0 ha

Apostolove district

The land plot of reinforced concrete production plant. Industrial-purpose lands, state ownership. Distance to the railway – 1 km, to the motorway – 1 km, to the substation 154 kW – 1 km, distance to gas connection point – 1 km.

60.0 ha

Voitsekhovsk district

Industrial-purpose lands, municipal property. Distance to the railway – 2 km, to the motorway – 2 km, to the substation 330 kW – 3 km.

50.0 ha


The land plot No. 13 of reinforced concrete production plant. Industrial-purpose lands, state ownership. Distance to the railway – 1 km, to the motorway – 1 km, to the substation – 1 km, distance to gas connection point – 1 km.

32.0 ha

Zhovti Vody, Promyslova St.

Industrial-purpose lands, municipal property, there are several facilities at the land plot, preliminary purpose – construction industry. Distance to the railway – 1 km, to the motorway – 1 km, to the substation 154 kW – 1 km, distance to gas connection point – 1 km.

30.0 ha

Apostolove district

The land plot of the canning factory. Industrial-purpose lands, state ownership. Distance to the railway – 1 km, to the motorway – 1 km, to the substation 35 kW – 0,5 km, distance to gas connection point – 1 km.

18.8 ha

Dnipropetrovsk district, Yuvileine urban settlement

Land for public residential development. The area is advantageously located at the crossroads of national highways. All the engineering networks are available at the land plot: water, gas, electricity supply, sewerage is put into operation.



Brief description LAND PLOTS

107.0 ha

Devladovo village

Agricultural-purpose land plots. State ownership. Distance to the railway – 0.5 km, to the motorway – 1 km, to the substation – 1 km, distance to gas connection point – 1 km.

60.0 ha

Piatykhatky district

Agricultural-purpose land plots, reserve lands. State ownership. Agricultural premises and yards are located at the land plot. Distance to the railway – 4 km, to the motorway – 0.1 km, to the substation – 0.2 km, distance to gas connection point – 0.5 km.

40.0 ha

Pereshchepyne village

State ownership. Distance to the railway – 0.5 km, to the motorway – 0.5 km, to the substation – 1 km, distance to gas connection point – 1 km.



39.4 ha

Dnipropetrovsk region, Aerodrome

Agricultural-purpose land plots, reserve lands. State ownership. Distance to the railway - 6 km, to the motorway – 4 km, to the substation 154 kW – 4 km, distance to gas connection point – 5 km.

27.24 ha

Kryvyi Rih district, Lozovatka village

Agricultural-purpose land plots, reserve lands. State ownership. Distance to the railway – 10 km, to the motorway – 5 km, to the substation 10 kW – 5 km, distance to gas connection point – 3 km.

25.56 ha

Kryvyi Rih district, Valove village

Agricultural-purpose land plots. State ownership. Commercial yards, buildings, incubator facilities are located at the land plot. Distance to the railway – 14 km, to the motorway – 1 km, to the substation – 6 km, distance to gas connection point – 4 km.

22.66 ha

Kryvyi Rih, Rakhmaninov St.

Industrial-purpose lands (reserve lands), state ownership. Distance to the railway – 3 km, to the motorway – 0.5 km, to the substation – 1 km, distance to gas connection point – 1 km.

15.3 ha

Kryvyi Rih, Obizdna St.

Municipal property. Distance to the railway – 3 km, to the motorway – 0.5 km, to the substation – 2 km, distance to gas connection point – 1 km.

8.0 ha

Krynychky district

Agricultural-purpose land plots. Commercial yards are located at the land plot. Partially used by leaseholders. State ownership. Distance to the railway – 3 km, to the motorway – 0.1 km, to the substation 154/35 kW – 3 km, distance to gas connection point – 6 km.


Investment passport of the region

Section 3. CONTACTS

DNIPROPETROVSK REGIONAL STATE ADMINISTRATION 1 Kirov Ave., Dnipropetrovsk 49004 Tel.: +38 (056) 742 83 84, +38 (056) 770 31 22 E-mail: info@adm.dp.ua, golovaoda@adm.dp.ua Website: www.adm.dp.ua DNIPROPETROVSK REGIONAL COUNCIL 2 Kirov Ave., Dnipropetrovsk 49004 Tel.: +38 (056) 742 89 79, +38 (056) 742 89 22 E-mail: oblrada@oblinfo.dp.ua Website: www.oblrada.dp.ua DNIPROPETROVSK REGIONAL CENTER FOR INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2 Kirov Ave., of. 541, Dnipropetrovsk 49004 Tel.: +38 (056) 742 81 22, +38 (056) 742 81 11 E-mail: dnipropetrovsk.rcid@ukrproject.gov.ua, dnipropetrovsk.rcid@gmail.com Website: www.investdnipro.wix.com/main DNIPROPETROVSK CHAMBER OF TRADE AND COMMERCE 19 Shevchenko St., Dnipropetrovsk 49044 Tel.: +38 (056) 236 22 58, +38 (056) 374 94 13 E-mail: dcci@dcci.org.ua Website: www.dcci.dp.ua DNIPROPETROVSK CENTRE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 1 Kirov Ave., Dnipropetrovsk 49004 Tel.: +38 (056) 742 70 69, 0800 505 600


Department for Investment Policy and Regional Development 11 Velyka Zhytomyrska str., Kyiv, 01601 tel. +38 (044) 270 63 05 www.investukraine.com/uk/regions e-mail: region@ukrproject.gov.ua

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