David Napier Cruise Range

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David napier / cruise range


content 1-3 / T H E N E W C O N S U M E R - F L A T A G E R S 4-5 / B R A N D I N G O F L O G O 5-6 / p r o m o t i n a l i d e a 7-8 / p h o t o


the new consumer- flat agers There is a phenomena whereby the older generation, the Baby Boomers, are increasingly feeling younger and are keeping up to date with technology. According to Mintel ‘Online shopping will continue to grow amongst Baby Boomers, though the experience can be enhanced to compete with in-person’ [2014]. This pin points the fact that Baby Boomers are a generation who are prepared to purchase online, if the experience is good enough. There are certain individuals from the Baby Boomers generation, flat agers, women, and men who break the boundaries of what is typically seen as clothing for the mature generation. These are the individuals who dress in style rather then focusing on the number attached to the day they where born. They want to express their creativity through their style, just as much as 30 year olds, and rightfully so.



Jaun Paul Gaultier Fall 2014

the new consumer- flat agers

There is plenty of inspiration and style for mature women online, and on our television screens; for Flat Agers to indulge in. ‘Evidence suggests that New York positively seethes with stylish over-60s.’ [The Guardian,2013] Blogs such as Advanced Style are focused on elderly women who have past the age of 80 years old. Advanced Style focuses on the generation above Flat Agers who dress in their own unique style. Just as the generation below them, they also express themselves through various colours and life style choices.

the new consumer- flat agers




David Napier is a sophisticated British brand with luxurious fitted clothes. To keep in line with the Flat Ager consumer, the Logo needs a new approach; a logo which embodies a contemporary and minimalistic approach. A David Napier logo which radiates a visual identity that feels genuine, creative and affluent. I created a logo which I believe communicates this from the visual identity it creates. David Napier is clearly stated in the logo, so new consumers can easily remember the name of the brand. There is also the creative element of the letters being placed in almost a crossword, but in a more abstract and contemporary perspective.

Da vi d na pie r

David napier

Da vi d na pie r

David napier

The logo and branding can be adapted depending on the current campaign or season. The image within the logo is the only thing that would change, whilst the rest of the logo would remain coherent within the branding.



David napier david napier

da vi d na pieW r

Da vi d na pie r

David napier

Above is an example of how the image in the logo would change according to the latest clothing range. This is a suggestion of what Cruise Wear could look like.


Promotional idea

Da vi d na pie r

David napier

Promotional idea


#Davidnapierabroad In order to promote David Napier’s Cruise Range, the brand would send out disposable cameras to the consumers as a part of their online delivery. It would be something unexpected along with the items of clothing they have ordered. For the last 15 years or so digital cameras have become by far the predominant way by which people capture their holiday moments whereas prior to this disposible cameras where largely used for the same purpose. A disposable camera is no longer a neccassity today as the world has digitalised, as have the individuals through the decades. The Flat Agers are heavily integrated with digital platforms, commonly owning a digital camera, or haveing one on their smart phone. To be given the unexpected gift just in time for their holiday cruise would put a smile on their face. It would remind them of the holidays in the past when disposable cameras was the only medium to with which take photographs. Today it is not a necessity, neither is especially modern. But there is a different process of taking photographs on a disposable camera as it has a limit of how many photographs it can take. it becomes more personal and the photographs taken will be of higher personal value, as the consumer picked which moments which was worth documenting during a trip with only 26 A note would accompany the delivery saying ‘Take David Napier Abroad’ with a hashtag #DavidNapierAbroad encouraging the Flat Agers to upload photos of how they have taken David Napier abroad. They’re clothing is no longer an item, It is a David Napier. On the note it would ask them to share their David Napier abroad with the community surrounding the brand, the tribes. By either taking pictures on their smart phone and posting it on twitter/Instagram. Or by scanning in the pictures and emailing them in after developing them. Even if they do not upload the pictures from the disposable camera and instead on Instagram, those pictures will still be a keepsake associated with the brand. There could also be an option of sending back copies of the prints, with the inclusion in the pack of a freepost, David Napier adressed envelope. The result of this would generate pictures of Flat Agers wearing their David Napier’s abroad in different countries. Inspiring the surrounding community with style and holiday inspiration. Pictures taken from the holiday such as from the cruise and warm beaches would also be uploaded as it gives the notion of custumers sharing their holidays with the David Napier Brand.


photo shoot for cruise campaign

In relation to the promotional idea #DavidNapierAbroad the photo shoot for the Cruise campaign would be coherent with the big idea. The photo shoot would be taken in two stages. Firstly, photographs would be taken of Flat Agers wearing the new collection on British Streets during summer, street style. Preferably strongly influenced by Advanced style, a photograph that is taken in a fleeting moment of a normal life. These photographs would be printed out onto 4x6 paper as it will look like it has been taken by a disposable camera. Secondly, the photos would be taken to various locations abroad where the background would incorporate the cruise campaign. The photos would communicate the message that British Flat Agers wearing David Napier clothing at home are just one step away from wearing the same clothing abroad. The second photograph would act as a frame for the first picture in #DavidNapierAbroad. The promotional campaign would then urge the Flat Agers to share their photographs of when they stepped out of the frame of everyday life, going on holiday and wearing #DavidNapierAbroad.


photo shoot for cruise campaign

Da vi d na pie r

David napier

Da vi d na pie r

David napier

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