Steps to Write an Outstanding Argumentative Essay Argumentative essay is one of the most important parts of the academic requirements. Most of the students think that it is quite easy, as they just have to present the argument regarding an issue or topic; however, commit mistakes when they actually start writing one. Moreover, after committing a mistake once or twice, most students start thinking that they cannot write an argumentative essay and start searching for an essay writing service which provides them rectification regarding their writing issues. If you are also among such students, do not lose hope, as you still have enough time to learn. Writing is an art, and there is no restriction in learning it. If you want to learn how to write an outstanding argumentative essay, here are ten simple and effective steps, following which you will be able to learn the art.
1. Select the Topic Selecting a perfect topic for the argumentative essay is the very first step towards writing an outstanding argumentative essay. If your instructor has assigned the topic, then there is no other choice except following the topic. However, if the topic is not provided, utilize the opportunity in a perfect manner by opting the topic of your interest. Do not go for a difficult topic just to impress the instructor, or follow the example of other students by picking some easy topic. Keep in view your interest and understanding of the topic before finalizing one. 2. Do Background Research The next step in the process of writing an outstanding argumentative essay is doing background research about the topic.
3. Know about both Sides Generally, there are two sides to an issue. The purpose of the argumentative essay is to provide a detail description of the two sides of the issue and leaving it on the readers to decide which side is right or wrong. You do not need to share your support with any side unless your instructor has asked you so. Moreover, students commit the mistake of sharing the stance of only one side, which is also wrong and you need to put equal effort in representing either side of the matter.
4. Write Introduction The next step towards writing an exceptional argumentative essay is to write the introduction of the paper. Include the hook statement and thesis statement from the outline of the essay. Moreover, discuss the background of the problem, as well as the different stances about it in the introductory paragraph of your paper. 5. Present Your Argument After that, utilize the body paragraphs of the paper to present the arguments of the proponents of one side of the matter. In addition to presenting the argument, present the support and evidence of the claims. You can support your arguments by taking help from the refresh articles; however, do not forget to cite them in a proper manner. 6. Craft the Conclusion The second last step of argumentative essay writing is crafting the conclusion of the essay. The conclusion should leave a mark on the readers and motivate them to make an effort and change the circumstances of the matter. Do not forget to include a synthesis of the two sides and present a concluding statement in the essay.
7. Proof Read and Edit After completing the writing procedure, you need to go through your essay again and again. Proofread the essay and edit it if you find any spellings, grammar or sentence structure errors in your essay. You can submit your essay; once you are sure, there are no errors in it. By following these simple yet effective steps, you can write about outstanding argumentative essay topics.