6 minute read
Using Human Design
Why Human Design? And How Can it Help Me?
I have known about the planets transiting in Astrology for over 40 years – but I never quite latched with it. It all felt too complex with planets conjunct and in opposition. Square or Trine.
Human Design, now that is another matter. Human Design fell like rain on my parched earth. It brought a simple clarity. An ease. It helped me to understand who I was, and have compassion for my journey. It helped me to understand and appreciate others. My judgments were replaced by awe and wonder.
In this column we will be looking at the Human Design transits to see what that might mean for us. If the weather is going to be rainy, you know to close the windows and take an umbrella. With the Human Design weather report, you get a sense of what energies may be afoot. Why things might be happening the way they do. Hopefully you will feel more prepared to meet what arises.
We live in a frequency universe.
We emanate frequencies and we receive frequencies on a personal level. The planets also emanate frequencies, though they are not so personal. They’re impacting everyone all at once. When there is a stormy weather system covering all of Maui, the whole island has to manage it When it rains, everyone in the rainstorm has a relationship to storm.
How we are in relation to that rainstorm, and how we respond to the frequencies of the planets, what we do in relation to them, will vary
So here we are stepping back to see what weather system we might encounter. How might our children be impacted? Our partner? Our colleagues? Our clients? If we have perspective we can respond appropriately. For example, we can shut the window of our emotional body, if we know it’s going to be a rock and roll week. We can use the energies to support us We can make wise decisions We have an opportunity to be more awake, more present. We can shift to being at cause, rather than at the effect of circumstance.
I know Human Design is moving through the world like wildfire right now. Everyone suddenly knows about it. But if it hasn’t touched you or your community yet, let me say a few words of introduction before we jump into the weather report for this week
First off, Human Design was downloaded during the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 by light beings to a Canadian fellow named Ra who was on retreat off the coast of Spain. (How cool is that?)
It combines Astrology, the Chinese I Ching, the Hindu Chakra System, the Judaic Kabbalah, and quantum physics in this crazy synergist way. With your birth time, date and place, you can run your Human Design chart which will tell you a ton of stuff about your strengths and vulnerabilities, your best decision-making strategy, your best way to navigate life, how to use your energy wisely – and more. It’s uncanny how accurate it is, and how supportive to giving us a reflection of who we are without our conditioning. And where and why we might be vulnerable to conditioning.
Very simply put, Human Design says that we are all part of an eight-billion-piece ginormous puzzle. Each one of us unique. There is no hierarchy. The light of each one of us is needed to make the puzzle whole. If we are trying to live someone else’s puzzle piece, we suffer, and the world loses out on what we are here to bring. Differences are valued, and respected.
The chart is here to help us on our evolutionary path.
In fact, it was given in large part to help parents better parent their children. If they knew who their child was, how they best operated, they could understand them support them to be the light that they are. Wouldn’t we have loved that!
So, if you have children, or a partner, or friends, or clients who you want to understand and support, run their chart! Begin the journey of understanding differences at a new level.
To get your free chart go to: https://clientsandhumandesign.com/free-chart/. You can begin by reading about their Type and Strategy in my easy to read book: Understanding Your Clients through Human Design: The Breakthrough Technology https://www.clientsandhumandesign.com/free-book.
In astrology the Sun transit the signs every month. So if your birthday is mid-February to mid-March your Sun is in Pisces. If you ’ re born after roughly the 21 of March, you ’ re an Aries. I think that’s common understanding. My wife is Aries. I’m Taurus. We understand that there are qualities associated with the Sun in those energies. If you celebrate the new and full Moons, you may be aware which sign they’re in each month For example, in astrology, the full moon is March 7 th in Virgo.
If we turn to Human Design, instead of the planets being in the 12 signs, they are in the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching. That means that instead of being in a sign for a month, they are in a Hexagram for five or six days.
Back up. Hexagram. If you ’ re not familiar with the IChing, a hexagram is six lines. There are 64 Hexagrams in the IChing. Each one has a packet of information (just like there are certain attributes to Aries, Taurus, etc) So, in your chart your Sun will be in a certain Hexagram. That will mean something about you and the energy you ’ re emanating 24/7.
With the Human Design weather, at the biggest level, we ’ re looking at which Hexagram the Sun and Earth are in. So, through March 6 th , the Sun has been in Gate 63, the Gate of Doubt, and the Earth has been in Gate 64, the Gate of Confusion.
Let’s see what that might mean for you, and how you might work with, or respond to this “weather”.
The Gate of Doubt is logical energy. It’s looking to see what makes sense. What’s the next logical step. It’s left brain, pragmatic energy. It’s very smart. It’s looking to the future. So you may have found yourself this week trying to figure out your next steps in a logical way. This is a gate of discernment. This is what we call Collective energy. It is NOT PERSONAL.
If you turn this doubt on yourself it is toxic. So one thing you could think about is watching to see if you ’ re doubting yourself or your capabilities as you go forward. Put on your raincoat! Repel those thoughts! Support your children, your family, your clients to be aware of doubting themselves. This is not a good use of this energy.
The Earth, which supports the Sun is grounding energy. The Earth, until March 6 th , is in the Gate 64, the Gate of Confusion.
Again, let’s understand what that label means. You can see from the chart that this Gate, like Gate 63, comes off the Head Center. This is right brain, sensing energy. It’s the energy of dreams and symbols It looks to the past to understand how to be safe It’s called the Gate of Confusion because you ’ re getting right brain downloads that take time to process. It’s not clear.
So you, and the world, are trying to understand life through the mind this week. Letting yourself open to dreams and the illogical world, will help you know what logical next steps to take Know that when these two work together, there is genius. When you ’ re not allowing one or the other – or turning this energy against yourself- trouble.
Ok. So the 7 th through the 10 th ….
The Sun moves into Gate 22. You can see this comes off a different Center. We call this the Emotional Solar Plexus. This is Individual energy. It’s called Openness or Grace. Expect a more emotional week. On the high side (these Gates have a continuum of possibilities in how they manifest), this energy you may find yourself listening more deeply to yourself and other people. This is a good time to engage in something creative. Maybe you’ll see beyond the surface to the depth of who people are. On the low side, you may shut down and not be available to people. You may have emotions that are challenging…
The Earth, which grounds the Sun energy, is coming off a Center we call the Ajna. This is the processing Center. Gate 47 is called the Mindset Gate. Or gate of Realization. Like the 64, it is right brain, abstract energy. If you have a good mindset you will have access to the downloads, the aha’s that will guide you forward. If you have a negative mindset, you may notice stinkin’ thinkin’. This is a no-possibility state.
Ok, so the weather is looking a little more emotional in the coming week. Watch when your children or the people around you go into a negative mindset. Know it’s not personal, it’s not true. It’s passing weather. Support them to shift their mindset. This will help them access creative depths. Alright. That’s it for this week. Blessings, and have a glorious week! ~ Robin